Opendata, web and dolomites


Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






Project "AHEAD" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
city: ROMA
postcode: 136

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Italy [IT]
 Project website
 Total cost 5˙085˙247 €
 EC max contribution 4˙982˙477 € (98%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU. (Integrating and opening existing national and regional  research infrastructures of European interest)
 Code Call H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015
 Funding Scheme RIA
 Starting year 2015
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2015-09-01   to  2019-02-28


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ASTROFISICA IT (ROMA) coordinator 1˙372˙278.00
3    UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER UK (LEICESTER) participant 480˙556.00
5    THALES ALENIA SPACE ITALIA SPA IT (ROMA) participant 259˙053.00
7    UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE ES (ALICANTE) participant 240˙125.00
9    UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI GENOVA IT (GENOVA) participant 163˙725.00
13    CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE CZ (PRAHA) participant 121˙100.00
14    UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE BE (LIEGE) participant 112˙059.00
15    Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy FI (Espoo) participant 102˙475.00
19    UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER UK (LANCASTER) participant 50˙266.00
22    TARTU ULIKOOL EE (TARTU) participant 42˙475.00
28    UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE CH (GENEVE) participant 0.00


 Project objective

We propose a set of integrated Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain (AHEAD) in response to the INFRAIA-2014-2015 call Research Infrastructures for High EnergyAstrophysics. The overall objective of AHEAD is to integrate national efforts in high-energy Astrophysics and to promote the domain at the European level, to keep its community at the cutting edge of science and technology in this competitive research area and ensure that space observatories for high-energy astrophysics are at the state of the art. AHEAD will integrate key research infrastructures for on-ground test and calibration of space-based sensors and electronics and promote their coordinated use. In parallel, the best facilities for data analysis of high-energy astrophysical observatories will be made available to the European community. The technological development will focus on the improvement of selected critical technologies, background modeling, cross calibration, and feasibility studies of space-based instrumentation for the benefit of future X-ray and gamma-ray missions, and the best exploitation of existing observatories. AHEAD will support the community via grants for collaborative studies, dissemination of results, and promotion of workshops. A strong public outreach package will ensure that the domain is well publicized at national, European and International level. The virtual circle infrastructure - networking - joint research activities, as devised in AHEAD, serves to establish strong connections between institutes and industry to create the basis for a more rapid advancement of high-energy astrophysical science, space-oriented instrumentation and cutting-edge sensor technology in Europe. This enables the development of new technologies and the associated growth of the European technology market, - with a dedicated technology innovation package - as well as the creation of a new generation of researchers.


List of deliverables.
Report on the Gamma-Ray Symposium Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:18
Data repository Other 2020-03-25 13:59:18
Additional Educational Material Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-25 13:59:18
2017 Meetings Report Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:18
2018 Meetings Report Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:18
Videos delivery Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-25 13:59:18
Implementation report of the optimized collimated X-ray beam Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:18
Educational Material (accompanying the first videos) Other 2020-03-25 13:59:13
White paper Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:13
Videos Delivery (first two videos) Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-25 13:59:13
2016 Meetings report Documents, reports 2020-03-25 13:59:13
Exhibitional Material Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-25 13:59:13

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of AHEAD deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2019 L. Izzo, A. de Ugarte Postigo, K. Maeda, C. C. Thöne, D. A. Kann, M. Della Valle, A. Sagues Carracedo, M. J. Michałowski, P. Schady, S. Schmidl, J. Selsing, R. L. C. Starling, A. Suzuki, K. Bensch, J. Bolmer, S. Campana, Z. Cano, S. Covino, J. P. U. Fynbo, D. H. Hartmann, K. E. Heintz, J. Hjorth, J. Japelj, K. Kamiński, L. Kaper, C. Kouveliotou, M. Krużyński, T. Kwiatkowski, G. Leloudas, A. J
Signatures of a jet cocoon in early spectra of a supernova associated with a γ-ray burst
published pages: 324-327, ISSN: 0028-0836, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0826-3
Nature 565/7739 2020-03-25
2019 J. Selsing, D. Malesani, P. Goldoni, J. P. U. Fynbo, T. Krühler, L. A. Antonelli, M. Arabsalmani, J. Bolmer, Z. Cano, L. Christensen, S. Covino, P. D’Avanzo, V. D’Elia, A. De Cia, A. de Ugarte Postigo, H. Flores, M. Friis, A. Gomboc, J. Greiner, P. Groot, F. Hammer, O. E. Hartoog, K. E. Heintz, J. Hjorth, P. Jakobsson, J. Japelj, D. A. Kann, L. Kaper, C. Ledoux, G. Leloudas, A. J. Levan, E. M
The X-shooter GRB afterglow legacy sample (XS-GRB)
published pages: A92, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201832835
Astronomy & Astrophysics 623 2020-03-25
2018 R Middei, S Bianchi, P-O Petrucci, F Ursini, M Cappi, B De Marco, A De Rosa, J Malzac, A Marinucci, G Matt, G Ponti, A Tortosa
High-energy monitoring of NGC 4593 II. Broad-band spectral analysis: testing the two-corona model
published pages: 4695-4705, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty3379
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483/4 2020-03-25
2019 Madsen, K. K.; Natalucci, L.; Belanger, G.; Grant, C. E.; Guainazzi, M.; Kashyap, V.; Marshall, H. L.; Miller, E. D.; Nevalainen, J.; Plucinsky, P. P.; Terada, Y.
