LEGEND studies the feasibility of creating a platform of tools focused on sport. Covering from the players, to the facilities or tournaments, in order disrupt a sector where still today customers use paper, spreadsheets and poor quality websites.Born in Europe, has quickly...
LEGEND studies the feasibility of creating a platform of tools focused on sport. Covering from the players, to the facilities or tournaments, in order disrupt a sector where still today customers use paper, spreadsheets and poor quality websites.
Born in Europe, has quickly grown worldwide and customers from Australia to Argentina are using the platform.
The objective is to become the leader worldwide in software applied to sport and to make it available to all citizens regardless of their sex, age and economy. Therefore helping to make the world a better place and increasing sport practice.
During the last six months we had the opportunity to deeply study how to growth internationally. Not only theoretically but also experimenting with real data, thanks to the early adoption we are having in many countries of the world.
We have grown from no customers last summer, to 50 in February 2015, 250 in April and more than 7000 in July, mainly from Spain, South and Latin America and with a fast growing base worldwide. Top growing non Spanish speaking countries are USA, France, Italy and Germany.
We are still behind our main competitors from USA and we need extra financial resources in order to compete with them and keep growing as well as maintaining our technological advantage. At the same time, we have validated our business model and product at all levels and we are proud to confirm the feasibility of LEGEND.
When we applied to SME Instrument phase 1 we had just launched our product and achieved great local success in a short time. The focus of LEGEND project was to study the feasibility to go global, the market size, the IP management and whether we had to modify or adapt our product
After six months of work we have performed a deep quantitative and qualitative analysis that enable us to afford the second phase with confidence and a solid base of insights.
Furthermore, since we applied to SME Instrument Phase 1, we have received three recognitions that should be pointed out:
Premio Emprendedor XXI de laCaixa - 1st position at Internet and Mobile projects, 4th position at the overall competition —most important entrepreneurial award in Spain—.
Selected by Google for its accelerator Google Launchpad. Today we have engineers of Google reviewing our apps and $100,000 in Google Cloud services.
Selected by Spain Tech Centre of San Francisco (USA) to be part of their immersion program in Silicon Valley. We were there two weeks in April and May talking to investors, customers, mentors and visiting local startups and companies like Paypal.
Last version of our product can be checked in https://mileyenda.com and navigate through thousands of tournaments being organised with the tool.
Today, more than 50% of our users are outside Spain and the number keeps growing. Becoming more international has lead to getting customers as the most important league of amateur football in Italy with more than 22,000 players. We are currently in negotiations with a partner in Finland and another in Slovenia that would add more than 50,000 new players.
We are working with private leagues, federations, governments, universities and all of them are satisfied and delighted with our product.
The expected results are a platform used worldwide, multilingual, both web and mobile, low cost.
We are allowing anyone organising a sport tournament to have the right software to do it, decreasing the daily time they spent and using the desire of players to compete to increase the practice of sports.
More info: https://mileyenda.com.