Opendata, web and dolomites


Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties – towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index: BACI

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 BACI project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the BACI project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "BACI" about.

secretariat    monitor    atmosphere    generate    convention    strategies    diversity    biodiversity    clear    sentinels    esa    optical    reveal    ground    baci    transformation    space    prioritize    indicators    downstream    informed    disentangle    radar    streams    massive    learning    capitalizing    encode    largely    biosphere    translate    ecological    groups    fundamental    socioeconomic    remote    fusing    attribution    vegetation    formal    assessments    datasets    sustain    unprecedented    rapid    sensing    undergoing    function    framework    services    societal    empower    unclear    big    traits    original    expertise    relationships    transitions    optimally    communities    climate    integration    quality    scientists    ecosystem    active    status    2014    archives    warning    variables    transformations    incorporate    metrics    perspective    prototype    observations    data    regions    coupled    functioning    algorithms    index    participation    employed    machine    rate    african    extensive    functional    alarming    biological   

Project "BACI" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
postcode: 80539
website: n.a.

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Germany [DE]
 Project website
 Total cost 3˙322˙858 €
 EC max contribution 2˙997˙858 € (90%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.2.1.6. (INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Space)
 Code Call H2020-EO-2014
 Funding Scheme RIA
 Starting year 2015
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2015-04-01   to  2019-03-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
3    WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY NL (WAGENINGEN) participant 350˙750.00
4    AARHUS UNIVERSITET DK (AARHUS C) participant 310˙000.00
6    UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON UK (LONDON) participant 246˙367.00
8    REZATEC LIMITED UK (OXFORD) participant 175˙625.00


 Project objective

The alarming rate of biodiversity loss and ecosystem transitions make it clear that new strategies are required to sustain functioning of the coupled ecological-societal system. Existing space data archives and data streams from the ESA Sentinels, offer unprecedented opportunities to provide rapid, high quality indicators necessary for informed management of key ecosystem services. Yet, it remains largely unclear how space and ground-based observations can be optimally integrated to generate products required by end user communities (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2014). By fusing extensive expertise on optical and radar remote sensing, ground data on ecosystem state and function, “big data” scientists, and active participation of user groups, BACI will advance this integration. BACI will translate space data to new variables (not directly observable from space) that encode ecosystem functional properties and status metrics. This will empower concepts of “essential biodiversity variables”. Advanced machine learning methods will be employed to reveal new and fundamental relationships between space observations and ecosystem status. BACI will incorporate a wide range of original data and downstream data products specifically targeting needs for early-warning systems, including a novel “Biosphere-Atmosphere Change Index”. We will prioritize selected key European and African regions now undergoing massive societal-ecological transformations, offering perspective towards operational assessments. A formal attribution framework will disentangle climate-induced ecosystem changes and socioeconomic/ecological transformation processes. Overall, BACI will advance usage of European space data to monitor relevant vegetation traits, status, and ecosystem functioning. By capitalizing on existing datasets, we will prototype new algorithms to rapidly implement these metrics and thus space-to-ground integration of the new ESA Sentinels.


List of deliverables.
Product comparison and validation report Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:48
D7.4 Report on the socio-economic drivers of change detected by EOs in relation to other drivers Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:48
D2.6 Summary of exploitation of EO merging system, refinements, recommendations (scientific report/submitted journal publication Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:48
D5.4 Methods for Attribution Scheme and Near Real-Time BACI Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:48
BACI brochure Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D3.5 Collection of LiDAR derived vegetation structure and biomass data, including inventory information Other 2020-02-03 16:04:48
D7.3 Report on detailed land use change at the national and regional level, including an assessment of economic, social, political and institutional drivers of change Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D6.3 Synthesis paper on suitability and limitation of BACI for monitoring ecosystem changes Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D2.5 Delivery of system state vector data including end-to-end testing results at identified sites, regions Other 2020-02-03 16:04:48