Summary of the 13th IACHEC Meeting
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
1 2020-03-25
2019 S B Pandey, Y Hu, Ao J Castro-Tirado, A S Pozanenko, R Sánchez-Ramírez, J Gorosabel, S Guziy, M Jelinek, J C Tello, S Jeong, S R Oates, B-B Zhang, E D Mazaeva, A A Volnova, P Yu Minaev, H J van Eerten, M D Caballero-García, D Pérez-Ramírez, M Bremer, J-M Winters, I H Park, A Nicuesa Guelbenzu, S Klose, A Moskvitin, V V Sokolov, E Sonbas, A Ayala, J Cepa, N Butler, E Troja, A M Chernenko, S V
A multiwavelength analysis of a collection of short-duration GRBs observed between 2012 and 2015
published pages: 5294-5318, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz530
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485/4 2020-03-25
2019 F. Vazza, S. Ettori, M. Roncarelli, M. Angelinelli, M. Brüggen, C. Gheller
Detecting shocked intergalactic gas with X-ray and radio observations
published pages: , ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201935439
Astronomy & Astrophysics A&A, Forthcoming article Receiv 2020-03-25
2018 G Mountrichas, A Georgakakis, I Georgantopoulos
The dependence of the X-ray AGN clustering on the properties of the host galaxy
published pages: 1374-1387, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty3140
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483/1 2020-03-25
2017 Valentina Fioretti, Teresa Mineo, Andrea Bulgarelli, Paolo Dondero, Vladimir Ivanchenko, Fan Lei, Simone Lotti, Claudio Macculi, Alfonso Mantero
Geant4 simulations of soft proton scattering in X-ray optics
published pages: 413-435, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9559-9
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 Pinto, Ciro; Alston, William; Parker, Michael L.; Fabian, Andrew C.; Gallo, Luigi C.; Buisson, Douglas J. K.; Walton, Dominic J.; Kara, Erin; Jiang, Jiachen; Lohfink, Anne; Reynolds, Christopher S.
Ultrafast outflows disappear in high radiation fields
published pages: , ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.17863/CAM.23055
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476 Issue 1 7 2020-03-25
2018 V. Ghirardini, S. Ettori, D. Eckert, S. Molendi, F. Gastaldello, E. Pointecouteau, G. Hurier, H. Bourdin
The XMM Cluster Outskirts Project (X-COP): Thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium out to R 200 in Abell 2319
published pages: A7, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731748
Astronomy & Astrophysics 614 2020-03-25
2018 P.-O. Petrucci, F. Ursini, A. De Rosa, S. Bianchi, M. Cappi, G. Matt, M. Dadina, J. Malzac
Testing warm Comptonization models for the origin of the soft X-ray excess in AGNs
published pages: A59, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731580
Astronomy & Astrophysics 611 2020-03-25
2017 G. Mountrichas, A. Corral, V. A. Masoura, I. Georgantopoulos, A. Ruiz, A. Georgakakis, F. J. Carrera, S. Fotopoulou
Estimating photometric redshifts for X-ray sources in the X-ATLAS field using machine-learning techniques
published pages: A39, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731762
Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 2020-03-25
2017 L. Christensen, S. D. Vergani, S. Schulze, N. Annau, J. Selsing, J. P. U. Fynbo, A. de Ugarte Postigo, R. Cañameras, S. Lopez, D. Passi, P. Cortés-Zuleta, S. L. Ellison, V. D’Odorico, G. Becker, T. A. M. Berg, Z. Cano, S. Covino, G. Cupani, V. D’Elia, P. Goldoni, A. Gomboc, F. Hammer, K. E. Heintz, P. Jakobsson, J. Japelj, L. Kaper, D. Malesani, P. Møller, P. Petitjean, V. Pugliese, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, N. R. Tanvir, C. C. Thöne, M. Vestergaard, K. Wiersema, G. Worseck
Solving the conundrum of intervening strong Mg II absorbers towards gamma-ray bursts and quasars
published pages: A84, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731382
Astronomy & Astrophysics 608 2020-03-25
2017 S. Kim, S. Schulze, L. Resmi, J. González-López, A. B. Higgins, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, F. E. Bauer, I. de Gregorio-Monsalvo, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, D. A. Kann, S. Martín, S. R. Oates, R. L. C. Starling, N. R. Tanvir, J. Buchner, S. Campana, Z. Cano, S. Covino, A. S. Fruchter, J. P. U. Fynbo, D. H. Hartmann, J. Hjorth, P. Jakobsson, A. J. Levan, D. Malesani, M. J. Michałowski, B. Milvang-Jensen, K. Misra, P. T. O’Brien, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, C. C. Thöne, D. J. Watson, K. Wiersema
ALMA and GMRT Constraints on the Off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst 170817A from the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817
published pages: L21, ISSN: 2041-8213, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aa970b
The Astrophysical Journal 850/2 2020-03-25
2017 F. García, A. E. Suárez, M. Miceli, F. Bocchino, J. A. Combi, S. Orlando, M. Sasaki
Indications of a Si-rich bilateral jet of ejecta in the Vela SNR observed with XMM-Newton
