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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ESC (European Reseearchers Night: Researchers in Real Life.)


“Researchers in Real Life”, the European Researchers’ night 2015 event in Aragon, aimed at showing to the general public researchers as ordinary people, while pointing out the impact and influence of their work on citizens’ daily lives.The event took place in a festive...


“Researchers in Real Life”, the European Researchers’ night 2015 event in Aragon, aimed at showing to the general public researchers as ordinary people, while pointing out the impact and influence of their work on citizens’ daily lives.
The event took place in a festive mood with activities in City Centre streets. Worth noting that since the last three years, the Researchers’ Night has become a kind of traditional Fall event in Zaragoza.
The activities were specifically designed to address the public at large in all its components, with a strong focus on young people.
Local researchers were actively and directly involved in the activities from the very start.
The activities related to topics such as “how researchers are in real life”, their hobbies, the sports they like, and their common interests with the public at large. They also showcased the current research developed in Aragon and its potential benefits for economy, employment, well-being…
The event consisted of a real “Science party” involving most of the research entities in Aragon within a tag “Researchers in Real Life” that has become popular for people in the Community. The regional stakeholders’ involvement is also worth noting, allowing also the taking on board of participants initially not planned and consequently reaching a broader audience than expected.
Special attention was paid to promotion of scientific careers towards pupils and students, notably by illustrating the various roles possibly played by researchers in both industry and academia.
The management team of project was the same as last editions, namely: Esciencia Eventos Cientificos as coordinator, the University of Zaragoza, ARID Foundation (Government of Aragon), which employ half of researchers of Aragon. Furthermore, cooperating bodies such as The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and Dinopolis Foundation (managing the Teruel science museum) got involved in the implementation of the action and consequently allowed reaching further researchers and sponsors.

Work performed


Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to young people , especially those facing or about to face a career choice;

Messages conveyed
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Research is indispensable;
o Research is everywhere;
o Research is up to you… better research it yourself!;
o Research is fun and exciting;
o Researchers and research are fun;

Main communication tools to rely on

Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements, advertisement in regional press;
o Publication of press releases;
o Airing of promotional spots, interviews by researchers, programmes on radio and TV programmes;
o Direct meetings and phone contacts with authorities of Education within Aragon government;
o Direct meetings with partners and sponsors, media, on line agendas managers, researchers, , bloggers and editors of science news and science communication;
On line
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website;
o Revamping, updating and maintenance of social networks profiles;
o Links to partners’ websites, institutional and popular websites;
o Publication of banners and ads (websites and social networks);
o Mailing to several lists of researchers, schools and associations;
o Realisation of video podcast “meet a researcher (researchers in daily lives);

Promotional material
o Posters, flyers, programmes;
o Banners and ads, websites;
o Mention of \"\"This European Researchers\' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions\"\" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at
Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: posters, roll ups, programmes, invitations, flyers, flags;
o Public advertising: billboards, totem, display of promotional material in streets and downtown shops, public places and public transport;
o Street marketing (city tram, Zaragoza);
o Sending of invitations to regional ministry of science, rector, director and deans of University of Zaragoza, media;
o Publication of 21 press releases of which 15 at national level;
o Publication of artilces, interviews, announcements and advertising in written press at regional level;
o Airing of promotional post, interviews, announcements on national and regional radio and TV stations :
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website namely (programme, science fair, sport competition, activities through public objective, local programmes…);
o 8.339 hits on project website, 6.250 unique visitors, , 20.723 pages visits, 55.800 searches in Google;
o Revamping and constant updating of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…), namely,,;
o 441 likes on Facebook, 264 followers on Twitter, 199 followers on hashtag nocheinzgz 2.200 prints;
o About 350.000 people made aware of the Researchers\'Night and its objectives.


List of locations and venues involved:
Teruel: Teruel square centre and Dinopolis museum.
Zaragoza: St Francisco square, tram of Zaragoza, sport facilities Council of Zaragoza, streets and public spaces in the City;

Main types of activities planned:
Hands-on experiments, demonstrations, games, sports, workshops, tastings, short talks, concerts, shows, competitions, special kids’;
Detailed programme of activities

o Researchers’ fair: showcase of research projects and work outdoors by researchers, simulations, exhibitions (robotics, science of materials, nanosciences, engineering), science investigation shows, competitions (mathematics, stati\"

Final results

Collection, analysis and processing of 772 feedbacks, based on 285 on-line ex ante questionnaires and 487 face to face interviews druing the event;
o Realization of interviews of 8 researchers;
Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: aged between 18 and 65 for 70 % of them, 30 % being teenagers, major participation of familes with kids, rzelatively high educational level 57 % having a university degree;
o Knowledge about the event: 45% internet and social media, 40 % mass media, 15 % schools, office (word of mouth) and others;
o Overall positive feedback about the event (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, locations and venues, scheduling, concrete organisation);
o Most successful activities: hands-on activities and experimental demonstrations;
o Strong awareness about the usefulness of research and researchers (95 % of respondents);
o Increased awareness about researcehrs , their job and its potential socieal impact after having taken part in the Night activities for 88 % of respondents;
o Increased interest expressed for science and particularly science careers (75 % of respondents);
o Possible improvements: stronger focus on university students and pre doctoral students through the European corners.

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