Press release 4 Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:48
D3.2 Synthesis data product of ecosystem parameters derived at Fluxnet sites, characterized by uncertainty estimation Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D6.1 Validation framework and description of regional validation sites Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D8.4 Species distribution models calibrated for a large number of European birds and plants, built on high-resolution remote sensing layers and continually updated as new data becomes available. Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D3.4 Synthesis dataset of biodiversity in plants and birds Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D3.3 Synthesis dataset of tree ring records, with uncertainty analysis Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D4.3 Spatialized and yearly resolved tree ring widths for Europe Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D8.3 Validation of European space data layers for biodiversity monitoring Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D4.2 Global products of FLUXNET derived ecosystem functional properties at annual time scale with quantified uncertainties Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D8.2 A pan-European assessment of the conservation status of Natura 2000 protected areas Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D2.2 Definition and specification of protocols for merging EO data and specification of ‘state vector’: time, space, wavelength requirements, ancillary data (elevation, land cover), projections, file formats (Technical requirements document) Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
Press release 2 Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D8.5 EO-based maps of the vulnerability of biodiversity (integrating independently estimated biodiversity vulnerability with RS estimates of ecosystem change) Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D5.2 Methods for Multivariate Novelty Detection for Synthetic Change Index Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D5.3 Algorithms for Interactive User Feedback for Model Analysis and Improvement Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D4.5 Global products of plant trait phenologies Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D4.4 Global products of carbon and energy fluxes derived from upscaling FLUXNET observations that resolve the diurnal cycle Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D7.2 Report on global demand and for land-based products, and inputs in the land system in decadal time series at the global level Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D3.1 Synthesis dataset of plant traits and phenology characterized by uncertainty estimation Other 2020-02-03 16:04:47
Press release 3 Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:47
D7.1 Identification of promising applications for EO for land system science and sustainability science based on a user consultation workshop Other 2020-02-03 16:04:45
D1.2 Organization of Data Management Plan for BACI products Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:45
D5.1 First Methods for Novelty Detection for Synthetic Change Index Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:45
D2.1 Summary of available archived optical (UCL) microwave (FSU) low-level and derived products Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:45
D4.1 Scientific Report of newly developed machine learning techniques for upscaling EEVs and EFPs Documents, reports 2020-02-03 16:04:45
Press release 1 Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:45
Website Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-02-03 16:04:45

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of BACI deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2018 S. Klesse, F. Babst, S. Lienert, R. Spahni, F. Joos, O. Bouriaud, M. Carrer, A. Di Filippo, B. Poulter, V. Trotsiuk, R. Wilson, D. C. Frank
A Combined Tree Ring and Vegetation Model Assessment of European Forest Growth Sensitivity to Interannual Climate Variability
published pages: 1226-1240, ISSN: 0886-6236, DOI: 10.1029/2017gb005856
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32(8) 2020-02-03
2017 Francesc Montané, Andrew M. Fox, Avelino F. Arellano, Natasha MacBean, M. Ross Alexander, Alex Dye, Daniel A. Bishop, Valerie Trouet, Flurin Babst, Amy E. Hessl, Neil Pederson, Peter D. Blanken, Gil Bohrer, Christopher M. Gough, Marcy E. Litvak, Kimberly A. Novick, Richard P. Phillips, Jeffrey D. Wood, David J. P. Moore
Evaluating the effect of alternative carbon allocation schemes in a land surface model (CLM4.5) on carbon fluxes, pools, and turnover in temperate forests
published pages: 3499-3517, ISSN: 1991-959X, DOI: 10.5194/gmd-10-3499-2017
Geoscientific Model Development 10/9 2020-02-03
2018 Shadaydeh, M.; Garcia, Y.; Mahecha, M.; Reichstein, M.; Denzler, J.
Causality analysis of ecological time series: a time-frequency approach
published pages: 111-114, ISSN: , DOI: 10.5065/D6BZ64XQ
International Workshop on Climate Informatic CI 2018 2020-02-03
2018 Yanira Guanche García, Maha Shadaydeh, Miguel Mahecha, Joachim Denzler
Extreme anomaly event detection in biosphere using linear regression and a spatiotemporal MRF model
published pages: , ISSN: 0921-030X, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-018-3415-8
Natural Hazards 2020-02-03
2018 G Vaglio Laurin, R Avezzano, V Bacciu, FD Frate, D Papale, M Virelli