published pages: L5, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731418
Astronomy & Astrophysics 604 2020-03-25
2018 K E Heintz, D Watson, P Jakobsson, J P U Fynbo, J Bolmer, M Arabsalmani, Z Cano, S Covino, V D’Elia, A Gomboc, J Japelj, L Kaper, J-K Krogager, G Pugliese, R Sánchez-Ramírez, J Selsing, M Sparre, N R Tanvir, C C Thöne, A de Ugarte Postigo, S D Vergani
Highly ionized metals as probes of the circumburst gas in the natal regions of gamma-ray bursts
published pages: 3456-3476, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty1447
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479/3 2020-03-25
2016 M. Rataj, S. Polak, T. Palgan, T. Kamisiński, A. Pilch, J. Eder, N. Meidinger, M. Plattner, M. Barbera, G. Parodi, Fabio D\'Anca
The filter and calibration wheel for the ATHENA wide field imager
published pages: 990568, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2235411
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2018 Shangyu Sun, Matteo Guainazzi, Qingling Ni, Jingchun Wang, Chenyang Qian, Fangzheng Shi, Yu Wang, Cosimo Bambi
Multi-epoch analysis of the X-ray spectrum of the active galactic nucleus in NGC 5506
published pages: 1900-1910, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty1233
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478/2 2020-03-25
2018 T Bassi, G Migliori, P Grandi, C Vignali, M A Pérez-Torres, R D Baldi, E Torresi, A Siemiginowska, C Stanghellini
Faint γ-ray sources at low redshift: the radio galaxy IC 1531
published pages: 5236-5246, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2622
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481/4 2020-03-25
2018 A. Ruiz, A. Corral, G. Mountrichas, I. Georgantopoulos
XMMPZCAT: A catalogue of photometric redshifts for X-ray sources
published pages: A52, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833117
Astronomy & Astrophysics 618 2020-03-25
2017 Emanuele Perinati, Marco Barbera, Sebastian Diebold, Alejandro Guzman, Andrea Santangelo, Chris Tenzer
Preliminary assessment of the ATHENA/WFI non-X-ray background
published pages: 387-399, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9541-6
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 Galloway, Duncan K.; Johnston, Zac; Goodwin, Adelle; Heger, Alexander
High-energy transients: thermonuclear (type-I) X-ray bursts
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
6 2020-03-25
2019 J. Moral-Vico, N. Casañ-Pastor, A. Camón, C. Pobes, R.M. Jáudenes, P. Strichovanec, L. Fàbrega
Microstructure and electrical transport in electrodeposited Bi films
published pages: 40-47, ISSN: 1572-6657, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2018.10.041
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 832 2020-03-25
2018 Tatischeff, Vincent; De Angelis, Alessandro; Gouiffès, Christian; Hanlon, Lorraine; Laurent, Philippe; Madejski, Grzegorz; Tavani, Marco; Ulyanov, Alexei
e-ASTROGAM mission: a major step forward for gamma-ray polarimetry
published pages: , ISSN: 2329-4124, DOI:
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Volume 4, id. 011003 (2018). 7 2020-03-25
2018 Fabio Reale, Javier Lopez-Santiago, Ettore Flaccomio, Antonino Petralia, Salvatore Sciortino
X-Ray Flare Oscillations Track Plasma Sloshing along Star-disk Magnetic Tubes in the Orion Star-forming Region
published pages: 51, ISSN: 1538-4357, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aaaf1f
The Astrophysical Journal 856/1 2020-03-25
2018 I. Georgantopoulos, A. Akylas
NuSTAR observations of heavily obscured Swift/BAT AGNs: Constraints on the Compton-thick AGNs fraction
published pages: , ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833038
Astronomy & Astrophysics 2020-03-25
2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko, Paolo Dondero, Valentina Fioretti, Anton Ivantchenko, Fan Lei, Simone Lotti, Alfonso Mantero, Teresa Mineo
Validation of Geant4 10.3 simulation of proton interaction for space radiation effects
published pages: 437-450, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9556-z
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2019 Lourdes Fàbrega, Agustín Camón, Carlos Pobes, Pavel Strichovanec, Raquel González-Arrabal
Large current-induced broadening of the superconducting transition in Mo/Au transition edge sensors
published pages: 15006, ISSN: 0953-2048, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6668/aaebf4
Superconductor Science and Technology 32/1 2020-03-25
2017 Carlos Pobes, Lourdes Fabrega, Agustin Camon, Nieves Casan-Pastor, Pavel Strichovanec, Javier Sese, Javier Moral-Vico, Rosa Maria Jaudenes Calleja
Development of Cryogenic X-Ray Detectors Based on Mo/Au Transition Edge Sensors
published pages: 1-5, ISSN: 1051-8223, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2637337
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27/4 2020-03-25
