The page lists 2904 projects related to the topic "science".
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1 | MACC-III | Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate -III | 2014 |
2 | EUCYS 2014 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2014 | 2014 |
3 | UPWARDS | Understanding Planet Mars With Advanced Remote-sensing Datasets and Synergistic Studies | 2015 |
4 | LUNA 2014 | LUnga notte della ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung 2014 | 2014 |
5 | NHM NIGHT5 | NHM NIGHT5 | 2014 |
6 | Science at Aveiro | Science@Aveiro, General public and researchers – Closing the Gap. | 2014 |
7 | EPICNIGHT | Enthusiasm, Passion, Inspiration, Challenge (EPIC) – join us during the Researchers’ Night and see for yourself how by connecting science and passion one can make a difference! | 2014 |
8 | OurFuture | European Researchers' Night: Researchers' For a Better Future | 2014 |
9 | Let's Do The Science | Life is Science, Science is Life: LET'S DO THE SCIENCE! | 2014 |
10 | ESC | European Reseearchers Night: Researchers in Real Life. | 2014 |
11 | Science in the City | Science in the City | 2014 |
13 | TRACKS | Tenth Researchers' night Anniversary for Citizenship in the Knowledge Society | 2014 |
14 | ERNI2014 | European Researchers' Night 2014 and 2015 in Israel | 2014 |
15 | ERN14-15SVK | Festival of Science European Researchers' Night 2014 - 2015 in Slovakia | 2014 |
16 | DiscoverResearch | Discover Research Dublin - European Researchers' Night 2014/2015 | 2014 |
17 | R4H1415 | RESEARCHERS FOR HUMANITY | 2014 |
19 | CRO-EU-REKA | CRO-EU-REKA! Research For Innovation, Innovation For People | 2014 |
21 | Volcanoes Night III | Volcanoes' Night III. - Researchers' Night of the Canary Islands | 2014 |
22 | RoTalkScience | RESEARCHERS' NIGHT in ROMANIA. Do you speak science? | 2014 |
23 | BS_Night_140926_150925 | Crossing Borders - In jedem steckt ein Forscher / European Researchers Night 2014 + 2015 | 2014 |
24 | BGCN | Bristol Bright Night | 2014 |
25 | Power2Nights | Malopolska Researchers' Night 2014-2015 | 2014 |
26 | REN-ATHENS | Researcher's Night: meeting science and your next door scientist | 2014 |
27 | YorNight | York: City of the Past, City of the Future | 2014 |
28 | NLRN20142015 | Netherlands Researchers' Night: using the innovative Discovery Festival to unite separate events under a new national brand with a strong European dimension | 2014 |
29 | F.I.T. for Future | F.I.T. for Future | 2014 |
30 | RiNG-14-15 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2015 | 2014 |
31 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Excellence and Results. European Reserarchers' Night in the Centre of Italy 2014 - 2015 | 2014 |
34 | ARTofscience | Activities Releated to Science | 2014 |
35 | Friend2U | Friend to understand | 2014 |
36 | RNEst14-15 | Estonian Researchers' Nights 2014-2015 | 2014 |
37 | FLIRT | Fall in Love wIth Research Tonight | 2014 |
38 | NEWHORIZONS | New Horizons Festival | 2014 |
39 | MONTENIGHT2014-15 | Researchers Night in Montenegro 2014/2015 | 2014 |
40 | DIABOLO | Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks | 2015 |
41 | EXTPRO | Quasi-Randomness in Extremal Combinatorics | 2015 |
42 | LIFEPATH | Lifecourse biological pathways underlying social differences in healthy ageing | 2015 |
43 | MULTIMOT | Capture, dissemination and analysis of multiscale cell migration data for biological and clinical applications (MULTIMOT) | 2015 |
44 | SIS-RRI | Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation | 2014 |
45 | SUCCESS | Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the european Seafood sector | 2015 |
46 | lightMaterInt | Exploiting light and material interaction | 2015 |
47 | SiS.net2 | Network of Science with and for Society National Contact Points | 2014 |
48 | PRISM | Ice-binding proteins: from antifreeze mechanism to resistant soft materials | 2015 |
49 | OMICON | Organic Mixed Ion and Electron Conductors for High-Energy Batteries | 2015 |
50 | EMPOWER | EMPOWERING a reduction in use of conventionally fueled vehicles using Positive Policy Measures. | 2015 |
51 | EDEN ISS | Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies and Operation in Space for Safe Food Production on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts | 2015 |
52 | PROGRESS | Prediction of Geospace Radiation Environment and solar wind parameters | 2015 |
53 | CoqHoTT | Coq for Homotopy Type Theory | 2015 |
54 | GQCOP | Genuine Quantumness in Cooperative Phenomena | 2015 |
55 | Lensless | High-resolution microscopy without lenses: a new generation of imaging technology | 2015 |
56 | STARLIGHT | Steering attosecond electron dynamics in biomolecules with UV-XUV LIGHT pulses | 2015 |
58 | Regenerate | Self-regenerating Functional Surfaces – Towards a Technology Platform for New Materials and Devices | 2015 |
59 | Dynamic Nano | Dynamic Nanoplasmonics | 2015 |
60 | Big Splash | Big Splash: Efficient Simulation of Natural Phenomena at Extremely Large Scales | 2015 |
61 | ENHANCEDQMMR | Enhanced Qualitative and Multi-Method Research in Political Science | 2015 |
62 | NewAve | New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle | 2015 |
64 | EURO-LAB | Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary | 2016 |
65 | CUSTOM-SENSE | Custom-made biosensors – Accelerating the transition to a bio-based economy | 2015 |
66 | VOICES | Voices Of Individuals: Collectively Exploring Self-determination | 2015 |
67 | FIDUCEO | Fidelity and Uncertainty in Climate data records from Earth Observations | 2015 |
68 | CORPNET | Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism | 2015 |
69 | OPT4SMART | Distributed Optimization Methods for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks | 2015 |
70 | ULEED | Observing structural dynamics at surfaces with Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction | 2015 |
71 | BUCOPHSYS | Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multi-human coordination | 2015 |
72 | MIRAGE 20-15 | Mid Infra-Red near-field control by Adiabatic frequency Generation Enabling 20fs/15nm resolution | 2015 |
73 | NAPOLI | Nanoporous Asymmetric Poly(Ionic Liquid) Membrane | 2015 |
74 | IMAGINE | Imaging magnetic fields at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope | 2015 |
75 | CLC | Cryptography with Low Complexity | 2015 |
76 | QPE | Quantum Photonic Engineering | 2015 |
77 | Odysseus II | Youth for Space Challenge - ODYSSEUS II | 2015 |
78 | REACT | REsettable Hold-Down and Release ACTuator | 2015 |
79 | DEMOCRITOS | Demonstrators for Conversion, Reactor, Radiator And Thrusters for Electric Propulsion Systems | 2015 |
80 | DATASET2050 | Data driven approach for a Seamless Efficient European Travelling in 2050 | 2014 |
81 | RYSQ | Rydberg Quantum Simulators | 2015 |
82 | Objectivity | Making Scientific Inferences More Objective | 2015 |
83 | BetaDropNMR | Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids | 2015 |
84 | M4ShaleGas | M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas | 2015 |
85 | FEXFEM | On a free open source extreme scale finite element software | 2015 |
86 | QUCHIP | Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip | 2015 |
87 | EDUCAGE | The EDUCAGE: A Behavioral Platform for Naturalistic Learning | 2015 |
88 | BioStealth | Explore the potentialities of biostealth coatings for tissue engineering and reconstructive medicine | 2015 |
89 | SENSEI | Sequence-Enabled Single cEll Identification device | 2015 |
90 | BINGO | Breeding Invertebrates for Next Generation BioControl (BINGO) | 2015 |
91 | RELIEF | RELIability of product Environmental Footprints | 2015 |
92 | E-KnoT | E-GNSS Knowledge Triangle | 2015 |
93 | NextGenVis | Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry | 2015 |
94 | DEFNET | DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering | 2015 |
95 | HypoTRAIN | Hyporheic Zone Processes – A training network for enhancing the understanding of complex physical, chemical and biological process interactions | 2015 |
96 | HPC-LEAP | High Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering And Physics | 2015 |
97 | EURO-SEQUENCES | Monomer sequence control in Polymers : Toward next-generation precision materials | 2015 |
98 | FREEWAT | FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management | 2015 |
99 | BIG4 | BIG4 - Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs | 2015 |
100 | ArcInTex ETN | ArcInTex ETN | 2015 |
101 | INSPIRATION | INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION | 2015 |
102 | BiodivERsA3 | Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2015 |
103 | AdapTT | Real time therapy planning for Thermal based therapy modalities in oncology care. | 2015 |
104 | CoACH | Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries | 2015 |
105 | EUROLEISH-NET | Control of leishmaniasis, from bench to bedside and community | 2015 |
106 | RADIATE | Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education | 2015 |
107 | SELECTA | Smart ELECTrodeposited Alloys for environmentally sustainable applications: from advanced protective coatings to micro/nano-robotic platforms | 2015 |
108 | Phonsi | Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation | 2015 |
109 | EpiPredict | Epigenetic regulation of endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer: A systems medicine approach to predict treatment outcome | 2015 |
110 | EDEN | European Dry Eye Network | 2015 |
111 | SPARCARB | Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials | 2015 |
112 | EUROPOL | EUROPOL | 2015 |
113 | COLLDENSE | Hybrid Colloidal Systems with Designed Response | 2015 |
114 | MULTI-APP | Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications | 2015 |
115 | WDAqua | Answering Questions using Web Data | 2015 |
116 | PUFF | Pulsed valves: Fast Forward | 2015 |
117 | InCeM | Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility | 2015 |
118 | ECMED | The Extracellular Matrix in Epileptogenesis | 2015 |
119 | SUPRABARRIER | SUPRAmolecular polyolefins as oxygen BARRIER materials | 2015 |
120 | ENHANCE | Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe | 2015 |
121 | PACE | Perception and Action in Complex Environments | 2015 |
122 | BigStorage | BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data | 2015 |
123 | NanoHeal | Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces | 2015 |
124 | BRAINVIEW | Integrated view on disruptions of early brain development | 2015 |
125 | C-CASCADES | Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene | 2015 |
126 | Biorapid | Rapid Bioprocess Development | 2015 |
127 | ZENCODE-ITN | Computational and functional annotation of genomic elements during development of the model vertebrate zebrafish | 2015 |
128 | CRITICS | Critical Transitions in Complex Systems | 2015 |
129 | ECRYPT-NET | European Integrated Research Training Network on Advanced Cryptographic Technologies for the Internet of Things and the Cloud | 2015 |
130 | SYNCHRONICS | SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action | 2015 |
131 | NoHoW | Evidence-based ICT tools for weight loss maintenance | 2015 |
132 | OpenAIRE2020 | Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 | 2015 |
133 | GCOF | A stepping stone approach towards the Genetics Clinic of the Future | 2015 |
134 | SCIENCE | Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE) | 2015 |
135 | ASSESS CT | Assessing SNOMED CT for Large Scale eHealth Deployments in the EU | 2015 |
136 | EDSA | European Data Science Academy | 2015 |
137 | CREATe-Network | Processing and Characterization of Advanced Nano-Composites for Resource-efficient Applications and Technologies | 2015 |
138 | PICSE | Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe | 2014 |
139 | REDOXIT | Reactive oxygen species (ROS) as Elixirs against chronic Disease: OXidative regulatory mechanisms In T cells and neutrophils. | 2015 |
140 | CRYDIS | Driving innovation in pharmaceuticals: integrated studies of physical dissolution properties of crystalline and amorphous forms using enhanced orthogonal monitoring techniques | 2015 |
141 | MIXMAX | Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems | 2015 |
142 | CPS Summit | Transatlantic CPS Summit | 2015 |
143 | ETexWeld | Welding of E-Textiles for Interactive Clothing | 2015 |
144 | SWEEPER | Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot | 2015 |
145 | BigDataEurope | Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges | 2015 |
146 | LIGHT2015 | The International Year of Light in Europe 2015 | 2015 |
147 | AppHub | AppHub, the European Open Source Marketplace | 2015 |
148 | METCOPH | Metallocomplexes of macrocyclic compounds for photonic devices | 2015 |
149 | AXIOM | Apertus° eXtendable Integrated Open Modular Cinema Camera | 2015 |
150 | TUMOCS | TUneable Multiferroics based on oxygen OCtahedral Structures | 2015 |
151 | AMMODIT | Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools | 2015 |
152 | HYMADE | Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes | 2015 |
153 | REMINE | Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications | 2015 |
154 | UNICAT | Unique Biomaterial-Drug Solution for Multifunctional Central Venous Catheters | 2015 |
155 | PROTINUS | PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure | 2015 |
156 | NonMinimalHiggs | Non Minimal Higgs | 2015 |
157 | RISE_BPM | Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange | 2015 |
158 | RINEA | Research and Innovation Network for Europe and Africa | 2015 |
159 | ROUTE-TO-PA | Raising Open and User-friendly Transparency-Enabling Technologies forPublic Administrations | 2015 |
160 | SeeingNano | Developing and Enabling Nanotechnology Awareness-Building through the Creation and Exchange of enhanced Communication and Visualisation Tools and Guidance for ‘Seeing at the Nanoscale’ | 2014 |
161 | SMPFv2.0 | Next generation single molecule protein fluorescence | 2015 |
162 | WMF2015 | World Manufacturing Forum 2015 | 2015 |
163 | NEUCOS | Neutrinos and the origin of the cosmic rays | 2015 |
164 | DIMR | Data Intensive Modelling of the Rhizosphere Processes | 2015 |
165 | CC | Combinatorial Construction | 2016 |
166 | GROWMOF | Modelling of MOF self-assembly, crystal growth and thin film formation | 2015 |
167 | LaDIST | Large Discrete Structures | 2015 |
168 | DISTRUCT | Structure Theory for Directed Graphs | 2015 |
169 | GRANN | Graphene Coated Nanoparticles and Nanograins | 2015 |
170 | GAINBYSTRAIN | Gain by Strain: Precise Cuts of Cyclopropanes as Key to Molecular Complexity | 2015 |
171 | LEXICAL | Lexical Acquisition Across Languages | 2015 |
172 | QLev4G | Quantum control of levitated massive mechanical systems: a new approach for gravitational quantum physics | 2015 |
173 | EuroMED-IMWC | EuroMED Cooperation. Inland and Marine Water Challenges | 2014 |
174 | ISIGrowth | Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth | 2015 |
175 | EMU Choices (former EMU_SCEUS) | The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration | 2015 |
176 | TAIPI | Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information | 2015 |
177 | IPCC | Support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to facilitate the preparation of its next Assessment Report | 2015 |
178 | WINETWORK | Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector | 2015 |
179 | Hennovation | Practice-led innovation supported by science and market-driven actors in the laying hen and other livestock sectors | 2015 |
180 | EU-PolarNet | Connecting Science with Society | 2015 |
181 | COLUMBUS | COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth | 2015 |
182 | EuroStemCell | European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research | 2015 |
183 | CLEANLIB | Cleansing the Library: the Expurgatory Censorship of Books in Europe (Science and Humanities, 16th-18th cent.) | 2016 |
184 | STEMCELLTRACK | Assessment of Global and Regional Cardiac Functional Improvements in a Murine Model of Myocardial Infarction following Stem Cell Treatments | 2015 |
185 | CONFAM | Confronting sexual pluralism: the regulatory dilemmas and policy challenges of non-monogamous family formations | 0 |
186 | MPerS | Sustainable Mixed-ion Layered Perovskite Solar Cells | 2015 |
187 | IMPACT | Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport | 2015 |
188 | Silver Stream | Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient | 2015 |
189 | SCIMOD | Scientific Models, Fiction and Imagination | 2015 |
190 | DecoMP_ECoG | Decoding memory processing from experimental and spontaneous human brain activity using intracranial electrophysiological recordings and machine learning based methods. | 2015 |
191 | THOR | THOR – Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research | 2015 |
192 | SoNDe | Solid-State Neutron Detector - A new Neutron Detector for High-Flux Applications | 2015 |
193 | LEARN | Leaders Activating Research Networks: Implementing the LERU Research Data Roadmap and Toolkit | 2015 |
194 | EGI-Engage | Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons | 2015 |
195 | STR- ESFRI | Support to Reinforce the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
196 | Sci-GaIA | Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa | 2015 |
197 | FUTURES | Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary Expertise and New Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development | 2016 |
198 | ARTE | Atomic Research for Topological Engineering | 2015 |
199 | UACSURF | Understanding atmospheric circulation from a surface perspective | 2015 |
201 | NANO-Q | Cavity Cooling of Nanosilicon for Quantum Interference Experiments | 2015 |
202 | PREDICTIVEMEMORY | Multimodal neuroimaging of mechanisms supporting memory-based predictions in the human brain | 2015 |
203 | HOLES | Highly Ordered Light-manipulators by Self-assembly | 2015 |
204 | Solarfuels | Engineering Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Solar Fuels Production | 2015 |
205 | GROUPCOG | From individual cognition to collective intelligence | 2016 |
206 | NICHE | Navigating and Innovating in Complex Healthcare Ecosystems | 2015 |
207 | FOC4SIP | Functionalised Organic Complexes for rapid Sensing of Industrial Polluters | 2015 |
208 | EPOCH GeoChem | Early POpulations in Cretan History: Investigating residential mobility in the eastern Mediterranean using isotope GeoChemistry | 2016 |
209 | SAAB | 'Science as Applied to Building' : Science, Construction, and Architectural Acoustics (1914-1954) | 2015 |
210 | HSPACE | High Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Systems | 2016 |
211 | NANOLIPID | Understanding key factors for the use of bioactive lipid nanoparticles to modulate the functionality of complex food systems | 2015 |
212 | SOS-Nano | Structure – Oxidative Stress relationships of metal oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic environment | 2015 |
213 | CONSORT | Controlled Singlet Oxygen Release Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy | 2015 |
214 | EMOTIONS FIRST | EMOTIONS FIRST. Feeling reason: the role of emotions in reasoning | 2016 |
215 | Walgo | What is an Algorithm? Extensional and Intensional Equivalences between Programs | 2015 |
216 | BIHC | BIHC- Bio-inspired models of human crowds | 2015 |
217 | SmartMass | Behavioral and cognitive mechanisms promoting collective intelligence in human groups | 2015 |
218 | HAP4MARBLE | Multi-functionalization of hydroxyapatite for restoration and preventive conservation of marble artworks | 2015 |
219 | HiDDaProTImA | High-dimensional data processing: from theory to imaging applications | 2016 |
220 | COPAST | The Colours of the Past in Victorian England | 2016 |
221 | UltraTherMicroscope | Ultra-sensitive Thermal Nanoscale Microscope | 2015 |
222 | CARDI-ACHE | The cardiovascular consequences of endurance exercise | 2015 |
223 | MUGNAIO | MUltiplex Government Networks Analysis and InvestigatiOn | 2015 |
224 | DIGIPHASE | Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy | 2015 |
225 | MultiFUNGtionality | Fungal diversity, ecosystem services and forest management: unravelling the role and dynamics of fungal communities in multifunctional Mediterranean forests. | 2016 |
226 | DEMONH | DEsign of Multifunctional 2D-OrgaNic Hybrids | 2016 |
227 | BURIAL | Forming Idendities in a Transitional Area | 2015 |
228 | FireAndRiskPrevention | When the smoke clears: predicting and preventing catastrophic erosion and flooding after wildfires in volcanic terrains | 2015 |
229 | ISHTAR | The travelling astronomers. International collaborations after World War II and the reorganization of European astronomy (1953-1985) | 2015 |
230 | Super MagneFiQuE | Superconducting magnetic-field compatible quantum electronics | 2015 |
231 | ARSENICLOSS | Chemical and metallurgical aspects of arsenical bronze: the case of arsenic-loss in prehistoric metal production | 2015 |
232 | PoreSelect | Macroporous Polymer Monoliths as a Low-Cost Bioanalytical Platform for Biopharmaceutical Glycoprotein | 2016 |
233 | LAGRANGE | LAte Glacial RANGe Expansion | 2016 |
234 | AlFHoNSo | Analysing Forest Hydrocarbons with Networks of Sensors | 2015 |
235 | RContext | Radical Contextualism and the Science of Meaning | 2015 |
236 | MODFIN | Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures | 2016 |
237 | ESAIRE | Engaging Citizens in Science: Promoting the Viability of Participatory Sensing for Monitoring Air and Environmental Quality | 2015 |
238 | SPIN3 | Spin triplet pairings in ferromagnet Josephson junctions | 2015 |
239 | SilhouetteOfSeaweed | Overcoming barriers in estimating toxicity of arsenic species in seaweed | 2015 |
240 | Ethics and Ageing | Ethics and Ageing | 2015 |
241 | USES | Understanding Social-Ecological Systems: Coupling population and satellite remotely sensed environmental data to improve the evidence base for sustainable development | 2015 |
242 | AluminiumScrapDbase | Aluminium Scrap: Open access database for impurity levels-microstructure-property and methods to recover properties in high impurity scrap | 2015 |
243 | MINDFLY | Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems | 2016 |
245 | REDOxHEART | The Role of Adipose-Tissue Derived wnt-ligands in the Regulation of Myocardial Redox Signalling | 2015 |
246 | nanoCAVa | Formation of nano-scale clusters from atmospheric vapors | 2015 |
247 | Exo-C | Insights into cloudy exoplanet atmospheres | 2016 |
248 | LOGIVIS | The logics of information visualisation | 2015 |
249 | OUTstandINg | Cell-surface immobilized vs. internalized magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia studies | 2015 |
250 | DoRoThy | Donating Robots a Theory of Mind | 2015 |
251 | Safe and Sound Drive | Design of a serious game for cars to help increase driver skills and lower fuel consumption | 2015 |
252 | SilentFACT | Functional networks and cancer roles of the essential histone chaperone FACT | 2015 |
253 | MOLCLICK | Molecular 'Click-tronics': Surface-based synthesis of single-molecule electronic components | 2015 |
254 | COFFEE | Condensed-phase Optical-Femtosecond-Fringe-Encoded EUV Diffraction | 2015 |
255 | GlidArc | Towards a fundamental understanding of a gliding arc discharge for the purpose of greenhouse gas conversion into value-added chemicals | 2015 |
256 | REGUCB | Regulating Umbilical Cord Blood Biobanking in Europe | 2015 |
257 | DROUGHTROOT | Plants in search of water: physiological and molecular interplay between root hydraulics and architecture during drought stress | 2016 |
258 | InSIght | Information from Symbols and Illustrations: how to get it without vision | 2015 |
259 | ACTIVE_MARS | Active Surface Processes On Mars: A Laboratory, Field And Remote Sensing Study | 2016 |
260 | SuSiPOD | Broadband Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors | 2015 |
261 | DECOS | Unrestricted Divide-Expand-Consolidate Coupled Cluster Methods for Large Open-Shell Molecules | 2015 |
262 | COLPHAM | Collective Phenomena in dense Active Matter: phase transitions and non-equilibrium dynamics. | 2015 |
263 | ATTOCHEM | Attosecond imaging and control of chemical dynamics | 2015 |
264 | DLCHHB | Artificial Tissue Actuators by the 3D Printing of Responsive Hydrogels | 2015 |
265 | Space-Time from Info | Space-Time from Information Flow | 2015 |
266 | EI-USAXS | Imaging ultra-small angle x-ray scattering with edge-illumination: exploiting sub-pixel information in medical diagnostics, materials science and security screening | 2015 |
267 | MIGWAR | Investigating the interactions between civil wars and migration. | 2015 |
268 | MAXWELL | Maximising wellbeing and minimising emissions: backcasting social visions for a low-carbon Europe. | 2015 |
269 | PEATmod | PEATland modelling for global carbon cycle and climate models | 2016 |
271 | RULE-THERM | Real-time up-conversion luminescence thermometry based on lanthanide doped nanodiamonds in a living cell | 2016 |
272 | SIBG | Strongly Interacting Bose Gases | 2015 |
273 | NBSC | Neural basis of semantic control | 2016 |
274 | ARENAVIRUS | Molecular mechanisms of arenavirus cell entry and antibody-mediated neutralization | 2015 |
275 | EFTA DEVELOPMENT | The ‘other’ Europe: the formation and development of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 1958–92 | 2016 |
276 | PolAME | Polarimetry of Anomalous Microwave Emission: Implication for B-mode Polarization Detection and Galactic Science | 2016 |
277 | PATOX | Development of pyrrolizidine alkaloid detection methods for the assessment of food contamination and impact on human and animal health | 2016 |
278 | MoStMusic | Models of Structure in Music | 2016 |
279 | SOLLAY | Soft Chemical Control of the Physical Properties of Layered Solids | 2016 |
280 | Eco-PhyloGeo | Linking phylogeography to ecology: extracting rules for butterfly biodiversity at large spatial scale | 2015 |
281 | ChiralCatLnCoils | De novo design of Lanthanide coiled coils for asymmetric catalysis | 2015 |
282 | LUMIMAGNET-NANO | Multifunctional luminescent and magnetic nanoparticles for advanced biomedical applications | 2015 |
283 | MUSIC | How the brain creates Mutual Understanding during Social InteraCtion | 2016 |
284 | GGG | Gendered Geographies of Gentrification | 2016 |
285 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
286 | PS-IRAQ | Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). | 2016 |
287 | NANOLASER | Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers | 2015 |
288 | WISDOM | Wavelength conversIon in diSpersion engineereD Optical fibres for Mid-IR applications | 2015 |
289 | Graphene Membranes | Ultrapermeable Atomically-Thin Membranes for Molecular Separations | 2015 |
290 | SPAFIL | Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers | 2015 |
291 | TADFORCE | Strengthening and survey beyond the knowledge of the TADF emitters as materials for superefficient OLED devices | 2015 |
292 | DPaTh-To-Adapt | Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean. | 2016 |
293 | PALADIN | Positron Annihilation Detection Beyond the Limits | 2015 |
294 | FourFeFourS | Molecular Understanding of Generation and Trafficking of Mitochondrial [4Fe-4S] Clusters | 2015 |
295 | SELECT-A-PROTEIN | Mixed brushes of stimuli-responsive polymers for the selective adsorption of proteins | 2015 |
296 | YIELDFACTOR | Using SP1 to control plastid development and yield in cereals | 2016 |
297 | EMPIREHURIGHTS | Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) | 2016 |
298 | REAP | Real-time diagnostics for Enabling Advanced laser-based roll to roll materials Processing | 2015 |
299 | Transnational Localism | Transnational Localism and Music after the two World Wars: the case of Francis Poulenc | 2015 |
300 | BIMEDA | Big Medical Data Use in Primary Care: an ethnographic, socio-technical, investigation of challenges and opportunities | 2015 |
301 | EastAsiaAerosol | Sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosol in East Asia | 2015 |
302 | PATRIMONiT | PATRIMONiT. From Cheap Print to Rare Ephemera: 16th-Century Italian 'Popular' Books at the British Library | 2016 |
303 | BetMon | Delivering better fitness estimators for wildlife ecology and management and effective monitoring | 2015 |
304 | CL-3DE | Choice and learning in a 3-dimensional environment: an investigation of brain and behaviour | 2015 |
305 | SCME | Selecting, Creating and Modifying Embryos: the ethics of new reproductive genetic technologies | 2015 |
306 | HCAPT | High Current All Printed Transistors | 2015 |
307 | IRC | Imagination and Religious Credence | 2015 |
308 | ReACT | A Realizability Approach to Complexity Theory | 2015 |
309 | STABLE_FABRY | Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons | 2016 |
310 | NCDIFFGEO | Models of noncommutative differential geometries | 2016 |
311 | FUNC NGS | Deep screening of proteins with a next generation sequencing platform | 2015 |
312 | CRYPTRANS | Characterization of newly discovered but poorly understood fungal-driven trophic processes in freshwater lake ecosystems by metatranscriptomic | 2015 |
313 | ORSETOSY | Organocatalysis at the service of total synthesis: Madangamine alkaloids | 2015 |
314 | ISPADMEC | Integrin specificity in rigidity sensitive proliferation, activation and directional migration of endothelial cells | 2015 |
315 | NEDRATS | New Enantioselective Desymmetrization Reactions in Alkaloid Total Synthesis | 2015 |
316 | Spiral DRAGNs | Here be Spiral DRAGNs | 2016 |
317 | RyM | Experimental Studies of Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases in an Optical Lattice | 2015 |
318 | NoBios | No Biofouling Surfaces | 2015 |
319 | Genocide accounting | Accounting for genocide: legal and scientific accounting practices in the wake of the Srebrenica genocide | 2016 |
320 | NeuPheMi | Neurophenomenology of Mental Imagery | 2016 |
321 | AdoDigitFamX | Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects | 2015 |
322 | APOBEC | Enzymatic DNA deamination and the immunity/cancer balance | 2015 |
323 | CortFit | Using reaction norms to identify glucocorticoid phenotypes and their relationship to fitness in individuals of a wild vertebrate. | 2015 |
324 | KaMCAM | Kac-Moody groups and Computer Assistants in Mathematics | 2015 |
325 | CONGO | Hybrid Political Orders and Violent Exchanges in the Eastern Congo | 2016 |
326 | STRETCHLENS | Deformable platform with thin-film based circuits and ultra-thin Si chips for smart contact lens applications | 2016 |
327 | TITLY | Inhibition of the T-cell receptor signalling pathway for treatment of T-cell lymphoma | 2015 |
328 | ALIS | Associating Literature and the Imaginary with Science: Early Years Education | 2016 |
329 | CarboPlex | Development of carbon-rich biochar-mineral complexes for soil amendment, carbon sequestration and beyond (CarboPlex) | 2015 |
330 | BinCosmos | The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times | 2015 |
331 | IMAGUS | Styles of Objectivity: Agency, Alignment, and Automation in Image-Guided Surgery | 2015 |
332 | CAMP-BIVALENCE | Roma, Gypsies and Travellers' social in/exclusion in European urban camps | 2016 |
333 | RiceStyle | Carpel evolution: a walk in the rice side | 2016 |
334 | GENENET | Gene networks to investigate lateral gene transfer in parasitic protozoa | 2015 |
335 | GDAPIV | Genomics Data Analysis Pipelines with Interactive Visualizations | 2015 |
336 | Gait Biometrics 3 | Main goal of the project is to create a prototype of the software, which will be able to identify peoplejust based on the way how they walk. | 2015 |
337 | HEALTH-TECH | Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing | 2015 |
338 | AstroFIt2 | Astronomy Fellowships in Italy 2 | 2015 |
339 | MISSION | Mid Infrared SpectrometerS by an Innovative Optical iNterferometer | 2015 |
340 | FLOVISP | Flow Visualization Based Pressure | 2015 |
341 | ACOFORS | Launching Acoustic Force Spectroscopy - unlocking the potential of biomolecular bungee jumping | 2015 |
342 | Bio4Med | International Doctoral Programme in Biological Bases of Human Diseases | 2015 |
343 | MWK-Fellows | Fellowships in Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the Max-Weber-Kolleg | 2015 |
344 | NANO-POS | Miniature Controller for NANO-meter level Motor POSitioning | 2015 |
345 | PASSIONATE | Providing Active Safety Shoes based On Nano Technologies | 2015 |
346 | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 2015 |
347 | XPRESSO | Breakthrough gene expression search engine for cost reduction and significantly increased use of open data in drug discovery. | 2015 |
348 | ENAMISS | ENAMISS - Energetic Neutral Atoms Monitor on the International Space Station | 2015 |
349 | SIMPLE | Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment | 2015 |
350 | Cydar PaaS | Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) | 2015 |
352 | WeForYou | Meet and learn What Excellent science does FOR YOU and the society | 2014 |
353 | FUSION NIGHT | Find Your Passion for Science on Researchers Night | 2014 |
354 | A2F Conference | Presidency Conference on Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and Growth | 2014 |
355 | ConnectinGEO | Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations | 2015 |
356 | INPACT | Innovative peptides against cancer and pathogenic bacteria, with advances in science, biopharmaceutical drug development, product market targeting, training , and communication. | 2015 |
