At least 3% of wind production downtime due to breakdowns and maintenance problems that can reach up to 40%. This leads to production losses of over €2.9 billion worldwide annually. Our current SmartCast remotely connects SCADA and sensor data with a virtual database to...
At least 3% of wind production downtime due to breakdowns and maintenance problems that can reach up to 40%. This leads to production losses of over €2.9 billion worldwide annually. Our current SmartCast remotely connects SCADA and sensor data with a virtual database to monitor wind turbines. It involves algorithms based AI, cloud computing and data mining. The SmartGear product is a low cost Condition Monitoring System based on IoT technology which acquires raw data and connects with SmartCast Platform for further processing. The overall objective of the future Phase II Cloud Diagnosis project is to scale-up our SmartGear technology by introducing communication protocols that allow us to extract data from multiple devices allocated in the wind turbines and additional transducers. Additionally, SmartCast cloud diagnosis algorithms need to be improved. Our innovative solution will allow faster detection of wind turbine system failures through complex algorithms implementing intelligent sensor fusion, therefore, optimizing the performance of wind turbines. It does not require onsite visits but provides information online. In this way, our technology will be able to: Reduce wind turbine maintenance cost by 20%: €44 million annually in the Spanish market, €190 million per year in Europe and €440 million annually in the world market. Reduce wind turbine operation cost and component replacement of cost by 20%: A standard park of 50 MW (16 turbines) installation power working 2,100 hours per year faces production losses of at least €378,000 annually. Our system enables 20% savings of €75,600 (€4,725 per turbine). Currently, our SmartCast platform processes real-time data from SCADA and sensors by means of SVM (support vector machine) in 300 turbines. Our SmartGear Solution is present in two wind farms and is being rolled out in five more.
During the reporting period, we explained our innovative solution that combines our products SmartGear and SmartCast, allowing faster detection of turbine system failures through complex algorithms. We also described our producing including future improvements and new functionalities, proofing the techniques behind and its technological feasibility. A depth analysis of the market was performed and studied for a possible implementation. We expect to enter into the Polish, Spanish, Danish and German market due that those countries have mature exploitations. We had the opportunity to carry out a deep analysis of our solution in order to compare it with other existing solutions. We also developed a business model of the products that included the Porter fiver forces and SWOT analysis, canvas model, detection of the key stakeholders and the price model (accordingly with the product and services) and channel strategy (focussed on direct sales and trade agreements with the sales representatives). Any SMARTIVE solution will be protected by patent and design. As a patent strategy SMARTIVE starts with a European Patent, directly filed on the EPO office.
Thanks to this study, we are encouraged to improve our product and introduce it to the European Market. We proof that our product goes a step further of the existing technology and that there is a niche market in Europe.
Wind energy releases no pollution into the air or water, and does not contribute to global warming. We offer a low cost solution for the wind turbines maintenance, addressed to companies engaged in wind farms management and maintenance. Our technology enables offer wind farms audit services and track assets status to investment companies, insurance companies and financial entities. Although the growing tendency of demand from EU electricity consumers, our preventive failure detection will contribute to improve the efficiency of wind farm will contribute in the reduction of their carbon footprint.
This is a unique opportunity for SMARTIVE to expand our business by offering an innovative product to countries: turbine manufacturers, maintenance companies and individual park managers.
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