2017 S. Ettori, V. Ghirardini, D. Eckert, F. Dubath, E. Pointecouteau
Dark matter distribution in X-ray luminous galaxy clusters with Emergent Gravity
published pages: L29-L33, ISSN: 1745-3933, DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/slx074
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 470/1 2020-03-25
2017 A. B. Higgins, R. L. C. Starling, D. Götz, S. Mereghetti, K. Wiersema, T. Maccarone, J. P. Osborne, N. R. Tanvir, P. T. O\'Brien, A. J. Bird, A. Rowlinson, N. Gehrels
Investigating the nature of the INTEGRAL gamma-ray bursts and sub-threshold triggers with Swift follow-up
published pages: 314-323, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx1163
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 470/1 2020-03-25
2017 Martino Marelli, David Salvetti, Fabio Gastaldello, Simona Ghizzardi, Silvano Molendi, Andrea De Luca, Alberto Moretti, Mariachiara Rossetti, Andrea Tiengo
A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: I. Dataset and extraction procedures
published pages: 297-308, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9542-5
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 T Bassi, M Del Santo, A D’Aì, S E Motta, J Malzac, A Segreto, J C A Miller-Jones, P Atri, R M Plotkin, T M Belloni, T Mineo, A K Tzioumis
The long outburst of the black hole transient GRS 1716–249 observed in the X-ray and radio band
published pages: , ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2739
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices of the Royal As 2020-03-25
2018 V. Tichý, R. Willingale
Optimization of mirror spacing or pore width of lobster eye optics
published pages: 363-366, ISSN: 0004-6337, DOI: 10.1002/asna.201813506
Astronomische Nachrichten 339/5 2020-03-25
2017 E. Troja, L. Piro, H. van Eerten, R. T. Wollaeger, M. Im, O. D. Fox, N. R. Butler, S. B. Cenko, T. Sakamoto, C. L. Fryer, R. Ricci, A. Lien, R. E. Ryan, O. Korobkin, S.-K. Lee, J. M. Burgess, W. H. Lee, A. M. Watson, C. Choi, S. Covino, P. D’Avanzo, C. J. Fontes, J. Becerra González, H. G. Khandrika, J. Kim, S.-L. Kim, C.-U. Lee, H. M. Lee, A. Kutyrev, G. Lim, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, S. Veilleux, M. H. Wieringa, Y. Yoon
The X-ray counterpart to the gravitational-wave event GW170817
published pages: 71-74, ISSN: 0028-0836, DOI: 10.1038/nature24290
Nature 551/7678 2020-03-25
2016 E. Perinati, S. Diebold, A. Guzman, A. Santangelo, C. Tenzer
Background studies for ATHENA: status of the activities at IAAT
published pages: 990565, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2231599
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2017 J. J. M. in ’t Zand, M. E. B. Visser, D. K. Galloway, J. Chenevez, L. Keek, E. Kuulkers, C. Sánchez-Fernández, H. Wörpel
Neutron star cooling and the rp process in thermonuclear X-ray bursts
published pages: A130, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731281
Astronomy & Astrophysics 606 2020-03-25
2018 L Koutoulidis, I Georgantopoulos, G Mountrichas, M Plionis, A Georgakakis, A Akylas, E Rovilos
Dependence of clustering of X-ray AGN on obscuration
published pages: 3063-3069, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2429
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481/3 2020-03-25
2017 Teresa Mineo, Simone Lotti, Silvano Molendi, Simona Ghizzardi
An XMM-Newton proton response matrix
published pages: 287-296, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9548-z
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 D. R. A. Williams, I. M. McHardy, R. D. Baldi, R. J. Beswick, M. K. Argo, B. T. Dullo, J. H. Knapen, E. Brinks, D. M. Fenech, C. G. Mundell, T. W. B. Muxlow, F. Panessa, H. Rampadarath, J. Westcott
Radio jets in NGC 4151: where eMERLIN meets HST
published pages: 3842-3853, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2205
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472/4 2020-03-25
2018 F. Pajot, D. Barret, T. Lam-Trong, J.-W. den Herder, L. Piro, M. Cappi, J. Huovelin, R. Kelley, J. M. Mas-Hesse, K. Mitsuda, S. Paltani, G. Rauw, A. Rozanska, J. Wilms, M. Barbera, F. Douchin, H. Geoffray, R. den Hartog, C. Kilbourne, M. Le Du, C. Macculi, J.-M. Mesnager, P. Peille
The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU)
published pages: 901-907, ISSN: 0022-2291, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-018-1904-5
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193/5-6 2020-03-25
2018 Baldi, R. D.; Williams, D. R. A.; McHardy, I. M.; Beswick, Robert; Argo, M. K.; Dullo, B. T.; Knapen, J. H.; Brinks, E; Muxlow, Thomas; Aalto, S; Alberdi, A; Bendo, George; Corbel, S; Evans, R; Fenech, D. M.; Green, D A; Klöckner, H.-R.; Kording, E; Kharb, P; Maccarone, T J; Marti-Vidal, I.; Mundell, C. G.; Panessa, F; Peck, A. B.; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Saikia, D. J.; Saikia, P; Shankar, F; Spencer, Ralph; Stevens, I. R.; Uttley, P; Westcott, J.