357 | PRACE-4IP | PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project | 2015 |
358 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
359 | EarthServer-2 | Agile Analytics on Big Data Cubes | 2015 |
360 | TWILIGHT | ToWards Immunisations that Last: the Immunology and Gerontology of Helper T cells | 2015 |
361 | DTHPS | Sound and Materialism in the 19th Century | 2015 |
362 | PersoNews | Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy | 2015 |
363 | HybridMiX | Genetic Mapping of Evolutionary Developmental Variation using Hybrid Mouse in vitro Crosses | 2015 |
364 | VITAL | The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making | 2015 |
365 | MechanoFate | From mechanical stress to vascular fate | 2016 |
366 | CAFES | Causal Analysis of Feedback Systems | 2015 |
367 | CONSTRAINTS | Ecophysiological and biophysical constraints on domestication in crop plants | 2015 |
368 | ABLASE | Advanced Bioderived and Biocompatible Lasers | 2015 |
369 | PRIMAVERA | PRocess-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment | 2015 |
370 | CRESCENDO | Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach | 2015 |
371 | Sport Infinity | Waste-Based Rapid Adhesive-free Production of Sports goods | 2015 |
372 | NANORESTART | NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART | 2015 |
373 | AEDMOS | Attosecond Electron Dynamics in MOlecular Systems | 2015 |
374 | ENSURE | Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr | 2015 |
376 | STRINGFLATION | Inflation in String Theory - Connecting Quantum Gravity with Observations | 2015 |
377 | QUANTUMMETALINK | Quantum Metamaterials: A Theoretical and Computational Approach Towards Seamlessly Integrated Hybrid Classical/Quantum Nano-structures | 2015 |
378 | LIVIN | Light-Vapour Interactions at the Nanoscale | 2015 |
379 | ALDof 2DTMDs | Atomic layer deposition of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide nanolayers | 2015 |
380 | BHIVE | Bio-derived HIgh Value polymers through novel Enzyme function | 2015 |
381 | MAGIC | Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities | 2015 |
382 | VirtualPatients | Effective Clinical reasoning in Virtual Patients | 2015 |
383 | CORONA II | Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy (CORONA II) | 2015 |
384 | NanoSmell | NanoSmells: Artificial remote-controlled odorants | 2015 |
385 | IBSEN | Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN | 2015 |
386 | ICRI-BioM | International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials | 2015 |
387 | ANTARES | Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security | 2015 |
388 | MMAC | Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing | 2015 |
389 | EPIC | Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control | 2015 |
390 | SMARTAgriFor | Collaboration to develop a business plan for the Centre of Agriculture and Forestry | 2015 |
391 | PlantaSYST | Establishment of a Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology for the translation of fundamental research into sustainable bio-based technologies in Bulgaria | 2015 |
392 | CAMART2 | CAMART2 | 2015 |
393 | Microflusa | Fabricating colloidal materials with microfluidics | 2015 |
394 | 2D-INK | Redesigning 2D Materials for the Formulation of Semiconducting Inks | 2016 |
395 | DEDALE | Data Learning on Manifolds and Future Challenges | 2015 |
396 | VOXEL | volumetric medical x-ray imaging at extremely low dose | 2015 |
397 | ISTScholar | International IST Doctoral Program | 2015 |
398 | INCIPIT | INnovative Life sCIence Phd Programme in South ITaly | 2016 |
399 | ABIOMATER | Magnetically actuated bio-inspired metamaterials | 2015 |
400 | RIFP | Rutherford International Fellowship Programme | 2015 |
401 | EPFL Fellows | Experienced Researchers Incoming Fellowship Programme at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 2015 |
403 | Lingvist | Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software | 2015 |
404 | NOVCARBFIX | Analysis, Design and Experimental Evolution of Novel Carbon Fixation Pathways | 2016 |
405 | ECLAIR | Emulation of subgrid-scale aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models: towards a realistic representation of aerosol indirect effect | 2015 |
406 | WCE | Wroclaw Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
407 | ARTEMIDA | Advanced Regional Translation of Excellence into Medical Innovations for Delayed Aging | 2015 |
408 | TEMARA | Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector | 2015 |
409 | LignoSilva | Centre of Excellence of Forest-based Industry | 2015 |
410 | THE DISCOVERIES CTR | Development of a Business Plan for establishment of The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and Precision Medicine, a new Centre of Excellence in Portugal | 2015 |
411 | DoReMIR | Automatic music transcription of polyphonic audio | 2015 |
412 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems | 2015 |
413 | OptoVision | Optogenetic investigation of cortical layer-6 neuron contributions to dynamic visual perception | 2015 |
414 | WayTO | Wayfinding Through Orientation | 2015 |
415 | IDEM | Immunity, DEvelopment and Microbiota: Understanding the Continuous Construction of Biological Identity | 2015 |
416 | LITTLE TOOLS | Enacting the Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation | 2015 |
417 | MELGEN | MELanoma GENetics - understanding and biomarking the genetic and immunological determinants of melanoma survival | 2015 |
418 | IMMUTRAIN | Training Network for the Immunotherapy of Cancer | 2015 |
419 | EJD-FunMat | European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research | 2015 |
420 | AQUAINVAD-ED | AQUAtic INVAders: Early Detection, Control and Management | 2015 |
421 | SECURE | Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments | 2015 |
422 | DAFNEOX | Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films | 2015 |
423 | CITYCoP | Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing | 2015 |
424 | ActIng | Addiction of Insects for Biosensoring | 2015 |
425 | FET_TRACES | Tracing impacts of the FET programme | 2015 |
426 | GEDII | Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity | 2015 |
427 | LIBRA | Leading Innovative measures to reach gender Balance in Research Activities | 2015 |
428 | PaRaDeSEC | Expanding Potential in Particle and Radiation Detectors, Sensors and Electronics in Croatia | 2015 |
429 | ERAatUC | Enhancing Research in Ageing at the University of Coimbra | 2015 |
430 | INTICE | Pathways to Intrinsically Icephobic Surfaces | 2015 |
431 | VIBRATE | Self-sustaining vibration and mechanical resonance effects in stimuli responsive liquid crystal polymer coatings and membranes (Vibrate) | 2015 |
432 | DuaLL | Duality in Formal Languages and Logic - a unifying approach to complexity and semantics | 2015 |
433 | ExtruLub | Commercialisation of Advanced Extrusion Technologies Delivering Disruptive Innovation for the Next Generation of Catheter Based Medical Devices. | 2015 |
434 | NUCLEUS | NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions | 2015 |
435 | EnRRICH | Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH) | 2015 |
436 | HEIRRI | HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) | 2015 |
438 | MidFrontalTheta2.0 | MidFrontal Cortex Theta Oscillations: Causes and Consequences | 2015 |
439 | DARKHORIZONS | Dark Matter and the Early Universe in the LHC Era | 2015 |
440 | AI4REASON | Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning | 2015 |
441 | ComPat | Computing Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing | 2015 |
442 | NLAFET | Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra for Future Extreme-Scale Systems | 2015 |
443 | ANICOLEVO | Animal coloration through deep time: evolutionary novelty, homology and taphonomy | 2016 |
444 | GREYZONE | Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations | 2015 |
445 | SYMCAR | Symbolic Computation and Automated Reasoning for Program Analysis | 2016 |
446 | ToxicExpertise | Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry | 2015 |
447 | REFRESH | Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain | 2015 |
448 | EXCHANGE | Forensic Geneticists and the Transnational Exchange of DNA data in the EU: Engaging Science with Social Control, Citizenship and Democracy | 2015 |
449 | ARTECHNE | Technique in the Arts. Concepts, Practices, Expertise (1500-1950) | 2015 |
450 | SoBigData | SoBigData Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
451 | AHEAD | Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain | 2015 |
452 | MOvE-ECG | Moving from genome wide association to elucidating causal mechanisms of electrocardiographic traits | 2015 |
453 | FoTRRIS | Fostering a Transition towards Responsible Research and Innovation Systems | 2015 |
454 | EURAXESS TOP III | Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII | 2015 |
456 | NEWPHYS-MOLECULES | Probing Physics beyond the Standard Model from Molecules | 2015 |
457 | PHOSFUN | Phosphorene functionalization: a new platform for advanced multifunctional materials | 2015 |
458 | MIMESIS | Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing | 2015 |
459 | BrightnESS | Building a research infrastructure and synergies for highest scientific impact on ESS | 2015 |
460 | DATACTIVE | Data activism: The politics of big data according to civil society | 2015 |
461 | TAMING | Taming non convexity? | 2015 |
462 | ASICA | New constraints on the Amazonian carbon balance from airborne observations of the stable isotopes of CO2 | 2015 |
463 | LAA-THz-CC | Lens Antenna Arrays for Coherent THz Cameras | 2015 |
464 | WANDERINGMINDS | Not all minds that wander are lost: A neurocognitive test of mind-wandering state’s contribution to human cognition. | 2015 |
465 | IPERION CH | Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
466 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
467 | EPN2020-RI | EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
469 | COMNACTSS | Controlling micro- and nano-channel transport with selective solvation | 2015 |
470 | MultiCO | Promoting Youth Scientific Career Awareness and it Attractiveness through Multi-stakeholder Co-operation | 2015 |
471 | ER4STEM | Educational Robotics for STEM | 2015 |
472 | multiBB | Boron-boron multiple bonding | 2016 |
473 | nEU-Med | Origins of a new Economic Union (7th to 12th centuries): resources, landscapes and political strategies in a Mediterranean region | 2015 |
474 | SYSTEM-RISK | A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management | 2016 |
475 | ESS-SUSTAIN | European Social Survey Sustainability | 2015 |
476 | spim4You | spim4You: customised solutions for light sheet microscopes and imaging data analysis. | 2015 |
477 | CONNECTINGEUROPE | Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging | 2016 |
478 | AQUAEXCEL2020 | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research towards 2020 | 2015 |
479 | SINE2020 | World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020 – SINE2020 | 2015 |
480 | EUCALL | European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources | 2015 |
481 | SIRCIW | Strengthening International Research Capacity in Wales | 2015 |
482 | Hypatia | Hypatia | 2015 |
483 | SPARKS | SPARKS | 2015 |
484 | SciChallenge | Next Generation Science Challenges Using Digital and Social Media to Make Science Education and Careers Attractive for Young People | 2015 |
485 | CREATIONS | CREATIONS - Developing an Engaging Science Classroom | 2015 |
486 | EcOILogy | Microbial life in oil | 2015 |
487 | ARPEMA | Anionic redox processes: A transformational approach for advanced energy materials | 2015 |
488 | BRAIN2MIND_NEUROCOMP | Developing and delivering neurocomputational models to bridge between brain and mind. | 2016 |
489 | switchlet | A multi-resolution theory for systems and control across scales | 2015 |
490 | CESSDA-SaW | Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. | 2015 |
491 | SUSPLACE | SUSPLACE | 2015 |
494 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
495 | VI-SEEM | VRE for regional Interdisciplinary communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean | 2015 |
496 | AdaptEconII | Adaptation to a New Economic Reality | 2015 |
497 | ESiWACE | Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe | 2015 |
498 | ModLife | Advancing Modelling for Process-Product Innovation, Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries | 2015 |
499 | EDISON | Education for Data Intensive Science to Open New science frontiers | 2015 |
500 | BE-OPTICAL | Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis | 2015 |
501 | BtRAIN | Brain barriers training | 2015 |
502 | BlueBRIDGE | Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | 2015 |
503 | ALKATRAS | ALK Activation as a target of TRAanslational Science (ALKATRAS): Break free from cancer | 2015 |
504 | BioExcel | Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research | 2015 |
505 | MARmaED | MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change | 2015 |
506 | STARRY | STARs that 'R' Young : When do stars form in clustered environments? | 2016 |
507 | Spin-NANO | Nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies | 2016 |
508 | ArchSci2020 | Archaeology on the Edge: Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World | 2016 |
509 | CHESS | Connected Health Early Stage Researcher Support System | 2015 |
510 | VRE4EIC | A Europe-wide Interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower Multidisciplinary Research Communities and Accelerate Innovation and Collaboration | 2015 |
511 | BrainMatTrain | Development of Biomaterial-based Delivery Systems for Parkinson’s disease - an Integrated Pan-European Approach | 2016 |
512 | BIGCHEM | Big Data in Chemistry | 2016 |
513 | E-CAM | An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling | 2015 |
514 | COEGSS | Center of Excellence for Global Systems Science | 2015 |
515 | POP | Performance Optimisation and Productivity | 2015 |
516 | MuG | Multi-Scale Complex Genomics | 2015 |
517 | EPOS IP | EPOS Implementation Phase | 2015 |
518 | NoMaD | The Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory | 2015 |
519 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
520 | EoCoE | Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications | 2015 |
521 | EPOS | Enhanced energy and resource Efficiency and Performance in process industry Operations via onsite and cross-sectorial Symbiosis | 2015 |
523 | ModCompShock | Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces | 2015 |
524 | BioSmartTrainee | Training in Bio-Inspired Design of Smart Adhesive Materials | 2015 |
525 | Perspectival Realism | Perspectival Realism. Science, Knowledge, and Truth from a Human Vantage Point | 2016 |
526 | EdGe | The molecular genetic architecture of educational attainment and its significance for cognitive health | 2015 |
527 | WipeOutFear | How the Brain Learns to Forget - The Neural Signature of Fear Memory Erasure | 2015 |
528 | EMBRIC | European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy | 2015 |
529 | SERISS | Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences | 2015 |
530 | DNAmics | DNA mimetics: Synthetic molecular duplexes | 2016 |
531 | SYNPRIME | Presynaptic Regulatory Principles in Synaptic Plasticity, Neuronal Network Function, and Behaviour | 2015 |
532 | PROTEOMICS4D | Proteomics 4D: The proteome in context | 2015 |
533 | PANINI | Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing | 2016 |
534 | VIPER | VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media | 2016 |
535 | ELIXIR-EXCELERATE | ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences. | 2015 |
536 | H2020 | COST at a turning point: A unique framework for pan-European ST cooperation as clear demonstration of European values | 2015 |
537 | Blink | Software, not Hardware: Revolutionising Satellite Data Acquisition | 2015 |
538 | EUBorderCare | Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries | 2015 |
539 | WORKANDHOME | Reshaping society and space: home-based self-employment and businesses | 2015 |
540 | SHARECITY | SHARECITY: Assessing the practice and sustainability potential of city-based food sharing economies | 2015 |
541 | ANT | Automata in Number Theory | 2015 |
542 | CARISMAND | Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters | 2015 |
543 | DFLOW | Duality For Logic On Words | 2016 |
544 | WEY-CRISP | Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population | 2016 |
545 | PERFORM | Participatory Engagement with Scientific and Technological Research through Performance | 2015 |
546 | CREATE | The CREAtion of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological SysTEms | 2015 |
547 | EXMOLS | Excited electronic states in extended molecular systems | 2015 |
548 | GGTMI | Getting back to Growth through Technological and Managerial Innovation | 2015 |
549 | LightNet | LightNet - Tracking the Coherent Light Path in Photosynthetic Networks | 2016 |
550 | ELFBAD | L-form bacteria, biotechnology and disease | 2015 |
551 | ScienceSquared | ERC = ScienceSquared | 2015 |
552 | MC-SUITE | ICT Powered Machining Software Suite | 2015 |
553 | FRESH AIR | Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reductionby primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups | 2015 |
554 | COMRADES | Collective Platform for Community Resilience and Social Innovation during Crises | 2016 |
555 | SOCRATIC | SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals | 2016 |
556 | TrainMALTA | Interdisciplinary Training in High-Throughput Sequencing, Bioinformatics and Model Systems: Moving towards Clinical applications of Genomics | 2016 |
557 | WIDENLIFE | Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing | 2016 |
559 | UCoCoS | Understanding and controlling complex systems | 2016 |
560 | MARA | Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays | 2015 |
561 | GLOBE | Global Lensing Observations to go Beyond Einstein | 2015 |
562 | EBSIS | EBSIS - Event Based Systems in IaÅŸi - A Twinning between Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din IaÅŸi, Université de Neuchâtel and Technische Universität Dresden | 2016 |
563 | TWINFUSYON | Twinning for Improving Capacity of Research in Multifunctional Nanosystems for Optronic Biosensing | 2016 |
564 | EndoNaut | EndoNaut Delivery Platform | 2016 |
565 | CAPTOR | Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution | 2016 |
568 | BALTICS | Building on Advanced Lofar Technology for Innovation, Collaboration, and Sustainability | 2016 |
569 | 3D-COUNT | 3D-Integrated single photon detector | 2016 |
570 | NoNaCat | Development of Molecular-defined Non-noble Metal Complexes and Nano-structured Materials for Sustainable Redox ReactionsDevelopment of Molecular-defined Non-noble Metal Complexes and Nano-structured | 2015 |
571 | SBNAF | Small Bodies: Near and Far | 2016 |
572 | HUNTER | Advanced Humidity to Electricity Converter | 2015 |
573 | L2TOR | Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots | 2016 |
574 | PIX4LIFE | Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuit Pilot line for Life Science Applications in the Visible Range | 2016 |
575 | Record Biomap | Research Coordination for a Low-Cost Biomethane Production at Small and Medium Scale Applications | 2016 |
576 | ColRobot | Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing | 2016 |
577 | DATA4WATER | Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Supporting Water Management | 2016 |
578 | LASIG-TWIN | Laser Ignition - A Twinning Collaboration for Frontier Research in Eco-Friendly Fuel-Saving Combustion | 2016 |
579 | COAT | Anti-reflection coatings from solution-processable, high-refractive index inorganic/organic hybrid materials | 2015 |
580 | EDAX | Beating Complexity through Selectivity: Excited state Dynamics from Anti-Stokes and non-linear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering | 2016 |
581 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2015 |
582 | BEACONING | Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning (BEACONING) | 2016 |
583 | PAPHOS | Parallel photogrammetry system for object panoramas | 2015 |
584 | TRACKSCAN | A practical, portable and robust scanning system using infrastructure inspection radar (IIR) for the investigation of rail track substructure, ballast and tunnel infrastructure | 2015 |
585 | PPOSS | Planetary Protection of Outer Solar System | 2016 |
586 | ONION | Operational Network of Individual Observation Nodes | 2016 |
587 | ESOF2016 | EuroScience Open Forum 2016 (Manchester) | 2015 |
588 | NOTRE | Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch (NOTRE) | 2016 |
589 | ELEvaTE | Achievement of Excellence in Electron Processes for Future Technologies | 2016 |
590 | ORZEL | Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in organic electronics of the Silesian University of Technology | 2016 |
591 | BILUM | Novel applications based on organic biluminescence | 2016 |
592 | INSIGHT | Integration of III-V Nanowire Semiconductors for next Generation High Performance CMOS SOC Technologies | 2015 |
593 | IN-SKA | Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 | 2016 |
594 | MULTIPLY | MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform | 2016 |
595 | HOLO | Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in digital holographic microscopy of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova | 2016 |
596 | NASDAC | iNnovative Approaches for Scalable Data Assimilation in oCeanography | 2016 |
597 | STRONGMAR | STRengthening MARritime Technology Research Center | 2016 |
598 | SHAPE | Structure-dependent microkinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic processes | 2016 |
599 | PhotoMutant | Rational Design of Photoreceptor Mutants with Desired Photochemical Properties | 2016 |
600 | PhotoFluo | Synthesis and photopolymerisation of new fluorinated macromonomers for the obtaining of high performance fluoropolymers | 2016 |
601 | CODIC | COmmercializing first-in-class dCTPase Inhibitors for treatment of hematological Cancers | 2016 |
602 | INCOBRA | Increasing INternational Science, Technology and Innovation COoperation between BRAzil and the European Union | 2016 |
603 | TOPOLOGICAL | Topological Light at Structured Surfaces | 2015 |
604 | RISEN | Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering Network | 2016 |
605 | Q-Sense | Quantum sensors - from the lab to the field | 2016 |
606 | COMPROP | Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe | 2016 |
607 | EuPRAXIA | Proposal for a Horizon 2020 Design Study on the “European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications“ (EuPRAXIA) | 2015 |
608 | EngiNear-IR | Engineered Near-Infrared Photosynthesis | 2015 |
609 | PROSO | Promoting societal engagement under the terms of RRI | 2016 |
610 | K4U | Knowledge For Use [K4U]: Making the Most of Social Science to Build Better Policies | 2015 |
611 | AsthmaPhenotypes | Understanding asthma phenotypes: going beyond the atopic/non-atopic paradigm | 2016 |
612 | MARKLIM | Markets and their limits | 2016 |
613 | Lost Frontiers | Europe’s Lost Frontiers: exploring climate change, settlement and colonisation of the submerged landscapes of the North Sea basin using ancient DNA, seismic mapping and complex systems modelling | 2015 |
614 | MIRASYS | The diagnostic potential of miRNAs for early diagnosis of Systemic Sclerosis | 2016 |
615 | WebMAT | Web-based system for multi-arrangement task for rapid acquisition of subjectivejudgements. | 2016 |
616 | RockEU2 | Robotics Coordination Action for Europe Two | 2016 |
617 | Making Sense | Making Sense | 2015 |
618 | NEXTLEAP | NEXTLEAP | 2016 |
619 | netCommons | network infrastructure as commons | 2016 |
620 | Climateurope | European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 | 2015 |
621 | SYSMICS | Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. | 2016 |
622 | KEEPFISH | Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere | 2016 |
623 | NANO-SUPREMI | “Tracking nano-bioprocesses using Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques” | 2016 |
624 | CARDIALLY | Capturing and quantitative analysis of multi-scale multi-channel diagnostic data. | 2015 |
626 | RENOIR | Reverse EngiNeering of sOcial Information pRocessing | 2016 |
627 | COMPASS | Colloidal Nanomaterials for Smart Applications | 2016 |
628 | Bi-Stretch-4-Biomed | BIaxial STRETCHing of PLLA-WS2 nanocomposites FOR thinner and stronger BIOMEDical scaffolds | 2016 |
629 | TwinnToInfect | Unleash IMM’s research excellence in immunity and infection through twinning to infect Lisbon and Portugal with its increase in competitiveness and innovation | 2016 |
630 | STREAM | Strategies towards Excellence in Immuno-Oncology | 2016 |
631 | SmartEIZ | Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy | 2016 |
632 | CETM | Research capacity building through improved knowledge exchange and twinning frameworks for the Centre of Excellence in Translational Medicine | 2016 |
633 | MASSTWIN | MASSTWIN – Spreading excellence and widening participation in support of mass spectrometry and related techniques in Health, the Environment, and Food Analysis | 2016 |
634 | CENTRE-PD | TWINNING for a Comprehensive Clinical Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease | 2016 |
635 | BET-EU | Materials Synergy Integration for a Better Europe | 2016 |
636 | CoHERE | Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe | 2016 |
637 | FAB-MOVE | For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move | 2016 |
638 | IDENTITY | Computer Vision Enabled Multimedia Forensics and People Identification | 2016 |
639 | CSA JPI HDHL 2.0 | The second coordination and support action for the JPI Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life | 2016 |
640 | DYNAMICMARCH | Dynamics of Multiple, Interacting and Concurrent Markov Chains | 2016 |
641 | XoSoft | Soft modular biomimetic exoskeleton to assist people with mobility impairments | 2016 |
642 | SMART | Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade | 2016 |
643 | ENLIVEN | Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe | 2016 |
644 | C-LEAK | Rivers as leak in the terrestrial C sink | 2016 |
645 | BCOOL | Barocaloric materials for energy-efficient solid-state cooling | 2016 |
646 | SPQRel | Entanglement distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays | 2016 |
647 | QINTERNET | Quantum communication networks | 2016 |
648 | STRONG-Q | Strong single-photon radiation-pressure coupling for quantum optomechanics | 2016 |
649 | FEVER | Forecasting the recurrence rate of volcanic eruptions | 2016 |
650 | EuroDairy | A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers | 2016 |
652 | MARSU | MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application | 2016 |
653 | RICHFIELDS | Research Infrastructure on Consumer Health and Food Intake using E-science with Linked Data Sharing | 2015 |
654 | EL-CSID | European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy | 2016 |
655 | EVER-EST | European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes | 2015 |
656 | GenTree | Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe | 2016 |
657 | MICA | Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis | 2015 |
658 | EKLIPSE | Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | 2016 |
659 | INAPEM | International Network on Advanced high energy Permanent Magnets | 2016 |
660 | FabSpace 2.0 | The Fablab for geodata-driven innovation - by leveraging Space data in particular, in Universities 2.0 | 2016 |
661 | Science2Society | Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders | 2016 |
662 | NanoINCAGE | Luminescent Nanocrystals in a Cage for Solar-to-Fuel Conversion | 2016 |
663 | MBM | Making Biological Minds | 2016 |
664 | Yamnomics | Phylogenomics, evolution, biogeography and key traits for breeders in yams (Dioscorea, Dioscoreaceae) | 2017 |
665 | TERAULTRA | Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers | 2016 |
666 | GRAPHIL | Exploring the Interface Between Ionic Liquids and Graphene : Elucidating Structure and Electronic Properties | 2016 |
668 | ODEON | Online DEposition over OceaNs: Modeling the effect of air pollution on ocean bio-geochemistryin an Earth System Model | 2016 |
669 | CARMI | Cosmology, Astronomy, and Religion in Medieval India | 2017 |
670 | FEMSAG | Feminist theory after sex and gender: The nature-nurture complex in contemporary feminism reconsidered in light of the Developmental Systems Theory approach to the philosophy of biology | 2017 |
671 | PEARRL | Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links: Innovative drug development strategies and regulatory tools tailored to facilitate earlier access to medicines | 2016 |
672 | ATLAS | A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe | 2016 |
673 | RadFeedback | The radiative interstellar medium | 2016 |
674 | BIGCODE | Learning from Big Code: Probabilistic Models, Analysis and Synthesis | 2016 |
675 | Crossover control | New insights into wheat meiosis: Crossover resolution in the absence of the Ph1 locus | 2016 |
676 | VoidTrap | Advanced studies of trapping and rotation of nanoparticles in vacuum | 2016 |
677 | G2P-SOL | Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops | 2016 |
678 | TROJANANOHORSE | Hybrid immune-eluding nanocrystals as smart and active theranostic weapons against cancer | 2016 |
679 | HISOL | High Energy Optical Soliton Dynamics for Efficient Sub-Femtosecond and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Pulse Generation | 2016 |
680 | HV-EPSA | High Voltage Electrical Power System Architecture | 2016 |
681 | NEURO-AGE | Addressing Neural Declines to Promote Healthy Ageing | 2017 |
682 | SMAC | Smart Markets via Computation | 2016 |
683 | DISSection | Doctoral Industrial School on Human Skin models for Staphylococcal infections | 2016 |
684 | VADEMA | Doctoral Industrial School for Vaccine Design through Structural Mass Spectrometry | 2016 |
685 | SPINCAD | Spin correlations by atomic design | 2016 |
686 | DoRES | Direct measurements of key nuclear Reactions for the creation of Elements in Stars | 2016 |
687 | TOTAL | Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms | 2016 |
688 | JUDI-ARCH | The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Changing the Architecture of Separation of Powers without an Architect | 2016 |
689 | HOLDING-HANDS | Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy | 2016 |
690 | DAPP | Data-centric Parallel Programming | 2016 |
691 | DIALOY | Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men | 2016 |
692 | QuModQu | Quantification and modality in the realm of questions | 2016 |
693 | FANOEC | Fundamentals and Applications of Inorganic Oxygen Evolution Catalysts | 2016 |
694 | CLUSTER | Birth of solids: atomic-scale processes in crystal nucleation | 2016 |
695 | AROMA-CFD | Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics | 2016 |
696 | Autocat | Autocatalysis: A bottom-up approach to understanding the origins of life | 2016 |
697 | HYMNS | High-sensitivitY Measurements of key stellar Nucleo-Synthesis reactions | 2016 |
698 | SpeedInfTradeoff | Speed-Information Tradeoffs: Beyond Quasi-Entropy Analysis | 2016 |
699 | RAISELIFE | Raising the Lifetime of Functional Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Technology | 2016 |
700 | NOVAMAG | NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. | 2016 |
701 | Quaco | QUAdrupoleCOrrector | 2016 |
702 | RI-LINKS2UA | Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine | 2016 |
703 | DANDELION | Promoting EU-funded projects of inclusive, innovative and reflective societies | 2016 |
704 | AURORA | Advanced User-centric efficiency metRics for air traffic perfORmance Analytics | 2016 |
705 | ICRI 2016 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2016) | 2015 |
706 | MORE-or-LESS | do Maths Outcomes Reflect Expertise Linked to Effective Strategy Selection? Event related brain potentials and eye movement studies in children and adults | 2016 |
707 | NIMBqUS | Novel Inroads into Many-Body Quantum Systems | 2016 |
708 | MULTI2DSWITCH | MULTIfunctional optoelectronic devices based on hybrid heterostructures of 2D materials and photochromic SWITCHes | 2016 |
709 | RE-FRUIT | “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” | 2016 |
710 | GreenChalcoCell | Green and sustainable chalcopyrite and kesterite nanocrystals for inorganic solar cells | 2016 |
711 | Smart Colour | Remotely Adjustable Structural Plasmonic Colour | 2016 |
712 | AsLife | Life in Arsenic rich environments: a challenge or an opportunity? | 2016 |
713 | SF-QFT | Fundamental physics with intense laser fields | 2016 |
714 | BEAMED | Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors | 2017 |
715 | UnRi | Understanding the discourse-semantic shift towards risk in the UK and Germany | 2016 |
716 | BIDMAG | Biological detection with functionalized Magnetic Sensor | 2016 |
717 | DISCOVERING | Interdisciplinary Model of Schooling: Exploring Ethical Culture in International Science Assessments | 2016 |
718 | LWIMT | Main group chemistry, inorganic polymers, catalysis, silicon- and phosphorus-based polymers | 2016 |
