The Future Internet promotes the production of large-scale computing environments that will be increasingly surrounded by a virtually infinite number of software services. This enables the growth of innovative and revolutionary everyday-life scenarios within smart cities, and...
The Future Internet promotes the production of large-scale computing environments that will be increasingly surrounded by a virtually infinite number of software services. This enables the growth of innovative and revolutionary everyday-life scenarios within smart cities, and related software ecosystems that ease daily human activities and give support for the growth of new markets and employment opportunities. Digital environments are envisioned where innovative technological software platforms, and related hardware infrastructures, will be developed to continuously assist their habitants while accomplishing daily tasks.
To achieve this and to fulfill the requirements of the Future Internet, a flexible and scalable computing environment is needed. In order to enable this computing environment, the ability to automatically compose and dynamically coordinate heterogeneous computational resources abstracted as services is of paramount importance. The collaboration logic required to coordinate business and thing-based services needs to be evolvable according to continuously changing user preferences, environmental context, as well as business needs.
For that, CHOReVOLUTION project is structured in seven Research and Innovation objectives detailed below. The project objectives identify the challenges to be faced in order to realize dynamic and secured choreographies in the Future Internet via dynamic distributed coordination of services, starting from the state of the art and from the expertise built within CHOReOS. Objective OB6 integrates the outcomes of the other objectives into the CHOReVOLUTION Integration Platform; OB4 and OB5 are cross-cutting hence impacting on all the technical issues addressed by OB1, OB2, and OB3. These seven objectives are classified into Research actions (i.e., OB1, OB2, OB3, and OB4), and Innovation actions (i.e., OB5, OB6, and OB7). The latter concern the market and outreach activities that the CHOReVOLUTION project will boost.
Research Actions.
OB1 – Choreography modeling notations to support adaptation, evolution, and security: BPMN2 Choreography Diagrams represent the de facto standard in the current practice of choreography specification and design. CHOReVOLUTION goes one step further as required for industry application. It specifically targets novel and more powerful modeling notations that, integrated with BPMN2 Choreography Diagrams, will be able to represent and assess the adaptation and evolution points of choreography.
OB2 – Automated and dynamic choreography synthesis: CHOReVOLUTION requires synthesis techniques to support the automated construction of coordination software entities that guarantee the collaboration specified by the choreography model, under possible choreography adaptation, evolution, and security.
OB3 – Middleware for dynamic and secured choreographies: CHOReVOLUTION targets choreographies that integrate both business services and Things of the Future Internet as first-class entities.
OB4 – Secured choreographies: in CHOReVOLUTION multiple services involved in choreography often belong to different security domains governed by different authorities and use different identity attributes that are utilized in their access control polices. Furthermore, fine-grained per-service identity management mechanisms will be developed to filter the service behaviour according to an associated identity profile, up to the granularity level of a single service operation.
Innovation Actions.
OB5 – Validation through industrial use cases: CHOReVOLUTION technologies and tools, related to OB1-OB4, will be thoroughly validated against two industrial use cases, namely Urban Traffic Coordination and Smart Mobility and Tourism, both in the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
OB6 – Development Support & Integration Platform: CHOReVOLUTION will adopt advanced technologies to support the collaborative implementation of the development process and associated tool
During this period, the first year of CHOReVOLUTION, the 2 first milestones were:
1. Requirements and Use Cases Elicitation at M6.
2. Initial version of the CHOReVOLUTION Platform at M12.
To reach these milestones, CHOReVOLUTION project has performed the following activities:
• Definition of the use cases perimeter by using requirements and by defining the first choreographies (in WP4 and WP5),
• First specification and first developments of CHOReVOLUTION Enablers (in WP2 and in WP3),
• First delivery of the CHOReVOLUTION platform (in WP6).
In order to integrate future evolutions and feedbacks, a number of supporting tools were selected, specifically regarding requirements management and collaborative development activities.
In parallel, the different activities to promote CHOReVOLUTION were defined and planned in the context of WP7.
During this second period, the milestone MS3 (Intermediate Version of the CHOReVOLUTION Platform) was reached with:
• A mature version of CHOReVOLUTION platform, delivered at M24 (in WP6) with its documentation and integration the enablers developed in WP2 and in WP3.
• A global implementation of the use cases for experimentation delivered at M24 (in WP4 and in WP5).
In parallel, different activities to promote CHOReVOLUTION were started and planned in 2017 in the context of WP7.
The impact of CHOReVOLUTION is followed through WP7 deliverables. At the end of this first year, the different plans were written for:
• Community building plan (D7.2),
• Collaboration plan (D7.3),
• Dissemination and Standardization plan (D7.4),
• Industrialization, Exploitation and Market Take-up (D7.5)
These activities are ongoing and has started during this first year and are providing the first results:
• Community Building
Set up the collaborative platform, 9 mailing lists, private wiki with template, meetings, WP documents, etc.
• Technical infrastructure
Development Tools: Git, Tuleap, JIRA, Bamboo, Sonar, RISCOSS.
Testing and deployment: OW2stack - Tools status:
• Dissemination collateral
Public website, social networks, visual identity, project logos,
Factsheet, Roll-up Totem (Poster), FISSi update.
• Market Take-up
Based on FISSi, OW2 Ecosystem, AppHub marketplace,
Workshops and conferences.
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