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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RemBAP (Remote Building Analytics platform for Utilities to deliver large-scale efficiency to SMEs and commercial portfolios)


Buildings represent the largest energy-consuming sector, accounting for over one-third of the global consumption of all energy (and half of all electricity). As a result, they are also responsible for approximately one-third of global carbon emissions. Two-thirds of the...


Buildings represent the largest energy-consuming sector, accounting for over one-third of the global consumption of all energy (and half of all electricity). As a result, they are also responsible for approximately one-third of global carbon emissions. Two-thirds of the buildings that will be in use in 2050 have already been constructed and require the implementation of efficiency measures.
Besides the building envelope, other relevant sources of energy inefficiencies depend on the building use and the specific energy needs (lighting, equipment, cooling, etc). Regardless of the type of building, energy savings are always strongly influenced by the behaviour of occupants in the use of energy. Annual energy costs in buildings can be reduced by up to 20% only through monitoring and optimized use of the energy systems. European businesses are concerned about the increasing price of energy bills, and the EU has in turn taken action to improve building energy performance across Europe, defining a roadmap towards 2020 nearly zero-energy buildings (2010/31/EU). The energy efficiency directive (2012/27/EU), which aims for a 20% reduction in Europe\'s annual primary energy consumption by 2020, targets energy providers and energy consumers alike. In this context, current efforts in energy efficiency are not enough and both small consumers and energy utilities are paying a high price for the EU’s environmental awareness. High-level innovation in energy management software (higher level of automation; reduced prices) is called to play a key role in reaching a wider number of end-users while allowing utilities to make a promising future through appropriate market positioning.
Driven by customer demand, DEXMA’s overall objective through RemBAP project is to bring to commercial readiness a new advanced building analytics software platform based on our current DEXCell Energy Management solution that will dramatically simplify energy management and will encourage mass adoption of energy efficiency by small-medium users, among them many SMEs, for whom energy efficiency is currently out of reach.

Work performed

During the Phase 1 we had the opportunity to validate the feasibility of DEXMA’s objective to widely reach SME customers with the innovative features of the new product. The European context as well as several target national markets were analysed in order to assess the business opportunities and risks considering the particular political, economic and social factors affecting the adoption of RemBAP in each of these markets. The requirements and features of the new software product were also deeply analysed. As a result we gained knowledge on the technologies available to bring RemBAP to the reality and we set up an accurate plan for product development and product validation in real operational environments. Following product definition and customer identification, we worked out the business model that we will use during the first period of the commercialization phase and which was the base to build the business plan. Finally, the company’s strategy for the next years was reviewed according to the business plan elaborated for the new product.

Final results

Serving more than 800 businesses across 28 countries, DEXMA is a leading provider of Energy Management Software for buildings, commercial and industry sectors. DEXCell Energy Manager is a cloud-based software, hardware-neutral, to help organizations reduce energy use and cost, through utility bill tracking, continuous monitoring, submetering, analysis, alarms, reports and controls. DEXMA sells its software and services through a Global Partner Network of 175 companies, most of them Energy Services Company, Utilities and Integrators. As a result, today DEXCell EM is measuring more than 10,000 energy meters from more than 3,000 sites.
The new product RemBAP represents a unique opportunity for DEXMA to expand our business by creating profitable win-win relations with energy sector stakeholders under a completely new scheme. Successful market uptake of our new product will have a global impact, encouraging mass adoption of energy efficiency by small-medium users, among them many SMEs, for whom energy efficiency is currently out of reach.