719 | IGATO | The introduction of the glaze in al-Andalus: technological waves and Oriental influences | 2016 |
720 | microMAGNETOFLUIDICS | 3D-printed magnetic microfluidics for applications in life sciences | 2016 |
721 | BigERRORS | Exploring the promise of big data for medical error elimination | 2016 |
722 | SNSM | Spectral synthesis of multidimensional supernova explosion models | 2016 |
723 | R2R-3G | Towards Roll-to-Roll Production of Third Generation Solar Cells | 2016 |
724 | Trans-Plant | Transistor sensors for in-vivo sucrose monitoring in plants | 2016 |
725 | MARKTHEPIG | Applied phenomics to identify biomarkers in pigs for new concepts in precision livestock farming | 2016 |
726 | FORECAST | Fluorescence lifetime optical biopsy system | 2017 |
727 | TETRAPODBONES | Evaluations of bone strength in the evolutionary invasion of land by tetrapods | 2016 |
728 | TopOutEq | Topological and Correlated Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium | 2017 |
729 | STILLING | Towards improved understanding of the worldwide decline of wind speed in a climate change scenario | 2016 |
730 | CONSALT | CONtrast through metal-enriched polymer SALTs: novel contrast agents for dual-energy micro-computed tomography | 2016 |
731 | CFQMLD | A Computational Framework For Quantitative Modeling of Leaf Development in Arabidopsis and Cardamine | 2017 |
732 | MIRNANO | Multifunctional miRNA-targeting nanodevices for pluripotent cancer theranostics | 2017 |
733 | TGIP | Trans-generational immune priming: molecular basis and fitness consequences | 2016 |
734 | InfGroups | Foundations for computing with infinite linear groups | 2016 |
735 | Exile and Technology | Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. | 2016 |
736 | RICC | The Application of Advanced Raman Spectroscopies to the Quantitative Analysis of Industrial Chromatography Columns | 2016 |
737 | NextGEnergy | Next Generation Power Sources for Self-sustainable Devices – Integrated Multi-source Energy Harvesters | 2016 |
738 | Multi-SIP Hydrogel | A multifunctional self-immolative hydrogel for accelerating the healing of chronic wounds | 2017 |
739 | ICDSpec | Interatomic Coulombic Decay in nanodroplets: towards a novel spectroscopy | 2016 |
740 | SMART-LANLIGHT | New Scanning nearfield Microscopy method bAsed on Radio-frequency Trap and LANthanide nanoprobe for LIGHT matter interaction. | 2016 |
741 | SAGE-CPSoC | Self-Aware CPSoCs with Hierarchical Goal Management | 2016 |
742 | STUSOCSTA | Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 | 2016 |
743 | CONJUGATION | Synthesis of CONJUGAted Two-DimensIonal Supramolecular POlymers for ElectroNics | 2016 |
744 | TONSOPS | Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells | 2016 |
745 | ESTIMABLeNANO | External Stimuli Triggered Self-assembly of Dynamic Nanomaterials | 2016 |
746 | NGUEC | Nanostructuring graphene under electrochemical control | 2016 |
747 | ITPF | Interfaces in Turbulent Premixed Flames (ITPF) | 2016 |
748 | PMOHR | Probabilistic modelling of electronic health records | 2016 |
749 | FIRE-PLUME-SENSE | Developing new drone-based gas sensing technology to characterise fire emission plumes by miniature low cost sensors | 2017 |
750 | TRANSITION-FRICTION | Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography | 2017 |
751 | NanoCap | Sustainable Polypeptide Nanoparticle Platform for Drug Delivery | 2016 |
752 | MatchForSolar | Mechanochemical Approach to Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells | 2016 |
753 | ADHERE | Aptamer nanostructures dual-targeted to the HER receptor family for cancer therapy | 2016 |
754 | EARTHSCAPES | From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) | 2017 |
755 | Tribocharge | Control of Triboelectricity from Micro to Macro as a Principle ofSticking, Particulate Contamination and ESD Prevention of Micromachines | 2016 |
756 | HealingFromEnclosure | Healing from Enclosure: A Political Agroecology of a Science-and-Society Potato Controversy in Belgium | 2017 |
757 | BiominAB-3D | Revealing the composition and formation mechanism of carcinogenic asbestos bodies in human lungs | 2016 |
758 | SPicEs | Smart Pickering Emulsions | 2016 |
759 | IDEA | Island Diversity from an Eco-evolutionary Approach | 2016 |
760 | DUSC3 | DUSt, Climate and Carbone Cycle | 2016 |
761 | ADVANTA | Toward a new generation of miniature multifrequency antennas using multiresonance platform based on subwavelength structures inspired by advanced metamaterials | 2017 |
762 | PIQUANT | Photonic Quantum Network with an Ultrafast Frequency Comb | 2016 |
763 | GATED | Segregated education in post-conflict Bosnia and the possibilities of future conflicts in Europe | 2016 |
764 | MANAN | Mannan-related enzymes of wheat endosperm | 2016 |
765 | OPEST | Organisational public engagement with science and society (OPEST) | 2016 |
766 | nanoOIPC | Surface characterization of nano-particle embedded organic ionic plastic crystals and ionic liquid using advance 3D high resolution optical and electrochemical imaging | 2016 |
767 | JHSIGNAL | Modulation of juvenile hormone signaling by receptor phosphorylation | 2017 |
768 | NaMeS | “Interdisciplinary NAnoscience School: from phenoMEnology to applicationS” | 2016 |
769 | BEST | Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training | 2017 |
770 | RESPIRE 3 | REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 3 | 2016 |
771 | I4FUTURE | Novel Imaging and Characterisation Methods in Bio, Medical, and Environmental Research and Technology Innovations | 2016 |
772 | OCEAN-IDs | OCEAN in-situ Isotope and Dissolved gas sensing | 2016 |
773 | BIGSSS-departs | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships | 2016 |
774 | BioMEP | Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics | 2016 |
775 | REP-EAT | Food quality and food innovative strategies to prevent reproductive and eating disorders | 2016 |
776 | EUCYS2016 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2016 | 2015 |
777 | KNAW-ESFRI | Presidency event: Launch of the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap | 2016 |
778 | Open Science | NESCIO: NEtherlands Science Conference on Inclusive Open science | 2016 |
779 | PSYCHOCONTEXT | Contextualising psychosocial wellbeing and mental health within sociocultural dynamics | 2016 |
780 | DELTAS | The dynamics and rheology of self-assembled empty liquids: from patchy toy models to anisotropic realistic systems | 2016 |
781 | QDM | Quantum Decision Making | 2016 |
782 | REFOLDAMER | Communication through Polarity-Switchable Foldamers | 2016 |
783 | COLEDISO | Corporate Legitimacy in Digital Society: The Role of Citizens’ Judgments in Social Media | 2016 |
784 | AggregationKinetics | Emergence of Large Particles in Cluster-Cluster Aggregation | 2017 |
785 | Dig-For-Arch | Digital Forensic Archaeology | 2017 |
786 | ELUSIVES | The Elusives Enterprise: Asymmetries of the Invisible Universe | 2016 |
787 | GeneREFORM | Genetically Encoded Multicolor Reporter Systems For Multiplexed MRI | 2016 |
788 | TRANSGENE | Medical translation in the history of modern genomics | 2016 |
789 | MIRACLS | Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides | 2017 |
791 | FLUDYCO | Fluid dynamics of planetary cores: formation, heterogeneous convection and rotational dynamics | 2016 |
792 | SEEWHI | Solar Energy Enabled for the World by High-resolution Imaging | 2016 |
793 | ErgComNum | Ergodic theory and additive combinatorics | 2016 |
794 | VIBRANT-BIO | High-throughput vibrational fingerprinting by nanoplasmonics for disease biology | 2017 |
795 | Skye | A programming language bridging theory and practice for scientific data curation | 2016 |
796 | HAZE | Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge | 2016 |
797 | SmartGraphene | Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave | 2016 |
798 | MatEnSAP | Semi-Artificial Photosynthesis with Wired Enzymes | 2016 |
799 | EMS UHPE | Engine Mount System for Ultra High Pass Engine | 2016 |
800 | WATERSPOUTT | Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies | 2016 |
801 | SIM4NEXUS | Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe | 2016 |
802 | SmartCast | Smart casting of concrete structures by active control of rheology | 2016 |
803 | ESTIA | Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications | 2016 |
804 | ESPREssO | Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union | 2016 |
805 | GAP | Gaming for Peace | 2016 |
806 | PrinTeam | Political knowledge as teamwork: The Academy of Zamość print shop (1594-1627) | 2016 |
807 | PMTFOS | Plant metallothioneins as potential players in food security | 2017 |
808 | Future4Oceans | Window to the future: Understanding and assessing the vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification | 2016 |
809 | EFFECT | Effective environmental policies in Europe in the context of rebound effects | 2017 |
810 | INSTINCT | Inhibiting Stress in the Construction Industry | 2017 |
811 | DSMM | “(De) Securitising Muslims in Cyber space: Social Media, Civil society and Marginalisation After Charlie Hebdo and the Islamic State” | 2016 |
812 | InfTy | Infinitary Rewriting for Type Systems | 2016 |
813 | Legitimacy | Legitimacy, Sovereignty and the Public Sphere | 2017 |
814 | MIGRADAPT | An avian model for understanding adaptations and modulatory drivers of avian migration | 2017 |
815 | NNI | Neuroscience and Narratives of Intimacy | 2016 |
816 | Farewell flashbacks | Developing science-driven therapies after trauma: Neural mechanisms underlying the modification of intrusive emotional memories | 2016 |
817 | MBD | Mapping bacterial division in Bacillus subtilis | 2016 |
818 | STEPN-UP | Stilbene and entomopathogenic nematodes: Unlocking the potential | 2017 |
819 | LEaDing Fellows | LEaDing Fellows | 2017 |
820 | METODA | Methodological Explorations between Design and Social Sciences | 2016 |
821 | DITOs | Doing It Together science (DITOs) | 2016 |
822 | STIMEY | Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young | 2016 |
823 | STARBIOS 2 | Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences | 2016 |
824 | JERRI | Joining Efforts for Responsible Research and Innovation | 2016 |
825 | EDU-ARCTIC | Edu-Arctic – Innovative educational program attracting young people to natural sciences and polar research | 2016 |
826 | MARINA | Marine Knowledge Sharing Platform for Federating Responsible Research and Innovation Communities | 2016 |
827 | STEM4youth | Promotion of STEM education by key scientific challenges and their impact on our life and career perspectives | 2016 |
828 | UMI-Sci-Ed | Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote Science Education | 2016 |
829 | Marine Mammals | Using marine mammals for making science education and science careers attractive for young people | 2016 |
830 | BigPicnic | Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security | 2016 |
831 | COFUNDfellowsDTU | H.C. Ørsted Fellows Programme – co-funded by Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie Actions (COFUNDfellowsDTU) | 2017 |
832 | MULTIPLY | International Mobility and Training in Photonics Programme | 2016 |
833 | TLRH-VRF COFUND | Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellows COFUND programme | 2016 |
834 | MIDLAND | Developing middle-range theories linking land use displacement, intensification and transitions | 2016 |
835 | MATTERDESIGN | New Science and Technology of Artificial Layered Structures and Devices | 2016 |
836 | SPRINT | Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz | 2016 |
837 | CSP-Infinity | Homogeneous Structures, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, and Topological Clones | 2016 |
838 | LIPA | A unified theory of finite-state recognisability | 2016 |
839 | MODCOMP | Modified cost effective fibre based structures with improved multi-functionality and performance | 2016 |
840 | MAGIC | Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Security | 2016 |
841 | GROW | GROW Observatory | 2016 |
842 | APEG | Algorithmic Performance Guarantees: Foundations and Applications | 2016 |
843 | STAMP | Separation Technology for A Million Peaks | 2016 |
844 | GlobalMass | Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends | 2016 |
845 | COMPLETE | Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry: An inter-multidisciplinary training network for enhancing the understanding and modeling of atmospheric clouds | 2016 |
846 | GrInflaGal | Gravity, Inflation, and Galaxies: Fundamental Physics with Large-Scale Structure | 2016 |
847 | Waste4Think | Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems | 2016 |
848 | HIEXP | High Dimensional Expanders, Ramanujan Complexes and Codes | 2016 |
849 | SOLCRIMET | Solvometallurgy for critical metals | 2016 |
850 | SYSDYNET | Data-driven Modelling in Dynamic Networks | 2016 |
851 | PHOSPhOR | Photonics of Spin–Orbit Optical Phenomena | 2016 |
852 | EUREC4A | Elucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate | 2016 |
853 | MILEPOST | Microscale Processes Governing Global Sustainability | 2016 |
854 | PSI-FELLOW-II-3i | International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Postdocs | 2016 |
855 | YnotSing | Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? | 2016 |
856 | IMPACT | Improving parent and child interaction to enhance oral language development | 2016 |
857 | Magnetic Universe | Unveiling interstellar and intergalactic magnetic fields with radio polarimetry and theoretical astrophysics | 2017 |
858 | HArchitHeC | House Architecture and Heritage in modern Crete | 2016 |
859 | CoSMaS | Developing an interdisciplinary Collaborative Self-Management Support model: behavioural and communication tools for integrated care | 2017 |
860 | SmARTS | Smart technology for analysis and monitoring of Cultural Heritage materials | 2016 |
861 | Baltic Gender | Baltic Consortium on Promoting Gender Equality in Marine Research Organisations | 2016 |
862 | EFFORTI | Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation | 2016 |
863 | OpenUP | OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results | 2016 |
864 | LiRichFCC | A new class of powerful materials for electrochemical energy storage: Lithium-rich oxyfluorides with cubic dense packing | 2016 |
865 | INPhINIT | Innovative doctoral programme for talented early-stage researchers in Spanish host organisations excellent in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). | 2016 |
866 | AstroLakes | Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues | 2016 |
867 | INTFACDYN | Studying Interfacial Dynamics by Interferometric Scattering | 2016 |
868 | EVNSMAS | An evolutionary approach to automated norm synthesis for multi agent systems | 2016 |
869 | SOILBIODIV | Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity | 2016 |
870 | BUSWEL | Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? | 2016 |
871 | Goal Attribution in Groups | Perceiving the intentions of the weakest link: How attributed individual and collective goals impact reactions to low performers in groups | 2016 |
872 | LSD-CortLVPC | Applying voltage-imaging techniques to visualise the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on cortical layer V pyramidal cells and its adaptation during tolerance development | 2016 |
873 | GeNoSOS | Generation of Non-classical States in Optomechanical Systems | 2016 |
874 | VAMOS | The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe | 2016 |
875 | CSI.interface | A molecular interface science approach: Decoding single molecular reactions and interactions at dynamic solid/liquid interfaces | 2016 |
876 | NATCOOP | How nature affects cooperation in common pool resource systems | 2016 |
877 | AFFORDS-HIGHER | Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux | 2016 |
878 | NATURAL_BAT_NAV | Neural basis of natural navigation: Representation of goals, 3-D spaces and 1-km distances in the bat hippocampal formation – the role of experience | 2016 |
879 | Outgroup | Consequences of out-group conflict | 2016 |
880 | DEBUNKER | The Problem of European Misperceptions in Politics, Health, and Science:Causes, Consequences, and the Search for Solutions | 2016 |
881 | DAMOCLES | Simulating Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Atmospheric Multicomponent Clusters | 2016 |
882 | U-SPEC | A novel platform for user-friendly spectroscopy at very low temperatures and under strong magnetic fields | 2016 |
883 | SAMSON | SAMSON: Integrating computational nanoscience | 2016 |
884 | Curiosity Carnival | The Curiosity Carnival: Oxford European Researchers’ Night 2017 | 2016 |
885 | beSCIENCEd | beSCIENCEd - Bringing science and research directly to the young people | 2016 |
886 | CLoSER | Cementing Links between Science and society toward Engagement and Responsibility | 2016 |
887 | LT2016 | Researchers' Night: It's Your Friday to Discover! | 2016 |
888 | FORESIGHT | Foreseeing Opportunities, Risks and Emergent Science Issues for the next Generation: Highlighting Trends | 2016 |
889 | SCILIFE | Science in everyday life | 2016 |
890 | A reinvented wheel | A disruptive innovation removing the need for tyre change on bicycles | 2016 |
891 | reSEARCH | Re(search) | 2016 |
892 | RiNG-16-17 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016-2017 | 2016 |
893 | Science Uncovered | Science Uncovered | 2016 |
894 | LIGHTS Nights | LIGHTS in Lincoln – Get Hold of Tech and Science research nights | 2016 |
895 | ERN16-17 SVK | Festival of Science European Researchers´ Night 2016 - 2017 in Slovakia | 2016 |
896 | T2gE | Transition to the Green Economy | 2016 |
897 | ENERI | European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI) | 2016 |
898 | STEAM | STEAM- Making Sense of Science through Art | 2016 |
899 | FUSION2NIGHT | Follow your scientific passion and join us tonight on Researchers’ Night. | 2016 |
901 | Brainwaves | City Campus meets Illuminale 2016 / 2017 | 2016 |
902 | IRIMA II | Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis (stage II) | 2016 |
903 | SET Plan 2016-CEEC X | Strategic Energy Technology Plan 2016 – Central European Energy Conference X | 2016 |
904 | LUNA 2016 | LUnga notte della Ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung | 2016 |
905 | CYPRESS | CYprus Promotes RESearch and Science | 2016 |
906 | FAWORIT 2016-2017 | Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology 2016/2017 - The New Generation of Innovators | 2016 |
907 | FF16_17 | Researchers' Night in Sweden - ForskarFredag 2016-2017 | 2016 |
908 | RNEst16-17 | Researcher's Night 2016-2017 in Estonia | 2016 |
909 | COOLandHOT | COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories | 2016 |
910 | RENA | REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers | 2016 |
911 | SciFe | Science for Life | 2016 |
913 | FLUSENSOR | FLUSENSOR - innovative, ultra-sensitive, fast and cheap micro-test to detect influenza virus | 2016 |
914 | Tamed Cancer | Personalized Cancer Therapy by Model-based Optimal Robust Control Algorithm | 2016 |
915 | SOLID | Search for a new form of matter: the sterile neutrino | 2016 |
916 | ETI | Epistemic Transitions in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: From the 12th to the 19th Century | 2016 |
917 | SFS | Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective | 2016 |
918 | 5TOI_4EWAS | Quintuple Helix Approach to Targeted Open Innovation in Energy, Water, Agriculture in the South Mediterranean Neighborhood | 2016 |
919 | Smartphon | Small - and nano - scale soft phononics | 2016 |
920 | DG-PESP-CS | Deterministic Generation of Polarization Entangled single Photons Cluster States | 2016 |
921 | DART | Data-driven AiRcraft Trajectory prediction research | 2016 |
922 | HIPPOGRIFFE | Hybrid simulations of flow properties using atomistic – fluctuating hydrodynamics modelling for nanoconfined water | 2016 |
923 | WAVEFIL | WAvelength VErsatile Pulsed Raman FIbre Lasers | 2017 |
924 | PhotoCloth | PhotoCloth: A framework to synthesize real-time photorealistic cloth animation from video input. | 2016 |
925 | OPENRESEARCHERS | Open Researchers | 2016 |
926 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Engagement and Responsibility | 2016 |
927 | LightningPro | Lightning inhibition for protection of urban soft targets and critical infrastructure against lightning strikes. | 2016 |
928 | CBTC | The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach | 2016 |
929 | Self-Control | Take control!Towards novel training regimes enhancing inhibition and impulse control in health and psychiatric disease | 2016 |
930 | ICARUS | Towards Innovative cost-effective astronomical instrumentation | 2016 |
931 | MORALSELF | Unravelling the moral self | 2016 |
932 | CLASS | Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Sentence Structure: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches | 2016 |
933 | MAPLE | Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis | 2016 |
934 | SEXHUM | Sexual Humanitarianism: understanding agency and exploitation in the global sex industry | 2016 |
935 | EXCITERS | Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Time-Resolved Spectroscopy | 2016 |
936 | Materials Networking | Enhancing the scientific capacity of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University as leading regional research and innovation centre in the area of advanced functional materials | 2016 |
937 | MESOPP | Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators | 2016 |
938 | NaTuRe | Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity | 2017 |
939 | ILID | Ionic Liquid Interface Dynamcis | 2016 |
940 | HEXTREME | Hexahedral mesh generation in real time | 2016 |
941 | IFAMID | Institutional Family Demography | 2016 |
942 | srEDM | Search for electric dipole moments using storage rings | 2016 |
943 | CHANGE | New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry | 2016 |
944 | CoBCoM | Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping | 2016 |
945 | CHROMIUM | CHROMIUM | 2016 |
946 | AMETIST | Advanced III-V Materials and Processes Enabling Ultrahigh-efficiency ( 50%) Photovoltaics | 2017 |
947 | CC-TOP | Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic | 2016 |
948 | chemech | From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials | 2016 |
949 | TAROX | Targeting oxidative repair proteins for treatment of cancer and inflammation | 2016 |
950 | HOLOGRAM | Holomorphic Dynamics connecting Geometry, Root-Finding, Algebra, and the Mandelbrot set | 2016 |
951 | ZESMO | ZEolitic reactor hosting Subphthalocyanines and Metal Oxides as photocatalytic system for opto-electronic applications | 2016 |
952 | NanoMedPhD | Nanomedicine Doctoral Programme | 2016 |
953 | RN1617 | Researchers4Humanity | 2016 |
954 | FRESH | FRESH - Find Researchers Everywhere and SHare | 2016 |
955 | CHANGE | Researchers Changing Society | 2016 |
956 | EVERYDAYNIGHT | Wielkopolska Researchers’ Night welcomes - Let the experience of the Night last every day! | 2016 |
957 | SCI-ALL | Science Unites ALL | 2016 |
958 | BEU2016 | Organisation of the EU international Bioeconomy Stakeholders Conference - Utrecht 2016 | 2016 |
959 | In-K Strain System | In-K Strain System: Carbon Nanotube ink based realization of ultraflexible composite strain sensors | 2016 |
960 | PDZnet | Unraveling Principles of PDZ-mediated Cell Signaling | 2016 |
961 | NANO-INSITU | Nanoscale Chemical Reactions Studied with In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy | 2016 |
962 | NARRATIVENSCIENCE | Narrative Ordering and Explanation in the Sciences: Historical Investigations and Perspectives | 2016 |
963 | INVeST | INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 |
964 | ERNI2016 | Reaserchers' Night Project 2016-2017 in Israel | 2016 |
965 | ReFocuS | The Road to Friday of Science | 2016 |
966 | SK PRES SSH | Social Sciences and Humanities: a New Agenda for Europe's Challenges | 2016 |
967 | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems (CoDiS) | 2016 |
968 | LoC | The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics | 2017 |
969 | MetCogCon | Metacognition of Concepts | 2016 |
970 | EPoCH | Exploring and Preventing Cryptographic Hardware Backdoors: Protecting the Internet of Things against Next-Generation Attacks | 2016 |
971 | AQURI | Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface | 2017 |
972 | ASPAir | Accelerated Synthesis of Nanoporous Photocatalysts for Indoor Air Purification | 2016 |
974 | TRANSMIT | TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis | 2017 |
975 | ICONIC | Improving the crashworthiness of composite transportation structures | 2016 |
976 | ENABLE | European Academy for Biomedical Science | 2016 |
977 | SOLAR-TRAIN | Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation | 2016 |
978 | FoodSmartphone | Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety | 2017 |
979 | LubISS | Lubricant impregnated slippery surfaces | 2017 |
980 | PENNY | Psychological, social and financial barriers to energy efficiency | 2016 |
981 | PRINT-AID | Multidisciplinary European training network for development of personalized anti-infective medical devices combining printing technologies and antimicrobial functionality | 2017 |
982 | SUNDIAL | SUrvey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis and Learning | 2017 |
983 | OcuTher | Educational Network in Ocular Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | 2016 |
984 | BioCannDo | Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project | 2016 |
985 | 4DHeart | 4D analysis of heart development and regeneration using advanced light microscopy | 2017 |
986 | ESSENTIAL | Evolving Security SciencE through Networked Technologies, Information policy And Law | 2017 |
987 | PATHSENSE | Training Network to Understand and Exploit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria | 2017 |
988 | SOCRATES | SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society | 2016 |
989 | PAIN-Net | Molecule-to-man pain network | 2017 |
991 | EUROPAH | The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space | 2016 |
992 | RUNIN | The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development | 2016 |
993 | MMBio | Molecular Tools for Nucleic Acid Manipulation for Biological Intervention | 2017 |
994 | PROTECTED | PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; Detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication. | 2017 |
995 | SPM2.0 | Scanning probe microscopies for nanoscale fast, tomographic and composition imaging | 2017 |
996 | REVOLVE | Radio Technologies for Broadband Connectivity in a Rapidly Evolving Space Ecosystem: Innovating Agility, Throughput, Power, Size and Cost | 2017 |
997 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
998 | AVA | Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics | 2017 |
999 | SUSTICOAT | Sustainable Organic Coatings for Corrosion Protection | 2016 |
1001 | EJDFoodSci | Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility | 2016 |
1002 | PLATO | The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network | 2017 |
1003 | GreenCarbon | Advanced Carbon Materials from Biowaste: Sustainable Pathways to Drive Innovative Green Technologies | 2016 |
1004 | SUPUVIR | SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications | 2016 |
1005 | 4PHOTON | Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates | 2017 |
1006 | AERO-UA | Strategic and Targeted Support for Europe-Ukraine Collaboration in Aviation Research | 2016 |
1007 | EC4SafeNano | European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials Nanotechnologies | 2016 |
1008 | Scientix 3 | Scientix 3 | 2016 |
1009 | PlantHUB | PlantHUB - Boosting technology transfer and responsible research and innovation (RRI) in plant sciences | 2016 |
1010 | MOBISTYLE | MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based tools and modular Information services on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle | 2016 |
1011 | 4PRIMA | Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area | 2016 |
1012 | SolutionSleep | Understanding creativity and problem solving through sleep-engineering | 2017 |
1013 | Neurogenesis | Exploration and promotion of neurogenesis in the adult brain | 2016 |
1014 | Intersex Genealogy | Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century | 2016 |
1015 | IMAJINE | Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe | 2017 |
1016 | CENSUS | Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening | 2016 |
1017 | DISC | Double side contacted cells with innovative carrier-selective contacts | 2016 |
1018 | ENERGISE | European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy | 2016 |
1019 | CORREL-CT | Correlative tomography | 2016 |
1020 | EvolAge | Experimental Evolution of Aging: the genetic link between lifespan, nutrient sensing and fat metabolism | 2017 |
1021 | RACE | Rate of Adaptation in a Changing Environment | 2017 |
1022 | MUSES | Towards middle-range theories of the co-evolutionary dynamics of multi-level social-ecological systems | 2017 |
1023 | BoundSci | Boundaries of Science: Medieval Condemnations of Philosophy as Heresy | 2016 |
1024 | Inno4Grass | Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe | 2017 |
1025 | ECHOES | Energy CHOices supporting the Energy union and the Set-plan | 2016 |
1026 | CERERE | CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems | 2016 |
1027 | HOM | Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism | 2016 |
1028 | INLIFE | Incubate a New Learning and Inspiration Framework for Education | 2016 |
1029 | CC4SOL | Towards chemical accuracy in computational materials science | 2017 |
1030 | LUVMI | Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrument | 2016 |
1031 | Platforms4CPS | Creating the CPS Vision, Strategy, Technology Building Blocks and Supporting Ecosystem for Future CPS Platforms | 2016 |
1032 | HY-CAT | Multifunctional Hybrid Platforms based on Colloidal Nanocrystals to Advance CO2 Conversion Studies | 2017 |
1033 | Next-Lab | Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs | 2017 |
1034 | VIRT-EU | Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope | 2017 |
1035 | DEIS | Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS | 2017 |
1036 | Blue-Action | Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate | 2016 |
1037 | CPSwarm | CPSwarm | 2017 |
1038 | OpenAIRE-Connect | OpenAIRE - CONNECTing scientific results in support of Open Science | 2017 |
1039 | CONSTAMIS | Connecting Statistical Mechanics and Conformal Field Theory: an Ising Model Perspective | 2017 |
1041 | IDRICA | Improving Drought Resistance in Crops and Arabidopsis | 2016 |
1042 | TOPEX | Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations | 2016 |
1043 | Q-DIM-SIM | Quantum spin simulators in diamond | 2017 |
1044 | PULSE | Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments | 2016 |
1045 | Eu PiG | EU Pig Innovation Group | 2016 |
1046 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
1047 | EU-MACS | European Market for Climate Services | 2016 |
1048 | BE-OI | Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice | 2016 |
1049 | AgriDemo-F2F | Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning | 2017 |
1050 | SWING | Patterning Spin-Wave reconfIgurable Nanodevices for loGics and computing. | 2016 |
1051 | Habit | Roman Catholic laywomen’s “turn to habit” as a strategy of developing modern pious womanhood: Catholic female social reformers in France, Germany and Partitioned Poland between 1878-1914. | 2016 |
1052 | MonoDiaL | Monolithic Diamond Raman Laser (MonoDial) | 2016 |
1053 | InFuse | Infusing Data Fusion in Space Robotics | 2016 |
1054 | Copernicus App Lab | Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data | 2016 |
1055 | eCraft2Learn | Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch | 2017 |
1057 | STORIES | Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration | 2017 |
1058 | weDRAW | Exploiting the best sensory modality for learning arithmetic and geometrical concepts based on multisensory interactive Information and Communication Technologies and serious games | 2017 |
1059 | PAMMOTH | Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected abnormalities in the breast | 2017 |
1060 | EPRISE | Empowering Photonics through Regional Innovation Strategies in Europe | 2017 |
1061 | ODYCCEUS | Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces | 2017 |
1062 | T2S | Transformations to Sustainability | 2017 |
1063 | ECOSOCPOL | Social and Political Economics: Theory and Evidence | 2016 |
1064 | ECSAnVis | Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation | 2016 |
1065 | MMpredict | Validation of a personalised medicine tool for Multiple Myeloma that predicts treatment effectiveness in patients | 2016 |
1066 | SYRIANBORDERS | The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) | 2016 |
1067 | HHGhole2 | High-harmonic spectroscopy for core-hole dynamics | 2016 |
1068 | Evol-Eyes | Elaboration and degeneration of complex traits: The visual systems of lizards and snakes | 2016 |
1069 | ESOMAVOD | Enantioselective Synthesis of Madangamine Alkaloids via Organocatalytic Desymmetrization | 2016 |
1070 | HARMONIC | Studies in Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry: Tilings, Spectra and Quasicrystals | 2016 |
