The page lists 17 projects related to the topic "ui".
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1 | COMPUTED | Computational User Interface Design | 2015 |
2 | WOMEN-UP | Cost effective self-management of urinary incontinence addressed to women across Europe | 2015 |
3 | AppIOS | AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 2015 |
4 | OpenDreamKit | Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics | 2015 |
5 | DYNAMICSS | Labour market dynamics and optimal policies | 2016 |
6 | QUIBIM | QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medice | 2016 |
7 | OPTINT | OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies | 2017 |
8 | QUIBIM Precision | QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medicine | 2017 |
9 | BlindTouch | Eye-Free user interface to give full access to smart devices for blind and visually impaired people | 2018 |
10 | PGplant | The Facade of Industrial Internet | 2018 |
11 | INCOGNITO | IdeNtity verifiCatiOn with privacy-preservinG credeNtIals for anonymous access To Online services | 2019 |
12 | ANTICIPATE | Anticipatory Human-Computer Interaction | 2019 |
13 | Cinnamon | From Essence to Cinnamon: Making our Proprietary CMS Open Source for Customizable Web- Platforms | 2019 |
14 | Segmentum Imaging | Discovery and expansion of new markets for mobile digital pathology & cell measurement tool | 2019 |
15 | FORCE-UI | Force-responsive Deformable User Interfaces | 2020 |
16 | EOSC Enhance | Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds | 2019 |