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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COMPOSKE (Development of a new technology for production of Skeletons in composite materials for realization of pre-cast tunnel segments.)


The objective of this project is to develop products and technology to substitute traditional steel reinforcement with GFRP (glassfiber reinforced) bars in precast tunnel segments. Precast segments are traditionally used for the lining of tunnels excavated with a Tunnel Boring...


The objective of this project is to develop products and technology to substitute traditional steel reinforcement with GFRP (glassfiber reinforced) bars in precast tunnel segments. Precast segments are traditionally used for the lining of tunnels excavated with a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), and the use of fiberglass reinforcement in tunnel segments allows several advantages, mainly related to the durability aspects. In particular, it is of great interest the possibility to reduce the concrete cover that is usually a weak point for this kind of structure (concrete cover can crash during handling of the segments or due to TBM thrusts).
The main phases of this project are:
• Definition of skeleton typologies,
• Production of prototypes of segments with GFRP reinforcement for final testing program,
• Validation of the numerical models and the final definition of a proper reinforcement for the segment,
• Development of Manufacturing Technologies and production of final demonstrator for industrialization,
• Experimental test on final demonstrators, validation of entire project, qualification of products and of process,
• Exploitation and dissemination of project results.

Work performed

Three typologies of skeleton for precast segment in GFRP have been identified according to the possibilities offered by the various hypotheses of processing technologies.
The typologies individuated are: ring, lattice and wirenet reinforcement.
The drawings for prototype phase was carried out taking into account two different tunnel Typologies: typical metro tunnel and typical hydraulic tunnel.
A new Manifacturing Technologies has been designed and built to produce reinforcement. The reinforcement have been assembled so as to make the different prototypes . Experimental test related to prototypes are in progress at Laboratory of Tor Vergata (University of Rome).
The data processing obtained from the tests will allow the choice of the final prototype.
A plan of dissemination and exploitation of project results was drawn up.

Final results

Test related to durability aspects are in progress. The solution of Composke’s project is very powerful from a safety and technical point of view, since when demolishing segment reinforced with this new product there is no damage to the close segment and so it is possible to guarantee longer life.
By using ATP new reinforcement there are many economic benefits : a reduction of thickness concrete of the tunnel segment because these products doesn’t corrode and so there isn’t need of big concrete cover to protect it unlike steel; and in the case of temporary application the segment reinforced by GFRP will be easier and more economical to be demolished and also safer for workers and jobsite.

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