1071 | HPSuper | High-Pressure High-Temperature Superconductivity | 2017 |
1072 | FatemapB | High Resolution Mapping of Fetal and Adult B Cell Fates During Ontogeny | 2017 |
1073 | CALC | Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: Reconciling Computational and Classical Approaches in Historical Linguistics | 2017 |
1074 | PaPaAlg | Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms | 2017 |
1075 | e-ROSA | Towards an e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture | 2017 |
1076 | HIRMEOS | High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure | 2017 |
1077 | K-PLEX | Knowledge Complexity | 2017 |
1078 | NATURVATION | Nature Based Urban Innovation | 2016 |
1079 | RAMSES | Reactivity and Assembly of Multifunctional, Stimuli-responsive Encapsulation Structures | 2016 |
1080 | CORPLINK | Corporate Arbitrage and CPL Maps: Hidden Structures of Controls in the Global Economy | 2016 |
1081 | BeeSymOverSpace | How to help the hive? Incidence and impact of heritable microbes on bee health | 2016 |
1082 | MODHET | Modelling 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures | 2017 |
1083 | SMART | Strong Modular proof Assistance: Reasoning across Theories | 2017 |
1084 | chem-fs-MOF | Chemical Engineering of Functional Stable Metal-Organic Frameworks: Porous Crystals and Thin Film Devices | 2017 |
1085 | PREDATORS | Plate-rate experimental deformation: Aseismic, transient or seismic fault slip | 2017 |
1086 | PowAlgDO | Power of Algorithms in Discrete Optimisation | 2017 |
1087 | VADEMECOM | VAlidation driven DEvelopment of Modern and Efficient COMbustion technologies | 2017 |
1088 | SMILE | Statistical Mechanics of Learning | 2017 |
1089 | TechEvo | Technology Evolution in Regional Economies | 2017 |
1090 | RICA | Reputation Matters in the Regulatory State: Re-thinking the Fundamentals of Regulatory Independence, Credibility and Accountability | 2017 |
1091 | MAGENTA | MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications | 2017 |
1092 | GAPARS | Gamification of participatory science for training and education purposes | 2017 |
1093 | OvaRenew | OvaRenew as a first-line therapy in impaired egg quality treatment | 2016 |
1094 | PADUA | Perception–action based design for urban accessibility: principles for inclusive design grounded in an understanding of first-person control of locomotion in the urban setting | 2016 |
1095 | Extreme | An Exascale aware and Un-crashable Space-Time-Adaptive Discontinuous Spectral Element Solver for Non-Linear Conservation Laws | 2017 |
1096 | TRIPOD | The transition to a renewable electricity system and its interactions with other policy aims | 2017 |
1097 | 2DNANOPTICA | Nano-optics on flatland: from quantum nanotechnology to nano-bio-photonics | 2017 |
1098 | OPTOGENERAPY | Optogenetic Protein Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis | 2017 |
1099 | FORCE | Formulations and Computational Engineering | 2017 |
1100 | SCIENCEatHOME | Let's Celebrate Cutting-Edge Science at Home! | 2016 |
1101 | THEMIS | Development of a Terahertz Self-Mixing Imaging System | 2017 |
1102 | OPEN SESAME | Opening Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East | 2017 |
1103 | AENEAS | Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA | 2017 |
1104 | STARTS Prize | STARTS Prize - Grand prize of the European Commission honoring innovation in technology, industry and society stimulated by the arts | 2017 |
1105 | TraX | Stability and Transitions in Physical Processes | 2017 |
1106 | INFUSION | Engineering optoelectronic INterfaces: a global action intersecting FUndamental conceptS and technology implementatION of self-organized organic materials | 2017 |
1107 | VISGEN | Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics | 2017 |
1108 | ThermaSiC | New generation wear and corrosion coating enabling European industry growth | 2016 |
1109 | GN4-2 | GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT | 2016 |
1110 | SAPEA | Science Advice for Policy by European Academies | 2016 |
1111 | MSCA 2017 | Malta EU Presidency MSCA 2017 Conference: Enhancing RI capacity through researchers’ mobility | 2016 |
1112 | PRACE-5IP | PRACE 5th Implementation Phase Project | 2017 |
1113 | BADGER | RoBot for Autonomous unDerGround trenchless opERations, mapping and navigation | 2017 |
1114 | PENELOPE | A study of weaving as technical mode of existence | 2016 |
1115 | XSPECT | Expecting Ourselves: Embodied Prediction and the Construction of Conscious Experience | 2017 |
1116 | LiveDeadFossil | Life and death in Doñana National Park (Spain): palaeontological and ecological insights from the study of modern vertebrate death assemblages | 2017 |
1117 | BinCosmos | The Impact of Massive Binaries Through Cosmic Time | 2017 |
1118 | TRAPLAB | Lab Based Searches for Beyond Standard Model Physics Using Traps | 2016 |
1119 | PHONOMETA | Frontiers in Phononics: Parity-Time Symmetric Phononic Metamaterials | 2016 |
1120 | OPREP | Operator Based Representations for Geometry Processing | 2017 |
1121 | SMART | Structured nonlinear Metamaterials for efficient generation and Active functional control of Radiation of THz light | 2017 |
1122 | SPONGE ENGINE | Fast and efficient sponge engines drive and modulate the food web of reef ecosystems | 2017 |
1123 | DisDyn | Distributed and Dynamic Graph Algorithms and Complexity | 2017 |
1124 | SUPRACOP | Systems Chemistry Approach towards Semiconductive Supramolecular Copolymers with Homo- and Heterometallophilic Interactions | 2017 |
1125 | Learn2Walk | Brain meets spine: the neural origin of toddler’s first steps | 2017 |
1126 | SOCIALBOND | Social integration and boundary making in adolescence | 2017 |
1127 | TREND | Transparent and flexible electronics with embedded energy harvesting based on oxide nanowire devices | 2017 |
1128 | MedPub | Medieval Publishing from c. 1000 to 1500 | 2017 |
1129 | ColOpt | Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter | 2017 |
1130 | SEPOMO | Spins for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices based on Organic Molecules | 2016 |
1131 | CID | Computing with Infinite Data | 2017 |
1132 | VERTIGO | Adding socio-economic value to industry through the integration of artists in research and open innovation processes. | 2016 |
1133 | BESTOFRAC | Environmentally best practices and optmisation in hydraulic fracturing for shale gas/oil development | 2017 |
1134 | REMIND | The use of computational techniques to Improve compliance to reminders within smart environments | 2017 |
1135 | KEAC-BSR | Knowledge Exchange and Academic Cultures in the Humanities: Europe and the Black Sea Region, late 18th – 21st Centuries | 2017 |
1136 | GeoDust | Utilization of secondary raw material in geopolymers production | 2017 |
1137 | Homer | HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system | 2016 |
1139 | JUMPING JIVE | Joining up Users for Maximising the Profile, the Innovation and the Necessary Globalisation of JIVE | 2016 |
1140 | AQUACOSM | Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean | 2017 |
1141 | AMICI | Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation | 2017 |
1142 | ImpleMentAll | Towards evidence-based tailored implementation strategies for eHealth | 2017 |
1143 | OptiMalVax | Optimizing a deployable high efficacy malaria vaccine | 2017 |
1144 | TISuMR | Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards SystemicUnderstanding of Liver Function And Disease | 2017 |
1145 | ChipScope | Overcoming the Limits of Diffraction with Superresolution Lighting on a Chip | 2017 |
1146 | THZCALORIMETRY | Time Resolved THz Calorimetry explores Molecular Recognition Processes | 2016 |
1147 | STRUCTURALISM | The Roots of Mathematical Structuralism | 2017 |
1148 | QD-NOMS | Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems | 2017 |
1149 | CoSaQ | Cognitive Semantics and Quantities | 2017 |
1150 | SURFACE | The unexplored world of aerosol surfaces and their impacts. | 2017 |
1151 | SitC | Science in the City | 2016 |
1152 | RadioNet | Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe | 2017 |
1153 | OPTICON | Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy | 2017 |
1154 | INSTRUCT-ULTRA | Releasing the full potential of Instruct to expand and consolidate infrastructure services for integrated structural life science research | 2017 |
1155 | AMITIE | Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe | 2017 |
1156 | MIR-BOSE | Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation | 2017 |
1157 | TRANSPIRE | Terahertz RAdio communication using high ANistropy SPIn torque REsonators | 2017 |
1158 | DISCOVERER | DISCOVERER – DISruptive teChnOlogies for VERy low Earth oRbit platforms | 2017 |
1159 | ArrestAD | 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate translocation in altered membrane biology: A new strategy for early population screening and halting Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration | 2017 |
1160 | KM3NeT - INFRADEV | Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) | 2017 |
1161 | EOSCpilot | The European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Project. | 2017 |
1162 | TransIt | Translating science in the long Italian Eighteenth-Century. The role of translators and publishers as “cultural mediators” (1760-1790s) | 2017 |
1163 | time-data | Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems | 2017 |
1164 | RINGO | Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations | 2017 |
1165 | NET-Tools | Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology | 2017 |
1166 | EPIC | EU-Pacific Partnerships for ICT RDI | 2017 |
1167 | INTERDIFFUSION | Unraveling Interdiffusion Effects at Material Interfaces -- Learning from Tensors of Microstructure Evolution Simulations | 2017 |
1168 | ENHANCE | Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Automotive Sensors: from Advanced Lead-Free Materials to Smart Systems | 2017 |
1169 | ARIES | Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society | 2017 |
1170 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
1171 | ERICENA | European Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence in ChiNA | 2017 |
1172 | CEBRABIC | Centre for Europe-Brazil Business and Innovation Cooperation | 2017 |
1173 | HIntNets | Higher-order interactions and Laplacian dynamics in complex networks: structure, dynamics and control | 2017 |
1174 | MUMPS | Next Generation Digital Mock-Ups for Multi-Physics Simulation | 2016 |
1175 | MULTIZONAL SCAFFOLD | Multizonal scaffold system based on collagen and copper doped mesoporous bioactive glass microspheres for dual release of growth factors for application as wound dressing material. | 0 |
1176 | Spatialec | Developing methods to model local area temporal domestic electricity demand | 2017 |
1177 | FIBER | Understanding soil fertility impacts on terrestrial biomass production in a changing environment | 2017 |
1178 | PINQ | The psychology of inequality: Understanding the social, cognitive and motivational foundations of people's attitudes towards the distribution of power and resources in society. | 2017 |
1179 | TechPolChange | Technology and Political Change: Nuclear Power in the Post-Soviet Union | 2017 |
1180 | PRESSURE | Effectiveness of Terrestrial Protected Areas in Reducing Human Pressure | 2017 |
1181 | StaGraM | Stable Crosslinked Graphene Membranes for Water and Molecular Separation | 2017 |
1182 | LightFasTR | Understanding the light-fastness of heritage Turkey Red textiles through modern dye chemistry and historical dyeing technology to inform sustainable display and access | 2017 |
1183 | ProcessCitizenship | Processing Citizenship: Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe | 2017 |
1184 | CUTACOMBS | Cuts and decompositions: algorithms and combinatorial properties | 2017 |
1185 | TOPIOS | Tracking Of Plastic In Our Seas | 2017 |
1186 | QUALITY | Qualitative and Quantitative Social Science: Unifying the Logic of Causal Inference? | 2017 |
1187 | GIANTCLIMES | Giants through Time: Towards a Comprehensive Giant Planet Climatology | 2017 |
1188 | Habitat-OASIS | Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites | 2017 |
1189 | CompDB | The Computational Database for Real World Awareness | 2017 |
1190 | SYSTEMATICGRAPH | Systematic mapping of the complexity landscape of hard algorithmic graph problems | 2017 |
1191 | LEAP-AGRI | A long term EU-Africa research and innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture | 2016 |
1192 | STONECULT | Do early stone tools indicate a hominin ability to accumulate culture? | 2017 |
1193 | AQUARAMAN | Pipet Based Scanning Probe Microscopy Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach for TERS in Liquids | 2017 |
1194 | DIFFINCL | Differential Inclusions and Fluid Mechanics | 2017 |
1195 | EspLORE | Extending the science perspectives of linear wires of carbon atoms from fundamental research to emerging materials | 2017 |
1196 | LiST | Cost-effective automated equipment for life sciences and healthcare laboratories | 2017 |
1197 | CBIT | Customisable Bioink Technology Platform | 2017 |
1198 | ENCIRCLE | Enhancing Research Careers and mobility in Macedonia | 2017 |
1199 | FIBRANET | Fibres in Ancient European Textiles | 2017 |
1200 | OPHOCS | On-chip Photonic Cluster State Generation | 2017 |
1201 | IDEM | In Defence of Experimental Medicine: Emotional Appeals and Medical Didacticism in Germany,Britain and North America, 1870-1914 | 2017 |
1202 | CoLiDR | Collision of Light in Dielectric Resonators - Optically Induced Symmetry Breaking | 2017 |
1203 | N4I_CLUSTERS | Networking for innovation: how entrepreneurs' network behaviours help clusters to innovate | 2017 |
1204 | NORIA | Numerical Optimal tRansport for ImAging | 2017 |
1205 | 321 | from Cubic To Linear complexity in computational electromagnetics | 2017 |
1206 | PEPCo | Problems in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics | 2017 |
1207 | BePreSysE | Beyond Precision Cosmology: dealing with Systematic Errors | 2017 |
1208 | INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | 2016 |
1209 | SEACRIFOG | Supporting EU-African Cooperation on Research Infrastructures for Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Observations | 2017 |
1210 | ENTRUST | Building trust in nuclear waste management through participatory quantitative story telling | 2017 |
1212 | Alexander Krauss | The limits of the sciences in identifying causes and scientific laws | 2017 |
1213 | DSR | Dissipative Self-Replication | 2017 |
1214 | LEUKEMIC-TEs | Unveiling the signature of transposable elements-derived transcripts – the transposcriptome – as a biomarker in human acute myeloid leukemia | 2017 |
1215 | HyQuIP | Hybrid Quantum Integrated Photonics | 2017 |
1216 | CAMART2 | Centre of Advanced Materials Research and Technology Transfer CAMART² | 2017 |
1217 | PlantaSYST | Establishment of a Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology for the translation of fundamental research into sustainable bio-based technologies in Bulgaria | 2017 |
1218 | AutoMonoDroplet | Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well-defined microdroplets | 2017 |
1219 | THE DISCOVERIES CTR | Implementation of The Discoveries Centre for Regenerative and Precision Medicine, a new Centre of Excellence in Portugal | 2017 |
1220 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2017 |
1221 | ANTARES | Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security | 2017 |
1222 | EPIC | Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control | 2017 |
1223 | MMUSCLES | Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES | 2017 |
1225 | FASDEM | Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization | 2017 |
1226 | MULTIFLEXO | Hierarchical multiscale modeling of flexoelectricity and related materials properties from first principles | 2017 |
1227 | Requirement Robot | Software Robot Requirements: Automating requirement extraction and Analysis | 2017 |
1228 | TheranOMICS | Integration of high resolution -OMICS datasets towards personalized therapy in bladder cancer | 2017 |
1229 | CRISP-4-CROPS | CRISPR/Cas9 technology implementation for improved resistance to Abiotic Stress in cereals | 2017 |
1230 | OF vacancy | Expert in selective/genetic breeding | 2017 |
1231 | DataSci4Tapoi | Data Science for Tapoi | 2017 |
1232 | MUSA | Monitoring built-Up area from SAtellite | 2017 |
1233 | TheSBIE | Thermodynamic Stabilization by Interface Engineering | 2017 |
1234 | CARERA | Information Day for Hungarian students and young researchers on career possibilities in the European Research Area | 2017 |
1235 | qBioNano | Quantifying bio-nano interactions of nanoparticles through microfluidic live cell Raman spectroscopy | 2017 |
1237 | DyNAmics | Dynamic synthetic molecular duplexes | 2017 |
1238 | iPILs4Bionics | Innovative Biodegradable Poly(ionic liquid)s for Bioelectronics | 2018 |
1239 | STARNANO | Spheroids as a Tool to Assess Realistic long term effects of mixtures of nanomaterials and chemicals | 2018 |
1240 | NanoGraphInk | Nano-Hybrid Graphene-Based Ink for Printable Flexible Transparent Applications | 2017 |
1241 | Nano Traction | Nano Traction | 2018 |
1242 | MYSOBIO | MYcenaean SOcial BIOarchaeology: Deciphering the interplay of funerary treatment and social dynamics in the Mycenaean period | 2018 |
1243 | PE-FECATS | Pasteur's Empire - French Expertise, Colonialism, and Transnational Science | 2017 |
1244 | Mobilising Archives | Mobilising Archives: photography in Southwest Angola | 2017 |
1245 | Hy-solFullGraph | New hybrid-nanocarbon allotropes based on soluble fullerene derivatives in combination with carbon nanotubes and graphene. Application in organic solar cells and biomaterials. | 2017 |
1246 | LPEMM | Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy of Magnetite | 2017 |
1247 | PULSATES | PULsar Science Across The Electromagnetic Spectrum | 2017 |
1248 | AMAM | Ageing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials | 2017 |
1249 | XeMoon | Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon | 2018 |
1250 | CombLimit | Limit Theory in Combinatorics | 2017 |
1251 | SuperSpinHyMol | Modelling superconductivity and spin-related effects in hybrid molecular/two-dimensional materials | 2017 |
1252 | GeoInSight | Geological constraints on the crustal structure at InSight landing site, Elysium Planitia, Mars | 2017 |
1253 | 3D-POWER | Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices | 2017 |
1254 | HIVOL | Herbivore-induced emissions of biogenic volatiles from arctic plants under climate warming | 2018 |
1255 | sharpEDGE | From Bulk to Edge: Realization and Characterization of Fractionalized Quantum Matter | 2017 |
1256 | PRENUCRNA | Prebiotic Synthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleosides: New Insights into RNA Evolution | 2017 |
1257 | TIM-Adrastea | “Thinking in Images. Herder’s Adrastea from 1801-03 up to nowadays” | 2017 |
1258 | PHOSPH-UBIQ-IMMUN | Dynamic interplay between phosphorylation and ubiquitination during plant receptor kinase-mediated immunity | 2017 |
1259 | SEMCRI 2017 | Maltese Presidency Conference on Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation through Research and Innovation | 2016 |
1260 | NEEDS | Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide | 2017 |
1261 | OWNERS | ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes | 2017 |
1262 | ULTIMATE | Towards the ultimate dark matter detector | 2017 |
1263 | CMBSPEC | Next Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions | 2017 |
1264 | 2DQP | Two-dimensional quantum photonics | 2018 |
1265 | HYPNOTIC | Hybrid Indium Phosphide on Silicon nanophotonics for ultimate laser diodes, flip-flops and memories | 2017 |
1266 | SEQ | Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world | 2017 |
1267 | LABOREP | Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation | 2018 |
1268 | AFRI-SKYFOR | African Sky Forests: services, threats and management recommendations | 2017 |
1269 | FLUOROCROSS | A Catalytic Method to Form Carbon–Carbon Bonds by Coupling Two Carbon–Fluorine Bonds. | 2018 |
1270 | Cynthetica | Development of tools to increase product yields in cyanobacteria using a synthetic biology approach | 2017 |
1271 | Basquesmith | Ironworking technology and social complexity of rural comunities during the Early Medieval Ages | 2017 |
1272 | FIRESCAPE | Firescape genomics: predicting plant responses to changing fire regimes | 2018 |
1273 | INoVA | Geochemical Controls on the Ice Nucleating Efficiency of Volcanic Ash | 2018 |
1274 | FiTTeR | Developing a Fibrosis Targeting and Tissue Reparative (FiTTeR) Therapy for the Infarcted Myocardium via an Injectable Functionalized Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel | 2017 |
1275 | Robust OTFT sensors | Ultra-robust, flexible organic sensors for application in lactic acid sensing and selective biosensing | 2017 |
1276 | WACE | Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. | 2017 |
1277 | EsterPep | Polyester/Polypeptide hybrid biomaterials for biomedical scaffolds | 2017 |
1278 | VAIM | Stereoregular Inorganic Polymer Analogues of Polyolefins | 2017 |
1279 | netdis | Medicine, Heresy and Freedom of Thought in sixteenth-century Italy: a Network of Dissident Physicians in the Confessional Age | 2017 |
1280 | SIMOF | Single-Molecule Spintronics: a Coordination Chemistry Approach to Quantum Computing | 2017 |
1281 | PRE-PSYCH | The Prelude to Psychosis: Brain network analysis in emerging schizophrenia | 2017 |
1282 | AgedLGBT | Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care | 2017 |
1283 | AFFINITY | Amplitudes and form factors via integrability | 2018 |
1284 | UNREP | Who Should Have a Say? Preferences for Unequal Representation | 2017 |
1285 | NANODRIVE | Polymeric Self-Assembling Units for a Controlled Adsorption and Release at the Nanoscale | 2017 |
1286 | EPISTEMEBEHAVIOUR | Behaviour, knowledge, policy. The philosophy of science perspective on the applications of the behavioural sciences in policymaking. | 2018 |
1287 | NanoAID | Advanced In-situ Techniques for the Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructures. | 2017 |
1288 | SCARCE | Sustainable Chemical Alternatives for Re-use in the Circular Economy | 2017 |
1289 | ALFA | Shaping a European Scientific Scene : Alfonsine Astronomy | 2017 |
1290 | SEQUOIA | Robust algorithms for learning from modern data | 2017 |
1291 | GirlsInScience | Building an Evidence-Base for Reducing Gender Bias in Educational Pathways | 2017 |
1292 | NMRNTECH | NMR-based Sensor Technology at Nanoscale | 2017 |
1293 | IMPLANTaLive | Explore the potentialities of living implants for medical devices | 2017 |
1294 | CROWD_USG | Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction | 2017 |
1295 | ChalEnz | Catalysis with Chalcogen Bonds: Toward Artificial Enzymes | 2017 |
1296 | PIONEER | The effect of seagrass bed habitat quality on selected ecosystem services | 2018 |
1297 | CO2RED | Sunlight driven carbon-dioxide reduction: Hybrid catalytic systems consisting of molecular catalysts and light-harvesting Quantum-dots and semiconductors | 2018 |
1298 | Gal-HD | Our Galaxy at full HD | 2018 |
1299 | PHOTOPEROVSKITES | Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells | 2017 |
1300 | ForbMod | Forbush decrease model for expanding CMEs affecting Earth and Mars | 2017 |
1301 | Christianus Arabicus | Ramon Llull (1232-1316): A Vernacular Writer Between Christianity and Islam | 2017 |
1302 | RECHARGE | Photon-recycling for high-efficiency energy harvesting in GaAs photovoltaic devices on silicon | 2017 |
1303 | PerovSiC | Synergistic Resistive Switching of Perovskite and Silicon Carbide materials for Advanced ReRAM micro Devices | 2017 |
1304 | EUEaPRU | Strategic U-Turns between the EU and Russia: Explanatory Prospects of Prospect Theory | 2018 |
1305 | HiProLoop | Scattering Amplitudes for Higgs Production at High-Order as touchstone for Automated Multiloop Feynman Calculus | 2018 |
1306 | URBANiTE | Post-crisis urban governance transformations in Southern Europe: a comparativist approach | 2017 |
1307 | CKI | Counterfactual Knowledge from the Imagination | 2018 |
1308 | ProFrost | Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Antifreeze and Ice Nucleator Proteins:Coarse-Grain Approach for Multiscale Study and Bio-Engineering | 2018 |
1309 | DiskTorqueOnPlanets | New Frontiers in Modeling Planet-Disk Interactions: from Disk Thermodynamics to Multi-Planet Systems | 2017 |
1310 | EPISTOP | Epistemic Optimism in Enlightenment Natural Philosophy : Metaphysics and Experimental Philosophy | 2017 |
1311 | MARVEL | Novel MAterial and Process Design for ReVerse Electrodialysis-Water ELectrolysis Energy System | 2017 |
1312 | ModelingCommonGround | Modeling Common Ground | 2017 |
1313 | ISSP | Infrastructuring SuStainable Playbour | 2018 |
1314 | ATFM | Articulating the free market: A cultural history of the economic transformation in Central Europe, 1989-1999 | 2018 |
1315 | umCryofix | A microfluidic cryofixation method for time-resolved correlative microscopy | 2017 |
1316 | TIMEGG | TIMING FERTILIY- A Comparative Analysis of Time Constructions and the Social Practice of Egg-Freezing in Germany and Israel | 2018 |
1317 | RoyalCities | The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE | 2018 |
1318 | JTIM | Biodegradable Water-Soluble Cylindrical Block Copolymer Micelles and their Applications in Nanomedicine | 2018 |
1319 | GaTHeR | GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research | 2017 |
1320 | PHOTO_IMS | The use of mass spectrometry and optical methods to determine the influence of cofactors on the structure and stability of proteins | 2018 |
1321 | GLAZE | The use of glazing traditions to examine the dynamics of interaction between cultures in contact: A case study of Cypriot glazed wares from the 11th to 17th centuries AD | 2017 |
1322 | DEBBIE | A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect | 2018 |
1323 | CATRATS | Catalytic Enantioselective Allene Cycloisomerisation Reactions for Alkaloid Total Synthesis | 2017 |
1324 | Immunometabolomics | CD8+ T cell metabolism in anti-tumor response | 2017 |
1325 | APIP | Artificial engineered Phonons for application in Integrated Photonics | 2017 |
1326 | EPISUS | What Epistemology for Sustainability Science? Experiments and Theories for Social Transformation | 2017 |
1327 | PATO | Porous material Analysis Toolbox - Open source | 2018 |
1328 | CLH | What is comparative legal history? Legal historiography and the revolt against formalism, 1930-60 | 2017 |
1329 | eSEAS | Enhancing Seafood Ethics and Sustainability: A Values and Ecosystem-based Management Approach | 2017 |
1330 | UPtoPARIS | PhD Programme of Advanced Research in Interdisciplinary Science at ESPCI Paris | 2018 |
1331 | MOPEAD | Models Of Patient Engagement for Alzheimer’s Disease - Sofia ref.: 115985 | 2016 |
1332 | NeuroTRACK | Tracking and predicting neurodegeneration spreading across the brain connectome | 2017 |
1333 | METRO | International Organisations and the Rise of a Global Metrological Field | 2017 |
1334 | INTERESTS | Lost in Transition? Multiple Interests in Contexts of Education, Leisure and Work | 2017 |
1335 | TIMING | Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging | 2017 |
1336 | BAPS | Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies: Transforming Simulation Models of Human Migration | 2017 |
1337 | E-RIHS PP | The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase | 2017 |
1338 | MayDay | Mobile researchers careers Attractive to Young scientists | 2017 |
1339 | PL-ERADays | Polish ERA Mobility and Career Days | 2017 |
1340 | ERA | Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave | 2017 |
1341 | MAGNET | Models and Algorithms for Graph centrality grounded on Nonlinear Eigenvalues Techniques | 2017 |
1342 | PRISM | PRobabilistic PRedictIon for Smart Mobility under stress scenarios | 2017 |
1343 | Starflict | Conflicts in start-ups: coping with stress and conflicts to promote well-being and entrepreneurial success | 2018 |
1344 | GaSLS | The Role of Global and Sectoral Factors in Labour Share Fluctuations | 2017 |
1345 | ChildEmp | Understanding children's empathy: an ethnographic study among the indigenous Runa of the Ecuadorian Amazon | 2018 |
1346 | POSITS | High Performance Wide Bandgap and Stable Perovskite-on-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells | 2017 |
1347 | SCAN-Deep | Systematic Characterisation and Archiving of megafauNa on a regional scale in a Deep-sea area threatened by mining | 2018 |
1348 | HELIOS | Hybrid Entanglement of Light for Interconnected Optical Networks | 2017 |
1349 | RAD-FIRE | Efficient methods for radiative heat transfer analysis in fires and water sprays for fire suppression | 2017 |
1350 | funcSOFI-PD | Quantitative super-resolution optical fluctuation and phase microscopy for structural and functional imaging of Parkinson's disease | 2017 |
1351 | El_CapiTun | An elastocapillary-enabled self-tunable microfluidic chip | 2018 |
1352 | SEAMET | Multi-driver climate change effects on SEAgrass METabolism: ecosystem implications | 2018 |
1353 | INTREPiD | CRG International Research Postdoctoral Programme | 2017 |
1354 | INTER | Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments | 2017 |
1355 | BRASILIAE | Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) | 2018 |
1356 | DLInnociate | Innovation Associate knowledgeable in blockchain technologyfor real time economy platform business development | 2017 |
1357 | CLIMOD | Integrating climate impact and spatial microsimulation modelling for improved climate change adaptation decision-making | 2018 |
1358 | SKELETON-ID | Soft Computing and Computer Vision for Comparative Radiography in Forensic Identification | 2018 |
1359 | SUPER2D | Superlattices and proximity effects in 2D materials/molecules hybrid van der Waals heterostructures | 2017 |
1360 | UFICS-QRNG | Development of an Ultra-Fast, Integrated, Certified Secure Quantum Random Number Generator for applications in Science and Information Technology | 2017 |
1361 | LeaD4Value | Lean data management for maintenance value | 2017 |
1362 | QUSMI | Translating quantum sensing into cost-effective molecular imaging | 2017 |
1363 | Athenea3I | Attracting and Encouraging Triple I Talent Mobility | 2017 |
1364 | INNODIA | Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 | 2015 |
1365 | GEOCOG | Cognitive Geometry: Deciphering neural concept spaces and engineering knowledge to empower smart brains in a smart society | 2017 |
1366 | TERMITES | 'Total E-field Reconstruction using a MIchelson TEmporal Scan' for spatio-temporal metrology of ultrashort laser beams | 2017 |
1367 | PCELLS | Synthetic Cellularity via Protocell Design and Chemical Construction | 2017 |
1368 | dCas9 | Dissection of the mammalian transcription termination mechanism by CRISPRi technology. | 2017 |
1369 | ELECTROQUANTUM-2D | Atomistic Electrodynamics-Quantum Mechanical Framework for Characterizing, Manipulating and Optimizing Nonlinear Optical Processes in 2D Materials | 2018 |
1370 | PPI4HPC | Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions for High-Performance Computing | 2017 |
1371 | STARS | SupercompuTing And Related applicationS Fellows Program | 2018 |
1372 | hyControl | Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units | 2017 |
1373 | NanoMOFdeli | Design of NanoMOFs Capsules for Drug Delivery and Bioimaging. | 2017 |
1374 | DDD | Diffusive Droplet Dynamics in multicomponent fluid systems | 2017 |
1375 | NewHoRRIzon | Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation | 2017 |
1376 | HOPE | Humans On Planet Earth - Long-term impacts on biosphere dynamics | 2018 |
1377 | FIT4RRI | Fostering Improved Training Tools For Responsible Research and Innovation | 2017 |
1378 | | Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe | 2017 |
1379 | InSPIRES | Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science. | 2017 |
1380 | FOSTER Plus | Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond | 2017 |
1381 | I-CONSENT | Improving the guidelines for Informed Consent, including vulnerable populations, under a gender perspective | 2017 |
1382 | juliaeconometrics | Developing a Financial Econometrics Package for the Julia Programming Language | 2018 |
1383 | EuroEXA | Co-designed Innovation and System for Resilient Exascale Computing in Europe: From Applications to Silicon | 2017 |
1384 | DOC-FAM | DOCtoral training programme in Functional Advanced Materials | 2017 |
1385 | COMBAT | Clearance Of Microbial Biofilms by Advancing diagnostics and Therapy | 2017 |
1386 | D-TECT | Does dust triboelectrification affect our climate? | 2017 |
1387 | D-TECT | Does dust triboelectrification affect our climate? | 2017 |
1388 | CAM-RIG | ConfocAl Microscopy and real-time Rheology of dynamIc hyroGels | 2017 |
1389 | PlantSenseKit | Plants as sensors for standardization and calibration of controlled environment chambers | 2017 |
1390 | SOCCERMATICS | Soccermatics: data for football fans and clubs | 2017 |
1391 | TRUE | Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe | 2017 |
1392 | ASTEROID | ASTronomy EuROpean Infrared Detection | 2017 |