COSMO-SkyMed potential to detect and monitor Mediterranean maquis fires and regrowth: a pilot study in Capo Figari, Sardinia, Italy
published pages: 389-395, ISSN: 1971-7458, DOI: 10.3832/ifor2623-011
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 11/3 2020-02-03
2017 Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Karl J Niklas, Wenxuan Han, Jens Kattge, Peter B Reich, Yongkai Luo, Yahan Chen, Zhiyao Tang, Huifeng Hu, Ian J Wright, Bernhard Schmid, Jingyun Fang
Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent
published pages: 728-739, ISSN: 2053-714X, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwx142
National Science Review 5/5 2020-02-03
2018 Yanira Guanche Garcia; Maha Shadaydeh; Miguel Mahecha; Markus Reichstein; Joachim Denzler
BACI: Towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index - Detection of extreme events in the biosphere
published pages: 1-6, ISSN: , DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1451227
BigSkyEarth conference 2020-02-03
2018 Flurin Babst, Paul Bodesheim, Noah Charney, Andrew D. Friend, Martin P. Girardin, Stefan Klesse, David J.P. Moore, Kristina Seftigen, Jesper Björklund, Olivier Bouriaud, Andria Dawson, R. Justin DeRose, Michael C. Dietze, Annemarie H. Eckes, Brian Enquist, David C. Frank, Miguel D. Mahecha, Benjamin Poulter, Sydne Record, Valerie Trouet, Rachael H. Turton, Zhen Zhang, Margaret E.K. Evans
When tree rings go global: Challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insight
published pages: 1-20, ISSN: 0277-3791, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.009
Quaternary Science Reviews 197 2020-02-03
2019 Cristina Vittucci, Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Gianluca Tramontana, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Dario Papale
Vegetation optical depth at L-band and above ground biomass in the tropical range: Evaluating their relationships at continental and regional scales
published pages: 151-161, ISSN: 0303-2434, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2019.01.006
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 77 2020-02-03
2018 Guido Kraemer, Markus Reichstein, Miguel,D. Mahecha
dimRed and coRanking - Unifying Dimensionality Reduction in R
published pages: 342, ISSN: 2073-4859, DOI: 10.32614/RJ-2018-039
The R Journal 10/1 2020-02-03
2018 Marcel Urban, Christian Berger, Tami Mudau, Kai Heckel, John Truckenbrodt, Victor Onyango Odipo, Izak Smit, Christiane Schmullius
Surface Moisture and Vegetation Cover Analysis for Drought Monitoring in the Southern Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8
published pages: 1482, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs10091482
Remote Sensing 10/9 2020-02-03
2018 Robert Buitenwerf, Brody Sandel, Signe Normand, Anne Mimet, Jens-Christian Svenning
Land surface greening suggests vigorous woody regrowth throughout European semi-natural vegetation
published pages: 5789-5801, ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14451
Global Change Biology 24/12 2020-02-03
2018 Milan Flach, Sebastian Sippel, Fabian Gans, Ana Bastos, Alexander Brenning, Markus Reichstein, Miguel D. Mahecha
Contrasting biosphere responses to hydrometeorological extremes: revisiting the 2010 western Russian heatwave
published pages: 6067-6085, ISSN: 1726-4170, DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-6067-2018
Biogeosciences 15/20 2020-02-03
2019 Matheus Boni Vicari, Jan Pisek, Mathias Disney
New estimates of leaf angle distribution from terrestrial LiDAR: Comparison with measured and modelled estimates from nine broadleaf tree species
published pages: 322-333, ISSN: 0168-1923, DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.10.021
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 264 2020-02-03
2017 Belinda Reyers, Mark Stafford-Smith, Karl-Heinz Erb, Robert J Scholes, Odirilwe Selomane
Essential Variables help to focus Sustainable Development Goals monitoring
published pages: 97-105, ISSN: 1877-3435, DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.05.003
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26-27 2020-02-03
2018 Jennifer Adams, Philip Lewis, Mathias Disney
Decoupling Canopy Structure and Leaf Biochemistry: Testing the Utility of Directional Area Scattering Factor (DASF)
published pages: 1911, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs10121911
Remote Sensing 10/12 2020-02-03
2018 Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Claudio Belli, Roberto Bianconi, Pietro Laranci, Dario Papale
Early mapping of industrial tomato in Central and Southern Italy with Sentinel 2, aerial and RapidEye additional data
published pages: 396-407, ISSN: 0021-8596, DOI: 10.1017/S0021859618000400
The Journal of Agricultural Science 156/3 2020-02-03
2018 Xiuchen Wu, Hongyan Liu, Xiaoyan Li, Philippe Ciais, Flurin Babst, Weichao Guo, Cicheng Zhang, Vincenzo Magliulo, Marian Pavelka, Shaomin Liu, Yongmei Huang, Pei Wang, Chunming Shi, Yujun Ma
Differentiating drought legacy effects on vegetation growth over the temperate Northern Hemisphere
published pages: 504-516, ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13920
Global Change Biology 24/1 2020-02-03
2019 Jakob Runge, Sebastian Bathiany, Erik Bollt, Gustau Camps-Valls, Dim Coumou, Ethan Deyle, Clark Glymour, Marlene Kretschmer, Miguel D. Mahecha, Jordi Muñoz-Marí, Egbert H. van Nes, Jonas Peters, Rick Quax, Markus Reichstein, Marten Scheffer, Bernhard Schölkopf, Peter Spirtes, George Sugihara, Jie Sun, Kun Zhang, Jakob Zscheischler
