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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - St. Bernard (St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients)


The objective of the overall innovation project (phase I and phase II) is to validate new biomarkers and a medical device with a mobile solution, that allows earlier EEG diagnostics of an unconscious or comatose patient than what is achieved in the current the clinical...


The objective of the overall innovation project (phase I and phase II) is to validate new biomarkers and a medical device with a mobile solution, that allows earlier EEG diagnostics of an unconscious or comatose patient than what is achieved in the current the clinical practice.

In Phase I, we have conducted a feasibility study on Emergency EEG and the use of AEP (Auditory Evoked Potential) in emergency medicine. This study has been done as a literature review and by discussing/interviewing the key stakeholders in different clinics and hospital in Finland and other countries.

Work performed

We have done the whole project work tasks:
Task 1: Feasibility study on Emergency EEG and use of AEP in emergency medicine
Task 2: Business plan for the product enabling use of Emergency EEG monitoring for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients
Task 3: Plan for technical modifications and additions needed to current products
Task 4: Risk assessment

The feasibility report is ready and it points that:

a) emergency medicine would benefit from a system as BrainStatus
b) there is a market opportunity in the global healthcare market for a product as BrainStatus
c) the potential applications range from the accident-site to emergency room and ICU

Final results

The final results point that we should apply for Phase II funding and further develop the BrainStatus concept. The socio-economical impacts can be great, depending on the application. For example, if the BrainStatus concept is applied to emergency response, the treatment chain and correct care can be started right away, rather than waiting the ambulance ride to the hospital.

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