The page lists 20 projects related to the topic "warsaw".
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1 | EUCYS 2014 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2014 | 2014 |
2 | TWIST DIGITAL | Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving Digital and Mobile Entrepreneurship | 2015 |
3 | URBAN LEARNING | Integrative energy planning of urban areas: collective learning for improved governance | 2015 |
4 | FAST-RAP | Structure-function studies of the human FASTK family of mitochondrial proteins with putative novel RNA binding domains – the helical FAST motifs and the small RAP domain | 2015 |
5 | ChainReact | Making Supplier Networks Transparent, Understandable and Responsive | 2016 |
6 | RENOIR | Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing | 2016 |
7 | STREAM | Strategies towards Excellence in Immuno-Oncology | 2016 |
8 | ENGHUM | Engaged humanities in Europe: Capacity building for participatory research in linguistic-cultural heritage | 2016 |
9 | FLAME | Fragility and Geopolitics in the Middle East and North Africa | 2016 |
10 | VORTSHEET | Vortex sheets - from new intuitions to crucial questions. | 2017 |
11 | FLUSENSOR | FLUSENSOR - innovative, ultra-sensitive, fast and cheap micro-test to detect influenza virus | 2016 |
12 | DrugSearchTool | Innovative FRET-based toolkit for screening of drugs to fight miRNA-related diseases and its use in the development of cancer treatment with miRNA-96 as a therapeutic target | 2018 |
13 | PL-ERADays | Polish ERA Mobility and Career Days | 2017 |
14 | ImPRESS | International Interdisciplinary PhD studies in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics. Supporting the career and training in omic-based research and biostatistics by inter-national and-sectoral mobility | 2018 |
15 | ENSEMBLE3 | Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs | 2017 |
16 | MERLIN | Methodologies for Researcher Led INnovations | 2017 |
17 | NEW_WAY | New speakers and use of Russian in the Northern Norway | 2018 |
18 | EthnoCODICES | Oracles of the Other World: Using Ethnography to Study Depictions of Human Remains in Mexican Precolonial Codices | 2018 |
19 | ThermaSMART | Smart thermal management of high-power microprocessors using phase-change | 2017 |
20 | ENSEMBLE3 | Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs | 2019 |