LeMMINGs. I. The eMERLIN legacy survey of nearby galaxies. 1.5-GHz parsec-scale radio structures and cores
published pages: , ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.17863/CAM.20156
Baldi , R D , Williams , D R A , McHardy , I M , Beswick , R , Argo , M K , Dullo , B T , Knapen , J H , Brinks , E , Muxlow , T , Aalto , S , Alberdi , A , Bendo , G , Corbel , S , Evans , R , Fenech , D M , Green , D A , Klöckner , H-R , Kording , E , Kharb , P , Maccarone , T J , Marti-Vidal , I , Mundell , C G , Panessa , F , Peck , A B , Perez-Torres , M A , Saikia , D J , Saikia , P , Shankar , F , Spencer , R , Stevens , I R , Uttley , P & Westcott , J 2018 , \' LeMMINGs. I. The eMERLIN l 7 2020-03-25
2018 S. Ustamujic, S. Orlando, R. Bonito, M. Miceli, A. I. Gómez de Castro
Structure of X-ray emitting jets close to the launching site: from embedded to disk-bearing sources
published pages: A124, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201732391
Astronomy & Astrophysics 615 2020-03-25
2018 Luisa Sciortino, Ugo Lo Cicero, Salvatore Ferruggia Bonura, Elena Magnano, Stefano Nannarone, Konstantin Koshmak, Marco Barbera
A Temperature-Dependent X-Ray Absorption Characterization of Test Filters for the ATHENA Mission X-IFU Instrument
published pages: , ISSN: 0022-2291, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-018-2015-z
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 2020-03-25
2018 V. Ghirardini, D. Eckert, S. Ettori, E. Pointecouteau, S. Molendi, M. Gaspari, M. Rossetti, S. De Grandi, M. Roncarelli, H. Bourdin, P. Mazzotta, E. Rasia, F. Vazza
Universal thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium over two decades in radius in the X-COP sample
published pages: , ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833325
Astronomy & Astrophysics 2020-03-25
2017 Simone Lotti, Teresa Mineo, Christian Jacquey, Silvano Molendi, Matteo D’Andrea, Claudio Macculi, Luigi Piro
The particle background of the X-IFU instrument
published pages: 371-385, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9538-1
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 J. Selsing, T. Krühler, D. Malesani, P. D’Avanzo, S. Schulze, S. D. Vergani, J. Palmerio, J. Japelj, B. Milvang-Jensen, D. Watson, P. Jakobsson, J. Bolmer, Z. Cano, S. Covino, V. D’Elia, A. de Ugarte Postigo, J. P. U. Fynbo, A. Gomboc, K. E. Heintz, L. Kaper, A. J. Levan, S. Piranomonte, G. Pugliese, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, M. Sparre, N. R. Tanvir, C. C. Thöne, K. Wiersema
The host galaxy of the short GRB 111117A at z = 2.211
published pages: A48, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731475
Astronomy & Astrophysics 616 2020-03-25
2018 A. de Ugarte Postigo, C.C. Thoene, K. Bensch, A.J. van der Horst, D.A. Kann, Z. Cano, L. Izzo, P. Goldoni, S. Martín, R. Filgas, P. Schady, J. Gorosabel, I. Bikmaev, M. Bremer, R. Burenin, A.J. Castro-Tirado, J.P.U. Fynbo, D. Garcia-Appadoo, I. de Gregorio-Monsalvo, M. Jelínek, I. Khamitov, A. Kamble, C. Kouveliotou, T. Kruehler, S. Melnikov, M. ~Nardini, D. A. Perley, G. Petitpas, G. Pooley, A. Rau, E. Rol, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, R. Starling, N.R. Tanvir, K. Wiersema, R.A.M.J. Wijers, T. Zafar
The luminous host galaxy, faint supernova and rapid afterglow rebrightening of GRB 100418A
published pages: , ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833636
Astronomy & Astrophysics 2020-03-25
2018 Jiang-Tao Li, Jean Ballet, Marco Miceli, Ping Zhou, Jacco Vink, Yang Chen, Fabio Acero, Anne Decourchelle, Joel N. Bregman
Spatially Resolved Broadband Synchrotron Emission from the Nonthermal Limbs of SN1006
published pages: 85, ISSN: 1538-4357, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aad598
The Astrophysical Journal 864/1 2020-03-25
2017 J. Rodi, E. Jourdain, J. P. Roques
Timing Analysis of V404 Cyg during Its Brightest Outburst with INTEGRAL /SPI
published pages: 3, ISSN: 1538-4357, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa89ea
The Astrophysical Journal 848/1 2020-03-25
2018 J. van der Kuur, L. Gottardi, H. Akamatsu, A. C. T. Nieuwenhuizen, R. den Hartog, B. D. Jackson
Active Tuning of the Resonance Frequencies of LC Bandpass Filters for Frequency Domain Multiplexed Readout of TES Detector Arrays
published pages: 626-632, ISSN: 0022-2291, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-018-2055-4
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193/3-4 2020-03-25
2017 A. De Angelis, V. Tatischeff, M. Tavani, U. Oberlack, I. Grenier, L. Hanlon, R. Walter, A. Argan, P. von Ballmoos, A. Bulgarelli, I. Donnarumma, M. Hernanz, I. Kuvvetli, M. Pearce, A. Zdziarski, A. Aboudan, M. Ajello, G. Ambrosi, D. Bernard, E. Bernardini, V. Bonvicini, A. Brogna, M. Branchesi, C. Budtz-Jorgensen, A. Bykov, R. Campana, M. Cardillo, P. Coppi, D. De Martino, R. Diehl, M. Doro, V. Fioretti, S. Funk, G. Ghisellini, E. Grove, C. Hamadache, D. H. Hartmann, M. Hayashida, J. Isern, G. Kanbach, J. Kiener, J. Knödlseder, C. Labanti, P. Laurent, O. Limousin, F. Longo, K. Mannheim, M. Marisaldi, M. Martinez, M. N. Mazziotta, J. McEnery, S. Mereghetti, G. Minervini, A. Moiseev, A. Morselli, K. Nakazawa, P. Orleanski, J. M. Paredes, B. Patricelli, J. Peyré, G. Piano, M. Pohl, H. Ramarijaona, R. Rando, I. Reichardt, M. Roncadelli, R. Silva, F. Tavecchio, D. J. Thompson, R. Turolla, A. Ulyanov, A. Vacchi, X. Wu, A. Zoglauer