1393 | CALIPSOplus | Convenient Access to Light Sources Open to Innovation, Science and to the World | 2017 |
1394 | HPC-EUROPA3 | Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing | 2017 |
1395 | SERA | Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe | 2017 |
1396 | InGRID-2 | Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy | 2017 |
1397 | Cosmic_Gas | Mapping the Cosmic Gas Supply with ALMA | 2017 |
1398 | NewWorlds | Magnetic Fields and the Formation of New Worlds | 2017 |
1400 | ITHACA | An Information Theoretic Approach to Improving the Reliability of Weather and Climate Simulations | 2017 |
1401 | GEECCO | Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment | 2017 |
1402 | ELECTRA | Electrochemically induced Asymmetry: from materials to molecules and back | 2017 |
1403 | MoQuOS | Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics | 2017 |
1404 | GENDERACTION | GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON | 2017 |
1405 | ORION | Open Responsible research and Innovation to further Outstanding kNowledge. | 2017 |
1406 | OSOS | Open Schools for Open Societies | 2017 |
1407 | ToDL | Systems Chemistry: Steps Towards De-Novo Life | 2017 |
1408 | ATM-GTP | Atmospheric Gas-to-Particle conversion | 2017 |
1409 | DATASOUND | DATASOUND: Understanding data with sound | 2017 |
1410 | SMART | Scattering Matrix Approach in Reflection applied to Turbid media | 2017 |
1411 | BIOSEA | Innovative cost-effective technology for maximizing aquatic biomass-based molecules for food, feed and cosmetic applications | 2017 |
1412 | WoRD-DoME | Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East | 2017 |
1413 | MIMICS | Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling for biomimetic myoelectric control of prostheses with variable stiffness actuators | 2018 |
1414 | 3D-SMoHC | 3D SMART MODELS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION An Open Science project for documentation, management and representation of Cultural Heritage | 2017 |
1415 | QUESCA | Quantum Enhanced Sensing with Cold Atoms | 2017 |
1416 | BioTec | Detection of bio-signatures in space research using a new and innovative measurement technique based on laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry | 2017 |
1417 | DSSC | Data Science and Systems Complexity Research Training Programme | 2017 |
1418 | EMPAPOSTDOCS-II | EMPAPOSTDOCS-II MSCA COFUND International, interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral PostDoc Fellowship Programme at Empa | 2017 |
1419 | GOT ENERGY | GOT ENERGY TALENT. Attracting Talented Researchers within the Spanish Campus of International Excellence ‘Smart Energy’ and the region of Madrid. | 2017 |
1420 | APEX | APC Postdoctoral EXcellence Programme | 2017 |
1421 | EUCYS 2017 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists' 2017 | 2016 |
1422 | pHenom | A cost effective, smart, calibration free, low maintenance pH sensor providing an integrated approach to monitoring sea and drinking water, facilitating improvements in ocean, animal and human health. | 2017 |
1423 | Neuromapper | Cloud collaborative open platform for advanced brain analytics | 2017 |
1424 | ReLaDe | Reusable Laundry Detergent | 2017 |
1425 | iHEAR | Investigating the meanings and mechanisms of psychotic experiences in young people: a novel, mixed-methods approach | 2017 |
1426 | DIVERSify | Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability | 2017 |
1427 | SafeConsumE | SafeConsumE: Safer food through changed consumer behavior: Effective tools and products, communication strategies, education and a food safety policy reducing health burden from foodborne illnesses | 2017 |
1428 | CLARA | Climate forecast enabled knowledge services | 2017 |
1429 | MDDS | Mechanism Design for Data Science | 2017 |
1430 | NonSequeToR | Non-sequence models for tokenization replacement | 2017 |
1431 | EPiR | The Chemical Basis of RNA Epigenetics | 2017 |
1432 | ALEXANDRIA | Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician | 2017 |
1433 | PHOTMAT | Photonically fused molecular materials | 2017 |
1434 | VIDEO HOLOGRAPHY | video-rate holographic projection by novel meta-materials | 2017 |
1435 | DRIVEN | Field driven materials for functions, dissipation, and mimicking Pavlovian adaptation | 2017 |
1436 | BIKE | Bioconductive Iongels for Cutaneous Electrophysiology | 2018 |
1437 | FBT | Transforming Brain Rehabilitation | 2017 |
1438 | NEWBREED | Training a new breed of interdisciplinary researchers to respond to the opportunities and challenges of ageing | 2017 |
1439 | ISTplus | ISTplus - Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2017 |
1440 | EuroTechPostdoc | International Network of Excellence in Science Technology | 2017 |
1443 | ACTICELL | Precision confiner for mechanical cell activation | 2017 |
1444 | Genome Biologics | Reducing the cost and increasing the speed of preclinical research in the pharmaceutical industry | 2017 |
1445 | SpeakUp-LearnUp | Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! | 2017 |
1446 | BrachyDOSE | Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BranchyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool | 2017 |
1447 | MUV | Mobility Urban Values | 2017 |
1448 | TEC1p | Big-Data Analytics for the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Materials from First Principles | 2017 |
1449 | ImmuneCheckpointsAD | Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease | 2017 |
1450 | Beacon | Bentonite mechanical evolution | 2017 |
1451 | INSPYRE | Investigations Supporting MOX Fuel Licensing in ESNII Prototype Reactors | 2017 |
1453 | GENIORS | GEN IV Integrated Oxide fuels recycling strategies | 2017 |
1454 | SPACE | Space-time structure of climate change | 2017 |
1455 | MECHIDENT | Who is that? Neural networks and mechanisms for identifying individuals | 2017 |
1456 | IMPROVE | Innovative Methods for Psychology: Reproducible, Open, Valid, and Efficient | 2017 |
1457 | RELATE | Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity | 2017 |
1458 | POLYWOOD | Combining wood and polymers to produce a translucent, reinforced and ecological material | 2017 |
1459 | ADORA | Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations | 2017 |
1460 | NOSCEMUS | Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin | 2017 |
1461 | HEPASPHER | Mimicking liver disease and regeneration in vitro for drug development and liver transplantation | 2017 |
1462 | TOPMAT | Topological Materials: New Fermions, Realization of Single Crystals and their Physical Properties | 2017 |
1463 | DATAMINE4.0 | Advanced Data Modeling and Analysis Applied to next Generation Industry 4.0 settings and the Internet of Things | 2018 |
1464 | HOTFLOW | A Photothermal Lateral Flow Test for Visual Point of Care Detection | 2017 |
1465 | EMPhAsIS | Electrochemical Testing Platform for Advanced Energy Materials | 2017 |
1466 | MEDIRAD | Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure | 2017 |
1467 | PIUR tUS | Tomographic 3D Ultrasound for Safe and More Cost Effective Vascular Diagnostics and Treatment Planning | 2017 |
1468 | INNOVA_MEASURE_III | Econometric analyses and indicators on the impact of Research and Innovation | 2017 |
1469 | ENABLE | European Network for Alloys Behaviour Law Enhancement | 2018 |
1470 | HEART | HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers | 2017 |
1471 | FEWFAST | Few-Cycle Electric Field Waveforms for Advanced Science and Technology | 2017 |
1472 | LOWCAT | Low Cost Material for Exhaust Catalysis (LowCat) | 2017 |
1473 | KETBIO | KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society | 2017 |
1474 | DUVlight | Development of a compact, user-friendly and cost effective source for the generation of powerful and broad ultrashort pulses in the deep-UV | 2018 |
1475 | BigData Heart | Big Data 4 Better Hearts - Sofia ref.: 116074 | 2017 |
1476 | IMGENE | Improving Genome Editing Efficiency (IMGENE) | 2017 |
1477 | INDTECH2018 | INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - innovative industries for smart growth | 2017 |
1478 | InnoITeam | Centre of Excellence in IT Science and Technology | 2017 |
1479 | INTELLICORR | Intelligent corrosion management underpinned by advanced engineering science | 2017 |
1480 | ITUL | Information Theory with Uncertain Laws | 2017 |
1481 | LIS-Water | Centre of Excellence (CoE) Lisbon International Centre for Water | 2017 |
1482 | MedSTACH | Eastern Mediterranean Science and Technology Center of Excellence for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | 2017 |
1483 | Nano4 | Providing the New Generation of Nano-Based Molecular Technology for the Early Detection of Bacteria, Viruses and Cancer at the Point of Care | 2017 |
1484 | NOMATEN | Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications | 2017 |
1485 | PASSAGE | Centre of Plant Synthetic Biology for Bio-engineering and Sustainable Agriculture | 2017 |
1486 | SCARABEE | Scalable inference algorithms for Bayesian evolutionary epidemiology | 2017 |
1487 | SIMDAS | Upgrade of CaSToRC into a Center of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science | 2017 |
1488 | WMF2018 | World Manufacturing Forum 2018 | 2017 |
1489 | AlchemEast | Alchemy in the Making: From ancient Babylonia via Graeco-Roman Egypt into the Byzantine, Syriac and Arabic traditions (1500 BCE - 1000 AD) | 2017 |
1490 | EarlyModernCosmology | Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe | 2017 |
1491 | f-ex | f-block hydrocarbon interactions: exploration; exploitation | 2017 |
1492 | GeoViSense | GeoViSense: Towards a transdisciplinary human sensor science of human visuo-spatial decision making with geographic information displays | 2017 |
1493 | BrainDrain | Translational implications of the discovery of brain-draining lymphatics | 2017 |
1494 | HotPolitics | Politics isn’t cool, it’s hot! Do emotions influence political attitudes? | 2017 |
1496 | CSRC | Center for STEAM Education Research, Science Communication and Innovation | 2017 |
1497 | CelESTial | Industrial Cell Factories and Sustainable Bioprocessing for Future Bioeconomy | 2017 |
1498 | BBCE | Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence | 2017 |
1499 | CECM | Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy | 2017 |
1500 | CHAMPP | Czech Hamburg Advanced Medical and Photonics Project | 2017 |
1501 | ENSEMBLE3 | Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs | 2017 |
1502 | CARBAT | CAlcium Rechargeable BAttery Technology | 2017 |
1503 | BOTFIND | BOTFIND: Finding Bots, Detect Harassing Automation, and Restoring Trust in Social Media Civic Engagement | 2017 |
1504 | TAPAS | Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological Speech | 2017 |
1505 | Tumor-Treg-Targeting | Training Network for the education of the next generation scientist in targeting the supressive capacity of regulatory T-cells specifically within tumours | 2018 |
1506 | AiPBAND | An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques | 2018 |
1507 | ASPIN | Antiferromagntic spintronics | 2017 |
1508 | ASSEMBLE Plus | Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded | 2017 |
1509 | ConFlex | Control of flexible structures and fluid-structure interactions | 2017 |
1510 | DyViTo | DyViTo: Dynamics in Vision and Touch - the look and feel of stuff | 2017 |
1511 | EASITrain | European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training | 2017 |
1513 | EmpoweredLifeYears | The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing | 2017 |
1514 | ENSYSTRA | Energy Systems in Transition | 2017 |
1515 | EQIPD | European Quality In Preclinical Data | 2017 |
1516 | ERICA | Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications | 2017 |
1517 | EUROFLOW | A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins | 2017 |
1518 | FlowCamp | European Training Network to improve materials for high-performance, low-cost next- generation redox-flow batteries | 2017 |
1519 | FOODENGINE | Enginomics in food quality design: the case of shelf-stable fruit-, vegetable- and legume-based foods | 2018 |
1520 | FORA | Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation | 2017 |
1521 | GendeResearchIreland | Exploring gender equality in Irish higher education: Qualitative case-study research into the response to, and process of Athena SWAN | 2018 |
1522 | HEAR-ECO | HEAR-ECO Innovative Hearing Aid Research - Ecological Conditions and Outcome Measures | 2017 |
1523 | HiTIMe | High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology | 2018 |
1524 | HYCOAT | A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition | 2018 |
1525 | IGNITE | Comparative genomics of non-model invertebrates | 2018 |
1526 | Inspire4Nature | INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature | 2018 |
1527 | LipidDrive | LipidDrive - Lipidomics cloud computing platform and app | 2017 |
1528 | MAESTRO | MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable | 2017 |
1529 | MINOA | Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation Applications | 2018 |
1530 | MixITiN | Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research | 2017 |
1531 | MY-ATRIA | MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression | 2017 |
1532 | NANOCOATINGS | Innovative Technique for Large-Scale Production of NANO COATINGS to Reach Global Market ofSynthetic Diamond | 2017 |
1533 | NanoStencil | Nanoscale self-assembled epitaxial nucleation controlled by interference lithography | 2017 |
1534 | PHOTO-EMULSION | Towards Next-generation Eco-efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy to Process, Products and Applications | 2017 |
1535 | POLYTE | European Industrial Doctorate in Innovative POLYmers for Lithium Battery TEchnologies | 2018 |
1536 | QuESTech | QUantum Electronics Science and TECHnology training | 2018 |
1537 | RealVision | Hyperrealistic Imaging Experience | 2018 |
1538 | SESPer | Solar Energy Storage PERovskites | 2017 |
1539 | STARDUST | in vivo optogeneticS, elecTrophysiology and phArmacology with an ultRasonically-powered DUST for Parkinson's Disease | 2017 |
1540 | STIMULATE | Simulation in multiscale physical and biological systems | 2018 |
1541 | TRAIN-EV | Training in Extracellular Vesicles: for benefit in Health and Disease | 2017 |
1542 | DEVOMIND | How do infants mentalize? Bringing a neuroimaging approach to the puzzle of early mindreading. | 2018 |
1543 | MOLEMAT | Molecularly Engineered Materials and process for Perovskite solar cell technology | 2017 |
1544 | SSID | Soundscape Indices | 2018 |
1545 | ADVaNCE | ADVerse outcome Network for non-mutagenic CarcinogEns | 2017 |
1546 | ENTPAR | Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005 | 2018 |
1547 | TUCAS | Tuneable Catalyst Surfaces for Heterogeneous Catalysis – Electrochemical Switching of Selectivity and Activity | 2018 |
1549 | ShuttleCat | Shuttle Catalysis for Reversible Molecular Construction | 2018 |
1550 | SUBLINEAR | Sublinear Algorithms for Modern Data Analysis | 2018 |
1551 | PRe-ART | Predictive Reagent Antibody Replacement Technology | 2017 |
1552 | EuroAgeism | An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism | 2017 |
1553 | ViBrANT | VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training | 2018 |
1554 | PERFORM | Pioneering the Digital Future for Omnichannel Retail Managers | 2018 |
1555 | COUPLED | Operationalising telecouplings for solving sustainability challenges related to land use | 2018 |
1556 | INSIGHTS | International Training Network for Statistics in High Energy Physics and Society | 2017 |
1557 | InDEStruct | Integrated Design of Engineering Structures | 2018 |
1559 | ED-ARCHMAT | European Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science | 2018 |
1560 | ZULF | Zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance | 2018 |
1561 | PEGASUS | Plasma Enabled and Graphene Allowed Synthesis of Unique nano Structures | 2017 |
1563 | PETER | Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | 2018 |
1564 | STEVE | Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases | 2017 |
1565 | S4D4C | Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges | 2018 |
1566 | ECHOES | European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities | 2018 |
1567 | InsSciDE | Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe | 2017 |
1568 | DRIVE | Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid | 2017 |
1569 | Imaging-XChem | Imaging-XChem: A computational package for ultrafast electronic control in chemistry | 2017 |
1570 | ESOF2018 | EuroScience Open Forum ESOF2018 | 2017 |
1571 | CHIST-ERA III | European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific challenges | 2017 |
1572 | SENTIFLEX | Fluorescence-based photosynthesis estimates for vegetation productivity monitoring from space | 2018 |
1573 | ATMEN | Atomic precision materials engineering | 2017 |
1574 | HYPERION | HYbrid PERovskites for Next GeneratION Solar Cells and Lighting | 2017 |
1575 | 4D-GenEx | Spatio-temporal Organization and Expression of the Genome | 2018 |
1576 | DISCOVER | Design of Mixed Anion Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy Conversion | 2018 |
1577 | RECONFMATTER | From colloidal joints to reconfigurable matter | 2017 |
1578 | VARIAMOLS | VAriable ResolutIon Algorithms for macroMOLecular Simulation | 2018 |
1579 | REM | Resonant Electromagnetic Microscopy: Imaging Cells Electronically | 2018 |
1580 | FACESYNTAX | Computing the Face Syntax of Social Communication | 2018 |
1581 | IPCCAR6 | Support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to facilitate the preparation of its Sixth Assessment Report | 2017 |
1582 | ZephyCloud-2 | Making Wind Energy More Profitable...Faster! | 2017 |
1583 | TRANSDESIGN | Design of Phase Transition Kinetics in Non-Equilibrium Metals | 2018 |
1584 | SCALAR | Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment | 2018 |
1585 | WFNQMC | Development of a Novel Computational Toolbox for Stochastic Electronic Structure in Chemistry and Condensed Matter | 2018 |
1586 | SOPHIE | Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe (SOPHIE): a Strategic Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond | 2017 |
1587 | openEO | openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications | 2017 |
1588 | ORBIS | Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support | 2018 |
1589 | NanoC4 | Autonomous Nanosatellite-Clusters Control, Coordination and Communication Software | 2017 |
1590 | REVERSEAUTISM | Probing the Reversibility of Autism Spectrum Disorders by Employing in vivo and in vitro Models | 2017 |
1591 | IMBIBE | Innovative technology solutions to explore effects of the microbiome on intestine and brain pathophysiology | 2017 |
1592 | RISE | Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart System and Emerging Technologies | 2017 |
1593 | PhonPred | Constructing a theory of phonotactic processing during speaking | 2018 |
1594 | GENDEMOTION | The Gendered Politics of Emotion in Austerity Ireland | 2017 |
1595 | CRISS | CRISPR Gene Correction for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Caused by Mutations in Recombination-activating gene 1 and 2 (RAG1 and RAG2) | 2017 |
1596 | ENERGYA | ENERGY use for Adaptation | 2018 |
1597 | FraMEPhys | A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics | 2018 |
1598 | SONGBIRD | SOphisticated 3D cell culture scaffolds for Next Generation Barrier-on-chip In vitro moDels | 2018 |
1599 | QuantumNet | A Scalable Quantum Network based on Individual Erbium Ions | 2018 |
1600 | QUNNECT | A Fiber Optic Transceiver for Superconducting Qubits | 2018 |
1601 | QUSCO | Quantum superiority with coherent states | 2018 |
1602 | TOP | Towards the Bottom of the Periodic Table | 2018 |
1603 | SCARBO | Space CARBon Observatory | 2017 |
1604 | PANACEA | A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture | 2017 |
1605 | FIT4FOOD2030 | Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030 | 2017 |
1606 | AfriCultuReS | Enhancing Food Security in AFRIcan AgriCULTUral Systems with the Support of REmote Sensing | 2017 |
1607 | CHE | CO2 Human Emissions | 2017 |
1608 | SWAMI | Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices | 2018 |
1609 | LEA | The first Large European Antenna with a diameter larger than 5 meters | 2017 |
1610 | CLATHROPROBES | Chiroptical, optical and magnetic probes for protein sensing based on cage metal complexes | 2018 |
1611 | ARICE | Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium: A strategy for meeting the needs for marine-based research in the Arctic | 2018 |
1612 | IBISBA 1.0 | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator | 2017 |
1613 | TERRINet | The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network | 2017 |
1614 | ErasingFear | Understanding the Stability and Plasticity of Emotional Memory | 2018 |
1615 | NanoBioMap | Nanoparticle Biointerface Mapping | 2018 |
1616 | NOVEL | Nanoscale Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser and its Arrays | 2018 |
1617 | LUCCA | Land Use and Climate Change Attribution for biodiversity impact assessments | 2018 |
1618 | UPRECON | Ultrafast photonics for the detection and recognition of toxic spine-structures of amyloid aggregates linked to neurodegenerative disease | 2018 |
1619 | GWsFromEMRIs | Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2018 |
1620 | VHDD | Computer-aided Van der Waal Heterostructure Device Design using Unique Response to Electric Fields | 2018 |
1621 | NEWMAN | NExt-generation WDM Metro and Access Networks | 2018 |
1622 | CAREANDWORK | Male Family Caregiver’s Well-being: Balancing Work and Long-Term Care in France and Japan | 2018 |
1623 | ConHuB | Resolving the links between poverty and rule-breaking in a conservation context | 2018 |
1624 | CoopCat | Cooperative Catalysis: Using Interdisciplinary Chemical Systems to Develop New Cooperative Catalysts | 2018 |
1625 | SINGULARITY | Singularities and Compactness in Nonlinear PDEs | 2018 |
1626 | CounterLIGHT | Interaction and Symmetry Breaking of Counterpropagating Light | 2018 |
1627 | BioMatrix | Structural Biology of Exopolysaccharide Secretion in Bacterial Biofilms | 2018 |
1628 | CoQuake | Controlling earthQuakes | 2018 |
1629 | MC2 | Mixed-phase clouds and climate (MC2) – from process-level understanding to large-scale impacts | 2018 |
1630 | MicroBar | Microsatellite Barcoding: reconstructing the family tree of hematopoietic cells | 2018 |
1631 | AGEnTh | Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories | 2018 |
1632 | STRUCTURE | De novo structural elucidation of functional organic powders at natural isotopic abundance | 2018 |
1633 | GRIEVANCE | Gauging the Risk of Incidents of Extremist Violence Against Non-Combatant Entities | 2018 |
1634 | POLEMIC | Politics and Emotions Investigated Comparatively | 2018 |
1635 | SCHOOLPOL | The Transformation of Post-War Education: Causes and Effects | 2018 |
1636 | USNAC | Understanding Type Ia SuperNovae for Accurate Cosmology | 2018 |
1637 | FAIRFISH | Hidden Hunger, Forgotten Food | 2018 |
1638 | BLOCKCHAINSOCIETY | The Disrupted Society: mapping the societal effects of blockchain technology diffusion | 2018 |
1639 | BETLIV | Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the ‘Good Life’ in Times of Crisis | 2018 |
1640 | Newcotiana | Developing Multipurpose Nicotiana Crops for Molecular Farming using New Plant Breeding Techniques | 2018 |
1641 | MATUROLIFE | Metallisation of Textiles to make Urban living for Older people more Independent Fashionable | 2018 |
1642 | CHIC | Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes | 2018 |
1643 | IoT4Win | Internet of Thing for Smart Water Innovative Networks | 2018 |
1644 | NOISE | Noise-Sensitivity Everywhere | 2018 |
1645 | Nunataryuk | Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation | 2017 |
1646 | EWC | Enabling Weak lensing Cosmology | 2018 |
1647 | Astropreneurs | Turning space-related ideas into viable businesses and promoting opportunities for entrepreneurs coming from space and non-space sectors. | 2018 |
1648 | BeyondPlanck | Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade | 2018 |
1649 | HATCH | SME-led Space Portal for Europe | 2017 |
1650 | ExoplANETS A | Exoplanet Athmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis | 2018 |
1651 | SINCERE | Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch | 2018 |
1652 | COACCH | CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs | 2017 |
1653 | SOCLIMPACT | DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond. | 2017 |
1654 | TWIGA | Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa | 2018 |
1655 | WeObserve | An Ecosystem of Citizen Observatories for Environmental Monitoring | 2017 |
1656 | XDC | eXtreme DataCloud | 2017 |
1657 | DARE | Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures | 2018 |
1658 | RDA Europe 4.0 | The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance | 2018 |
1659 | DEEP-HybridDataCloud | Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud | 2017 |
1660 | LOFAR4SW | LOFAR for Space Weather | 2017 |
1661 | ECDP | European Cohort Development Project | 2018 |
1662 | EURHISFIRM | Historical high-quality company-level data for Europe | 2018 |
1663 | FREYA | Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources | 2017 |
1664 | OpenAIRE-Advance | OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship | 2018 |
1665 | RI Impact Pathways | Charting Impact Pathways of Investment in Research Infrastructures | 2018 |
1666 | ReaLsMs | Real Smart City | 2017 |
1667 | NoMADS | Nonlocal Methods for Arbitrary Data Sources | 2018 |
1668 | NanoSurf | Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing | 2018 |
1669 | DNASURF | Molecular diagnostics through DNA modification and interfacial engineering | 2017 |
1670 | TransFerr | Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties | 2017 |
1672 | IMAGE | Innovative Optical/Quasioptical Technologies and Nano Engineering of Anisotropic Materials for Creating Active Cells with Substantially Improved Energy Efficiency | 2018 |
1673 | Wat-Qual | Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems. | 2018 |
1674 | SPINMULTIFILM | Physical principles of the creation of novel SPINtronic materials on the base of MULTIlayered metal-oxide FILMs for magnetic sensors and MRAM | 2018 |
1675 | INDESMOF | International Network on Ionic Liquid Deep Eutectic Solvent Based Metal Organic Frameworks Mixed Matrix Membranes. | 2018 |
1676 | Alliance4Life | Life Science Alliance: Closing Research and Innovation Divide in the EU | 2018 |
1677 | IMPULSE | Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle income countries in South Eastern Europe | 2018 |
1678 | ISOOKO | A community platform for building peace through information-driven dialogue | 2018 |
1679 | FANFAR | Reinforced cooperation to provide operational flood forecasting and alerts in West Africa | 2018 |
1680 | SHARE4RARE | Social media platform dedicated to rare diseases, using collective intelligence for the generation of awareness and advanced knowledge on this large group of diseases. | 2018 |
1681 | GO-GA | Go-Lab Goes Africa, Deploying Contextually Engaging Digital Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Educative Content in Africa by Adapting the Proven Go-Lab Ecosystem to Local Needs | 2018 |
1682 | Domino | Novel tools to evaluate ATM systems coupling under future deployment scenarios | 2018 |
1683 | N-IF | The N-IF mouse – a new and unique fibrosis model for preclinical efficacy studies | 2017 |
1684 | ASUNDER | Environmental subjects, conflicts and commodity frontiers | 0 |
1685 | HEMERA | Integrated access to balloon-borne platforms for innovative research and technology | 2018 |
1686 | TBornotTB | What is Tuberculosis? Challenging the Current Paradigm of Tuberculosis Natural History using Mathematical Modelling Techniques | 2018 |
1687 | Damocles | Modelling brain aneurysm to elucidate the role of platelets | 2018 |
1688 | SIRI | Serendipity in Research and Innovation | 2018 |
1689 | REFINE | Regulatory Science Framework for Nano(bio)material-based Medical Products and Devices | 2017 |
1690 | PolSymAGA | Polarity and Central-Symmetry in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis | 2018 |
1691 | COGRA | Decoding the Mechanics of Metals by Coarse-Grained Atomistics | 2018 |
1692 | COMANFLO | Computation and analysis of statistical solutions of fluid flow | 2018 |
1693 | SULFOSOL | Sulfur-based solutions for the selective functionalization of organic substrates | 2018 |
1694 | Machine Vision | Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media | 2018 |
1695 | APOGEE | Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. | 2018 |
1696 | ASA | Understanding Statehood through Architecture: a comparative study of Africa's state buildings | 2018 |
1697 | DarkSERS | Harvesting dark plasmons for surface-enhanced Raman scattering | 2018 |
1698 | PTRCSP | Phase Transitions in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems | 2018 |
1699 | DEEDS | DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies | 2017 |
1700 | DiCoMI | Directional Composites through Manufacturing Innovation | 2018 |
1701 | INDUCE | Towards a sustainable agro-food INDUstry: Capacity building programmes in Energy efficiency | 2018 |
1702 | CRREM | Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor - Framework for science based decarbonisation pathways, toolkit to identify stranded assets and push sustainable investments | 2018 |
1703 | InvECAT | Investor Energy-Climate Action Toolkit - Developing the framework and platform for non state actors' contribution to the Paris Agreement | 2018 |
1704 | FIPS | Filter Integrated single-Photon Sources | 2018 |
1705 | QRES | Transforming the limits of resolution by utilizing quantum information | 2018 |
1706 | GHOST | Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities | 2018 |
1707 | topDFT | A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories | 2018 |
1708 | LIMA | Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials | 2018 |
1709 | INCREdible | Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin | 2017 |
1710 | XLS | CompactLight | 2018 |
1711 | INDILANGHISTCULT | Indigenous Language, History and Culture: Politics, Writing and the Decolonization of Knowledge amongst the Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, 1970-2015 | 2018 |
1712 | PolymersForSolarFuel | Conjugated Polymers for Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution from Water | 2018 |
1713 | FFSize | Why farm and field size matters: Exploring their role for food security and sustainable agriculture in South America | 2018 |
1714 | DIS-ABLED | Past Lifeways and Deathways of the Disabled in 14th-18th Century Central Europe: an Interdisciplinary Study | 2018 |
1715 | SPotEU | Sugar Pot manufacture in western Europe in the medieval and post-medieval period (11th-16th centuries AD) | 2018 |
1716 | ProTeAN | Production and Testing of humAn-derived Neurons and brain organoids: advanced model probing in neurodevelopmental disorders | 2018 |
1717 | ColiSense Online | Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water | 2018 |
1718 | EARTH | Environmentally friendly Alternative to Revolutionise the use of formaldehyde in The Histopathology (human tissue) fixative market. | 2018 |
1719 | TeraSHAPE | Terahertz Waveform Synthesis and Analysis Using Hybrid Photonic-Electronic Circuits | 2018 |
1720 | CogLit | Literature as a Cognitive Object; Cognitive infrastructure and human cultural transmission | 2018 |
1721 | InfoSeekDev | Nurturing the Development of Information Seeking Skills | 2018 |
1722 | EnSurf | Enantioselectivity at surfaces: covalent grafting as new tool for chiral surface modifications | 2018 |
1723 | CHARISMA | CHARge transport in Intermediate-Sized Molecules on Attosecond time scales | 2018 |
1724 | GlueCore | Mapping the 3-dimensional gluon structure of the proton | 2018 |
1725 | IMIC | Inner models and infinite computations | 2018 |
1726 | inhibitAUTO | Towards a New Frontier in Autophagy Inhibition: The Development of a Novel Class of ChemicalProbes and Identification of Their Associated Biological Target | 2018 |
1727 | FERHAZ | Multiscale Investigations on Si-integrable Ferroelectric Hafnia-Zirconia Systems: From Fundamental Understanding to Everyday Electronics | 2018 |
1728 | RAMAN-Dx | Raman spectroscopy for early diagnosis of oral pre-cancer and cancer using minimally invasive samples | 2018 |
1729 | NAIL | Adsorption and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids on Surfaces in Ionic Liquid Environment | 2018 |
1730 | TET-Lanthanide | Triplet Energy Transfer at Hybrid Organic-Lanthanide Nanoparticle Interfaces | 2018 |
1731 | Exoplanet Finder | Blazing the Trail: Enabling Exoplanet Imaging in the Habitable Zone with the European Extremely Large Telescope | 2018 |
1732 | CIVICS | Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions | 2018 |
1733 | LINKSPM | Linking atomic-scale properties of 2D correlated materials with their mesoscopic transport and mechanical response | 2018 |
1734 | MOOiRE | Mix-in Organic-InOrganic Redox Events for High Energy Batteries | 2018 |
1735 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
1736 | 3DPROTEINPUZZLES | Shape-directed protein assembly design | 2018 |