Inferring causation from time series in Earth system sciences
published pages: 2553, ISSN: 2041-1723, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10105-3
Nature Communications 10/1 2020-02-03
2018 Andrew Burt, Mathias Disney, Kim Calders
Extracting individual trees from lidar point clouds using treeseg
published pages: 438445, ISSN: 2041-210X, DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.13121
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(3) 2020-02-03
2018 V. Trouet, F. Babst, M. Meko
Recent enhanced high-summer North Atlantic Jet variability emerges from three-century context
published pages: 180, ISSN: 2041-1723, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-02699-3
Nature Communications 9/1 2020-02-03
2019 Matheus B. Vicari, Mathias Disney, Phil Wilkes, Andrew Burt, Kim Calders, William Woodgate
Leaf and wood classification framework for terrestrial LiDAR point clouds
published pages: 680-694, ISSN: 2041-210X, DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.13144
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10/5 2020-02-03
2018 Johannes Reiche, Rob Verhoeven, Jan Verbesselt, Eliakim Hamunyela, Niels Wielaard, Martin Herold
Characterizing Tropical Forest Cover Loss Using Dense Sentinel-1 Data and Active Fire Alerts
published pages: 777, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs10050777
Remote Sensing 10/5 2020-02-03
2019 Xiaoming Lu, Eryuan Liang, Yafeng Wang, Flurin Babst, Steven W. Leavitt, J. Julio Camarero
Past the climate optimum: Recruitment is declining at the world\'s highest juniper shrublines on the Tibetan Plateau
published pages: e02557, ISSN: 0012-9658, DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2557
Ecology 100/2 2020-02-03
2018 M. Ross Alexander, Christine R. Rollinson, Flurin Babst, Valerie Trouet, David J. P. Moore
Relative influences of multiple sources of uncertainty on cumulative and incremental tree-ring-derived aboveground biomass estimates
published pages: 265-276, ISSN: 0931-1890, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-017-1629-0
Trees 32/1 2020-02-03
2017 Vincent Pellissier, Anne Mimet, Colin Fontaine, Jens-Christian Svenning, Denis Couvet
Relative importance of the land-use composition and intensity for the bird community composition in anthropogenic landscapes
published pages: 10513-10535, ISSN: 2045-7758, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3534
Ecology and Evolution 7/24 2020-02-03
2018 Paul Bodesheim, Martin Jung, Fabian Gans, Miguel D. Mahecha, Markus Reichstein
Upscaled diurnal cycles of land–atmosphere fluxes: a new global half-hourly data product
published pages: 1327-1365, ISSN: 1866-3508, DOI: 10.5194/essd-10-1327-2018
Earth System Science Data 10/3 2020-02-03
2018 Kristina Seftigen, David C. Frank, Jesper Björklund, Flurin Babst, Benjamin Poulter
The climatic drivers of normalized difference vegetation index and tree-ring-based estimates of forest productivity are spatially coherent but temporally decoupled in Northern Hemispheric forests
published pages: 1352-1365, ISSN: 1466-822X, DOI: 10.1111/geb.12802
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27/11 2020-02-03
2018 Jannis von Buttlar, Jakob Zscheischler, Anja Rammig, Sebastian Sippel, Markus Reichstein, Alexander Knohl, Martin Jung, Olaf Menzer, M. Altaf Arain, Nina Buchmann, Alessandro Cescatti, Damiano Gianelle, Gerard Kiely, Beverly E. Law, Vincenzo Magliulo, Hank Margolis, Harry McCaughey, Lutz Merbold, Mirco Migliavacca, Leonardo Montagnani, Walter Oechel, Marian Pavelka, Matthias Peichl, Serge Rambal,
Impacts of droughts and extreme-temperature events on gross primary production and ecosystem respiration: a systematic assessment across ecosystems and climate zones
published pages: 1293-1318, ISSN: 1726-4170, DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-1293-2018
Biogeosciences 15/5 2020-02-03
2018 William Marchand, Martin P Girardin, Sylvie Gauthier, Henrik Hartmann, Olivier Bouriaud, Flurin Babst, Yves Bergeron
Untangling methodological and scale considerations in growth and productivity trend estimates of Canada’s forests
published pages: 93001, ISSN: 1748-9326, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aad82a
Environmental Research Letters 13/9 2020-02-03
2018 M. Chernetskiy, N. Gobron, J. Gómez-Dans, O. Morgan, M. Disney, P. Lewis, C. Schmullius
Simulating arbitrary hyperspectral bandsets from multispectral observations via a generic Earth Observation-Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS)
published pages: 1654-1674, ISSN: 0273-1177, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.07.015
Advances in Space Research 62/7 2020-02-03
2018 Phil Wilkes, Mathias Disney, Matheus Boni Vicari, Kim Calders, Andrew Burt
Estimating urban above ground biomass with multi-scale LiDAR
published pages: 10, ISSN: 1750-0680, DOI: 10.1186/s13021-018-0098-0
Carbon Balance and Management 13/1 2020-02-03
2019 Cristina Vittucci, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Yann H. Kerr, Philippe Richaume, Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Leila Guerriero
Analysis of Vegetation Optical Depth and Soil Moisture Retrieved by SMOS Over Tropical Forests
published pages: 504-508, ISSN: 1545-598X, DOI: 10.1109/lgrs.2018.2878359
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16/4 2020-02-03
2017 Niedertscheider, M.; Tasser, E.; Patek, M.; Ruedisser, J.; Tappeiner, U.; Erb, K.
Influence of land-use intensification on vegetation C-stocks in an alpine valley from 1865 to 2003
published pages: 1391-1406, ISSN: 1432-9840, DOI: 10.13039/501100001822
