The “Meet and learn What Excellent science does FOR YOUâ€, the European Researchers’Night 2015 in Slovenia was actually at least partially built on successful previous experiences.Main objectives of the action consisted of enhancement of public recognition of researchers...
The “Meet and learn What Excellent science does FOR YOUâ€, the European Researchers’Night 2015 in Slovenia was actually at least partially built on successful previous experiences.
Main objectives of the action consisted of enhancement of public recognition of researchers and their work, of its impact on citizens’ daily lives and well-being, as well as stimulating young people’s interest for science and science careers.
The numerous activities offered related to several research topics, such as Energy research & innovation, Environment & Climate Action, Health, and ICT & Secure Society; they wre located in 4 important Slovenian cities, namely Ljubljana, Novo Mesto, Izola and Planica.
Addressing the public at large in all its components, with however a strong focus on kids and young people, in particular those facing or about to face a career choice, the activities included talk shows, hands-on experiments, interactive exhibitions, quizzes, attractive presentations of experiments, demonstrations of experiments in life, excursions, round tables, laboratory games, guided tours, European corners.
The programme proposed enabled the wide public audience to identify itself with the researchers’ life and to promote science not only for its societal contribution but also as a rewarding and fascinating career choice.
Visitors had the opportunity to share the researchers’ engagement in searching solutions to societal problems in areas such as efficient use and energy production, diseases and other health-related problems, as well as environment preservation and nature protection. They also could experience research day-to-day practices, in the very spaces and places where research is carried out, using the sophisticated instrumetns set at their disposal and benefitting form detailed explanations from those who usually carry out such works.
Awareness campaign was intended to reach broad Slovenian audience with focus on capital city Ljubljana, capital town of Dolenjska region Novo mesto, Izola and Planica. The goal was to make aware the public about the mission of the Researchers \'night, the program and events that was organized on the indicated day and to transfer the messages to the Slovenian largest public about meetings and interactions with science and with the researchers working in Slovenia. Promotional and awareness activities lasted from May 2015 till September 2015 and were involving the specified work and the activities envisaged in particular tasks of the WP1 (team preparation, program scenarios providing permissions for public events on the city sites from responsible authorities, meetings with the mass media (newspapers, TV and radio shows) for support and setting plans for the most efficient campaign. With coordinated actions and activities intended for the general public, we addressed as many attendees as possible, and at the same emphasising attention on the targeted groups (children, youth, elderly and families). We accomplished different kinds of information campaign, based on personal one-on-one communication, mass media communications, lobbying to the representatives (press, television, and e-media) all in order to attract general public and to stress the importance of the project.
Target audiences
o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Determined components of the general public (students, kids, families, elderly…);
o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, especially those facing a career choice;
Messages conveyed
o Researchers are amongst us;
o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;
o Meet and learn what excellence science does for you and the society;
o Science is a trip adventure for curious minds;
Main communication tools to rely on
Off line
o Publication of articles, announcements and advertisements in several written media (daily newspapers such as Dnevnik, Primorske Novice);
o Airing of promotional spots and programmes on several radio and Tv stations (Radio Val 202, Centre, Aktual, POPTV, RTVSLO, Planet TV, TV medias..);
o Direct mailings;
o Direct visits to various institutions and stakeholders;
o Special media coverage in major magazines and newspapers;
o Public advertising on public transport means (Ljubljana);
o Launch of a European Researchers’ Night poster competition:
o Creation of a poster representing the image of scientists, his/her work, his/her activities, life, working environment, especially addressing mentors/tutors of art classes in primary and secondary schools;
o 2 age categories: 6-15, 14 and over;
o Selection of 5-10 finalists in each age group, 2 best rewarded;
o Other finalists having their own exhibition held on the same day as the European Researchers’ Night;
o Jury composed of 4 members (3 from academia, one from art circles)
On line
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website;
o Revamping, updating and maintenance of social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter);
o On-line advertising electronic banners video clips available also on YouTube);
o Electronic mailings;
Promotional material
o Folders, brochures, programmes, posters;
o City lights, billboards, vieo clips, DVDs, public advertisement;
o Banners and ads on-line;
o Mention of \"\"This European Researchers\' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions\"\" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at
The very title of the action ‘Meet and learn What Excellent science does FOR YOU and the society’ tells us that we want in the first place to present sci\"
Overview of the results: AWARENESS CAMPAIGN
o Definition of the overall communication strategy and selection of the subcontractor in charge of it (Identification (elaboration of terms of reference, call for tenders, evaluation and selection);
o Identification of the very targets of the campaign (public at large with focus on kids , pupils and students);
o Definition of the various messages to be conveyed, namely:
o Researchers are amongst us (meaning that researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary and exciting job that make them staying young and bright);
o Meet and learn what excellence science does for you and the society;
o Science is a trip adventure for curious minds;
o Setting up of project Web page;
o Over 415.744 total visits on webpage (26. 10. 2015);
o Setting up of social networks profiles: Facebook ( and Twitter (;
o 2.204 likes on Facebook profile (26. 10. 2015);
o Setting up of various YouTube accounts;
o Reception of 102 posters in the framework of the drawing competition;
o Sponsor search: City of Ljubljana (Main), Mayor of the City of Ljubljana Zoran Janković (honorary), Radio 1 (media);
o Public advertising: display of posters of various formats throughout the city, and of folders in public spaces;
o Advertising in Ljubljana public transport (city buses)
o Airing of promotional spots, announcements, interviews on several radio and TV stations National (RTVSLO, Planet TV);
o Direct contacts with primary and secondary schools (about 600 schools approached);
o About 350.000 people made aware of the Researchers\' night and its objectives;
Overview of the results: ACTIVITIES DURING THE NIGHT
o Offer of 85 different activities to the attendees, complying with the plans as described in Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
- Hands on experiments;
- Theatre games;
- Demos and shows;
- Lectures, workshops, art workshops, guided tours …
- European corners…;
o Overall number of researchers involved in the implementation of activities: about 3.000 researchers were actively involved in the preparation and implementation of the activities linked the Night, of which:
- 300 were actively involved in the implementation of the activities during the Night itself;
- Having benefited from MSCA schemes: 500;
- Having benefited from EU support (FP 7, H 2020): 2.500;
o Live interactive face-to-face radio broadcasting: estimated 289.000 listeners, of which
- 187.000 in Ljubljana;
- 35.000 in Izola;
- And 67.000 in Novo Mesto;
o About 5.500-6.000 visitors having taken part in the various activities offered in the different venues.
Overview of the results: IMPACT ASSESSMENT
o Collection of data regarding the current public perception of researchers (existing surveys, special survey launched prior to the event);
o Setting up of questionnaires and guidelines for face to face interviews;
o Training of pollsters;
o Organisation of the collection of answers (off and on line, on site and after the event), data processing and drafting of conclusions;
o Comparison with results of previous similar actions and setting up of trends;
o Conduction of face-to-face interviews with 25 scientists and compiled in a short video:;
o Collection and processing of 185 filled-in questionnaires;
Main conclusions:
o Overall positive feedback about the event: appreciated insight in the researchers\' life, positive direct exchanges with researchers, interest of the activities offered, opportunity to learn about science as well as about Slovenian research institutions;
o Most successful activities: science fair including 26 booths related to different science fields;
o Increased interest expressed by the attendees for science and higher appreciation of the researchers \'work as amazing;
o Improved public image of researchers:
 - Tackling the old stereotypes
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