1737 | RD-ADVANCE | Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs | 2018 |
1738 | CLAReTE | Combinatorially Led Advanced Research on Transparent Electrodes | 2018 |
1739 | BIOACT | Development of biocompatible ionic electromechanically active polymer actuator/sensor | 2018 |
1740 | HYDRA | Enhanced under water superoleophobicity by micro/nano topography and hydrophilic polymer brushes for high efficiency oil-water emulsion separation | 2019 |
1741 | TNFL-TMML | Topological New Fermions under Laser and New Topological Material Exploring via Machine Learning | 2018 |
1742 | FULFIL | Fulfilling the Law: Medieval Intellectuals and the Christian Making of Jewish Identity | 2018 |
1743 | E FUNDIA | Ecosystem function and Diversity in Amazonia | 2018 |
1744 | StrongLights | Controlling Photoinduced Transitions with Strong Light Pulses in Condensed Matter. | 2018 |
1745 | CULTRAMACY | Normalizing a Difficult Past? Cultural trauma and collective memory in Austria and Croatia | 2019 |
1746 | PRESS-CHESS-KHS | The effect of pressure and chemical substitution on the Kitaev Heisenberg system alpha-RuCl3 | 2018 |
1747 | ECOMAT | Encapsulation and contacting of two-dimensional materials | 2018 |
1748 | PICS | Prediction in Complex Systems | 2018 |
1749 | AMBER | Dating fossils with molecules – innovative approach to determine the age of Baltic AMBER | 2018 |
1750 | SPECTROCHEM | First-Principles Spectroscopies in Realistic Electrochemical Environments | 2018 |
1751 | BRONC | Behavioral demand-driven dynamic reorganisation of cortical networks revealed by simultaneous wide-field optical imaging and optogenetic stimulation mapping in task-performing mice | 2018 |
1752 | EPNRL | Electrically pumped network random lasers | 2018 |
1753 | AutoDropProd | Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well defined single and double microdroplets | 2018 |
1754 | BHmapping | Mapping the inner flow around accreting black holes | 2019 |
1755 | BITCRUMBS | Towards a Reliable and Automated Analysis of Compromised Systems | 2018 |
1756 | Bits2Cosmology | Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves | 2018 |
1757 | CARBS | Compositional Approximate Reasoning via Bialgebraic Semantics | 2019 |
1758 | CHAMPAGNE | CoHerent AMplification and PArametric GeNeration of Euv radiation | 2018 |
1759 | CHANGE | CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research | 2018 |
1760 | ChildPro | Child prodigies: on giftedness and child celebrities in modern France | 2019 |
1761 | ChiralComm | Chiral Communications at the Nanoscale | 2018 |
1762 | CLAMOR | environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations | 2018 |
1763 | CO-SUSTAIN | Collaborative Sustainable Innovation: co-designing governance approaches for a sustainable and innovative small-scale fishing industry in the Irish islands | 2018 |
1764 | COBOM | Convective Boundary Mixing in Stars | 2018 |
1766 | CoM_n_Play-Science | Learning science the fun and creative way: coding, making, and play as vehicles for informal science learning in the 21st century | 2018 |
1767 | COMPRESS NETS | Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2018 |
1768 | Constr-HaVi | Construction techniques, experimentation and innovative architectural solutions atHadrian’s Villa (Tivoli, Italy) | 2019 |
1769 | CrysPINs | Crystal structures of PIN proteins - CrysPINs | 2018 |
1770 | CuCAN | Asymmetric Copper Catalyzed Multicomponent Coupling | 2018 |
1771 | DarkMatterAndHiggs | Searching for Dark Matter in the Higgs boson sector with the ATLAS detector | 2018 |
1772 | Data Synthesis Power | Reducing required sample size of new studies by effectively using historical data: new methods for evaluating mechanisms, conditions, and alternative explanations | 2018 |
1773 | DECON | Deconstruction as Critical Method in Political Theory | 2019 |
1774 | DESIGN | Design Thinking in Defence Organisations: The Promises and Dangers of Intellectual Emancipation in the Management of Violence | 2019 |
1775 | DFitHH | Digital Forensics in the Historical Humanities: Hanif Kureishi, The Mass Observation Archive, Glyn Moody | 2018 |
1776 | DIET | Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer in advanced anaerobic digestion system for gaseous transport biofuel production | 2018 |
1777 | Divided communities | Communities Under Siege: Everyday Challenges in the Divided City of Jerusalem | 2018 |
1778 | DYNaMIC | DiarY by Nurses' iMplemented in the Intensive Care unit | 2018 |
1779 | DYNOS | The coupled dynamics of Southern Ocean climate change | 2018 |
1780 | E-SPECTR | Excitation Spectroscopy Sensor | 2018 |
1781 | EARNEST | Examining the Agroforestry Landscape Resilience in India to inform Social-Ecological Sustainability in the Tropics | 2018 |
1782 | EcoGemCoat | Smart anticorrosion coatings based on nanocontainers loaded with novel, eco-friendly cationic gemini surfactants as efficient corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in seawater. | 2018 |
1783 | ECOINTELS | The Economics of the Intelligent Transportation Services | 2018 |
1784 | eJUMP | Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals Nanocomposites for Safer Batteries | 2019 |
1785 | EMOMETER | EMOMETER: Developing an Integrated Toolbox for the Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Dogs | 2018 |
1786 | NGBMI | Building Next-Generation Brain/Neural-Machine Interfaces For Restoration of Brain Functions | 2018 |
1787 | NOMLI | NanoOptoMechanics in classical and quantum Liquids | 2018 |
1788 | TOUGHIT | Tough Interface Tailored Nanostructured Metals | 2018 |
1789 | TriboKey | Deformation Mechanisms are the Key to Understanding and Tayloring Tribological Behaviour | 2018 |
1790 | AMPERE | Accounting for Metallicity, Polarization of the Electrolyte, and Redox reactions in computational Electrochemistry | 2018 |
1791 | SOLARYS | Composition of solar system small bodies | 2018 |
1792 | HANDMADE | Handmade: Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making | 2018 |
1793 | LASSO | Layered semiconductors and hybrid systems for quantum optics and opto-valleytronics | 2019 |
1794 | OPEN3GEN | Opening the Third Generation: The Search for Long-Lived Fundamental Particles | 2019 |
1795 | QNETWORK | Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement | 2018 |
1796 | ESC2RAD | Enabling Smart Computations to study space RADiation effects | 2018 |
1797 | ImmunAID | Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders | 2018 |
1798 | ExtComb | Extremal Combinatorics: existence, counting and typical structure | 2019 |
1799 | PSR | Photometabolic Self-Replication | 2019 |
1800 | SOIL-4-CONTROL | Linking plant-soil feedbacks to aboveground-belowground interactions for noxious weed control | 2019 |
1801 | FLEET | Flying Electromagnetic Toroids | 2018 |
1802 | ADOR | Assembly-disassembly-organisation-reassembly of microporous materials | 2018 |
1803 | CCI | Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime | 2018 |
1804 | WaSH-UPP | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice | 2018 |
1805 | WESREF-IU | Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Ä°stanbul University: Improving Capacity and Knowledge Sharing | 2018 |
1806 | GB-CORRELATE | Correlating the State and Properties of Grain Boundaries | 2018 |
1807 | MULTI-ACT | A Collective Research Impact Framework and multi-variate models to foster the true engagement of actors and stakeholders in Health Research and Innovation | 2018 |
1808 | RIBOFOLD | Ribosome Processivity and Co-translational Protein Folding | 2018 |
1809 | NUCLITEX | Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach | 2019 |
1810 | 2DHIBSA | Nanoscopic and Hierachical Materials via Living Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly | 2018 |
1811 | RECGLYCANMR | Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR | 2018 |
1812 | SISCODE | Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign | 2018 |
1813 | SySTEM 2020 | SySTEM 2020: Connecting Science Learning Outside The Classroom | 2018 |
1814 | ReMedPsy | Re-emerging Magic Molecules: The Medicalization of Psychedelics in the United States | 2018 |
1815 | HMAM | Healing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials | 2018 |
1816 | SELECT | SEmiconductor disk Lasers for EffiCient Terahertz generation | 2019 |
1817 | FUNNANO | Functional Nanoscale Imaging: New Techniques to Probe Living Cells | 2018 |
1819 | LadinoProverbs | Ladino Proverbs: Edition, Recovery and Dissemination of the Endangered Cultural Heritage in the post-Holocaust Yugoslavia | 2019 |
1820 | LOFUPRO | The Logical Function of Property Talk | 2018 |
1821 | ProDelSys | Processing Systems with Optical Delay | 2018 |
1822 | SCIENCE-MINQ | Developing Rapid Inquiry as a pedagogical framework for multimodal interactions in informal science settings | 2019 |
1824 | RuZn | Ru–Zn Heterobimetallic Complexes | 2018 |
1825 | Mo-IoNT | Molecular Communications for Internet of Nano-Things | 2018 |
1826 | PULSATION | Detecting and characterizing exoplanets around evolved stars with NASA's TESS mission | 2018 |
1827 | HALOS2020 | Accurate halo masses in the precision cosmology era | 2018 |
1828 | HI-SiMed | Hemodynamics in an Infarcted heart: from multi-physics Simulations to Medical analysis | 2019 |
1829 | AnticipatoryLedgers | Anticipatory design and ethical framework for Distributed Ledger Technologies (blockchain or DAG) and applications (smart contracts, IoTs and supply chain) | 2018 |
1830 | MMSA | Molecular Motors for Surface Applications | 2018 |
1831 | NeuPES | Inducing Neural Plasticity Using Electrical Stimulation Delivered by Nano-Structured Electrodes: A Critical Step Toward Post-Stroke Recovery | 2018 |
1832 | NuWeld | Integrated Modelling and Analysis of Multiple Component Carbides in Welded hardfacings | 2018 |
1833 | PosEnt | Positive Entrepreneurship | 2018 |
1834 | FORAGEKID | Foraging Behavior in children: A new way to understand attentional development | 2018 |
1835 | POLYFIL | Polychromatic low-threshold fibre laser | 2018 |
1836 | NAMISTMem | Nanoscale Analytical Methods to gain insight into the Initiation of Short-Term Memory | 2018 |
1837 | NeuroMag | Magnonic Matrix-Vector-Multiplier for Neural Network Applications | 2018 |
1838 | NanoFEITH | Nanoparticles for Fluorescence-Enhanced Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer | 2018 |
1839 | TransparencyMeters | Transparency instruments to quantify the method transparency, analytic robustness, and replicability of empirical research | 2018 |
1840 | GLnQuadRemeshing | Re-meshing of a given triangle mesh surface to a quad mesh using physically motivated methods based on the Ginzburg--Landau potential and solved efficiently solved via numerical splitting scheme | 2018 |
1841 | H2O-SPLIT | Carbon-Oxynitride Coupled Artificial Photosynthesis System For Solar Water Splitting Beyond 600 nm | 2019 |
1842 | USFAOD | Understanding soot formation using advanced optical diagnostics | 2018 |
1843 | Tick ThaNK | Tick-borne encephalitis Targeted by Human Active NK cells | 2019 |
1844 | WolAntiS | Using antisense inhibition to understand Wolbachia symbiosis and antiviral protection | 2019 |
1845 | Readers as Observers | The construction of readers as (co-)observers in multimodal novels. Radical reader engagement in the visual age | 2018 |
1846 | MAGMATS | The effects of magmatic systems maturation on geophysical signals recorded in volcanic areas. | 2018 |
1847 | AlgSignSen | The Algebraic Geometry of Chemical Reaction Networks: Structural conditions for uniquely determined Sign-sensitivities. | 2019 |
1848 | TENUMECA | The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal | 2019 |
1849 | IAL | Imagination As A Lens | 2018 |
1850 | MoCRIV | Modeling critical reliability issues in VLSI technologies beyond 2020 | 2018 |
1851 | THREAT | The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees | 2018 |
1853 | SiPoMorph | Genetic control and molecular mechanisms of cell wall modifications during sieve pore morphogenesis in the phloem of the plant vascular system | 2019 |
1854 | Metabeyond | Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions | 2019 |
1855 | FUNDra | Remote sensing to model spatiotemporal distribution of functional diversity in the tundra | 2018 |
1856 | TCDL | Topological Colloidal Double Layers | 2018 |
1857 | STELLAR | multireSponsive hybrid Transition mEtaL dichaLcogenides-bAsed optoelectRonics – A European Fellowship for career development | 2018 |
1858 | urbanbird | Social life in the city: how urbanization affects cooperation and competition among social birds | 2018 |
1859 | InfCSP | Descriptive Complexity of Infinite Domain Constraint Satisfaction Problems | 2018 |
1860 | TRANSIMAMS | Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) | 2018 |
1861 | Spectro-Metrics | Advanced Data Mining Procedures Applied to Raman Spectroscopy Investigations of Interactions between Drugs and Cells. | 2018 |
1862 | REMES | Chiral Flame Retardant Materials: Design, Synthesis and Study of Chirality-Flame Retardancy Relationship between the (R)-Enantiomer and (S)-Enantiomer | 2019 |
1863 | IGpath | Dissecting the functional pathways of B cell receptor immunoglobulin in antigen driven mature B cell lymphomas | 2018 |
1864 | PEPPER | Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation | 2018 |
1865 | INMARE | Injectable hydrogels for magnetically-activated, remote-controlled drug delivery | 2019 |
1866 | COHEMEX | Molecular mechanisms controlling exit from mitosis | 2018 |
1867 | PISA | Political Instruction in the Soviet Armed Forces: Civil-Military Relations in War and Socialist Construction, 1918-1942 | 2018 |
1868 | Ring-STORM | Mechanically-Interlocked Ring-on-Thread Molecules for Super-Resolution Imaging | 2018 |
1869 | OXIREC | Modelling of Oxide Interfacial Reconstruction | 2018 |
1870 | DETRIMODE | DEgradation TRIggered by MOdular DEsign | 2018 |
1871 | Joint-probe analyses | Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution | 2018 |
1872 | ITS A DIVE | Individual Three-dimensional Spatial Auditory Displays for Immersive Virtual Environments | 2019 |
1873 | VACMA | Vaccine Media Analytics | 2018 |
1875 | MaLeR | Machine Learning applied to Reactivity: combination of HDNNs with ReaxFF | 2018 |
1876 | MOFdynamics | Investigating metal-organic frameworks using excited-state dynamics and theoretical spectroscopy | 2018 |
1877 | NSINC | Novel Soliton Synchronization and Interactions in Coupled Kerr Combs | 2018 |
1878 | DIRECT Therapies | Diabetes Immunoengineering: Redesigning Encapsulated Cell Transplant Therapies | 2018 |
1879 | TOMMY | Tomography of the Milky waY | 2018 |
1880 | VOLCANOWAVES | State of unrest of active VOLCANOes through advanced seismic WAVES analysis - An application to eruption forecast modelling. | 2018 |
1881 | EpiNoise | The role of epigenetic heterogeneity in cell fate decisions | 2019 |
1882 | PEREDEP | Promoting E-Rulemaking in the EU through Deliberative Procedures | 2018 |
1883 | ESCSSE | Embedding Sparse Combinatorial Structures using Sublinear Expanders | 2019 |
1884 | EpiBigDatainWomen | Epigenetic Data Integrated in a Big Data Approach to Unravel Novel Pathzays of CV Risk independent of classical CVD Risk Factors in Women. | 2019 |
1885 | TWODPS | TWO-Dimensional nanomaterial-based metasurfaces for enhanced Plasmonic Sensing | 2018 |
1886 | ESSINDEX | Essential Indexicality | 2019 |
1887 | GEISIE | Gender and Ethnic Integration in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship | 2018 |
1888 | UCLnProt | De novo design of an UpConverting metalloProtein | 2018 |
1889 | SECCON | Security controversies: exploring the governance of knowledge, innovation and techno-scientific risks | 2018 |
1890 | ULTRACONTROL | Ultra-low cost orbit transfer and orbit control for future libration point missions | 2019 |
1891 | NeuroPred | Identification of different neuro-cognitive mechanisms of prediction in language comprehension | 2019 |
1892 | MONMETAL | Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties | 2018 |
1893 | ML Potentials | Constructing Intermolecular Potentials by Combining Physics and Machine Learning | 2018 |
1894 | MOrPhEM | Mechanics of Programmable Matter | 2019 |
1895 | HUMANITY | Human Lung Microbiota And Innate Immunity | 2019 |
1896 | SCIMOD | Foundations of Model Based Science | 2018 |
1897 | QuasiHyp | Quasi-random hypergraphs | 2018 |
1898 | ExaQUte | EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation | 2018 |
1899 | iCARE-2 | International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2 | 2018 |
1900 | VECMA | Verified Exascale Computing for Multiscale Applications | 2018 |
1901 | ESQ | ESQ-FP: Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme | 2018 |
1902 | iMED | International Doctoral Programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease | 2019 |
1903 | HOMED | HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases | 2018 |
1904 | Farmers Pride | Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources | 2017 |
1905 | THERACAT | Bio-orthogonal catalysis for cancer therapy | 2018 |
1906 | SILKNOW | SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations | 2018 |
1907 | NewsEye | NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers | 2018 |
1908 | FORCe | Forensic Culture. A Comparative Analysis of Forensic Practices in Europe, 1930-2000 | 2018 |
1909 | HRP-IAEA | Living with Radiation: The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the History of Radiation Protection | 2019 |
1910 | highECS | Reining in the upper bound on Earth’s Climate Sensitivities | 2018 |
1911 | DRONETHICS | Emergent Ethics of Drone Violence: Toward a Comprehensive Governance Framework | 2018 |
1912 | HEY BABY | Helping Empower Youth Brought up in Adversity with their Babies and Young children | 2019 |
1913 | DEBATE | Debate: Innovation as Performance in Late-Medieval Universities | 2018 |
1914 | AIDA | Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis | 2018 |
1915 | Hypo-RESOLVE | Hypoglycaemia - REdefining SOLutions for better liVEs | 2018 |
1916 | EOSC-hub | Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud | 2018 |
1917 | ElectroGene | Electrogenetics – Shaping Electrogenetic Interfaces for Closed-Loop Voltage-Controlled Gene Expression | 2018 |
1918 | VANDER | Search for New Phenomena, Materials and Applications Using Van Der Waals Assembly of Individual Atomic Planes | 2019 |
1919 | CausalStats | Statistics, Prediction and Causality for Large-Scale Data | 2018 |
1920 | GRECO | Fostering a Next Generation of European Photovoltaic Society through Open Science | 2018 |
1921 | PaVeS | Parametrized Verification and Synthesis | 2018 |
1922 | Ecol of interactions | Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time | 2018 |
1923 | FRAPPANT | Formal Reasoning About Probabilistic Programs: Breaking New Ground for Automation | 2018 |
1924 | GrowCELL | The smallest of the small: determining size through cell number | 2018 |
1925 | M4D | Metal Microstructures in Four Dimensions | 2018 |
1926 | SNICC | Studying Secondary Nucleation for the Intensification of Continuous Crystallization | 2018 |
1927 | CoHuBiCoL | Counting as a Human Being in the Era of Computational Law | 2019 |
1928 | IAXOplus | Towards the detection of the axion with the International Axion Observatory | 2018 |
1929 | QuantCom | Ubiquitous Quantum Communications | 2018 |
1930 | FirstGalaxies | Finding the most distant galaxies with NIRSpec guaranteed time on the James Webb Space Telescope | 2020 |
1931 | Resolve | High-performance, affordable super-resolution platform for the life sciences | 2018 |
1932 | INTERFACE | paINTed mEtal aRteFActs ConsErvation | 2018 |
1933 | HyPhOE | Hybrid Electronics based on Photosynthetic Organisms | 2018 |
1934 | Q-MIC | Quantum-enhanced on-chip interference microscopy | 2018 |
1935 | CHIRON | Spin Wave Computing for Ultimately-Scaled Hybrid Low-Power Electronics | 2018 |
1936 | NanoMAGIQ | Nanoscale magnetic imaging with quantum sensors | 2018 |
1937 | TALENT | TALENT Doctoral Fellowship Programme | 2018 |
1938 | DeLight | Digital Resonant Laser Printing for Mass Customization of Flat Optics | 2018 |
1939 | IberusTalent | International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley | 2018 |
1940 | RENATURE | promoting Research Excellence in NAture-based soluTions for innovation, sUstainable economic GRowth and human wEll-being in Malta | 2018 |
1941 | PORTWIMS | Portugal Twinning for innovation and excellence in marine science and Earth observation | 2018 |
1942 | MOSaIC | Molecular Signaling in Health and Disease - Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence | 2018 |
1943 | SimEA | Modeling and Simulation for Engineering Applications | 2019 |
1944 | TImPANI | Twinning in atmospheric Plasma science and applications | 2018 |
1945 | PHINDaccess | Strengthening Omics data analysis capacities in pathogen-host interaction | 2018 |
1946 | GOLF | EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security | 2018 |
1947 | HYDRIDE4MOBILITY | Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides | 2017 |
1948 | ONE-MIX | Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | 2019 |
1949 | CRYOSOCIETIES | Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies | 2019 |
1950 | Mol-2D | Molecule-induced control over 2D Materials | 2018 |
1951 | COSMOS | COSMOS: Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures | 2019 |
1952 | ATTACK | Pressured to Attack: How Carrying-Capacity Stress Creates and Shapes Intergroup Conflict | 2018 |
1953 | ENVISION | Novel mechanisms of early defense against virus infections | 2018 |
1954 | ASTHMACRYSTALCLEAR | Role of protein crystallization in type 2 immunity and asthma | 2018 |
1955 | GLOBEGOV | The Rise of Global Environmental Governance:A History of the Contemporary Human-Earth Relationship | 2018 |
1956 | PRECRIME | Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing | 2019 |
1957 | AXIS | Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation | 2018 |
1958 | RISE | Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health | 2018 |
1959 | ICEDIG | Innovation and consolidation for large scale digitisation of natural heritage | 2018 |
1960 | BrainedFactory | Smart Manufacturing Platform for Industrial Part Production through Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Robotics | 2018 |
1961 | WasteWater Science | A novel affordable, portable and autonomous wastewater treatment unit for the agriculture industry | 2018 |
1962 | LiveCODIM | New Super Resolution microscopy solution for living cell imaging | 2018 |
1963 | Graphext | A REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM IN THE EMERGING MARKET OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS. Graphext bridges the gap between Data Science and Business Intelligence, democratising Advanced Analytics. | 2018 |
1964 | UCRxF | A novel ulcerative colitis treatment - A phase III ready feasibility study | 2018 |
1965 | POWDER | POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material. | 2018 |
1966 | ArchFarm | Revisiting funerary practices: A methodological approach to the study of funerary sequences and social organisation in the Neolithic Near East, integrating forensic experiments in archaeo-anthropology | 2018 |
1967 | SPINTECH | Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in spintronics of the D. GHITU Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies of the Academy of Science of Moldova | 2018 |
1968 | Achilles | Overcoming specific weaknesses in tendon biology to design advanced regenerative therapies | 2018 |
1969 | DRAGON | Data Driven Precision Agriculture Services and Skill Acquisition | 2018 |
1970 | Sex-Assault-ID | Crime Scene Presumptive Sperm Identification Test for Sexual Assault Evidence and DNA Collection | 2018 |
1971 | Medipee | A novel touchless method and eHealth system for automated urine monitoring | 2018 |
1972 | GENBIO | Reducing the cost, time, and ethical burden of preclinical research in the pharmaceutical industry | 2018 |
1973 | MotionTech | Tomorrow’s mobility solutions, today | 2018 |
1974 | RF Beamformer | Ultra-low-cost terminals that meet the special requirements of all satellite operators allowing them to access markets currently inaccessible due to terminal economics. | 2018 |
1975 | AIASGA | The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations | 2018 |
1976 | VirtualGrasp | Speeding up the virtual reality revolution with realistic & real-time animation of hand-to-object interaction | 2018 |
1977 | Blocknetwork | Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions | 2018 |
1978 | MATTERHORN | Electronic Thruster Controller for Underwater Vehicles and Robots | 2018 |
1979 | StayAble | A non-surgical and long-lasting treatment to substantially reduce back pain | 2018 |
1980 | SanDAL | ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science for the University of Luxembourg | 2019 |
1981 | OPERANDUM | OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks | 2018 |
1982 | MICAWA | Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Associated Wave Activity | 2019 |
1983 | Global Horizons | Global Horizons in Pre-Modern Art | 2018 |
1984 | GLOBESCAPE | Enabling transformation: Linking design and land system science to foster place-making in peri-urban landscapes under increasing globalization | 2018 |
1985 | SIMREC | Simulating Roman Economies. Studying the Roman Economy through computational network modelling and archaeological big data | 2019 |
1986 | OpenSuperQ | An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer | 2018 |
1988 | EXCornsEED | Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams | 2018 |
1989 | D-NOSES | Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability | 2018 |
1990 | OpenRIs | RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE Enhancing Long Term Sustainability and Opening Up RIs to Society and Industry | 2017 |
1991 | ICRI 2018 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2018 in Vienna | 2017 |
1992 | ASM2 | Second Arctic Science Ministerial | 2018 |
1993 | EUSP | Debate Science! European Student Parliament | 2018 |
1994 | FESTA | Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science | 2018 |
1995 | ERNI2018 | European Researchers' Night in Israel 2018&2019 | 2018 |
1996 | TRACES | Traces of research | 2018 |
1997 | ReConNeCt | Research, Connections, Networks and Culture | 2018 |
1998 | UNIGHTED | United Europe – United Science – United Culture – United Night | 2018 |
1999 | MadridERN 2018-2019 | Researchers, key drivers of growth in Europe | 2018 |
2000 | RENA II | REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers | 2018 |
2001 | B-FUTURE | BACK TO THE FUTURE | 2018 |
2002 | SOCIETY | How do you spell RESEARCH? SOCIETY - Science, histOry, Culture, musIc, Environment, arT, technologY | 2018 |
2003 | Our Science | My Science - Our Science | 2018 |
2004 | FUTURES | FUTURES: Create. Imagine. Explore. | 2018 |
2006 | Sci4all | Science is for all of us | 2018 |
2007 | COLLHEAR | 3D printed COLLagen type I-Hydroxyapatite prostheses for the middle EAR | 2018 |
2008 | REAL-NET | REAL-time monitoring and mitigation of nonlinear effects in optical NETworks | 2019 |
2009 | SAMCAPS | Self-Assembled MicroCAPSules: Synthesis, Characterization, and Eco-friendly Application in Home Care Products | 2018 |
2010 | RiNG-18-19 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2011 | LUNA | LUnga notte della ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung | 2019 |
2012 | SuperScienceMe | SuperScienceMe: ResEArCH in your REACH - European Researchers' Night | 2018 |
2013 | Promised | Promoting Archaeological Science in the eastern Mediterranean | 2018 |
2014 | FoodEnTwin | Twinning of research activities for the frontier research in the fields of food, nutrition and environmental ‘omics | 2018 |
2015 | QriUS | Come and Play Science at European Researchers` Night | 2018 |
2016 | PROBE | PROBE: European Researchers' Night at Trinity College Dublin | 2018 |
2017 | ERN18-19 SVK | Festival of Science European Researchers' Night 2018 - 2019 in Slovakia | 2018 |
2018 | Humanities Rocks | Humanities Rocks! Science on stage in Ljubljana for 100 years | 2018 |
2019 | ReFocuS 2.0 | Road to Friday of Science 2.0 | 2018 |
2020 | FF18_19 | European Researchers' Night in Sweden - ForskarFredag 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2021 | R4H1819 | Researchers for Humanity 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2022 | BEES | BE a citizEn Scientist | 2018 |
2023 | WeCreate | European Researchers' Night We Create Science and History | 2018 |
2024 | SAWE | Safe with Science | 2018 |
2025 | SCICITY | Science in the City | 2018 |
2027 | NOCMOC | NoÄ ima svojo moÄ, European Researchers’ Night (NIGHT) | 2018 |
2029 | LIFE LAB | LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub | 2018 |
2030 | SitC | Science in the City | 2018 |
2031 | REFRESH | REFRESH - Relate, Experience, Find Research Everywhere and SHare | 2018 |
2032 | NIGHTLV-2018-2019 | European Researchers' Night in Latvia 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2033 | BRIGHT | Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in Research | 2018 |
2034 | Wanderlust | The desire of explore to reach new frontiers | 2018 |
2035 | SCIENCE4FUTURE | Nacht der Wissenschaft in der Kiel Region 2018/2019 | 2018 |
2037 | StART | StART: Science through ART | 2019 |
2038 | HARMONIC | Discrete harmonic analysis for computer science | 2019 |
2039 | DINAMIX | Real-time diffusion NMR analysis of mixtures | 2019 |
2040 | TESLA | Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications | 2019 |
2041 | OrganoVIR | Organoids for Virus Research - An innovative training-ETN programme | 2019 |
2042 | TRANS-SENIOR | Transitional Care Innovation in Senior Citizens | 2018 |
2043 | INFANS | INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard | 2019 |
2044 | CHANGE | Cultural Heritage Analysis for New GEnerations | 2019 |
2045 | FLUO | Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence | 2018 |
2046 | MaCChines | Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami | 2018 |
2047 | SPECGEO | Spectral geometric methods in practice | 2018 |
2048 | HDEM | High Definition Electron Microscopy: Greater clarity via multidimensionality | 2019 |
2049 | QNets | Open Quantum Neural Networks: from Fundamental Concepts to Implementations with Atoms and Photons | 2019 |
2050 | Cleopatra | Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy | 2019 |
2051 | Neo-PRISM-C | Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children | 2018 |
2052 | TRIM-NET | Training network in drug discovery targeting TRIM Ubiquitin ligases in disease | 2019 |
2053 | MACQSIMAL | Miniature Atomic vapor-Cells Quantum devices for SensIng and Metrology AppLications | 2018 |
2054 | MesoBrainMicr | Novel high speed and high resolution microscopy setup for cytoarchitectonic studies of mesoscale sized human brain tissues, healthy and affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia | 2018 |
2055 | ChemLife | Artificial micro-vehicles with life-like behaviour | 2018 |
2056 | HSciRO | Handle with Science | 2018 |
2057 | PROTECT | Predictive mOdelling Tools to evaluate the Effects of Climate change on food safeTy and spoilage | 2019 |
2058 | UNIQORN | Affordable Quantum Communication for Everyone: Revolutionizing the Quantum Ecosystem from Fabrication to Application | 2018 |
2059 | ATTRACT | breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem | 2018 |
2061 | EUVPLASMA | Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography | 2019 |
2062 | QIP | Towards a Quantitative Theory of Integer Programming | 2019 |
2063 | MUSIQ | Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum | 2019 |
2064 | LAST-JD-RIoE | Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate: Rights of the Internet of Everything | 2019 |
2065 | PEQEM | Photonics for engineered quantum enhanced measurement | 2019 |
2066 | NEVADA | Novel microengineered environments for mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) differentiation towards cardiomyocytes | 2018 |
2067 | ENTWINE | The European Training Network on Informal Care | 2018 |
2068 | DOC-3D-CERAM | Development Of Ceramics 3D-Printing, Additive Manufacturing | 2018 |
2069 | WINDMILL | Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning | 2019 |
2070 | TerraNova | The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools | 2019 |
2071 | MultiBD-CHALLENGE | The Pursuit of Group 13-Group 15 (E13≡E15) Triple Bonds. Their Reactivity and Applications for Materials | 2019 |
2072 | DissectingSociety | Nineteenth-Century Sociographic Journalism and the Formation of Ethnographic and Sociological Knowledge | 2020 |
2073 | MalopolskaRN | Małopolska Researchers' Night 2018-2019 (European Researchers' Night in Małopolska) | 2018 |
2074 | Dielec2DNanoLiquids | Dielectric measurement of two-dimensional nanoconfined liquids | 2018 |
2075 | STORIES | European Researcher's Night in France | 2018 |
2076 | EUCYS2018 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists' 2018 | 2018 |
2078 | RiZeSisT | Discovering susceptibility genes to Rhizoctonia solani in rice as breeding targets for sheath blight disease resistance | 2018 |
2079 | MetaScience | The Metaphysical Unity of Science | 2018 |
