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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CiWater (Feasibility study for water leakage detector CiWater)


A water distribution network is an important part of the infrastructure. In every water pipe system around the world typically 20-50 % of the produced water is lost before it reaches the consumer, corresponding to a production cost of more than 20 M€ every day. It is a...


A water distribution network is an important part of the infrastructure. In every water pipe system around the world typically 20-50 % of the produced water is lost before it reaches the consumer, corresponding to a production cost of more than 20 M€ every day. It is a challenge to find small leakages before they became major and causing an emergency.
In this study we have modified equipment from a previous project and performed measurements on different leakage conditions to gain experience and knowledge to specify the requirements for the product to be developed. Several assumptions have been proved and a preliminary project plan is elaborated.
During the time of the study we have had a master thesis in industrial design studying the operating procedure of this kind of device and the outcome is a user friendly and ergonomic enclosure concept to be further developed in the future product.
A market survey have been performed where several end-users and experts have been interviewed. The results shows clearly that there is a big problem with Non-Revenue Water and that the existing systems cannot cope with all kind of conditions. There is a need for a more capable equipment to find leakages in varying conditions.
A preliminary business plan is elaborated.
With the results from the different parts of the project described above we feel confident to continue to the real product development phase for which we will apply for funding from the SME Instrument phase 2.

Work performed

In this study we have modified equipment from a previous project and performed measurements on different leakage conditions to gain experience and knowledge to specify the requirements for the product to be developed. We have used one of our old demonstrator system to make further measurements in different scenarios.
The operating frequency is 2 GHz and it is possible to detect water leakages on 0.5-1 meter depth. For many regions e.g Sweden the pipes are on several meters depth meaning we have a requirement to increase the penetration depth to be able to find leakages deeper in the ground. It is obvious that this will be achieved with lower frequencies and bigger antennas but we also want to keep the portable size of the system to be easy to operate. One parameter that is losing in performance with lower frequency is the sensitivity to detect very small movements. So we have an optimizing problem to select the best frequency to get a useful penetration depth and still manage to detect the small movements caused by the slowly flowing water in the ground.
To try out different frequencies, measurements were made with laboratory equipment in real environment with controlled “leakages”. The pictures below show some of the setups with the antennas in one of many pre-determined grid positions.
Measurements have been performed in different soil types and leakage conditions in order to gain experience to specify system requirements.
The signal processing is continuously enhanced for increased detection probability and reduced false alarm rate and also to handle different conditions.

Test results
Soil type and its moister content are heavily affecting the behaviour of the radar so it´s important the system is able to automatically adopt to different situations.
We have found out that, in addition to use the “right” frequency, the antenna have to be designed to minimize the influence of different surfaces, otherwise the system could be absolutely “blind” for certain conditions.
Several signal processing algorithms have been developed and they have been compared and judged and the conclusions will be input to the next phase of development.

Operational analysis
During the time of the study we have finalized a master thesis in industrial design studying the operational procedure of this kind of device. The outcome is a user friendly and ergonomic enclosure concept, to be further developed in the future project.
The results from this master thesis is extremely valuable to have at an early stage in product development.

Market analysis
The results from the market survey shows clearly that there is a big problem with Non-Revenue Water, and it seems to be a problem regardless of geographically location.
The survey also shows that most network consist of a variation of types of pipes made by metal, plastic or concrete. Therefore, we cannot draw any conclusion if different pipe material gives different results regarding water leakages.
From the answers received it is also clear that Non-Revenue Water is an increasing problem and that there is a uncertainty about how to reduce this even though most of the answers shows that most of the existing tools in the market today are used on a regular basis.
The conclusion drawn from this market survey is that there is a big problem with Non-Revenue Water and the problem exists in most countries. This together with limitations of existing systems, particular when it comes to certain pipe material and sizes of tubes, gives us the proper incentives to continue with the project CiWater.

Market potential
The market potential for an instrument that in an easy but consistent way can detect small leakages in water networks is considerable. Only in Sweden there are 290 municipals with independently owned water supply networks.
The situation is very similar in many European countries except Great Britain where water supply is privately owned and more concentrated to fewer organisations.

Final results

Market potential
The market potential for an instrument that in an easy but consistent way can detect small leakages in water networks is considerable. Only in Sweden there are 290 municipals with independently owned water supply networks.
The situation is very similar in many European countries except Great Britain where water supply is privately owned and more concentrated to fewer organisations.
With a need of 2-3 systems in each organisation owning a water supply network, the potential market would count more than 10.000 systems in Europe alone.

The outcome of the phase 2 project will be a product that is developed and verified in function in cooperation with end-users end experts.

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