The e-ASTROGAM mission
published pages: 25-82, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9533-6
Experimental Astronomy 44/1 2020-03-25
2017 Lorenzo Natalucci, Claudio Macculi
Editorial to the special issue on Particle background for space instrumentation in the context of the Athena mission
published pages: 261-261, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9564-z
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 F. Gastaldello, S. Ghizzardi, M. Marelli, D. Salvetti, S. Molendi, A. De Luca, A. Moretti, M. Rossetti, A. Tiengo
A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: IV
published pages: 321-336, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9549-y
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2016 R. Willingale, J. F. Pearson, A. Martindale, C. H. Feldman, R. Fairbend, E. Schyns, S. Petit, J. P. Osborne, P. T. O\'Brien
Aberrations in square pore micro-channel optics used for x-ray lobster eye telescopes
published pages: 99051Y, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232946
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2018 Xavier de la Broïse, Alain Le Coguie, Jean-Luc Sauvageot, Claude Pigot, Xavier Coppolani, Vincent Moreau, Samuel d’Hollosy, Timur Knarosovski, Andreas Engel
Superconducting Multilayer High-Density Flexible Printed Circuit Board for Very High Thermal Resistance Interconnections
published pages: 578-584, ISSN: 0022-2291, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-018-1930-3
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193/3-4 2020-03-25
2018 The IceCube, Fermi-LAT, MAGIC, AGILE, ASAS-SN, HAWC, H.E.S.S, INTEGRAL, Kanata, Kiso, Kapteyn, Liverpool telescope, Subaru, Swift/NuSTAR, VERITAS, VLA/17B-403 teams
Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A
published pages: eaat1378, ISSN: 0036-8075, DOI: 10.1126/science.aat1378
Science Science 361, eaat1378 (2018) 2020-03-25
2018 V. A. Masoura, G. Mountrichas, I. Georgantopoulos, A. Ruiz, G. Magdis, M. Plionis
Disentangling the AGN and star formation connection using XMM-Newton
published pages: A31, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833397
Astronomy & Astrophysics 618 2020-03-25
2018 Carlos Pobes, Lourdes Fàbrega, Agustín Camón, Pavel Strichovanec, Javier Moral-Vico, Nieves Casañ-Pastor, Rosa M. Jáudenes, Javier Sesé
Comparison of Different Mo/Au TES Designs for Radiation Detectors
published pages: 282-287, ISSN: 0022-2291, DOI: 10.1007/s10909-018-1936-x
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193/3-4 2020-03-25
2017 Silvano Molendi
The role of the background in past and future X-ray missions
published pages: 263-271, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9544-3
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 David Salvetti, Martino Marelli, Fabio Gastaldello, Simona Ghizzardi, Silvano Molendi, Andrea De Luca, Alberto Moretti, Mariachiara Rossetti, Andrea Tiengo
A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: II. Properties of the in-Field-Of-View excess component
published pages: 309-320, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9539-0
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 M. D’Andrea, S. Lotti, C. Macculi, L. Piro, A. Argan, F. Gatti
The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: a scientific assessment of the observational capabilities in the hard X-ray band
published pages: 359-370, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9543-4
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 James Rodi, Angela Bazzano, Lorenzo Natalucci, Pietro Ubertini, Sadro Mereghetti, Enrico Bozzo, Carlo Ferrigno, Volodymyr Savchenko, Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier, Erik Kuulkers, S. Brandt, Jerome Chenevez, Rod Diehl, A. Von Kienlin, Lorraine Hanlon, Antonio Martin-Carrillo, E. Jourdain, J.-P. Roques, Philippe Laurent, Flebrun Lebrun, A. Lutovinov, R. Sunyaev
INTEGRAL Observations of Gravitational-Wave Counterparts & Future Perspectives: Searching for GBM Un-Triggered SGRB with PICsIT
published pages: 23, ISSN: , DOI: 10.22323/1.325.0023
Proceedings of Gravitational-waves Science&Technology Symposium — PoS(GRASS2018) 2020-03-25
2017 Alejandro Guzmán, Emanuele Perinati, Sebastian Diebold, Chris Tenzer, Andrea Santangelo
A revision of soft proton scattering at grazing incidence and its implementation in the geant4 toolkit
published pages: 401-411, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9537-2
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2018 E Troja, L Piro, G Ryan, H van Eerten, R Ricci, M H Wieringa, S Lotti, T Sakamoto, S B Cenko
The outflow structure of GW170817 from late-time broad-band observations
published pages: L18-L23, ISSN: 1745-3933, DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/sly061
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 478/1 2020-03-25
2017 Emanuele Perinati, Martin Rott, Andrea Santangelo, Chris Tenzer
Hyper-velocity impact risk assessment and mitigation strategies in the context of future X-ray astronomy missions
published pages: 337-357, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9546-1
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 Simona Ghizzardi, Martino Marelli, David Salvetti, Fabio Gastaldello, Silvano Molendi, Andrea De Luca, Alberto Moretti, Mariachiara Rossetti, Andrea Tiengo
A systematic analysis of the XMM-Newton background: III. Impact of the magnetospheric environment