2080 | ProtoMet | Protometabolic pathways: exploring the chemical roots of systems biology | 2018 |
2081 | MuFLOART | Microbiological fluorescence observatory for antibiotic resistance tracking | 2018 |
2082 | CLUSTER | organisation of CLoUdS, and implications for Tropical cyclones and for the Energetics of the tropics, in current and in a waRming climate | 2019 |
2083 | NaturalPhilosophy | The normalisation of natural philosophy: how teaching practices shaped the evolution of early modern science | 2019 |
2084 | LINKS | Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign | 2019 |
2085 | TEMPORE | Self-Regulating Porous Nano-Oscillators: from Nanoscale Homeostasis to Time-Programmable Devices | 2018 |
2086 | EMAGIN2D | Electrical control of magnetism in multiferroic 2D materials | 2018 |
2087 | MacaroNight | Macaronesia’s Researchers' Night | 2018 |
2088 | HALT | Hydrodynamical approach to light turbulence | 2019 |
2089 | CartographY | Mapping Stellar Helium | 2019 |
2090 | INNOVATEDIGNITY | Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people | 2019 |
2091 | ScienceWars | ScienceWars - May Science be with you! | 2018 |
2092 | ProMeTeus | Membrane protein integrated technologies development for drug design | 2019 |
2093 | INNOVA4TB | Innovation in Tuberculosis | 2019 |
2094 | FutureArctic | A glimpse into the Arctic future: equipping a unique natural experiment for next-generation ecosystem research | 2019 |
2095 | GenRes Bridge | Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management | 2019 |
2096 | CLaSS | Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East | 2019 |
2097 | OXIGENATED | Hemoglobin based Protein Nanocarriers for Tumour Oxygenation and a more effective Photodynamic Therapy | 2019 |
2098 | PREFET | Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility | 2018 |
2100 | Trop-ClOC | Quantifying the impact of Tropospheric Chlorine Oxidation Chemistry | 2019 |
2101 | NHM Night 7 | NHM Researchers Night | 2018 |
2102 | MIDNP | Metal Ions Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Novel Route for Probing Functional Materials with Sensitivity and Selectivity | 2019 |
2103 | SPEC | Secure, Private, Efficient Multiparty Computation | 2019 |
2104 | SENTINEL | Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry | 2019 |
2105 | SAS | Safer Autonomous Systems | 2018 |
2106 | EVOCATION | Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication | 2018 |
2107 | ULTRAFORS | Ultracoherent force sensors | 2018 |
2108 | PATHWISE | Pathwise methods and stochastic calculus in the path towards understanding high-dimensional phenomena | 2019 |
2109 | MgSafe | Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants | 2018 |
2110 | EuroPLEx | European network for Particle physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing | 2019 |
2111 | ApPEARS | Appearance Printing - European Advanced Research School | 2019 |
2112 | P-TRAP | Diffuse phosphorus input to surface waters - new concepts in removal, recycling and management (P-TRAP) | 2019 |
2113 | PIONEER | Plasma catalysis for CO2 recycling and green chemistry | 2019 |
2114 | BORGES | Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS | 2019 |
2115 | I-DireCT | Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy | 2019 |
2116 | OPENRESEARCHERS1819 | Open Researchers 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2117 | BestTreat | BestTreat – Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | 2018 |
2118 | QRANGE | Quantum Random Number Generators: cheaper, faster and more secure | 2018 |
2119 | ACT | Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe | 2018 |
2120 | CUHL | Controlling Ultrafast Heat in Layered materials | 2018 |
2121 | STACCATO | European Industrial Doctorate for enhancing upstream biopharmaceutical manufacturing process development through single cell analysis | 2019 |
2122 | FluidKnowledge | How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge. | 2019 |
2123 | NeuTouch | Understanding neural coding of touch as enabling technology for prosthetics and robotics | 2019 |
2124 | PERF-AI | Enhance Aircraft Performance and Optimisation through utilisation of Artificial Intelligence | 2018 |
2125 | FAWORIT 2018-2019 | Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology – Cultural Heritage & the New Generation of Innovators | 2018 |
2126 | PASQuanS | Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation | 2018 |
2127 | H-Unique | In search of uniqueness - harnessing anatomical hand variation | 2019 |
2128 | 2D-PnictoChem | Chemistry and Interface Control of Novel 2D-Pnictogen Nanomaterials | 2018 |
2129 | ScaleML | Elastic Coordination for Scalable Machine Learning | 2019 |
2130 | MARIPOLDATA | The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans | 2018 |
2131 | Stardust-R | Stardust Reloaded | 2019 |
2132 | CHARMING | Chemical Engineering Immersive Learning | 2018 |
2133 | NUTRIMAN | Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network | 2018 |
2134 | NEODYNE | Decision making: from neurochemical mechanisms to network dynamics to behaviour | 2018 |
2135 | NeEDS | Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists | 2019 |
2136 | GrowBot | Towards a new generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts | 2019 |
2137 | SAPIENS | Shaping the social brain through early interactions | 2019 |
2138 | TPTF_ERN | Techno-Past Techno-Future: European Researchers' Night | 2018 |
2139 | e-IRGSP6 | e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 6 | 2019 |
2140 | NeuHeart | A neuroprosthesis to restore the vagal-cardiac closed-loop connection after heart transplantation | 2019 |
2141 | HARVESTORE | Energy HarveStorers for Powering the Internet of Things | 2018 |
2142 | TOCHA | Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology | 2019 |
2143 | DIAMOND | Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems | 2018 |
2145 | REDDCopernicus | Capacity for Copernicus REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Services | 2019 |
2146 | EROSS | European Robotic Orbital Support Services | 2019 |
2147 | HERMES-SP | High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder | 2018 |
2149 | PIONEERS | Planetary Instruments based on Optical technologies for an iNnovative European Exploration Using Rotational Seismology | 2019 |
2150 | EBRA | European Brain Research Area | 2018 |
2151 | DISCE | Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies | 2019 |
2152 | CO3 | Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens | 2019 |
2153 | VHH | Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age | 2019 |
2154 | Our Space Our Future | Our Space our Future: making careers in the space industry an inspiring reality for all | 2018 |
2155 | HoloFood | Holistic solution to improve animal food production through deconstructing the biomolecular interactions between feed, gut microorganisms and animals in relation to performance parameters | 2019 |
2156 | ACOUPLASMA | Market maturation of a blood plasma separation module enabling plasma based diagnostic point-of-care devices | 2018 |
2157 | BEAWARE | Early warning system for enteropathies in intensive broiler farming. | 2018 |
2158 | SYNCHROS | SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders | 2019 |
2159 | PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation | 2018 |
2160 | VirtualBrainCloud | Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease | 2018 |
2161 | PRIMAGE | PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers | 2018 |
2162 | RETHINK | RETHINK | 2019 |
2163 | SiMBiT | Single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing | 2019 |
2164 | Data Market Services / DMS Accelerator | Supporting the European data market providing free support services to data-centric SMEs and start-ups | 2019 |
2165 | RESHAPE | Reshaping undesired Inflammation in challenged Tissue Homeostasis by Next-Generation regulatory T cell (Treg) Approaches – from Advanced Technology Developments to First-in-Human Trials | 2019 |
2166 | FemtoSurf | Functional surface treatments using ultra-short pulse laser system FemtoSurf | 2019 |
2167 | EOSC-Life | Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe | 2019 |
2168 | RADIATE | Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe | 2019 |
2169 | HERMES | Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems | 2019 |
2170 | CitieS-Health | Citizen Science for Urban Environment and Health | 2019 |
2171 | ERINHA-Advance | Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents | 2019 |
2172 | ESCAPE | European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures | 2019 |
2173 | EASI-Genomics | European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics | 2019 |
2174 | OSCAR | Open ScienCe Aeronautic & Air Transport Research | 2019 |
2175 | MARTE | Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Effects on Children, Adults and Families | 2019 |
2176 | Safe-DEED | Safe Data Enabled Economic Development | 2018 |
2177 | SUPER_MoRRI | Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI | 2019 |
2178 | FP-RESOMUS | Fellowship Program of the NCCR MUST (National Competence Center for Research in MolecularUltrafast Science and Technology) and the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV | 2019 |
2179 | VOLARE | Scentsitive nature: Green leaf volatile perception in plants and insects | 2019 |
2180 | BEATS | Beamline for Tomography at SESAME | 2019 |
2181 | CatRIS | Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services | 2019 |
2182 | QUEST | QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication | 2019 |
2183 | RECIPES | REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders | 2019 |
2184 | ProDIS | Provenance for Data-Intensive Systems | 2018 |
2185 | DELPHI | Computing Answers to Complex Questions in Broad Domains | 2019 |
2186 | LO-ACT | Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities | 2019 |
2187 | BE OPEN | European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport | 2019 |
2188 | ANTI-ATOM | Many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter | 2019 |
2189 | SCUBY | SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium | 2019 |
2190 | Predictix Antidepres | a user-friendly procedure that analyses genomic, clinical and demographic data to generate a personalized report with statistical analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants and their side effects | 2018 |
2191 | HYDROGO | Energy from water in motion: efficient, customisable off-grid hydro-electricity for rural areas with stream access | 2018 |
2192 | IRIS AI | IRIS.AI: The Artificial Intelligence-powered R&D assistant | 2018 |
2193 | OMICpro | A Decision-making Tool for Fully Exploiting Big Bio-Data | 2018 |
2194 | FatiguEvoPro | Quasistatic evolution problems for material failure due to fatigue | 2019 |
2195 | ReSurface | A combined developmental cell biology and tissue engineering approach to repair the articular surface of synovial joints | 2019 |
2196 | RADAR-AD | Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Alzheimer’s Disease | 2019 |
2197 | AutoCPS | Automated Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Compositional Approach | 2019 |
2198 | GRACE | Grounding RRI Actions to Achieve Institutional Change in European Research Funding and Performing Organisations | 2019 |
2199 | ELEVATE | Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing | 2019 |
2200 | Smart4Health | Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health | 2019 |
2201 | ARCHIVER | Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments | 2019 |
2202 | DeepHealth | Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health | 2019 |
2203 | RISIS 2 | European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2 | 2019 |
2204 | DaPhNIs | Role of the Maternal Gut Microbiota in Immune Activation at the Maternal-Foetal Interface: Impact on Preeclampsia and Offspring's Immune Development | 2019 |
2205 | MaX | MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design | 2018 |
2206 | LOPRE | Lossy Preprocessing | 2019 |
2207 | B Massive | Binary massive black hole astrophysics | 2019 |
2208 | FAIRplus | FAIRplus | 2019 |
2209 | IMAGINE | Non-Invasive Imaging of Nanoscale Electronic Transport | 2019 |
2210 | BDE | Beyond Distance Estimates: A New Theory of Heuristics for State-Space Search | 2019 |
2211 | MIGHTY_RNA | Repurposing small RNA from ciliates for genome editing: single-molecule study | 2019 |
2212 | SomSOM | Self-organisation of microbial soil organic matter turnover | 2019 |
2213 | QUEFORMAL | Quantum Engineering for Machine Learning | 2019 |
2214 | CoPAN | From Mimicry to Trust: A Tinbergian Approach | 2019 |
2215 | RiskGONE | Risk Governance of Nanotechnology | 2019 |
2216 | NANORIGO | Establishing a Nanotechnology Risk Governance Framework | 2019 |
2217 | Liquid2DM | Two-dimensional liquid cell dielectric microscopy | 2019 |
2218 | IONPEN | Trapped-ion quantum information in 2-dimensional Penning trap arrays | 2019 |
2219 | SHAPE-ID | Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe | 2019 |
2220 | STARS | Strengthening training of academia in regulatory sciences and supporting regulatory scientific advice (STARS) | 2019 |
2221 | ACTION | Participatory science toolkit against pollution | 2019 |
2222 | STARTS Ecosystem | Support to STARTS Community and Lighthouse Projects through the creation of an ecosystem for hybrid talent | 2019 |
2223 | Think NEXUS | Think tank for the collaboration on NEXt generation internet between EU-US | 2018 |
2224 | BE-ARCHAEO | BEyond ARCHAEOlogy: an advanced approach linking East to West through science, field archaeology, interactive museum experiences | 2019 |
2225 | PRACE-6IP | PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project | 2019 |
2226 | iGame | Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products | 2019 |
2227 | LoGov | Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay | 2019 |
2228 | HiDALGO | HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems | 2018 |
2229 | BEBOP | Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets | 2018 |
2230 | CALENDARS | Co-production of seasonal representations for adaptive institutions | 2019 |
2231 | MOBILIZE | Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management | 2019 |
2232 | MOCCA | Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications | 2019 |
2233 | LORAX | The Lorax Project: Understanding Ecosystemic Politics | 2019 |
2234 | HELICAL | HEalth data LInkage for ClinicAL benefit | 2019 |
2235 | NU-SPINE | Training innovative future leaders in research and development of materials and implants for the spine | 2019 |
2236 | QuAnGIS | Question-based Analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries | 2019 |
2237 | SYNTHESYS PLUS | Synthesis of systematic resources | 2019 |
2238 | EUNOMIA | User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media | 2018 |
2239 | CONCISE | Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science | 2018 |
2240 | MICS | Developing metrics and instruments to evaluate citizen science impacts on the environment and society | 2019 |
2241 | FTHPC | Fault Tolerant High Performance Computing | 2019 |
2242 | KETJU | Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) | 2019 |
2243 | EcoSpy | Leveraging the potential of historical spy satellite photography for ecology and conservation | 2018 |
2244 | DONORS | Who gives life? Understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour | 2019 |
2245 | POAB | The Psychology of Administrative Burden | 2019 |
2246 | ICOPT | Fundamental Problems at the Interface of Combinatorial Optimization with Integer Programming and Online Optimization | 2019 |
2247 | DIMENSION | Real-time Data-Informed Multi-scale Computational Methods for Material Design and Processing | 2020 |
2248 | BrightnESS-2 | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) | 2019 |
2249 | EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE | Ensuring long-term sustainability of excellence in chemical biology within Europe and beyond | 2019 |
2251 | INCYPRO | A Technology for the Generation of Stable Enzymes | 2019 |
2252 | E.T.PACK | Electrodynamic Tether Technology for Passive Consumable-less Deorbit Kit | 2019 |
2253 | CANCER SCAN | A Body Scan for Cancer Detection using Quantum Technology | 2019 |
2254 | NanoBRIGHT | BRInGing nano-pHoTonics into the brain | 2019 |
2255 | NARCISO | NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications | 2019 |
2256 | SoFiA | Soap Film based Artificial Photosynthesis | 2019 |
2257 | PUPILTRAITS | Biomarkers of individual differences in human cortical visual processing | 2019 |
2258 | DIAPASoN | Differential Program Semantics | 2019 |
2259 | PETER | Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement | 2019 |
2260 | CESEAND InnoAses4 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2019. | 2019 |
2261 | ReNewQuantum | Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory | 2019 |
2262 | LHCtoLISA | Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA | 2019 |
2263 | SAMPLING | Searching for the Approximation Method used to Perform rationaL inference by INdividuals and Groups | 2019 |
2264 | F-BioIce | Fundamentals of Biological Ice Nucleation | 2019 |
2265 | ArtHep | Hepatocytes-Like Microreactors for Liver Tissue Engineering | 2019 |
2266 | PHOTOMASS | Imaging Biomolecular Self-Assembly with a Molecular Photonic Scale | 2019 |
2267 | APPS | Assembly guided by particle position and shape | 0 |
2268 | EMC2 | Extreme-scale Mathematically-based Computational Chemistry | 2019 |
2269 | PROBIM | PRO Business Innovation Moldova | 2019 |
2270 | THOR | TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics | 2019 |
2271 | ICEI | Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project | 2018 |
2272 | ANTICIPATE | Anticipatory Human-Computer Interaction | 2019 |
2273 | FOODCULT | Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 | 2019 |
2274 | 3DBIOLUNG | Bioengineering lung tissue using extracellular matrix based 3D bioprinting | 2019 |
2275 | DYNASNET | Dynamics and Structure of Networks | 2019 |
2276 | ACO | AstroChemical Origins | 2019 |
2277 | ULTIMATE | Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action | 2019 |
2278 | NBEB-SSP | Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes for species sampling problems: classical questions, new directions and related issues | 2019 |
2279 | UltimateCOMPASS | Navigating the most challenging habitats on earth:unravelling the architecture of a universal compass system | 2019 |
2280 | SPINAPSE | Creating complexity: toward atomic spin-based neural hardware | 2019 |
2281 | EQOP | Socioeconomic gaps in language development and school achievement: Mechanisms of inequality and opportunity | 2019 |
2282 | CHROMOTOPE | The 19th century chromatic turn - CHROMOTOPE | 2019 |
2283 | NewMonEc | Monetary Economics and Communication: New Data, New Tools, New and Old Questions | 2019 |
2284 | REMINISCENCE | REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE | 2019 |
2285 | LArcHer | Breaking barriers between Science and Heritage approaches to Levantine Rock Art through Archaeology, Heritage Science and IT | 2019 |
2286 | TIMP | Ultrahigh-speed nanometer-scale microscopy | 2019 |
2287 | INSCONS | Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research | 2019 |
2288 | ScienceGraph | Knowledge Graph based Representation, Augmentation and Exploration of Scholarly Communication | 2019 |
2289 | VINCULUM | Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) | 2019 |
2290 | EpiRIME | Epigenetic Reprogramming, Inheritance and Memory: Dissect epigenetic transitions at fertilisation and early embryogenesis | 2019 |
2291 | SSHOC | Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud | 2019 |
2292 | ENVRI-FAIR | ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research | 2019 |
2293 | IS-ENES3 | Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 | 2019 |
2294 | SOLARNET | Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics | 2019 |
2295 | EU-Citizen.Science | The Platform for Sharing, Initiating, and Learning Citizen Science in Europe | 2019 |
2296 | SoNAR-Global | A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance | 2019 |
2297 | LACRYS | Light Assisted-CRYStallization | 2019 |
2298 | PINT | Ultrastrong Composites through Polymers Interlocked with carbon NanoTubes | 2019 |
2300 | Racefox | Making better runners & cross-country skiers by real-time AI coaching | 2019 |
2302 | Lernwolke | The first AI-driven smart-learning platform that teaches not only contents but also interdisciplinary skills as the key to success | 2019 |
2303 | MEMBOOST | Memory Enhancing and Learning System | 2019 |
2305 | NEWTRAL | First real-time fact-checking tool to fight against the fake news and disinformation | 2019 |
2306 | KIProtect | KIProtect: The security layer for data science and artificial intelligence | 2019 |
2307 | IMAGINE | Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions | 2019 |
2308 | iPC | individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology | 2019 |
2309 | EoCoE-II | Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy | 2019 |
2310 | BIT-ACT | Bottom-up initiatives and anti-corruption technologies: how citizens use ICTs to fight corruption | 2019 |
2311 | ReligSpace | The Effect of Manifestations of Religion in the Public Space on Sociopolitical Integration of Minority-Religion Immigrants | 2019 |
2312 | ATLANTIC | Advanced theoretical network for modeling light matter interactIon | 2019 |
2313 | FISHSkin | Developing Fish Skin as a sustainable raw material for the fashion industry | 2019 |
2315 | ARISE | African Research and Innovative Initiative for Sickle cell Education: Improving Research Capacity for Service Improvement | 2019 |
2316 | SOPs4RI | Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity | 2019 |
2317 | euCanSHare | An EU-Canada joint infrastructure for next-generation multi-Study Heart research | 2018 |
2318 | VictPart | Righting Victim Participation in Transitional Justice | 2019 |
2319 | CARB-City | Physico-Chemistry of Carbonaceous Aerosol Pollution in Evolving Cities | 2020 |
2320 | SLING | Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning | 2019 |
2321 | QTONE | Quantum Plasmomechanics with THz Phonons and Molecular Nano-junctions | 2019 |
2322 | RECODID | Integrated human data repositories for infectious disease-related international cohorts to foster personalized medicine approaches to infectious disease research | 2019 |
2323 | EUCAN-Connect | A federated FAIR platform enabling large-scale analysis of high-value cohort data connecting Europe and Canada in personalized health | 2019 |
2324 | HighThroughFROGS | Reviving ghosts of taxonomy past: Identifying cryptic species using high-throughput sequencing of historical museum specimens for Asian ranids with gastromyzophorous tadpoles | 2020 |
2325 | Time Machine | Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe | 2019 |
2326 | RENASCENCE | The Role of European National Health Services in the enhancement of sustainable food systems | 2019 |
2327 | CoSiLiS | Developement of compact single-cycle light sources | 2019 |
2328 | FORSEES | Perspective of a real-time structural analysis tool assistant based on Computer Vision and Human Intuition | 2019 |
2329 | NESSC | Local training network: Netherlands Earth System Science Centre: “NESSC” | 2019 |
2330 | CoVes | Communicating Vesicles | 2019 |
2331 | LifeTime | Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease | 2019 |
2332 | RNA-Rep | Repeating cycles of chemically-driven RNA replication within model protocells | 2019 |
2333 | ICARUS | Higher-order constitutive relations for granular materials: a multi-scale approach | 2019 |
2334 | ENERGY-X | ENERGY-X: Transformative chemistry for a sustainable energy future | 2019 |
2335 | NeuroAPA | Neurodevelopmental outcome in offspring conceived by parents at advanced parental age | 2019 |
2336 | FundaMentalHM | FundaMentalHM: Innovative methods for better estimation of Fundamental Health Metrics associated with Mental disorders and other general medical conditions | 2019 |
2337 | GAIA | next Generation AutomotIve membrane electrode Assemblies | 2019 |
2338 | DOGMATiCC | Digestion, OsmoreGulation and Metabolism in fish relevant to AquaculTure and in a Changing Climate | 2019 |
2339 | 3D-FOGROD | Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches | 2019 |
2340 | PLASMIONICO | Plasmon-resonance driven thermionic emitters for improved solar energy harvesting | 2019 |
2341 | ME.Tech.NAS | Metals Technology in North Aegean Societies | 2019 |
2342 | BIONA4ART | BIO-inspired NAcre-like materials FOR the next generation of conservation treatments in stone ART works | 2019 |
2343 | WALCHEMY | Early Modern Women and Alchemy, 1550-1700 | 2019 |
2344 | METAPoF | Metaphor as the Purpose of the Firm | 2019 |
2345 | SOIROpenVenus | SOIR instrument Open science of the Venus upper atmosphere | 2020 |
2346 | FAKEOLOGY | Fake news and pseudo-science as post-modern mythology: The case of the anti-vaccination movement | 2019 |
2347 | QuantumSolarFuels | Photoelectrochemical Solar Light Conversion into Fuels on Colloidal Quantum Dots Based Photoanodes | 2019 |
2348 | TRAIN-HEART | TRAIN-HEART | 2019 |
2349 | SUaaVE | SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle | 2019 |
2350 | HONORLOGIC | The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison | 2019 |
2351 | MOCHA | Understanding and leveraging ‘moments of change’ for pro-environmental behaviour shifts | 2019 |
2352 | | | 2019 |
2353 | SCIROCCO | Simulation and Control of Renewable COmbustion (SCIROCCO) | 2019 |
2354 | PmNC | Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 | 2019 |
2355 | ElectroThermo | New Paradigm in Electrolyte Thermodynamics | 2019 |
2356 | EU4IPBES | The European Union's Support to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | 2019 |
2357 | HIGHWAVE | Breaking of highly energetic waves | 2019 |
2358 | Plant Phenome | Plant Phenome | 2019 |
2359 | ACHROMAS | Novel Materials Based on Alkali Chromites and Manganites for the Generation of Magnetic Skyrmions | 2019 |
2360 | NEXUS-DRR | Building resilience in the face of nexus threats: local knowledge and social practices of Brazilian youth | 2019 |
2361 | anti-CRISPR | Selection and evolution of phage-encoded anti-CRISPR genes | 2019 |
2362 | FUN2MODEL | From FUnction-based TO MOdel-based automated probabilistic reasoning for DEep Learning | 2019 |
2363 | FORMSofLABOUR | Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy | 2019 |
2364 | HELD | Hetero-structures for Efficient Luminescent Devices | 2019 |
2365 | SUFIN | Sustainable Finance and the News Media | 2019 |
2366 | SO-ReCoDi | Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms | 2019 |
2367 | PCPABF | Challenging Computational Infeasibility: PCP and Boolean functions | 2019 |
2368 | STEP | Solving The Entrainment Puzzle | 2019 |
2369 | Transcendence | The Nature of Transcendence | 2019 |
2370 | DIEinPEACE | Double Incremental Expansion in Potential Energies from Automized Computational Exploration | 2019 |
2371 | EMESAS | Early Modern Exchanges in Sanskrit Astral Sciences | 2019 |
2372 | ULTRA-OLEO | Ultrasonic standing waves as a new tool for improved oleogels | 2020 |
2373 | EDiMplant | Electrical Discharge Machining for enhanced osseointegration and antibacterial capabilities of β-phase Titanium Implant | 2019 |
2374 | TURANDOT | Tunable Radiation Tolerant 2D Terahertz bolometer | 2019 |
2375 | GRACE | GRAssroots Citizen science for global data Environments | 2019 |
2376 | D-FINED | Duality for Finite Models: Relating Structure and Power | 2020 |
2377 | A-PREACH | Asymmetric Photochemical Reactions in confined Chiral space | 2019 |
2378 | ARCTICO | Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change | 2019 |
2379 | WoodSpec | Rapid quality assessment of wood-based materials through spectroscopy | 2019 |
2380 | OXWALD | 2D Oxide and van der Waals layered devices | 2019 |
2381 | HeBo | Healthcare at the Borders: Managing Camps and Informal Settlements for Refugees and Migrants | 2020 |
2382 | MATISSE | Multifunctional Hierarchically-Structured Systems for Energy Storage Devices | 2019 |
2383 | SEAROX | Sulfur Enabled Annulations for Modular, Efficient and General Routes into Oxazoles | 2019 |
2385 | SemioMaths | Towards a theory of mathematical signs based on the automatic treatment of mathematical corpora | 2019 |
2386 | TOPCHEM | Topological Chemistry in Ternary Compunds | 2019 |
2387 | PlantSoilGradients | Plant-soil feedback and local adaptation along soil fertility gradients | 2020 |
2388 | MULTIPIR | Multiscale modelling of migration of pollutant particles in rivers | 2020 |
2389 | ShaRe | The potential of Sharing Resources for mitigating carbon emissions and other environmental impacts | 2019 |
2390 | AtropFluoPhoto | Stereoselective Synthesis of Atropisomeric Fluorophores for Asymmetric Photocatalysis | 2019 |
2391 | E2-CREATE | E2-CREATE: Encoding Embodied CreativityVisual arts, performing arts, film, design | 2020 |
2392 | PRESQUE | A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices | 2019 |
2393 | NanoEnHanCeMent | Nanoparticle Enhanced Hadron-therapy: a Comprehensive Mechanistic description | 2020 |
2394 | TFZN | Understanding the mechanisms that govern organ morphostasis and repair | 2019 |
2395 | SHINEShift | Shape-shifting of vesicles induced by artificial tubular networks | 2019 |
2396 | RES | Rights for Ecosystem Services (RES): a framework to protect the environment and sustainable local communities in the EU. | 2020 |
2397 | Ultra-LightCon-3D | Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies | 2019 |
2398 | XYLAN-2.0 | Plant biomass for high-performing sustainable materials | 2019 |
2399 | ElectroSAnMBR | Development of A Novel Submerged Anaerobic Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor (e-SAnMBR) for bilge water treatment | 2020 |
2400 | MODSIM | Modelling of Twin Screw Granulation on Micro-Macro Scales | 2019 |
2401 | CausalBoost | Using causal discovery algorithms to boost subseasonal to seasonal forecast skill of Mediterranean rainfall | 2020 |
2402 | MCRD | Development Of Microfluidic Based Low Cost Industrial Cryo-Ready Devices For Preservation Of Living Cells | 2020 |
2403 | UCLnProt | De novo design of an UpConverting metalloProtein | 2019 |
2404 | REPRODAGEING | Direct and transgenerational consequences of divergent reproductive strategies on ageing trajectories of parents and their offspring | 2019 |
2405 | CatchGel | Catch Bond Cross-linked Hydrogels | 2020 |
2406 | Print2fly | Can we print an aircraft at room temperature? | 2019 |
2407 | ECO-BROKER | Beyond Ecosystem Services: Brokering Agrobiodiversity Management Enterprises in Europe and Internationally (ECO-BROKER) | 2019 |
2408 | ICE-METs | Interstitium-on-a-chip to explore its role in cancer metastasis | 2019 |
2409 | AutoPlayPig | Automatic detection of play behaviour in young pigs as a measure of positive affective states. | 2020 |
2410 | BioSMaLL | Biopolymers for the Generation of 3D Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Solution Mask Liquid Lithography | 2019 |
2411 | MetD-AO | Methyl Donating artificial organelles to support liver cells in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease | 2019 |
2412 | TBNANO | Targeted intracellular delivery of antitubercular agents by functionalized nanocapsules | 2019 |
2413 | PROSPER | Politics of Rulemaking, Orchestration of Standards, and Private Economic Regulations | 2019 |
2414 | MUSICA | Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn | 2020 |
2415 | TRIMANUAL | TRIMANUAL coordination assistance for hemiplegic stroke individuals | 2019 |
2416 | BeBamb | Beyond the Bamboo Hypothesis. A microscopic exploration of plant processing practices in prehistoric Palawan, Philippines, and their relationship to lithic technology. | 2019 |
2417 | LISHCCAD | The Living Image of Sherlock Holmes: The Cult of Celebrity in the Age of Disenchantment | 2020 |
2418 | Grolaries | Cartilage progenitor cells for growth plate regeneration | 2019 |
2419 | FarGo | 'Farming God's Way': Cultivation and religious practice in contemporary South Africa | 2019 |
2420 | TOPLASMON | Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. | 2019 |
2421 | FISHSCALE | Disentangling Cross-Scale Drivers of Coral Reef Fish Community Structure for Ecosystem-Based Management | 2020 |
2422 | ConceptNet | Using Network Science to Study Children’s Conceptual Development | 2019 |
2423 | Food-PPP-NAFLD | Discovery and characterization of food bioactive compounds modulating the Pentose Phosphate Pathway against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. | 2019 |
2424 | iEXTRACT | Information Extraction for Everyone | 2019 |
2425 | ORBITAL | Ocular Research By Integrated Training And Learning | 2019 |
2426 | HomoJuridicus | Homo Juridicus: Correcting Law's Behavioural Illiteracy | 2019 |
2427 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
2428 | LIFEMODE | Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology | 2019 |
2429 | FAIRsFAIR | Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe | 2019 |
2430 | CE2019 | The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base | 2019 |
2431 | MOVES | MOdelling Vocal Expression in Schizophrenia | 2020 |