Ecosystems 20(8) 2020-02-03
2019 Sophia Walther, Gregory Duveiller, Martin Jung, Luis Guanter, Alessandro Cescatti, Gustau Camps‐Valls
Satellite Observations of the Contrasting Response of Trees and Grasses to Variations in Water Availability
published pages: 1429-1440, ISSN: 0094-8276, DOI: 10.1029/2018gl080535
Geophysical Research Letters 46/3 2020-02-03
2018 M. I. Disney, M. Boni Vicari, A. Burt, K. Calders, S. L. Lewis, P. Raumonen, P. Wilkes
Weighing trees with lasers: advances, challenges and opportunities
published pages: 20170048, ISSN: 2042-8898, DOI: 10.1098/rsfs.2017.0048
Interface Focus 8/2 2020-02-03
2018 Karl-Heinz Erb, Thomas Kastner, Christoph Plutzar, Anna Liza S. Bais, Nuno Carvalhais, Tamara Fetzel, Simone Gingrich, Helmut Haberl, Christian Lauk, Maria Niedertscheider, Julia Pongratz, Martin Thurner, Sebastiaan Luyssaert
Unexpectedly large impact of forest management and grazing on global vegetation biomass
published pages: 73-76, ISSN: 0028-0836, DOI: 10.1038/nature25138
Nature 553/7686 2020-02-03
2019 Flurin Babst, Olivier Bouriaud, Benjamin Poulter, Valerie Trouet, Martin P. Girardin, David C. Frank
Twentieth century redistribution in climatic drivers of global tree growth
published pages: eaat4313, ISSN: 2375-2548, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat4313
Science Advances 5/1 2020-02-03
2017 Soumaya Belmecheri, Flurin Babst, Amy R. Hudson, Julio Betancourt, Valerie Trouet
Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream Position Indices as Diagnostic Tools for Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
published pages: 1-23, ISSN: 1087-3562, DOI: 10.1175/EI-D-16-0023.1
Earth Interactions 21/8 2020-02-03
2017 Ethan E. Butler, Abhirup Datta, Habacuc Flores-Moreno, Ming Chen, Kirk R. Wythers, Farideh Fazayeli, Arindam Banerjee, Owen K. Atkin, Jens Kattge, Bernard Amiaud, Benjamin Blonder, Gerhard Boenisch, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Kerry A. Brown, Chaeho Byun, Giandiego Campetella, Bruno E. L. Cerabolini, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, Joseph M. Craine, Dylan Craven, Franciska T. de Vries, Sandra Díaz, Tomas F. D
Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions
published pages: E10937-E10946, ISSN: 0027-8424, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1708984114
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114/51 2020-02-03
2019 Bjorn Barz, Erik Rodner, Yanira Guanche Garcia, Joachim Denzler
Detecting Regions of Maximal Divergence for Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection
published pages: 1088-1101, ISSN: 0162-8828, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2823766
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 41/5 2020-02-03
2018 Felix Cremer, Mikhail Urbazaev, Christian Berger, Miguel D. Mahecha, Christiane Schmullius, Christian Thiel
An Image Transform Based on Temporal Decomposition
published pages: 537-541, ISSN: 1545-598X, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2018.2791658
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 15/4 2020-02-03
2017 Margaret E. K. Evans, Donald A. Falk, Alexis Arizpe, Tyson L. Swetnam, Flurin Babst, Kent E. Holsinger
Fusing tree-ring and forest inventory data to infer influences on tree growth
published pages: e01889, ISSN: 2150-8925, DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1889
Ecosphere 8/7 2020-02-03
2018 Julia Pongratz, Han Dolman, Axel Don, Karl-Heinz Erb, Richard Fuchs, Martin Herold, Chris Jones, Tobias Kuemmerle, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Patrick Meyfroidt, Kim Naudts
Models meet data: Challenges and opportunities in implementing land management in Earth system models
published pages: 1470-1487, ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13988
Global Change Biology 24/4 2020-02-03
2017 Maxim Chernetskiy, Jose Gómez-Dans, Nadine Gobron, Olivier Morgan, Philip Lewis, Sina Truckenbrodt, Christiane Schmullius
Estimation of FAPAR over Croplands Using MISR Data and the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS)
published pages: 656, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs9070656
Remote Sensing 9/7 2020-02-03
2017 Christoforos Pappas, Miguel D. Mahecha, David C. Frank, Flurin Babst, Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Ecosystem functioning is enveloped by hydrometeorological variability
published pages: 1263-1270, ISSN: 2397-334X, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0277-5
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1/9 2020-02-03
2018 Maria Santos, Mathias Disney, Jérôme Chave
Detecting Human Presence and Influence on Neotropical Forests with Remote Sensing
published pages: 1593, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs10101593
Remote Sensing 10/10 2020-02-03
2016 Gianluca Tramontana, Martin Jung, Christopher R. Schwalm, Kazuhito Ichii, Gustau Camps-Valls, Botond Ráduly, Markus Reichstein, M. Altaf Arain, Alessandro Cescatti, Gerard Kiely, Lutz Merbold, Penelope Serrano-Ortiz, Sven Sickert, Sebastian Wolf, Dario Papale
Predicting carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across global FLUXNET sites with regression algorithms
published pages: 4291-4313, ISSN: 1726-4189, DOI: 10.5194/bg-13-4291-2016
Biogeosciences 13/14 2020-02-03
2017 Sebastian Sippel, Jakob Zscheischler, Martin Heimann, Holger Lange, Miguel D. Mahecha, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Friederike E. L. Otto, Markus Reichstein
Have precipitation extremes and annual totals been increasing in the world\'s dry regions over the last 60 years?
