It has been estimated that on any given day in EU, about 80.000 patients have at least one Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI), that is, 1 in 18 patients in a European hospital has a HAI. The studies support the view that HAIs are the most common complication of hospitalization...
It has been estimated that on any given day in EU, about 80.000 patients have at least one Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI), that is, 1 in 18 patients in a European hospital has a HAI. The studies support the view that HAIs are the most common complication of hospitalization. In USA alone 100.000 people die of HAI-related complications each year. The major cause of infections is catheters accounting for approximately 40%. Up to 50% of patients receiving longâ€term care with urinary catheters will experience catheter encrustation and blockage.
The innovation, the Bacticon Catheter, presented in this project is a catheter impregnation technology that can be applied on urinary catheters already marketed by leading med-techs, promising a strong and immediate impact. The catheter is a new biosensor/biomarker principle based on biomarkers, bio-nanoparticles and nano-channels in a new hybrid material, allowing for an immediate detection. The system is an add-on to existing catheters and is therefore cost efficient and face a faster route through approval procedures, providing much more precise and real-time monitoring.
The Bacticon Catheter enables the caregiver of a critical ill person to detect an infection immediately and start treatment. A person with a permanent catheter is able to monitor his/hers own infection level and seek medical treatment before the symptoms develop. Implementation of the concept does not require specific educated personnel since the kit, consisting of standard components, is very simple to handle and easy to integrate in a home environment.
The technological feasibility study was conducted for an integrated prototype and independent components of the prototype with the aim to prepare for clinical studies.
Feasibility studies of technology, users and economy have verified a huge potential to detect and prevent infections, save lives and reduce the economic burden on a global scale.
Objective 1: Technological feasibility study: An integrated prototype has been verified and adjusted
Objective 2 (User feasibility study):
The product need has been verified by conducting a market and user study, a product innovation strategy, partner search, feasibility of concept, benchmarking with other products and a go-to-market strategy.
Objective 3 (Economical feasibility study):
The economical sustainability of the product has been verified by mapping sales channels and analysing product cost and sales price.
The expected results
The new Catheter solution will solve the problems of standard catheters by adding the values:
• Precise and on-line monitoring of CAUTIs. Treatment of the patient is pro-active and will be possible to initiate 2-3 days before current practices, which will increase changes for saving lives.
• Low cost and simple add-on impregnating technology useful for marketed urinary catheters, which will ease the marketability of the product.
• Catheter applications are both suitable for critical ill patients and self-monitoring patients.
• Self-monitoring users will be able to avoid bladder stones and catheters which cannot be retrieved.
• Self-monitoring users will get access to a much more reliable CAUTI detection, and experience an increased quality of life, because they can take precautions before they get sick due to an infection.
• A simple detection setup including well-known medico device components (laser/reader/screen) already used by personnel and simple to learn to use for patients and relatives.
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