The main objective of STORY is to show the added value storage can bring for a flexible, secure and sustainable energy system.This will be achieved by showing the inter-relations between technologies and stakeholders as well as the potential and impact of policy and...
The main objective of STORY is to show the added value storage can bring for a flexible, secure and sustainable energy system.
This will be achieved by showing the inter-relations between technologies and stakeholders as well as the potential and impact of policy and regulation.
The future European grid has to serve a diverse and mixed landscape of users in a situation of mixed rules and responsibilities depending on the policy and regulatory choices that will be made. Challenges include high penetration of renewables, bi-directional flows of different energy vectors, growing number of users and requirements for higher security. The European commission wants to strengthen the position of the EU energy industry, including those players active in producing solutions for security of supply, increased share of renewables and grid stability. The advances in ICT technology, intelligent control algorithms, inverter and storage technologies provide strong tools to cope with these challenges.
Given this context, STORY focuses on providing relevant and wide-covering demonstrations that serve as input for a thorough and transparent analysis on what the impact of storage can be for the involved stakeholders. Storage is considered as a means, while not neglecting other competing technologies that could provide a similar or complementary functionality.
The actions that the 18 members from 9 European countries in STORY consortium are going to take in a 5-year project bring a valuable contribution to turn these challenges into opportunities. They will not only develop the most
viable storage and ICT solutions for the demonstration sites, but they will also analyse the impact of large penetration of the technologies through simulations, analyse the effect of policies and regulations to the business opportunities of
storage related industry and communicate the findings to wider community through systematic strategies for impact creation.
In the 1st period the main grid challenges to be addressed by storage solutions were defined and the grid simulation scenarios chosen. The requirements for the hardware and software elements to be applied in the demonstrations and simulations were specified. One significant result was the definition of a three level architecture for the control system. The consortium studied the ethics requirements for the different sites and prepared the neccessary documents.
In the 2nd period the installations on some demo sites were finalised. Some measurement data was gathered and used for detailing the simulation models. The theoretical control strategies and control algorithms were developed. The development of the communication gateways on level 2 and level 3 of the IT architecture took place. The measurement protocols and related Key Performance Indicators were defined as well as the large-scale network modelling approach. The definition of the business models continued in the BRIDGE framework.
In the 3rd period, all demonstrations were or became operational. All demonstrations have already delivered highly relevant lessons for further market roll out of these technologies. The first versions of the control algorithms were deployed, to be continuously updated. Security recommendations for the components and the communication channels were specified. For the demonstration sites, operation data is measured, and stored in the common database and KPIs are assessed on-line. The large scale simulations were completed and enable comparison of storage impact on network voltage levels and current congestion mitigation. Analysis of the implications of current regulation proposals for storage was performed. Business models of the STORY demonstrations were mapped.
By end of P3, 6 newsletters, 2 STORY highlights and 3 informative movies of the demo sites were published, a webinar was organised, and the project was presented at international conferences. Over 350 000 views and interactions through website and social media were reached.
In order to make a clear and visual overview of the ambition and novelties in each demonstration and how the demonstrations complement one another, radial charts are provided in attachment. The charts are supported here by a structured ambition overview, covering all aspects of the STORY project.
1) Ambition level regarding demonstration technologies
The storage technologies used in the different STORY demonstration sites include established types of resources (TRL9), but also newer technologies still requiring to be validated in real on-site operation (TRL5). Although the technologies used in the demonstrations may be business as usual, the way they are used in the demonstrations is clearly beyond the state-of-the-art.
2) Technical integration
The technological ambition of STORY is strongly related to the novel ways of using and integrating existing and partly new technologies with the help of ICT tools for the control and management of the local networks.
3) Modelling
The multi-energy modelling tool Apros will be used in STORY for modelling the sites, including the ones with more than 1 energy vector. The simulation models are calibrated and verified by the demonstrations. The simulations will enable much better coverage of different options, situations and scenarios than the demonstrations as such. They will also contribute to the extrapolation task, where the opportunities created by wider penetration of storages in the grid will be studied.
4) Value chain
STORY will go into the depths of the installation of storage technologies at the different levels of the power value chain. The larger scale levels of the value chain, such as power markets and high voltage electricity networks will be considered and the impacts of STORY will be modelled.
5) Strong and open cooperation
There has been strong efforts by the Commission to encourage cooperation between different projects with related themes. STORY will take a radically new approach for the exchange of knowledge between the projects with related projects.
6) Communication technologies
STORY will develop communication platforms for the demonstration sites, including the information and control exchanges and will integrate the measuring and monitoring in the platforms. The performance and other quality of service properties of the communication technologies will be analyzed with respect to the requirements of the demonstration sites. A strong emphasis is put on potential savings through improved interoperability.
7) Regulations and policies
The fundamental idea of STORY is to provide strong evidence on the opportunities provided by the intelligent integration of storages in the grid and the benefits that can be obtained. STORY will provide a comprehensive guide for policy makers and regulators showing the pros and cons of different approaches to the integration of storage technologies and providing guidelines to achieve different objectives related to energy storage.
8) Competitiveness for the business actors
The increased competitiveness of European industries in the area of storage technologies requires in addition to the thorough analysis of the preconditions, also a development of competitive business models that are carefully designed to meet the needs of the clients. STORY will provide a transparent and clear overview of the impact regulated or market driven roll out of storage will have for each of the stakeholders.
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