published pages: 441-458, ISSN: 1607-7938, DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-441-2017
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21/1 2020-02-03
2016 Sebastian Sippel, Holger Lange, Miguel D. Mahecha, Michael Hauhs, Paul Bodesheim, Thomas Kaminski, Fabian Gans, Osvaldo A. Rosso
Diagnosing the Dynamics of Observed and Simulated Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity with Time Causal Information Theory Quantifiers
published pages: e0164960, ISSN: 1932-6203, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164960
PLOS ONE 11/10 2020-02-03
2017 Sujan Koirala, Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Inge E. M. de Graaf, Gustau Camps-Valls, Kazuhito Ichii, Dario Papale, Botond Ráduly, Christopher R. Schwalm, Gianluca Tramontana, Nuno Carvalhais
Global distribution of groundwater-vegetation spatial covariation
published pages: 4134-4142, ISSN: 0094-8276, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL072885
Geophysical Research Letters 44/9 2020-02-03
2017 Karl-Heinz Erb, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Patrick Meyfroidt, Julia Pongratz, Axel Don, Silvia Kloster, Tobias Kuemmerle, Tamara Fetzel, Richard Fuchs, Martin Herold, Helmut Haberl, Chris D. Jones, Erika Marín-Spiotta, Ian McCallum, Eddy Robertson, Verena Seufert, Steffen Fritz, Aude Valade, Andrew Wiltshire, Albertus J. Dolman
Land management: data availability and process understanding for global change studies
published pages: 512-533, ISSN: 1354-1013, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13443
Global Change Biology 23/2 2020-02-03
2017 Jakob Zscheischler, Miguel D. Mahecha, Valerio Avitabile, Leonardo Calle, Nuno Carvalhais, Philippe Ciais, Fabian Gans, Nicolas Gruber, Jens Hartmann, Martin Herold, Kazuhito Ichii, Martin Jung, Peter Landschützer, Goulven G. Laruelle, Ronny Lauerwald, Dario Papale, Philippe Peylin, Benjamin Poulter, Deepak Ray, Pierre Regnier, Christian Rödenbeck, Rosa M. Roman-Cuesta, Christopher Schwalm, Gianluca Tramontana, Alexandra Tyukavina, Riccardo Valentini, Guido van der Werf, Tristram O. West, Julie E. Wolf, Markus Reichstein
Reviews and syntheses: An empirical spatiotemporal description of the global surface–atmosphere carbon fluxes: opportunities and data limitations
published pages: 3685-3703, ISSN: 1726-4189, DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-3685-2017
Biogeosciences 14/15 2020-02-03
2016 Guanche Garcia, Y.; Rodner, E.; Flach, M.; S. Sippel; M. Mahecha; Denzler, J.
Detecting multivariate biosphere extremes
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
1 2020-02-03
2016 Sebastian Sippel, Friederike E. L. Otto, Milan Flach, Geert Jan van Oldenborgh
The Role of Anthropogenic Warming in 2015 Central European Heat Waves
published pages: S51-S56, ISSN: 0003-0007, DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0150.1
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97/12 2020-02-03
2017 Sebastian Sippel, Jakob Zscheischler, Miguel D. Mahecha, Rene Orth, Markus Reichstein, Martha Vogel, Sonia I. Seneviratne
Refining multi-model projections of temperature extremes by evaluation against land–atmosphere coupling diagnostics
published pages: 387-403, ISSN: 2190-4987, DOI: 10.5194/esd-8-387-2017
Earth System Dynamics 8/2 2020-02-03
2017 Jakob Zscheischler, Miguel D. Mahecha, Valerio Avitabile, Leonardo Calle, Nuno Carvalhais, Philippe Ciais, Fabian Gans, Nicolas Gruber, Jens Hartmann, Martin Herold, Kazuhito Ichii, Martin Jung, Peter Landschützer, Goulven G. Laruelle, Ronny Lauerwald, Dario Papale, Philippe Peylin, Benjamin Poulter, Deepak Ray, Pierre Regnier, Christian Rödenbeck, Rosa M. Roman-Cuesta, Christopher Schwalm, Gianluca Tramontana, Alexandra T. Tyukavina, Ricardo Valentini, Guido van der Werf, Tristram O. West, Julie E. Wolf, Markus Reichstein
An empirical spatiotemporal description of the global surface-atmosphere carbon fluxes: opportunities and data limitations
published pages: 1-32, ISSN: 1810-6285, DOI: 10.5194/bg-2016-427
Biogeosciences Discussions 2020-02-03
2017 Y. Sun, C. Frankenberg, J. D. Wood, D. S. Schimel, M. Jung, L. Guanter, D. T. Drewry, M. Verma, A. Porcar-Castell, T. J. Griffis, L. Gu, T. S. Magney, P. Köhler, B. Evans, K. Yuen
OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
published pages: eaam5747, ISSN: 0036-8075, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam5747
Science 358/6360 2020-02-03
2016 Talie Musavi, Mirco Migliavacca, Martine Janet van de Weg, Jens Kattge, Georg Wohlfahrt, Peter M. van Bodegom, Markus Reichstein, Michael Bahn, Arnaud Carrara, Tomas F. Domingues, Michael Gavazzi, Damiano Gianelle, Cristina Gimeno, André Granier, Carsten Gruening, Kateřina Havránková, Mathias Herbst, Charmaine Hrynkiw, Aram Kalhori, Thomas Kaminski, Katja Klumpp, Pasi Kolari, Bernard Longdoz, Stefano Minerbi, Leonardo Montagnani, Eddy Moors, Walter C. Oechel, Peter B. Reich, Shani Rohatyn, Alessandra Rossi, Eyal Rotenberg, Andrej Varlagin, Matthew Wilkinson, Christian Wirth, Miguel D. Mahecha
Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits
published pages: 7352-7366, ISSN: 2045-7758, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2479
Ecology and Evolution 6/20 2020-02-03
2016 Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Nicola Puletti, Qi Chen, Piermaria Corona, Dario Papale, Riccardo Valentini
Above ground biomass and tree species richness estimation with airborne lidar in tropical Ghana forests
published pages: 371-379, ISSN: 0303-2434, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.07.008
