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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HNN 2.0 (Improving and professionalizing the Health NCP service across Europe.)


Health NCP Net 2.0 aims at improving and professionalizing the NCP service, thus achieving a more consistent level of NCP support services across Europe with the final goal to better support applicants and raise the average quality of proposals submitted.HNN 2.0 builds upon...


Health NCP Net 2.0 aims at improving and professionalizing the NCP service, thus achieving a more consistent level of NCP support services across Europe with the final goal to better support applicants and raise the average quality of proposals submitted.

HNN 2.0 builds upon the experience and results of the previous Health NCP Net project with the objective of responding to the new challenges that the “Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing” NCPs face in the new programme Horizon 2020, such as the broadened thematic scope of the Societal Challenge 1, and the enlarged mandate of the “Health” NCPs. An objective of the HNN 2.0 project is to satisfy the needs and priorities of all different types of NCPs, notably newcomers, NCPs with fewer resources, NCPs from EU-13 and NCPs in Third Countries so as to face the challenge of the current heterogeneity of the network

The enlarged mandate of “Health” NCPs and the holistic focus of H2020 imply that NCPs need to create expert knowledge and look for it outside the SC1 Network by having a holistic approach and liaising and collaborating with other support structures, projects and programmes. HNN 2.0 will therefore have a real structured coordination with the other NCP and support networks such as Ideal-IST, EEN and Fit for Health 2.0, where collaboration for joint activities like training courses, meet and exchange workshops and brokerage events is established.

Main tools towards the objectives are:
- support and information materials
- comprehensive training programme
- mentoring programme (staff exchanges, mentoring programme for EU-13, twinning with the European Commission)
- Meet and Exchange workshops with NCPs from other disciplines
- system of email alert for NCPs about research funding and related policies
- information and communication hub for SC1-NCPs (easy access to information and services , exchange of information and opinions between SC1-NCPs)
- International brokerage events

Work performed

HNN2.0 has contributed to the enhancement and alignment the NCP services across Europe by providing all SC1 NCPs with easy access to all the information, training, materials and skills they need for delivering quality support for their clients in different areas.

One of the main materials developed during this period are the three final chapters of the SC1 NCP Handbook, created in a collaborative process by all project members, and additionally five new templates. The full Final handbook is available for use in a modular format, enabling the download of each Handbook module as well as each chapter individually.

The HNN 2.0 website ( constitutes an essential element of the project because it acts as a central repository of information developed by the HNN 2.0 partners, with restricted access for all the SC1 NCPs. During this period, a new platform for interaction between the SC1 NCPs (called the Forum) has been launched. This platform is offering the chance to directly discuss and exchange opinions and information between SC1 NCP colleagues.

With the objective to guarantee constant learning, capacity building and exchange of knowledge, 3 onsite Trainings, 5 Webinars, 4 Staff exchange programmes and 1 Personalized mentoring programme for new SC1 NCPs have taken pace during this period.

Also, HNN2.0 has keep creating links between the HNN 2.0 project and the community of SC1 NCPs and experts of other Health-related programmes, and several actions have been undertaken with other major programmes and initiatives implementing SC1 and other NCP networks, support networks and projects, which has materialized in several joint collaborations such as the co-organization of Partnering Events, Webinars and Meet and Exchange workshops.

In order to support formation of high quality consortia and widen participation in Health-related projects, several Partnering Events have been organized: 1 in Brussels, back to back to the EC Info day, and 1 Decentralized in Zagreb.

Also under this objective, a detailed analysis report has been produced with recommendations to the SC1 NCP community deducted from generated results of the questionnaire sent during the first period (D1.3) with suggested tools to improve the NCP services.

HNN2.0 created several promotional materials during the first period and during this second period has created a three-minute video presenting the NCP services to the applicants community, which includes interviews with a scientist, an EC officer and the project coordinator, talking about their experiences and motivation: It has been disseminated via multiple communication channels and Twitter.
For dissemination, complementary to the website, HNN2.0 has continued using notification emails to reach SC1 NCPs directly and has created a twitter account that has proven to be a popular and effective dissemination tool being widely used by the targeted community.

Final results

HNN 2.0 pursues building upon the results and achievements of the previous project and proposes enhanced existing and new measures that will keep on improving and professionalizing the NCP service across Europe. These measures are addressed to three major target groups: i) SC1 NCPs, ii) the H2020 applicants, and iii) the European Commission.

i) Measures and impact at the level of the SC1 NCPs
The NCP handbook and the templates, offer very comprehensive guidelines to help both newcomers and more experienced NCPs understanding and being updated about the fundamentals of H2020. They are available for NCPs to help them when doing consultations with their clients. In our training courses, we have also seek for the expertise of ICT actors and ICT NCPs from the Ideal IST Network to cover these aspects in SC1 proposals. Staff exchanges have continued helping maintain NCP interactions in smaller groups allowing for exchanges about methodologies of working and building knowledge on the different Research and Innovation systems and structures in the countries. The Personalized Mentoring Programme for NCPs is currently undergoing its third edition. The mentoring with the European Commission via webinars has continued raising interest amongst the SC1 NCP community and offering a space for learning and discussing, in a more informal setting, giving a very complete and in-sight overview both from DG RTD and DG CNECT processes.

ii) Measures and impact at the level of the clients
Two brokerage events have been organized between July 2016 and November 2017, in Brussels and Zagreb. The evaluation surveys show that these types of events are clearly helping (potential) applicants in finding collaborations in the short-medium terms. The increasing number of registrations and the fast oversubscription again in this period show evidence of the need and appreciation of the applicant community for such events.

iii) Measures and impact at the level of the EC
It is undeniable that the experience NCPs have on the ground, from working directly with the scientific community, can be extremely valuable for the European Commission when it comes to “analyzing the implementation aspects of the H2020” programme.

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