published pages: 273-285, ISSN: 0922-6435, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-017-9554-1
Experimental Astronomy 44/3 2020-03-25
2017 Thomas Wevers, Sjoert van Velzen, Peter G. Jonker, Nicholas C. Stone, Tiara Hung, Francesca Onori, Suvi Gezari, Nadejda Blagorodnova
Black hole masses of tidal disruption event host galaxies
published pages: 1694-1708, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx1703
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 471/2 2020-03-25
2017 M. Armas Padilla, G. Ponti, B. De Marco, T. Muñoz-Darias, F. Haberl
The very faint hard state of the persistent neutron star X-ray binary SLX 1737–282 near the Galactic Centre
published pages: 3789-3795, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2538
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473/3 2020-03-25
2018 F M Vincentelli, P Casella, T J Maccarone, P Uttley, P Gandhi, T Belloni, B De Marco, D M Russell, L Stella, K O\'Brien
Characterization of the infrared/X-ray subsecond variability for the black hole transient GX 339-4
published pages: 4524-4533, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty710
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477/4 2020-03-25
2015 C. Pelliciari, D. Spiga, E. Bonnini, E. Buffagni, C. Ferrari, G. Pareschi, G. Tagliaferri
BEaTriX, expanded x-ray beam facility for testing modular elements of telescope optics: an update
published pages: 96031P, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2188607
Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy VII Proceedings Volume 9603, Optics 2020-03-25
2018 de Vries, C. P.; Fioretti, V.; Herder, J. W. den; Schyns, E; Pinto, S. D.
Simulating Modulated X-ray calibration Sources for future X-ray missions, using GEANT4
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
Proceedings Volume 10699, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray; 1069965 (2018) 1 2020-03-25
2018 A. V. Bilous, A. L. Watts, D. K. Galloway, J. J. M. in ’t Zand
A Millisecond Oscillation in the Bursting X-Ray Flux of SAX J1810.8–2609
published pages: L4, ISSN: 2041-8213, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aad09c
The Astrophysical Journal 862/1 2020-03-25
2018 F Ursini, P-O Petrucci, G Matt, S Bianchi, M Cappi, M Dadina, P Grandi, E Torresi, D R Ballantyne, B De Marco, A De Rosa, M Giroletti, J Malzac, A Marinucci, R Middei, G Ponti, A Tortosa
Radio/X-ray monitoring of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382. High-energy view with XMM–Newton and NuSTAR
published pages: 2663-2675, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty1258
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478/2 2020-03-25
2017 J van den Eijnden, N Degenaar, C Pinto, A Patruno, K Wette, C Messenger, J V Hernández Santisteban, R Wijnands, J M Miller, D Altamirano, F Paerels, D Chakrabarty, A C Fabian
The very faint X-ray binary IGR J17062-6143: a truncated disc, no pulsations, and a possible outflow
published pages: 2027-2044, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx3224
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475/2 2020-03-25
2018 Duncan K. Galloway, Jean J. M. in ’t Zand, Jérôme Chenevez, Laurens Keek, Celia Sanchez-Fernandez, Hauke Worpel, Nathanael Lampe, Erik Kuulkers, Anna Watts, Laura Ootes
The Influence of Stellar Spin on Ignition of Thermonuclear Runaways
published pages: L24, ISSN: 2041-8213, DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aabd32
The Astrophysical Journal 857/2 2020-03-25
2019 S. Ettori, V. Ghirardini, D. Eckert, E. Pointecouteau, F. Gastaldello, M. Sereno, M. Gaspari, S. Ghizzardi, M. Roncarelli, M. Rossetti
Hydrostatic mass profiles in X-COP galaxy clusters
published pages: A39, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833323
Astronomy & Astrophysics 621 2020-03-25
2018 L. Resmi, S. Schulze, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, K. Misra, J. Buchner, M. De Pasquale, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, S. Klose, S. Kim, N. R. Tanvir, P. T. O’Brien
Low-frequency View of GW170817/GRB 170817A with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
published pages: 57, ISSN: 1538-4357, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aae1a6
The Astrophysical Journal 867/1 2020-03-25
2016 S. Lotti, C. Macculi, M. D\'Andrea, L. Piro, S. Molendi, F. Gastaldello, T. Mineo, A. D\'ai, A. Bulgarelli, V. Fioretti, C. Jacquey, M. Laurenza, P. Laurent
Updates on the background estimates for the X-IFU instrument onboard of the ATHENA mission
published pages: 990563, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232381
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2016 Marco Barbera, Ugo Lo Cicero, Luisa Sciortino, Elena Magnano, Igor Píš, Angela Ciaravella, Alfonso Collura, Antonio Jimenez Escobar, Matteo Levantino, Flavio Nuzzo
Temperature effects on the performances of the ATHENA X-IFU thermal filters
published pages: 990560, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232323
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2017 J. van der Kuur, L.G. Gottardi, H. Akamatsu, B.J. van Leeuwen, R. den Hartog, D. Haas, M. Kiviranta, B.J. Jackson
Optimising the multiplex factor of the frequency domain multiplexed readout of the TES-based microcalorimeter imaging array for the X-IFU instrument on the Athena Xray observatory.