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 52 2020-02-03
2016 Rodner, E.; Barz, B.; Guanche, Y.; Flach, M.; M. Mahecha; Bodesheim, P.; Reichstein, M.; Denzler, J.
Maximally divergent intervals for anomaly detection
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: 10.17871/BACI_ICML2016_Rodner
1 2020-02-03
2017 Milan Flach, Fabian Gans, Alexander Brenning, Joachim Denzler, Markus Reichstein, Erik Rodner, Sebastian Bathiany, Paul Bodesheim, Yanira Guanche, Sebastian Sippel, Miguel D. Mahecha
Multivariate anomaly detection for Earth observations: a comparison of algorithms and feature extraction techniques
published pages: 677-696, ISSN: 2190-4987, DOI: 10.5194/esd-8-677-2017
Earth System Dynamics 8/3 2020-02-03
2017 Iulia Ilie, Peter Dittrich, Nuno Carvalhais, Martin Jung, Andreas Heinemeyer, Mirco Migliavacca, James I. L. Morison, Sebastian Sippel, Jens-Arne Subke, Matthew Wilkinson, Miguel D. Mahecha
Reverse engineering model structures for soil and ecosystem respiration: the potential of gene expression programming
published pages: 3519-3545, ISSN: 1991-9603, DOI: 10.5194/gmd-10-3519-2017
Geoscientific Model Development 10/9 2020-02-03
2017 Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Francesco Pirotti, Mattia Callegari, Qi Chen, Giovanni Cuozzo, Emanuele Lingua, Claudia Notarnicola, Dario Papale
Potential of ALOS2 and NDVI to Estimate Forest Above-Ground Biomass, and Comparison with Lidar-Derived Estimates
published pages: 18, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs9010018
Remote Sensing 9/1 2020-02-03
2017 Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Christopher R. Schwalm, Chris Huntingford, Stephen Sitch, Anders Ahlström, Almut Arneth, Gustau Camps-Valls, Philippe Ciais, Pierre Friedlingstein, Fabian Gans, Kazuhito Ichii, Atul K. Jain, Etsushi Kato, Dario Papale, Ben Poulter, Botond Raduly, Christian Rödenbeck, Gianluca Tramontana, Nicolas Viovy, Ying-Ping Wang, Ulrich Weber, Sönke Zaehle, Ning Zeng
Compensatory water effects link yearly global land CO2 sink changes to temperature
published pages: 516-520, ISSN: 0028-0836, DOI: 10.1038/nature20780
Nature 541/7638 2020-02-03
2017 Miguel D. Mahecha, Fabian Gans, Sebastian Sippel, Jonathan F. Donges, Thomas Kaminski, Stefan Metzger, Mirco Migliavacca, Dario Papale, Anja Rammig, Jakob Zscheischler
Detecting impacts of extreme events with ecological in situ monitoring networks
published pages: 4255-4277, ISSN: 1726-4189, DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-4255-2017
Biogeosciences 14/18 2020-02-03
2017 Sebastian Sippel, Matthias Forkel, Anja Rammig, Kirsten Thonicke, Milan Flach, Martin Heimann, Friederike E L Otto, Markus Reichstein, Miguel D Mahecha
Contrasting and interacting changes in simulated spring and summer carbon cycle extremes in European ecosystems
published pages: 75006, ISSN: 1748-9326, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7398
Environmental Research Letters 12/7 2020-02-03
2017 Zhen Zhang, Flurin Babst, Valentin Bellassen, David Frank, Thomas Launois, Kun Tan, Philippe Ciais, Benjamin Poulter
Converging Climate Sensitivities of European Forests Between Observed Radial Tree Growth and Vegetation Models
published pages: , ISSN: 1432-9840, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0157-5
Ecosystems 2020-02-03
2016 Karl-Heinz Erb, Tamara Fetzel, Christoph Plutzar, Thomas Kastner, Christian Lauk, Andreas Mayer, Maria Niedertscheider, Christian Körner, Helmut Haberl
Biomass turnover time in terrestrial ecosystems halved by land use
published pages: 674-678, ISSN: 1752-0894, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2782
Nature Geoscience 9/9 2020-02-03
2016 M. Campioli, Y. Malhi, S. Vicca, S. Luyssaert, D. Papale, J. Peñuelas, M. Reichstein, M. Migliavacca, M. A. Arain, I. A. Janssens
Evaluating the convergence between eddy-covariance and biometric methods for assessing carbon budgets of forests
published pages: 13717, ISSN: 2041-1723, DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS13717
Nature Communications 7 2020-02-03
2017 Talie Musavi, Mirco Migliavacca, Markus Reichstein, Jens Kattge, Christian Wirth, T. Andrew Black, Ivan Janssens, Alexander Knohl, Denis Loustau, Olivier Roupsard, Andrej Varlagin, Serge Rambal, Alessandro Cescatti, Damiano Gianelle, Hiroaki Kondo, Rijan Tamrakar, Miguel D. Mahecha
Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity
published pages: 48, ISSN: 2397-334X, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0048
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1/2 2020-02-03
2017 Flurin Babst, Benjamin Poulter, Paul Bodesheim, Miguel D. Mahecha, David C. Frank
Improved tree-ring archives will support earth-system science
published pages: 8, ISSN: 2397-334X, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0008
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1/2 2020-02-03
