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Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PROTEIN2FOOD (Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing)


The objectives of the project and society relevance are summarized for each work package. In WP1, field trials are conducted in four climatic EU regions to study adaptability, variation of cultivars, and crop management for environmental sustainability in terms of yield and...


The objectives of the project and society relevance are summarized for each work package. In WP1, field trials are conducted in four climatic EU regions to study adaptability, variation of cultivars, and crop management for environmental sustainability in terms of yield and protein content. Furthermore, a meta-analysis shows that the interaction between genotype, environment and management affects protein content. A biochemical study identifies molecular mechanisms responsible for partitioning a higher protein share of seed storage compounds.
The objective of WP2 is to optimize a sustainable processing of the protein crops. Milling and dry fractionation produce protein-rich flours for food purposes. A mild aqueous protein extraction secured an efficient protein enrichment and purification, simultaneously reducing antinutritional compounds from the protein crops. In WP3, high-protein recipes for tasty spread-like meat substitutes were developed, with high sensory ratings. Plant-based burgers, pasta and bread enriched with plant proteins, were developed. For infant formulas, quinoa, lentil and lupin proteins revealed advantages regarding formulation properties and nutritional profile.
WP4 provides inputs for the development of new protein-based products to meet the needs of consumers, providing insights into potential short and medium term market opportunities in innovative protein food products. Stakeholder consultations identified the acceptance barriers as agronomic, social, economic and political factors. WP4 has also developed a methodology for assessing potential options for production and marketing of novel protein food products.
The objective of WP5 is to quantify and compare meat and vegetable-based meat alternatives, taking into consideration climate change, aquatic eutrophication, water use and biodiversity. An increased supply of novel protein-rich food developed by P2F project partners represents a possible action in the fight against climate change through reduced greenhouse gases emissions.
After building the ‘PROTEIN2FOOD brand’ in WP6, we expand the visibility, outreach and impact with increased social media presence. An example of for the successful outreach of the project is the presence at the European Commission Bioeconomy Village visited by commissioner Moedas, highlighting PROTEIN2FOOD contribution to a more sustainable world.

Work performed

\"Crop Production
Two growing seasons of field trials under various climates identified the performance of selected crops. Analyses of protein level and protein quality together with specific molecular analysis characterize storage deposition.
Protein extraction and fractionation
The chemical composition of our selected crops has been analyzed and determined the best-suited milling and dry fractionation technology for processing raw materials. After scaling up to pilot plant scale, we can use the results from sensory evaluation and functional properties and apply as ingredient toolbox for the development of innovative protein rich food prototypes.
Food processing
After comprehensive evaluation, 25 market leader plant-protein products were characterized, and baseline for the prototype functional characteristics and product development were identified. An deep understanding of protein-protein interaction in complex food and beverage products have been carried out. These scientific activities allowed to prototype the P2F target food and beverages products with superior techno-functional and nutritional properties.
Market Analysis
PROTEIN2FOOD has first developed a database containing socio-economic and agronomic variables to pinpoint trends in production and consumption of crop and animal protein products at global, continental and national scales, within different national policy and socio-economic landscapes. A study of consumer behavior and acceptance of meat substitutes identified preliminary consumer profiles.
Sustainability Assessment
A sustainability assessment of the food prototypes developed shall provide a better understanding of the environmental and socio-economic pros and cons of novel protein-rich food as well as the potential contribution of novel protein food to improved sustainability on EU and global scales. Established questionnaires collect process data from WPs1-3 partners on agriculture, extraction, and processing of proteins and food prototype production.
Dissemination, communication & social innovation
To gain increased visibility, credibility, and ultimately increased awareness of the importance to produce and consume more plant-based proteins, the project has developed a communication and dissemination plan, a dedicated Twitter account (@SciFoodHealth) and hashtag (#P2FOOD). This entails a recognizable project identity, communication products, a website and a targeted media strategy. Beside press releases, the project has been involved in a number of newsletters, articles and communication activities.\"

Final results

The expected results of the project and potential impacts are summarized for each work package. In WP1, developments in yield and protein content of new crops promote the increase of the area cultivated with protein crops for enhancement of biodiversity in Europe. Breeding companies could use the seed molecular analysis results to improve genetic traits of protein crops. In addition, analyses on antinutrient content may further increase the possibilities of these crops use in human consumption with high nutritional formulas.
In WP2, the technologies developed have enabled the production of protein isolates and concentrates of these crops, with low content of antinutrients and good sensory properties. The new technologies can be used by the industry to produce protein rich ingredients. The new plant based protein ingredients can partially or fully replace animal proteins or soya based ingredients in food applications. This may lead to a reduced meat consumption and soy import.
The sensory repercussions in the final food products tested in WP3 provide a solid base for further activities of plant based food products. Information gained in WP2 and the market studies in WP4 is a basis for the development of food prototypes of high quality plant-based protein-rich foods with exceptional market potential.
In WP4, the identification of European consumer preferences and acceptance of protein products should assist the development of the prototype products. Therefore, the newly developed comparative analysis is a step forward for assessing the impacts on land use changes, on the potential increase of protein-rich crops, and on the economic and social consequences at EU-wide and individual Member States.
WP5 will provide new knowledge regarding environmental and socio-economic impacts of novel protein-rich food as compared to traditional animal-based food. Insights into the environmental (freshwater use, nitrogen flows and water eutrophication) and socio-economic issues will be analysed. WP5 will study also the potential benefits of extended protein crop cultivation on biodiversity of agricultural land.
The next steps in WP6 are to capitalise on the established network and creation of partnership in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU includes rights and duties of the parties, and terms of references for their business agreements. The collaboration with the Romanian stakeholders lead to increased stakeholders involvement in testing the quinoa cultivation.

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