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H2020 projects about "holes"

The page lists 103 projects related to the topic "holes".

# achronym  title  year 
1 GalNUC Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei 2015
2 COEVOLUTION Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time 2015
3 NewNGR New frontiers in numerical general relativity 2015
4 imbh Do intermediate-mass black holes exist? 2015
5 ConTExt Connecting the Extreme 2015
6 SINHOPSI Single-Hole Pumping in Silicon 2016
7 FAANon A functional analytic approach for the analysis of nonlinear transmission problems 2015
8 FDtoQG From fluid dynamics to quantum gravity 2015
9 FIRSTBHs The formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe 2015
10 REGMat Rotational effects on strongly gravitating systems with matter 2015
11 BHLOC The Quantum Entropy of Extremal Black Holes 2015
12 NESSY NEw Science from the phase space of old stellar SYstems 2015
13 SOUNDCONE Scattering and Amplification of fundamental photonic-hydrodynamic excitations in Kerr non-linear media 2015
14 Spiral DRAGNs Here be Spiral DRAGNs 2016
15 BlackHoleMaps Mapping gravitational waves from collisions of black holes 2015
16 BHstabNL The fate of black holes in high-energy physics -- exploring their dynamical instabilities 2016
17 StronGrHEP Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics 2016
18 DUST-IN-THE-WIND Dust in the wind — a new paradigm for inflow and outflow structures around supermassive black holes 2016
19 HScan Inspection Sensor and Evaluation Criteria for Assessing the Inner Surface Quality of Holes in CFRP Parts 2016
20 FALCONER Forging Advanced Liquid-Crystal Coronagraphs Optimized for Novel Exoplanet Research 2016
21 SOLED Chiral based spin organic light emitting diodes 2016
22 SOLSA Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time 2016
23 Emergent-BH Emergent spacetime and maximally spinning black holes 2016
24 SmartStars Pathways towards forming super-massive black holes in the early Universe 2016
25 Supra spin-selection Spin-Selection using Chirality: A Supramolecular Approach 2016
26 QBH Quantum Black Holes: A macroscopic window into the microstructure of gravity 2016
27 GaugedBH Black holes in gauged Supergravity: Supersymmetric and Holographic properties 2017
28 GravityWaveWindow Gravitational Self-Force and Post-Newtonian Methods for Gravitational Wave Detection 2016
29 SNSM Spectral synthesis of multidimensional supernova explosion models 2016
30 DYNAMOX Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides 2016
31 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
32 SALTED Salt Tectonics and Dynamics 2016
33 MP-ORIF Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma 2016
34 FIRSTSTEP Synthesis of 2-D semiconductors with honeycomb nanogeometry, and study of their Dirac-type band structure and opto-electronic properties 2016
35 GravBHs A New Strategy for Gravity and Black Holes 2016
36 MeerTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity 2016
37 OLTITA O.M.P.M. LiferCraft Tail Innovative Tool Assembly 2016
38 CosNeD Radio wave propagation in heterogeneous media: implications on the electronics of Cosmic Neutrino Detectors 2016
39 BACCO Burning on Accreting Compact Objects 2017
40 Spiders Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries 2017
41 GenGeoHol Non AdS holography and generalized geometric structures 2017
42 RODEO Robotized Orbital Drilling Equipment and Optimized residual stresses 2017
43 QUANTIVIOL Quantifying Quantum Gravity Violations of Causality and the Equivalence Principle 2017
44 BH-STRING-HOLO Black Holes in String Theory and Holography 2017
45 ChalEnz Catalysis with Chalcogen Bonds: Toward Artificial Enzymes 2017
46 QuEST Quantum Energy Conditions and Singularity Theorems 2017
47 DeepIMPACT Deep Investigation on Molecular Processes At early Cosmic Times 2018
48 HoloBH Infinite-dimensional symmetries, black holes, and holography 2019
49 ACFD Acoustical and Canonical Fluid Dynamics in numerical general relativity 2017
50 HyperDrill High performance laser micro drilling machine for large Hybrid Laminar Flow Control suction panels 2017
51 SENSY Restoring complete motor and sensory ability for natural walking of amputees 2017
52 TOLERANCE FOOTPRINT Clonal Deletion versus Clonal Diversion: Footprints of Self-Tolerance in the T CellRepertoire 2017
53 ArcheoDyn Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies 2017
54 MP-ORIF Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma 2017
