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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TripOD (Advanced Analytics for Trip Origin-Destination Matrices)


TripOD is an innovative solution that mines and analyses a variety of ICT-based data sources (mobile phone records, smart cards, GPS tracts, online social networks), alone or in combination with traditional data (census, traffic counts), to provide private companies and public...


TripOD is an innovative solution that mines and analyses a variety of ICT-based data sources (mobile phone records, smart cards, GPS tracts, online social networks), alone or in combination with traditional data (census, traffic counts), to provide private companies and public sector organisations with meaningful and actionable demographic and travel demand information. The purpose of the Feasibility Study conducted in the frame of H2020 SME Instrument Phase 1 was to assess the technical and commercial viability of the proposed solution and elaborate a detailed business plan.

Work performed

The main results of this work are the following:
- The solution has been demonstrated in an operational environment at pre-commercial scale, proving the viability of the technology.
- The potential market has been analysed, characterising the needs, concerns and motivations of different target users.
- The analysis of competitors has helped us shape and differentiate our value proposition, based on bringing together the necessary expertise in the analysis of spatio-temporal data with specific sectoral knowledge.
- The first data use agreements have been put in place in Europe; taking advantage of this experience, other agreements are currently being negotiated for other markets.
- We have defined our strategy of alliances with sectoral partners, aimed to facilitate commercialisation and market development.
- The IPR protection strategy has been outlined.
- The assessment of operating costs and the pricing policy have been refined.
- Different opportunities have been identified, in particular the possibility to transfer the TripOD solution to other markets beyond transport, such as tourism or retail.

Final results

The main result is the confirmation of the technical and financial viability of the proposed solution. The project has also confirmed the potential of TripOD to disrupt the market of mobility data, by providing rich information and generating drastic cost and time savings.

The next steps are the following:
- consolidate and extend the existing alliances with data providers and sectoral partners,
- conduct a more extensive performance demonstration in different operational contexts,
- mobilise market uptake on a broader scale.

To implement these actions, additional funding will be searched from a combination of public and private funding sources.

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