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232830
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 2020-03-25
2017 J. van der Kuur, L. G. Gottardi, H. A. Akamatsu, B. J. van Leeuwen, R. den Hartog, M. Kiviranta, B. Jackson
Thermal Load Minimization of the Frequency Domain Multiplexed Readout for the Athenar X-IFU Instrument
published pages: 1-4, ISSN: 1051-8223, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2659658
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27/4 2020-03-25
2016 V. Tatischeff, M. Tavani, P. von Ballmoos, L. Hanlon, U. Oberlack, A. Aboudan, A. Argan, D. Bernard, A. Brogna, A. Bulgarelli, A. Bykov, R. Campana, P. Caraveo, M. Cardillo, P. Coppi, A. De Angelis, R. Diehl, I. Donnarumma, V. Fioretti, A. Giuliani, I. Grenier, J. E. Grove, C. Hamadache, D. Hartmann, M. Hernanz, J. Isern, G. Kanbach, J. Kiener, J. Knödlseder, C. Labanti, P. Laurent, O. Limousin, F. Longo, M. Marisaldi, S. McBreen, J. E. McEnery, S. Mereghetti, F. Mirabel, A. Morselli, K. Nakazawa, J. Peyré, G. Piano, C. Pittori, S. Sabatini, L. Stawarz, D. J. Thompson, A. Ulyanov, R. Walter, X. Wu, A. Zdziarski, A. Zoglauer
The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space mission
published pages: 99052N, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2231601
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2016 D. Spiga, C. Pelliciari, B. Salmaso, L. Arcangeli, G. Bianucci, C. Ferrari, M. Ghigo, G. Pareschi, M. Rossi, G. Tagliaferri, G. Valsecchi, G. Vecchi, A. Zappettini
Design and advancement status of the Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility (BEaTriX)
published pages: 996304, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2238952
Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XI Proceedings Volume 9963, Advanc 2020-03-25
2016 Sciortino, Luisa; Lo Cicero, Ugo; Magnano, Elena; Píš, Igor; Barbera, Marco
Surface investigation and aluminum oxide estimation on test filters for the ATHENA X-IFU and WFI detectors
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232376
2017 L. Gottardi, H. Akamatsu, J. van der Kuur, S. J. Smith, A. Kozorezov, J. Chervenak
Study of TES-Based Microcalorimeters of Different Size and Geometry Under AC Bias
published pages: 1-4, ISSN: 1051-8223, DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2655500
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27/4 2020-03-25
2017 G. Mountrichas, I. Georgantopoulos, N. J. Secrest, I. Ordovás-Pascual, A. Corral, A. Akylas, S. Mateos, F. J. Carrera, E. Batziou
Searching for luminous absorbed sources in the WISE AGN catalogue
published pages: 3042-3050, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx572
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468/3 2020-03-25
2016 Hiroki Akamatsu, Luciano Gottardi, Jan van der Kuur, Cor P. de Vries, Kevin Ravensberg, Joseph S. Adams, Simon R. Bandler, Marcel P. Bruijn, James A. Chervenak, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Mikko Kiviranta, A. J. van der Linden, Brian D. Jackson, Stephen J. Smith
Development of frequency domain multiplexing for the X-ray Integral Field unit (X-IFU) on the Athena
published pages: 99055S, ISSN: , DOI: 10.1117/12.2232805
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray Proceedings Volume 9905, Space 2020-03-25
2018 L Piro, E Troja, B Zhang, G Ryan, H van Eerten, R Ricci, M H Wieringa, A Tiengo, N R Butler, S B Cenko, O D Fox, H G Khandrika, G Novara, A Rossi, T Sakamoto
A long-lived neutron star merger remnant in GW170817: constraints and clues from X-ray observations
published pages: 1912-1921, ISSN: 0035-8711, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty3047
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483/2 2020-03-25
2019 J. Nevalainen, E. Tempel, J. Ahoranta, L. J. Liivamägi, M. Bonamente, E. Tilton, J. Kaastra, T. Fang, P. Heinämäki, E. Saar, A. Finoguenov
To be or not to be: the case of the hot WHIM absorption in the blazar PKS 2155–304 sight line
published pages: A88, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833109
Astronomy & Astrophysics 621 2020-03-25
2019 D. Eckert, V. Ghirardini, S. Ettori, E. Rasia, V. Biffi, E. Pointecouteau, M. Rossetti, S. Molendi, F. Vazza, F. Gastaldello, M. Gaspari, S. De Grandi, S. Ghizzardi, H. Bourdin, C. Tchernin, M. Roncarelli
Non-thermal pressure support in X-COP galaxy clusters
published pages: A40, ISSN: 0004-6361, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833324
Astronomy & Astrophysics 621 2020-03-25

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