55 DarkGRA Unveiling the dark universe with gravitational waves: Black holes and compact stars as laboratories for fundamental physics 2017
56 GWsFromEMRIs Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2018
57 FunFiCO Fundamental fields and compact objects: theory and astrophysical phenomenology 2017
58 BHSandAADS The Black Hole Stability Problem and the Analysis of asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes 2018
59 LABOR Lean robotized AssemBly and cOntrol of composite aeRostructures 2018
60 OASIS Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) for assembly of structural aircraft parts 2018
61 CHOPIN Coatings with Hydrophobic and/or Omniphobic Properties against INsect contamination. 2018
62 AxiBAU Axions as the Origin of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe 2019
63 BHmapping Mapping the inner flow around accreting black holes 2019
64 darkBHgrowth Shedding light on the dark supermassive black hole growth in the early Universe 2018
65 DUSTDEVILS The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres 2018
66 TAXT Seals and Sealing Practices in Sasanian Iran: New Evidence from Taxt-e Solaymān 2019
67 FunGraW Fundamental physics in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy 2019
68 HOMERICS The History of Merging Compact-Object Binaries 2018
69 LEMAP Laboratory Experiments on Magnetic Phenomena in Geo- and Astrophysics 2018
70 MicroWars The Evolution of Bacterial Warfare 2018
71 MSTAR Massive Star Formation through the Universe 2018
72 HIDDeN HIDDeN - Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei of Galaxies 2018
73 QBH Structure The Quantum Structure of Black Holes and the Recovery of Information 2019
74 GalNav InDoor Extending the outdoor navigation experience to the indoors 2018
75 MIDAS Modular and Integrated Digital Probe for SAT Aircraft Air Data System 2018
76 WAVESHIELD Re-inventing Paint – A Pioneering, Dry Paint Film for Radio Frequency Identification applications 2018
77 SUPERSPEC Three-dimensional spectral modelling of astrophysical transients : unravelling the nucleosynthetic content of supernovae and kilonovae 2019
78 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
79 LHCtoLISA Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA 2019
80 GRAMS GRavity from Astrophysical to Microscopic Scales 2019
81 BIEL SMARTGAZE Electronic glasses which use computer vision and augmented reality to improve visual capacity and increase autonomy of people who have low vision 2019
82 ACCENTO ACCENTO (Active Clearence Contol dEsigN and characTerizatiOn). Advanced investigations on different Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (LPTACC) system by means of CFD and experiments. 2019
83 RealNanoPlasmon Towards nanoscale reality in plasmonic hot-carrier generation 2019
84 MaGnum Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures 2019
85 HOCOM A Transparent Hole Conductor by Combinatorial Techniques for Next-Generation Energy Conversion Devices 2019
86 MOPPEX MOlecules as Probes of the Physics of EXternal galaxies 2020
87 TackTDEs Tackling the complexity of Tidal Disruption Events 2020
88 TURANDOT Tunable Radiation Tolerant 2D Terahertz bolometer 2019
89 ASTRALIS ASTRocyte Adrenoceptors: Light on Intracellular Signaling 2019
90 WMBH Waves, mean flows and black holes 2020
91 HoloLif Lifshitz holography: hydrodynamics and the large-D limit 2019
92 PhenAnOx New Chemical Synthetic Methods for Reacting Phenols Selectively with Different Molecules and With Itself: Use of Electricity as a Sustainable, Economic and Traceless Reagent. 2020
93 CanISeeQG Can I see Quantum Gravity? 2019
94 DISKtoHALO From the accretion disk to the cluster halo: the multi-scale physics of black hole feedback 2019
95 BlackHoleMergers Formation of Black Hole Mergers in Dense Stellar Systems 2019
96 BiD4BEST Big Data applications for Black hole Evolution STudies 2020
98 perGOla The first manufacturing process to obtain reduced graphene oxide at large-scale 2019
99 StarDestroyers Realizing the Potential of the Transients Boom: A Consolidated Study of Stellar Demise 2020
100 QUIST Quantum information transfer between hole spins and topological states 2019
101 HoloHair Information Encoding in Quantum Gravity and the Black Hole Information Paradox 2020
102 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
103 NP-QFT Non-perturbative dynamics of quantum fields: from new deconfined phases of matter to quantum black holes 2020