Property-related data (e.g., public records of property, ownership related data, cadastral data, data on buildings and land parcels, land use data, property prices, statistical data on property transactions, etc.) are one of the most valuable datasets managed by governments...
Property-related data (e.g., public records of property, ownership related data, cadastral data, data on buildings and land parcels, land use data, property prices, statistical data on property transactions, etc.) are one of the most valuable datasets managed by governments worldwide and extensively used in various domains by private and public organizations. Unfortunately, these data are not always easy to access. House and property data are used in a variety of ways to produce value added information within and across several business sectors, including real estate and debt collection. Such sectors suffer from a lack of innovation, partly due to a fragmented data ecosystem which makes it difficult to access relevant datasets. This hampers innovation, protects incumbents and promotes rent-seeking business models. The difficulty in creating a single, open data market partly depends on the fact that some governmental agencies are currently making significant revenues on selling data to a restricted number of business players in the private sector. However, several studies, demonstrated that the transaction costs for government agencies tend to be very high, and often make selling the data non-profitable.
The creation of a single, coherent and open data-centric ecosystem that revolves around an online data market would allow data producers across Europe to easily disseminate their datasets and facilitate data consumers across different sectors to more easily find and access the data they need to create value-added products and services. proDataMarket aims to create a data marketplace for property-related data and disrupt the property-related data market across Europe, demonstrating innovation across sectors where property-related data value chains are relevant, by leveraging and transferring technologies from the emerging Data-as-a-Service, Linked Data and Open Data domains.
The main technical contribution of the proDataMarket project is the proDataMarket marketplace, which is a platform that allows data producers to disseminate their datasets and enable easier access to their data to create value-added products and services. The proDataMarket marketplace consists of a unified offering of two main components – the Producer Portal and the Consumer Portal.
The Producer Portal is based on the DataGraft platform and the Ontotext Cognitive Cloud Platform and aims to help data publishers process, integrate and publish their data online, so that they can be used in the proDataMarket marketplace. Thereby, it provides tools for data cleaning and transformation, data management, data hosting, data augmentation, visualisation and exploration.
The Consumer Portal of the proDataMarket marketplace is dedicated to customers of the data marketplace. The Consumer Portal takes advantage of the data hosting infrastructure provided by the Producer Portal and provides a purchase option for proprietary data that is published there. Furthermore, it provides services for dataset discovery based on the Dandelion platform, which can be used to browse the offered datasets from a catalogue. Finally, it provides a set of geospatial data analytics that are used in the proDataMarket marketplace to demonstrate/display live data (possibly a small subset of the data) offered in the marketplace.
In addition to the technical results, proDataMarket has developed seven products/services that are either production ready or in their final stages before deployment. In particular, the project produced a service to estimate the value of corporate real estate property portfolios resulting in a more objective estimation of property prices, which is accompanied by a visualisation service for improved exploration and analysis of potential real estate investments and marketing potential of a specific territory. Another product of the project is an improved Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) fund assignment service, which enables the reduction of incorrect CAP grants assignments. Furthermore, the project developed a “State of the Estate†service pilot, which enables better efficiency and sustainability of public estate, combined with a risk and vulnerability analysis service supporting the risk and vulnerability analysis in the planning process of construction and maintenance projects. Finally, the project provides two property related mobile applications leveraging augmented reality technology: one for displaying relevant infrastructural information for workers in property development, and another one for plotting building designs for easing the process of documentation and negotiation of building permits requests.
proDataMarket advances the state of the art in the area of technical infrastructures for data marketplaces as well as in the specific domains of each individual business case.
During the final period, the project has built on the technical results from the first period in the proDataMarket marketplace, which integrates a number of tools for effective publishing and consumption of property-related Linked Data, enabling richer ways to transform and query data, easier interlinking and mapping between datasets, and provisioning of the data for the business cases. Thereby, the proDataMarket marketplace has been consolidated into a unified offering of two main components – the Producer Portal and the Consumer Portal. The Producer Portal implements tools for data publishers that help them process, integrate and publish their data online, so that they can be used in the proDataMarket marketplace. The Consumer Portal has been developed during the second period of the project and is dedicated to customers of the data marketplace.
In terms of business impact, the project developed seven innovative products/services, which have either already had, or have demonstrated potential to impact on both the public and private sectors. They are as follows: The Cerved Cadastral Report Service (CCRS) for property valuation for bank customer segment; Cerved Scouting the Terrain (CST) service, an internal process improvement application for property appraisal; Neighbour Notice App and Service (NNAS) augmented reality application for data collection process for building permits requests; Subterranean Infrastructure Map (SIM) is an augmented reality application for easing planning and reducing damages to subterranean infrastructures; Common Agriculture Policy funds Assignments Service (CAPAS), which improves the management and upgrades the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) database of the Spanish CAP Payment Agency; Risk and Vulnerability Analysis Service (RVAS), a web application for supporting the process of preliminary risk assessment for state-owned properties in Norway; State of Estate (SoE), a web-based application allowing users to check the data quality (if they are owners), or generate the SoE report in Norway.
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