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H2020 projects about "riemann"

The page lists 13 projects related to the topic "riemann".

# achronym  title  year 
1 1stProposal An alternative development of analytic number theory and applications 2015
2 ESTIA Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications 2016
3 HToMS Homotopy Theory of Moduli Spaces 2018
4 MODULISPACES Topology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces 2018
5 CatDT Categorified Donaldson-Thomas Theory 2017
6 TRANSHOLOMORPHIC New transversality techniques in holomorphic curve theories 2018
7 Loops and groups Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability 2018
8 UNISCAMP The unity of scattering amplitudes: gauge theory, gravity, strings and number theory 2019
9 HiCoShiVa Higher coherent coholomogy of Shimura varieties 2019
10 STABREP Geometric Models for Calabi-Yau Algebras and Homological Mirror Symmetry 2020
11 COMBGEOREP Combinatorial and geometric methods in representation theory 2019
12 AnalysisAtInfinity Analysis at Infinity: Integral Equations, Limit Operators and Beyond 2019
13 PTEROSOR PT-symmetric electronic structure theory 2020