‘The Excellence Centre of Advanced MAterial Research and Technology Transfer — CAMART2’ project relates to the H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-2015 Call addressing the Teaming topic of the call. The challenge of the Call as formulated by the EC is to help countries and regions...
‘The Excellence Centre of Advanced MAterial Research and Technology Transfer — CAMART2’ project relates to the H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-2015 Call addressing the Teaming topic of the call. The challenge of the Call as formulated by the EC is to help countries and regions that are lagging behind in terms of research and innovation performance to reclaim their competitive position in the global value chains. The Teaming topic of the call addresses this challenge by creating or upgrading centres of excellence, building on partnerships between leading scientific institutions and low performing partners.
CAMART2 aims to upgrade the existing centre of excellence CAMART (Centre of Advanced MAterial Research and Technology) established in 2001 at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL). The work on the upgrade of CAMART will be performed in close collaboration with the partners from Sweden – KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Acreo Swedish ICT (Acreo) - the leaders in the fields of innovation and research commercialisation.
The aim of CAMART2 is to use the knowledge and infrastructure of the ISSP UL, KTH and Acreo to enhance the innovation and technology transfer power at the ISSP UL.
The project goal was to develop a business plan for the development of ISSP (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia) as center of excellence in the frame of the H2020 Widening programme. It has been successfully accomplished resulting in the business plan which has been submitted with the application to the 2nd phase of the program call.
The project work was organized inphases. First,the assessment of the starting situation at ISSP and the Centre of Excellence CAMART was performed and afterwards roadmaps for the development of the business plan were developed.
For the project results dissemination various activities have been performed. Details can be seen on the project website (www.camart2.eu).
A number of meetings with governmental bodies, higher educational representatives, students and entrepreneurs took place explaining the CAMART ² objectives, goals and future benefits for them. A special Strategic board was formed with the participation of the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Finances, State Education Development Agency and University of Latvia.
Several workshops, brainstorming events and visits with Latvian, Lithuanian and Swedish companies were organised for analysis of the market needs and demands regarding research input in the business development.
A solid base for creation of the business plan was built based on in depth analysis of the ISSP UL. KTH Electrum laboratory and Acreo Swedish ICT were visited to learn their experience and take the best practices to incorporate all the benefits for the development of ISSP as well as cooperation and synergies between the partners.
Cooperation agreements between the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University regarding mutual engagement in scientific projects and educational activities were signed. It opened a way to widen the education possibilities in Latvia in the near future and encourage talented students to prolong their studies and choose scientific carriers.
The project has helped to create a business plan based on a strong vision, which would have not been possible without the EC H2020 support allowing to attract for this activity a highly experienced partners from Sweden. Established collaboration has created an advanced platform for the development and future of ISSP as national and regional player. ISSP shall develop all spheres of activities at the institute for research, innovation and technology transfer. The full project implementation and exploitation includes a significant impact on the growth of the regional economy by the creation of new companies; the advancement of existing industry; and the improvement of the education output quality. This will significantly lift also Latvia in the region and contribute to the recognition and development of the whole region. As a result the general recognition by society and policy makers of the ISSP as a significant player for the creation of societal good shall be significantly lifted.
More info: http://www.camart2.eu.