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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WMF2015 (World Manufacturing Forum 2015)


The WMF2015 aimed at organizing an event, which assembled global policy experts, industry leaders from large multinationals to small-to-medium sized enterprises, and academic leaders to discuss the policy, economic, social, and technical challenges that influence global...


The WMF2015 aimed at organizing an event, which assembled global policy experts, industry leaders from large multinationals to small-to-medium sized enterprises, and academic leaders to discuss the policy, economic, social, and technical challenges that influence global manufacturing industry. The event was at its fourth edition.

The main objectives of the event have been:
- To be an opportunity where policy makers from central government (i.e. Minister, Vice-Minister or Director) and key role players of the industry (high level managers) from leading countries in Manufacturing (France, Germany, Italy, South Africa and USA) presented, shared and discussed their national agendas and key issues on the digitalization of manufacturing.
- To be a platform for the communication of the European Commission strategies and policies to a global audience.
- To be an ambitious event to present results of the European cooperative research, to support the Horizon2020 and to discuss about international cooperation in R&D.
- To present the future plan of becoming a permanent organization to improving research, innovation and competitiveness of all countries in the field of Manufacturing and supporting to shape the regional and national industrial agenda.

Work performed

The projects was performed by two committees:

• The program Committee: composed by 8 members who identified and implemented the program topics and speakers.
• The organization committee: composed by 9 members who helps the program committee with the program and the speakers contacts, and who managed the logistic activities for the event organization

The main activities performed during the event organization are:

• The development and definition of the themes and the program of the conference, which have captured the needs and interests of policy makers, industry, finance, academia, unions and society, as demonstrated by the membership organizations of the speakers.
• The communication plan with website, newsletters and booklets kit.
• The organization of a two days event, attracting more than 400 participants.

Final results

The final result of the project was the two day event held in Barcelona, with the participation of more than 40 speakers from different countries, more than 400 participants from different sectors, industries, academia, RTO and government.
During the event organization different association such as EFFRA (European Factory of the Future Association), Confindustria Lombardia, and Cecimo have been involved.
In addition, selected press and journalists have been invited to help in the dissemination of the event as well as the results, generating around 20 articles published in the Italian and international press.
As a result of the WMF2016 many stakeholders have been the commitment to create a long term organization convening in an informal environment the most relevant high-level stakeholders – business, governments and social society and acting as a catalyst for major global challenges and initiatives.
The WMF long term organization will manage 2 objectives: the WMF Global Manufacturing Report, addressing hype manufacturing topics and outlining the most relevant trends, needs and policies and the WMF Event.

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