2016 C. Vittucci, P. Ferrazzoli, Y. Kerr, P. Richaume, L. Guerriero, R. Rahmoune, G. Vaglio Laurin
SMOS retrieval over forests: Exploitation of optical depth and tests of soil moisture estimates
published pages: 115-127, ISSN: 0034-4257, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2016.03.004
Remote Sensing of Environment 180 2020-02-03
2015 Dario Papale, T. Andrew Black, Nuno Carvalhais, Alessandro Cescatti, Jiquan Chen, Martin Jung, Gerard Kiely, Gitta Lasslop, Miguel D. Mahecha, Hank Margolis, Lutz Merbold, Leonardo Montagnani, Eddy Moors, Jørgen E. Olesen, Markus Reichstein, Gianluca Tramontana, Eva van Gorsel, Georg Wohlfahrt, Botond Ráduly
Effect of spatial sampling from European flux towers for estimating carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks
published pages: 1941-1957, ISSN: 2169-8961, DOI: 10.1002/2015jg002997
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120/10 2020-02-03
2016 Sebastian Sippel, Jakob Zscheischler, Markus Reichstein
Ecosystem impacts of climate extremes crucially depend on the timing
published pages: 5768-5770, ISSN: 0027-8424, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1605667113
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113/21 2020-02-03
2016 Neha Joshi, Matthias Baumann, Andrea Ehammer, Rasmus Fensholt, Kenneth Grogan, Patrick Hostert, Martin Jepsen, Tobias Kuemmerle, Patrick Meyfroidt, Edward Mitchard, Johannes Reiche, Casey Ryan, Björn Waske
A Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and Monitoring
published pages: 70, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs8010070
Remote Sensing 8/1 2020-02-03
2016 G Vaglio Laurin, WD Hawthorne, T Chiti, A Di Paola, R Cazzolla Gatti, S Marconi, S Noce, E Grieco, F Pirotti, R Valentini
Does degradation from selective logging and illegal activities differently impact forest resources? A case study in Ghana
published pages: e1-e9, ISSN: 1971-7458, DOI: 10.3832/ifor1779-008
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 2020-02-03
2016 Johannes Reiche, Richard Lucas, Anthea L. Mitchell, Jan Verbesselt, Dirk H. Hoekman, Jörg Haarpaintner, Josef M. Kellndorfer, Ake Rosenqvist, Eric A. Lehmann, Curtis E. Woodcock, Frank Martin Seifert, Martin Herold
Combining satellite data for better tropical forest monitoring
published pages: 120-122, ISSN: 1758-678X, DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2919
Nature Climate Change 6/2 2020-02-03
2017 Hamunyela, E., Reiche, J., Verbesselt, J., Herold, M
Using Space-Time Features to Improve Detection of Forest Disturbances from Landsat Time Series
published pages: 515, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs9060515
Remote Sensing 9/6 2020-02-03
2015 Sebastian Sippel, Jakob Zscheischler, Martin Heimann, Friederike E. L. Otto, Jonas Peters, Miguel D. Mahecha
Quantifying changes in climate variability and extremes: Pitfalls and their overcoming
published pages: 9990-9998, ISSN: 0094-8276, DOI: 10.1002/2015GL066307
Geophysical Research Letters 42/22 2020-02-03
2016 Mathias Disney, Jan-Peter Muller, Said Kharbouche, Thomas Kaminski, Michael Voßbeck, Philip Lewis, Bernard Pinty
A New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albedo Estimates: Comparison with MODIS Products
published pages: 275, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs8040275
Remote Sensing 8/4 2020-02-03
2015 Johannes Reiche, Sytze de Bruin, Dirk Hoekman, Jan Verbesselt, Martin Herold
A Bayesian Approach to Combine Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Time Series for Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection
published pages: 4973-4996, ISSN: 2072-4292, DOI: 10.3390/rs70504973
Remote Sensing 7/5 2020-02-03
2016 Gaia Vaglio Laurin, Nicola Puletti, William Hawthorne, Veraldo Liesenberg, Piermaria Corona, Dario Papale, Qi Chen, Riccardo Valentini
Discrimination of tropical forest types, dominant species, and mapping of functional guilds by hyperspectral and simulated multispectral Sentinel-2 data
published pages: 163-176, ISSN: 0034-4257, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2016.01.017
Remote Sensing of Environment 176 2020-02-03
2015 Sandra Díaz, Jens Kattge, Johannes H. C. Cornelissen, Ian J. Wright, Sandra Lavorel, Stéphane Dray, Björn Reu, Michael Kleyer, Christian Wirth, I. Colin Prentice, Eric Garnier, Gerhard Bönisch, Mark Westoby, Hendrik Poorter, Peter B. Reich, Angela T. Moles, John Dickie, Andrew N. Gillison, Amy E. Zanne, Jérôme Chave, S. Joseph Wright, Serge N. Sheremet’ev, Hervé Jactel, Christopher Baraloto, Bruno Cerabolini, Simon Pierce, Bill Shipley, Donald Kirkup, Fernando Casanoves, Julia S. Joswig, Angela Günther, Valeria Falczuk, Nadja Rüger, Miguel D. Mahecha, Lucas D. Gorné
The global spectrum of plant form and function
published pages: 167-171, ISSN: 0028-0836, DOI: 10.1038/nature16489
Nature 529/7585 2020-02-03

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