\"The European Researchers\' Night 2014/2015 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, RiNG-14-15, gathered research communities from Republika Srpska and Federation of BiH, jointly promoting scientific careers and enhancing public recognition of researchers\' work with the message...
\"The European Researchers\' Night 2014/2015 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, RiNG-14-15, gathered research communities from Republika Srpska and Federation of BiH, jointly promoting scientific careers and enhancing public recognition of researchers\' work with the message \"\"Researchers are amongst us\"\". In such a context, interactive communication was engaged with the public at large on the whole national territory.
Organised for the third time in Bosnia and Herzegovina, RING-14 offered a broad range of activities addressing the public at large in all its components with, however, a strong focus on young people, in particular those about making a career choice, as well as on kids.
In such context, the main motto chosen for the activities consisted of “Sign for Scienceâ€; the awareness campaign accordingly referred to \"\"traffic signs\"\"; a real life roadmap on how to find science, how to investigate, and how to reach the innovations was developed. All the activities were articulated on creating a sort of “science traffic school†in an open area (Traffic signs and traffic controllers leading participants to specific areas).
Amongst the numerous activities offered, one may list:
o Edutainment parks with hands-on experiments, directly engaging general public into
communication with researchers;
o High school competitions for the best science projects;
o Science coffee and talks to scientists, labelled as \"\"RiNG ME\"\";
o Various competitions, games and quizzes, especially directed to younger audience;
o Lectures and presentations;
o Large EU area: EU corners with policy and gender issues advisory, as well exhibition of
EU-funded projects in BiH;
o Thematic activities at supporting universities, research centres and museums;
o Science Movie Night and Science Party.\"
Tasks undertaken
Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid to students at high schools and young people especially those facing a career choice;
Messages conveyed
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o What’s up with research and innovation?
o Research eases your life and increases your wellbeing
o Research is fun;
o Being researcher is exciting ;
o Science makes a difference ;
o Ignite the chain reaction!
Communication tools to rely on
Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements advertisements in in local and national newspapers and magazines;
o Airing of promotional spots, announcements, interviews, programmes on various radio and TV stations (national and regional);
o Publication of press releases;
o Organisation of 2 press conferences per Researchers’ Night;
o Visits to schools by scientist;
o Open labs days at supporting organisations;
o Public advertising: display of posters, city lights, banners, in public spaces and transport means;
o Distribution of promotional material in public spaces such as libraries, squares, cinemas, restaurants, cafés…;
o Direct mailing with personalised invitations;
On line
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website (detailed programme, venues, information about EU and Researchers’ night);
o Revamping updating and maintenance of social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, science news, community building actions, calls for competitions);
o Display of promotional video on YouTube, video recordings at event and pre-event activities;
o Electronic mailing for registered users: registration to specific events, newsletter and events reports with videos and pictures;
Promotional material
o Written promotional material (folders, notebook, posters, flyers…);
o Ads and banners, websites (links with EU, institutional and popular websites);
o Mention of \"\"This European Researchers\' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions\"\" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (such as T-shirts, stickers, key chains…)(displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/communication/services/visual_identity/index.en.htm
Overview of the results
o Conception, realisation and display city lights, billboards, roll up, name tags, sign posting, flyers (in each of the cities involved), posters of various formats, notebook, pens, folders, bookmarks, T-shirts notes and diplomas (details in deliverable 1);
o Public advertising (billboards, citylights, display of promotional material in streets…):
o 2 billboards and 3 city lights in Banja Luka;
o 3 billboards and 6 city lights in Sarajevo;
o 1 billboard and 2 city lights in Mostar;
o Advertising in public places and public transport;
o Airing of announcements (telop) on national Republika Srpska TV and Radio station, RTRS,jingle in in supporting national, regional and local stations all over BiH, and different appearances of RiNG team members have been listed in various media channels;
o Sending of direct invitations sent through the partner organization mailing lists, social networks and web portals;
o Pre events:
o Orgnaisation of 2 Flash mobs;
o Visits to elementary schools, high schools, faculties, and research institutes;
o Organsiation of 2 press conferences, namely 22nd September 2015 in Sarajevo and 24th September 2015 in Banja Luka
o Publication of press releases: 6 (2 prior the event for press conferences, 4 after the event);
o Publication of 139 articles, interviews, announcements, advertising in written press;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of projectwebsite, namely www.nocistrazivaca.ba (What is European Researchers’ Night, Agenda for each city, Blog about BiH researchers, online r\"
\"IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Overview of the results
o Collection analysis and processing of interviews, questionnaires prior to the event and afterwards, including during the events:
o 403 pre-event interviews;
o 228 interviews during the events;
o 331 in Banja Luka, (217 before and 114 after);
o 226 in Sarajevo and Mostar (154 prior and 112 during the event);
o 34 in Bijeljina (32 prior and 2 after the event);
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: 186 male and 217 female in prior to the event group, (46,2 and 53,8 % respectively), 115 male and 113 female after the event (respectively 50,4 % and 49,6%), over 50 % under 25, mostly college or university student, followed by high school students, and families with underage children;
o Overall positive feedback about the events themselves (organisation, schedule, location and venues, contacts with researchers, interest of activities);
o Knowledge about the event: adversting, e-media, schools, friends and /or colleagues, family…: 30.1% visitors learned about the event through Facebook channel, 20.1% through TV and radio, 19.7% through promotional materials handed on street and other places. \"\"Word of mouth†number of referrals and number of visitors that learned about the event at school is also on the rise, compared to 2014.
o Improved image of researchers and their job: researcher’s profession valued higher than average and evolution in the way children represent scientists: although elderly male with grey hair dominates image of scientist, drawings also show more female scientists and young adventurers as scientists;
o Most successful activities: hands-on science experiments and demonstrations, interactive activities for children, high school competition for the best science project, display of science advances;
o As data indicates, the event successfully managed to attract age groups constituting the main target groups of the event.\"
More info: http://nocistrazivaca.ba/ and.