2432 | MIRROR | Migration-Related Risks caused by misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement | 2019 |
2433 | NOQIA | NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas | 2019 |
2434 | SCRIBSCIE | Scribal Science: Naturalists' Paper Empire in France ca. 1660-1770 | 2019 |
2435 | RIPARIONS | Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS | 2020 |
2436 | MitoQuant | Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction | 2019 |
2437 | VoiCED | VOtIng Citizens and the Ethics of Democracy | 2019 |
2438 | VISUAL | The Visual Politics of Recognition: Understanding the Role of Images in Recognition Encounters | 2020 |
2439 | BioNanoLip | Bioactive lipids at the ocular surface: from Langmuir surface balance to ophthalmic nanoemulsions | 2020 |
2440 | NEUROSHELL | Advancing knowledge and acquiring expertise in shellfish research by investigating environmental, neuroendocrine and endocrine control of key stages in oyster aquaculture, using a rhythmic approach | 2019 |
2441 | SolarFUEL | Gas Diffusion Electrodes and Flow Cells for Photoelectrochemical CO2 Conversion into Multicarbon Alcohols | 2020 |
2442 | MultiBioScan | Multimodal hyperspectral system for imaging of biological tissues glycation | 2020 |
2443 | COEXIST | Co-creating change: experimenting with values for sustainability transformation | 2020 |
2444 | HeriCare | 2D Materials/Polyoxometalate Hybrids for Heritage Conservation | 2019 |
2445 | SPECMON | The spectrum of infinite monster groups | 2020 |
2446 | MEDPOL | The fourth estate? media, frames and political behaviour towards the EU in comparative perspective | 2019 |
2447 | BoundModProbAG | Boundedness and Moduli problems in birational geometry | 2019 |
2448 | FEN INHIBITORS | Development of Kinetoplastida Flap Endonuclease Inhibitors in Search for Novel Therapeutics | 2020 |
2449 | SocioEcoFrontiers | Frontiers in social-ecological research: achieving the promise of integration in Marine Spatial Planning for resilient social and environmental outcomes | 2020 |
2450 | GLYCO-WAY | Glycomics of Winery Antimicrobial Yeast | 2020 |
2451 | CosmopolitanCare | On the frontiers of public health. Care for refugee sex workers in Paris as a case of internationalization of cities. | 2019 |
2452 | EUREKA | Design of multifunctional phosphorous dendritic systems for drug delivery | 2020 |
2453 | CREDit | Chronological REference Datasets and Sites (CREDit) towards improved accuracy and precision in luminescence-based chronologies | 2020 |
2454 | MIFLUKE | Microbial fluxes of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) in karst ecosystems: comprehensive assessment and biogeochemical modelling | 2019 |
2455 | PHOTOMECHANICS | Photomechanical printing in Europe in the mid-19th century: History, theory, visual culture, science and the international network in the 1840s-1860s | 2019 |
2456 | SciTEr | History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought Experiments and Scientific Practices | 2019 |
2457 | CALCULATORES | Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy | 2019 |
2458 | HomicidesLACcities | Understanding the drivers and impacts of homicides in 4 major Latin American cities. | 2020 |
2459 | MeNDD | Metaphorical Narratives in Dementia Discourse | 2019 |
2460 | TOPOMIE | Active topological photonic insulators based on Mie-resonators | 2020 |
2461 | SupraFixCO2 | Supramolecular Catalysis for Chemofixation and Electroreduction of CO2 | 2019 |
2462 | GenEl | General readout electronics for cross-sectoral application in European research infrastructure | 2020 |
2463 | CLEAN | Carbon fracturing and storage in shale with wellbore infrastructure monitoring | 2019 |
2464 | LitRivus | Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment | 2020 |
2465 | SPARKLE | SPARKLE - Training Europe's Future Photonics Research Leaders | 2019 |
2466 | MemTrain | Cell Membrane Training to Advance Industrial Processes | 2019 |
2467 | P2B | PEERS TO BLOCKCHAIN | 2019 |
2468 | SGA3 | COST - Maximising impact | 2019 |
2469 | BOOST HEALTH | Introducing preventive management of chronic thyroid conditions through patient empowerment and a ML-powered mHealth solution | 2019 |
2470 | FreezeM | Revivable freezing solution for the insect farming market | 2019 |
2471 | CuDiCy | Power through Attraction: British, Greek and Turkish Cultural Diplomacy in Cyprus, 1945-1974 | 2019 |
2472 | SensoGenic | SensoGenic: empower food allergy sufferers and their families with the freedom to enjoy eating safely everywhere & anytime | 2019 |
2473 | SIM | Smart Incubator Microbium | 2019 |
2474 | MOBILISE-D | Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement | 2019 |
2475 | WILDTRADE | Quantifying the global patterns and trends of the illegal wildlife trade: from artificial intelligence to financial market analysis | 2019 |
2476 | 4D_REEF | Past, present and future of turbid reefs in the Coral Triangle | 2019 |
2477 | VASA | Vaccine Against Schistosomiasis for Africa. A Phase I clinical study of the SchistoShield® anti-schistosomiasis vaccine in adults in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa | 2019 |
2478 | BovReg | BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle | 2019 |
2479 | PAsCAL | Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes | 2019 |
2480 | MEESO | Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries | 2019 |
2481 | InnoVar | Next generation variety testing for improved cropping on European farmland | 2019 |
2482 | iAtlantic | Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time | 2019 |
2483 | PROMPT | PRemature Obsolescence Multi-Stakeholder Product Testing Program | 2019 |
2484 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
2485 | PARIS REINFORCE | Delivering on the Paris Agreement: A demand-driven, integrated assessment modelling approach | 2019 |
2486 | CONSTRAIN | Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections | 2019 |
2487 | COMFORT | Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points | 2019 |
2488 | 4C | Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century | 2019 |
2489 | CASCADES | CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies | 2019 |
2490 | FineFuture | Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU | 2019 |
2491 | FORCeS | Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections | 2019 |
2492 | CLEARING HOUSE | CLEARING HOUSE - Collaborative Learning in Research, Information-sharing and Governance on How Urban tree-based solutions support Sino-European urban futures | 2019 |
2493 | ENGAGE | Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions | 2019 |
2494 | ConcePTION | Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating of medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation | 2019 |
2495 | GTBB | General theory for Big Bayes | 2019 |
2496 | WhiteMech | White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms | 2019 |
2497 | ISAC | International Study on Age-related disparity in Cancer patient survival | 2019 |
2498 | PEMB | The Political Economy of Media Bias | 2019 |
2499 | atoGRAPH | Near-Infrared Optoelectronic Devices with Atomically Controlled Graphene Nanostructures | 2020 |
2500 | InnovaXN | Doctoral programme for innovators with X-rays and neutrons | 2019 |
2501 | QUSTEC | QUSTEC: international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral programme in Quantum Science and Technologies | 2019 |
2502 | EIPOD4 | EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme 4 | 2019 |
2503 | VIP-2 | Vienna International Postdoctoral Program | 2020 |
2504 | DOCC | Dynamics of Complex Continua | 2019 |
2505 | JUNIOR LEADER | Junior Leader la Caixa Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme: Shaping the new generation of leaders in research | 2019 |
2506 | 3DSCAN | Commercialisation of novel ultra-fast 3D laser scanning technology | 2019 |
2507 | Bio Ring Diagnostics | Bio Ring Diagnostics | 2019 |
2508 | RESPONSE | RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences | 2020 |
2509 | PEAR | Plasmonic Electronically Addressable super-Resolution: Accelerating the in-depth understanding of biomedical processes at the nanoscale via a novel real-time, optical limit-breaking imaging technology | 2019 |
2510 | LEX4BIO | Optimizing Bio-based Fertilisers in Agriculture – Knowledgebase for New Policies | 2019 |
2511 | RESISTREE | Identification of Phytophthora resistant beech trees by composition of endophyte communities, lesion formation and phenomics approaches. | 2020 |
2512 | EAR | Audio-based Mobile Health Diagnostics | 2019 |
2513 | SensStabComp | Sensitivity, Stability, and Computation | 2019 |
2514 | CIFTRESS | Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security | 2019 |
2515 | PEARL | Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille | 2019 |
2516 | UHMob | Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors | 2019 |
2517 | 5GhOSTS | 5th GeneratiOn Security for Telecom Services | 2019 |
2518 | PREVISION | Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information | 2019 |
2519 | Fair4Fusion | Fair for Fusion - open access for fusion data in Europe | 2019 |
2520 | Rhizomia | A novel cost-efficient hydroponic technology to grow high value plant roots for nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals & cosmetics | 2019 |
2521 | APIIP | API-Enabled Invoice Protection in Europe | 2019 |
2522 | NGI | Next Generation Imaging | 2019 |
2523 | RESTORE | RESTORE Health by Advanced Therapies (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Biologized Medical Devices) – ALL for Advanced Therapies – with Passion – For Patients | 2019 |
2524 | NUTREPHEALTH | Effect of polyinsatured fatty acids omega-3 (PUFAS n-3) supplementation during early embryo development on embryo viability in (mammals) sheep. | 2020 |
2525 | HYSOTIB | Global dynamics of hydro-sociality in river heritage landscapes of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. | 2020 |
2526 | NETCONTROLOGY | Controllability of biological networks | 2020 |
2527 | TRITON | Controlling Wavefunction Overlap for Triplet Energy Transfer in Organic/Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Hybrids | 2019 |
2528 | MINORLEGMOB | Assessing the agency of national minorities through court cases: mapping legal mobilization patterns in CEE | 2019 |
2529 | 2D-QuEST | Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials | 2019 |
2530 | ICELEARNING | Artificial Intelligence techniques for ice core analyses | 2020 |
2531 | G20LAP | G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking | 2019 |
2532 | FictDial | What do we learn from dialogues in fiction? | 2020 |
2533 | TheRealCompetition | When Public Health Campaigns Warn You, but Your Friends Like to Drink – Connecting Computational Social Science and Neuroscience to Understand Real-World Health Behavior | 2019 |
2534 | DIGIACT | Digital Authoritarian Practices: Internet Surveillance and Repression against Transnational Activist Networks | 2019 |
2535 | Exa-FireFlows | Exascale framework for supporting high-fidelity simulations of multiphase reacting flows in complex geometries | 2019 |
2536 | sEEnergies | Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable energy systems | 2019 |
2537 | EMPAtHy | Endothelial Cell Molecular and Metabolic Heterogeneity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | 2019 |
2538 | HISPANEMA | Hidden Spaces of American Natural History in Early Modern Central Europe: Reconstruction of Memory and Experience Narrated by Things | 2019 |
2539 | E2DRIVER | Training on energy audits as an Energy Efficiency DRIVER for the automotive sector | 2019 |
2540 | RESPIRE4 | REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 4 | 2020 |
2541 | ENLIGHTEN | ENhanced PhD Fellowship Programme in the Sciences of LIGHT | 2020 |
2542 | NextGen-O2k | Next Generation Instrument for In-Depth Analysis of Mitochondrial Fitness | 2019 |
2543 | history textbooks | Stereotypes in History Textbooks: A Study of their Origins and Continuity | 2020 |
2544 | Stoli Catalysts | Disrupting fine chemicals manufacturing with catalyst-coated tube reactors | 2019 |
2545 | PALAEOCON | Conservation palaeobiology of terrestrial and marine carbon sinks | 2019 |
2546 | PULCHRA | Science in the City: Building Participatory Urban Learning Community Hubs through Research and Activation | 2019 |
2547 | ON-MERRIT | Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition | 2019 |
2548 | SEIS | Scaling Up Educational Innovations in Schools | 2020 |
2549 | INTEGROMED | Integration of knowledge and biobank resources in comprehensive translational approach for personalized prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders | 2019 |
2550 | MIGREC | Migration, Integration and Governance Research Centre | 2019 |
2551 | SIMICA | Site-selective protein-modification chemistries for antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) | 2019 |
2552 | SInnoPSis | ERA-Chair in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies | 2019 |
2553 | SIRAMM | Eastern European twinning on Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing | 2019 |
2554 | ColiSense Online | Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water | 2019 |
2555 | SPANUMBRA | Number-space associations in the brain | 2019 |
2556 | SEAS | Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability | 2019 |
2557 | OSHub | Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling | 2019 |
2558 | PHERECLOS | Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling | 2019 |
2559 | MicroRepro | Medical microbots to support new assisted reproduction techniques | 2019 |
2560 | InterConnect | Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids | 2019 |
2561 | OPIOIDREWARD | How distress alters opioid drug effects and abuse liability | 2019 |
2562 | EOSC-Nordic | EOSC-Nordic | 2019 |
2563 | EOSC-Pillar | Coordination and Harmonisation of National Inititiatives, Infrastructures and Data services in Central and Western Europe | 2019 |
2564 | EMME-CARE | Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre | 2019 |
2565 | NOMATEN | Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications | 2019 |
2566 | MIA-Portugal | Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing - Portugal | 2020 |
2567 | Sano | Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy | 2019 |
2568 | CIPHR | ERA Chair for Computational Imaging and Processing in High Resolution | 2019 |
2569 | O3-SML | Ozone dry deposition to the sea surface microlayer | 2019 |
2570 | TROPIBIO | Expanding potential in TROPIcal BIOdiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land | 2019 |
2571 | IMpaCT | Imaging life from Molecules to cells - building knowledge on Cryo-electron microscopy methodologies | 2019 |
2572 | VISION | Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers | 2019 |
2573 | REPARES | Research platform on antibiotic resistance spread through wastewater treatment plants | 2019 |
2574 | COBRAIN | Armenia Center for Translational Research on Chronic Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Neuroscience Initiative on Maintaining Healthy Brain Ageing | 2019 |
2575 | MEFISTA | Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications | 2020 |
2576 | EUFORPP | Developing a European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism | 2019 |
2577 | PyroSafe | Integration of new nano-engineered safe energetic layers with Sensors and Electronics to manufacture Safety-Critical Microsystems | 2019 |
2578 | Wooden Tower | Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage | 2019 |
2579 | HEARTBIT_4.0 | HeartBIT_4.0 - Application of innovative Medical Data Science technologies for heart diseases. | 2020 |
2580 | GeoUS | Geothermal Energy in Special Underground Structures | 2020 |
2581 | TECTONIC | The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC failure modes: TECTONIC | 2020 |
2582 | DEMOSERIES | Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series | 2020 |
2584 | DIMMs | Durable Infrastructure Materials Modified by self-assembled hollow nanostructured materials | 2020 |
2585 | MULTITOUCH | Multimodal haptic with touch devices | 2020 |
2586 | 3 | Network of Science with and for Society National Contact Points 2019-2020 | 2019 |
2587 | NI4OS-Europe | National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe | 2019 |
2588 | Pythia | Artificial Intelligence to predict and control the behavior even in the most complex industrial processes | 2019 |
2589 | CADR | Novel cooling system for the cryogen-free, continuous, and fully-automatic generation of very low temperatures near absolute zero. | 2019 |
2590 | MORPH | From Timbre Perception to the Creative Exploration of Musical Instrument Sound Morphing | 2020 |
2591 | DeMol | Deconstructing the past: Modelling the locomotion of Miocene hominoids through computational techniques | 2020 |
2592 | MATTER | ERA Chair position in Materials Research in Extreme Environments | 2020 |
2593 | NanoPhosTox | Nanocomposite Engineered Particles for Phosphorus Recovery and Toxicological Risk Assessment for the Aquatic Environment | 2020 |
2594 | EUCYS2019 | European Contest for Young Scientists 2019 | 2019 |
2595 | AntiHelix | DNA helicases in genome maintenance: from molecular and cellular mechanisms to specific inhibitors as potential drugs | 2019 |
2596 | INIA | Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches | 2020 |
2597 | MagnEFi | Magnetism and the effects of Electric Field | 2019 |
2598 | iMIRACLI | innovative MachIne leaRning to constrain Aerosol-cloud CLimate Impacts (iMIRACLI) | 2020 |
2599 | GreenTRIBOS | GreenTRIBOS | 2020 |
2600 | THERADNET | International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation | 2019 |
2601 | LNETN | Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change | 2020 |
2602 | SMART-X | Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light | 2020 |
2603 | PROTON | Proton transport and proton-coupled transport | 2019 |
2604 | Shape-IT | Supporting the interaction of Humans and Automated vehicles: Preparing for the EnvIronment of Tomorrow | 2019 |
2605 | PERFORCE3 | Innovative Training Network on PER and polyfluorinated alkyl substances towards the Future Of Research and its Communication in Europe 3 | 2020 |
2606 | LimnoPlast | Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions | 2019 |
2607 | CO2PERATE | Cooperation towards a sustainable chemical industry | 2020 |
2608 | NEANIAS | Novel EOSC services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater and Space Challenges | 2019 |
2609 | CS3MESH4EOSC | Interactive and agile/responsive sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for EOSC | 2020 |
2610 | TRIPLE | Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration | 2019 |
2611 | GRAPES | learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES | 2019 |
2612 | COS4CLOUD | Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud | 2019 |
2613 | DohART-NET | Periconceptional Programming of Health Training Network | 2019 |
2614 | SN1604 | The Ophiucus Supernova: Post-Aristotelian Stargazing in the European Context (1604-1654) | 2020 |
2615 | i-CONN | Interdisciplinary connectivity: Understanding and managing complex systems using connectivity science | 2019 |
2617 | NoBIAS | Artificial Intelligence without Bias | 2020 |
2618 | BiD4BEST | Big Data applications for Black hole Evolution STudies | 2020 |
2619 | SimBionics | Neuromechanical Simulation and Sensory Feedback for the Control of Bionic Legs | 2019 |
2620 | TranSYS | Translational SYStemics: Personalised Medicine at the Interface of Translational Research and Systems Medicine | 2019 |
2621 | QUDOT-TECH | Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies | 2020 |
2622 | BeMAGIC | Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies | 2019 |
2623 | P4PLAY | People, Place, Policy and Practice for Play | 2020 |
2624 | BOB | Business Opportunities in Biotech: Innovation Associate to leverage cell-free synthetic biology | 2019 |
2625 | FoodE | Food Systems in European Cities | 2020 |
2626 | BeatsDigTherapeutics | Project SCALE: Tailored Digital Therapeutics for Neurological and Brain Disorders | 2019 |
2627 | AACCT | Advanced Atmospheric Carbon Capture Technology | 2019 |
2628 | SPIAKID | SpectroPhotometric Imaging in Astronomy with Kinetic Inductance Detectors | 2020 |
2629 | mRNA NanoDeli | Application of RNA nanotechnology for delivery of mRNA therapeutics | 2019 |
2630 | PAN | Development of a demonstrator for the Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN) technology | 2020 |
2631 | QUARTET | Quantum readout techniques and technologies | 2019 |
2632 | BOHEME | Bio-Inspired Hierarchical MetaMaterials | 2020 |
2633 | ORIGENAL | Origami electronics for three dimensional integration of computational devices | 2019 |
2634 | INTERfaces | Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network | 2020 |
2635 | DoSSIER | Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval | 2019 |
2636 | BEEP | Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis | 2020 |
2637 | AAT | Appraising and accelerating theoretical progress in memory modification research with meta-science, Bayesian statistics, and an open-collaborative approach. | 2020 |
2638 | PRE-ECO | A new paradigm to re-engineering printed composites | 2019 |
2639 | SAFEBIO | Safe and Complete Algorithms for Bioinformatics | 2020 |
2640 | CMBLENS | CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics | 2020 |
2641 | AgRefine | A Disruptive Innovative Cooperative Entrepreneurial (DICE) education, training and skills development programme rolling out the next generation of Agri Biorefinery and Valorisation Bioeconomy leaders | 2019 |
2642 | SOLAR2CHEM | Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices | 2020 |
2644 | DEFOG | Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG | 2019 |
2645 | Extr3Me | Extreme Mechanics of Metamaterials: From ideal to realistic conditions | 2020 |
2646 | GMOS-Train | Global Mercury Observation and Training Network in Support to the Minamata Convention | 2020 |
2647 | Smart4RES | Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets | 2019 |
2648 | BIOFRUITNET | Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks | 2019 |
2649 | SHERPA | Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors | 2019 |
2650 | MFreePEC | Controlled Growth of Lightweight Metal-Free Materials for Photoelectrochemical Cells | 2020 |
2651 | CHAPAs | Chasing pre-industrial aerosols | 2020 |
2652 | LINGUINDIC | Linguistics from India: new ideas for modern linguistics from ancient India | 2020 |
2653 | DESCALE | De-railing scaling: From fundamentals of crystallization fouling on nano-materials to rational design of scale-phobic surfaces | 2020 |
2654 | MATPASE | Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation | 2019 |
2655 | Blue Cloud | Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy | 2019 |
2656 | EuroSea | Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans | 2019 |
2657 | SALSETH | Innovative bio-inspired sensors and microfluidic devices for saliva-based theranostics of oral and systemic diseases | 2019 |
2659 | DISTRACT | The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark | 2020 |
2660 | OPTIMISE | Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science | 2020 |
2661 | TAMING CORROSION | Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments | 2020 |
2662 | ICED | Impact of climate on mountain denudation | 2019 |
2663 | SpinENGINE | Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis | 2020 |
2664 | QUANTUM E-LEAPS | Toward new era of quantum electrical measurements through phase slips | 2020 |
2665 | LIGHT4LUNGS | Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resistant Bacterial Lung Infections | 2019 |
2666 | PROBOSCIS | Proboscidean sensitive soft robot for versatile gripping | 2019 |
2667 | PEPSA-MATE | Nanopeptides and Nanosaccharides for Advanced and Sustainable Materials | 2020 |
2668 | SDG | Space Data Gateway | 2019 |
2669 | CRACKNP | Finding Cracks in the Wall of NP-completeness | 2020 |
2670 | MechAnt | Behavioural biomechanics of insect herbivory - a case study on leaf-cutter ants | 2020 |
2671 | THEIA | Design and engineering of porous nitride-based materials as a platform for CO2 photoreduction | 2020 |
2672 | ConquerIons | Conquering a New Paradigm for Addressing Ion Detection in Real Scenarios | 2020 |
2673 | QUNET | A quantum network for distributed quantum computation | 2019 |
2674 | PANGAIA | Pan-genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration | 2020 |
2675 | RadSpec | A New Strategy for Vibronic Spectroscopy of Radicals | 2020 |
2676 | ASENT | Foundations of Animal Sentience | 2020 |
2677 | CriSP | Critical and supercritical percolation | 2020 |
2678 | DynaGrow | Dynamic Growth and Replication in Coacervate Protocells | 2020 |
2679 | ARiAT | Advanced Reasoning in Arithmetic Theories | 2020 |
2680 | SUBMODULAR | The Power of Randomness and Continuity in Submodular Optimization | 2019 |
2681 | Corr-NEQM | Correlated Non-Equilibrium Quantum Matter: Fundamentals and Applications to Nanoscale Systems | 2019 |
2682 | GEMS | Genetically Evolving Models of Science | 2019 |
2684 | SSHARE | Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings | 2019 |
2685 | CoFBAT | Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications | 2019 |
2686 | INSA | Integrated Nitrogen Studies in Africa | 2020 |
2687 | ACTION | Assessing Climate TransItion OptioNs: policy vs impacts | 2020 |
2688 | NanoMMES | Design and NanoEngineering of Microporous Membranes for Energy Storage | 2019 |
2689 | SWING | Signals, Waves, and Learning: A Data-Driven Paradigm for Wave-Based Inverse Problems | 2020 |
2690 | MOVE | Modelling to Optimize Vector Elimination: Destabilising mosquito populations | 2020 |
2691 | Piomic | Empowering homecare solutions in advanced wound care | 2019 |
2692 | TACCAMA | Atomic-Scale Motion Picture: Taming Cluster Catalysts at the Abyss of Meta-Stability | 2020 |
2694 | MELON | Memristive and multiferroic materials for emergent logic units in nanoelectronics | 2020 |
2695 | PLMSAT | Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery | 2019 |
2696 | EUROSHIP | Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe | 2020 |
2697 | EnTrust | Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies | 2020 |
2698 | MEMEX | MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling | 2019 |
2699 | DAPSI | Data Portability and Services Incubator | 2019 |
2700 | EUSOCIALCIT | The Future of European Social Citizenship | 2020 |
2701 | SMARTLABCAM | Engineering and commercialization of a smart camera with on-chip image processing for head- and eye-tracking in laboratory animals | 2020 |
2702 | G3P | Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product | 2020 |
2703 | CERTO | Copernicus Evolution – Research for Transitional-water Observation | 2020 |
2704 | ATLOMY | Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas | 2020 |
2705 | AMASS | Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture | 2020 |
2706 | ARTIS | Art and Research on Transformations of Individuals and Societies | 2020 |
2707 | PEriTiA | Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action | 2020 |
2708 | SO-CLOSE | Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations | 2020 |
2709 | AID | Artificial Intelligent Dentistry for cost-efficient X-ray analysis and diagnosis | 2019 |
2710 | PAWES | Predictive Analysis on the Worlwide Energy Sector | 2019 |
2711 | ETHNA System | Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres | 2020 |
2712 | EQUAL4EUROPE | Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe | 2020 |
2713 | TRANSFORM | Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of S3 through new Forms of Open and Responsible decision-Making | 2020 |
2714 | CS-Track | Expanding our knowledge on Citizen Science through analytics and analysis | 2019 |
2715 | TRESCA | Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches | 2020 |
2716 | REINFORCE | REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe | 2019 |
2717 | ParCos | Participatory Communication of Science | 2020 |
2718 | DEEP PURPLE | DEEP PURPLE: darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet | 2020 |
2719 | EN-UAC | Urban Accessibility and Connectivity | 2019 |
2720 | CRYSTALEYES | Biogenic Organic Crystals: From Crystal Formation to Genetically Engineered Optical Materials | 2020 |
2721 | STREAMLINE | Sustainable research at micro and nano X-ray beamlines | 2019 |
2722 | AHEAD2020 | Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain | 2020 |
2723 | EU-CELAC ResInfra | Towards a new EU-CELAC partnership in Research Infrastructures | 2019 |
2724 | ImOPac | GemciTest: An innovative In Vitro Diagnostic for the decision-making process of pancreatic cancer treatment | 2019 |
2725 | CoMorMent | Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms | 2020 |
2726 | Light UP | Visible Light Ultrafast Photodetector for Optical Wireless Communication Technology | 2020 |
2727 | IMSquared | Immersive Metaphoric Experiences for Well-Being | 2020 |
2728 | ATTOSTRUCTURA | Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience | 2020 |
2729 | SIAM | Scaling Up Innovation through Analogy Mining | 2020 |
2730 | FORCE-UI | Force-responsive Deformable User Interfaces | 2020 |
2731 | NEOROCKS | The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations | 2020 |
2732 | ACTRIS IMP | Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project | 2020 |
2733 | EPOS SP | European Plate Observing System Sustainability Phase | 2020 |
2734 | aiD | aRTIFICIAL iNTELLIGENCE for the Deaf | 2019 |
2735 | GALIRUMI | Galileo-assisted robot to tackle the weed Rumex obtusifolius and increase the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming | 2019 |
2736 | SOAR | Solitude: Alone but Resilient | 2020 |
2737 | SENSE | Sterile neutrino search in tritium beta decay | 2020 |
2738 | ANTIGONE | Archaeology of shariNg pracTIces: the material evidence of mountain marGinalisatiON in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD) | 2020 |
2739 | CHIST-ERA IV | European Coordinated Research on Long-term ICT and ICT-based Scientific and Technological Challenges | 2019 |
2740 | IPN-Bio | Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications | 2020 |
2741 | RESBIOS | RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies | 2020 |
2742 | N-LIGHT | Novel Light Sources: Theory and Experiment | 2020 |
2743 | CoastCarb | Coastal ecosystem carbon balance in times of rapid glacier melt | 2020 |
2744 | EnviroCitizen | Citizen Science for Environmental Citizenship: Backyard Birding and the Potential for Cultivating Green Engagement | 2020 |
2745 | WeCount | WeCount: Citizens Observing UrbaN Transport | 2019 |
2746 | NGTax | Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept | 2020 |
2747 | Bio-TUNE | Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants | 2020 |
2749 | CoAct | Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action | 2020 |
2750 | NEWSERA | Citizen Science as the new paradigm for Science Communication | 2020 |
2751 | RAILS | Roadmaps for A.I. integration in the raiL Sector | 2019 |
2752 | ESOF2020 | EuroScience Open Forum 2020 Trieste | 2019 |
2753 | DATASET | Advanced manufacturing though data analytics and intelligent insights | 2019 |
2754 | ICone | ICone: a novel device to scale up robotic rehabilitation and unlock the potential of motor recovery for stroke survivors. | 2019 |
2755 | ErgThComplexSys | Ergodic theory for complex systems: a rigorous study of dynamics on heterogeneous networks | 2020 |
2756 | SMA-TB | A novel Stratified Medicine Algorithm to predict treatment responses to host-directed therapy in TB patients. | 2020 |
2758 | MISTRAL | Microbiome-based stratification of individuals at risk of HIV-1 acquisition, chronic clinical complications,antimicrobial drug resistance,and unresponsiveness to therapeutic HIV-1 vaccination | 2020 |
2759 | IMPACT DIABETES B2B | Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes | 2020 |
2760 | SMIC | Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language | 2020 |
2761 | SuperTwist | Understanding unconventional superconductivity in twisted flatlands | 2020 |
2763 | MeM-Scales | Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures | 2020 |
2764 | ICRI 2020 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures | 2020 |
2765 | ATHLETE | Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation | 2020 |
2766 | HEAP | Human Exposome Assessment Platform | 2020 |
2767 | VEO | Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory | 2020 |
2768 | Plural AI | The knowledge engine for finance | 2019 |
2769 | SEECLEAR | Feasibility of ergonomic interface for adaptive eyeglasses for presbyopia correction. | 2020 |
2770 | MAJORIS | Majoration-Minimization algorithms for Image Processing | 2020 |
2771 | ATTIDA | Attosecond space-time imaging of coherent quantum dynamics | 2020 |
2772 | NSC-Reconstruct | Novel Strategies for Cell-based Neural Reconstruction | 2020 |
2773 | PSYDISC | Developing and Testing the Psychological Distance to Science Model | 2020 |
2774 | INDIVISUAL | Individual differences in human gaze behaviour and the visual system | 2020 |
2775 | STUOD | Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics | 2020 |
2776 | LIFEPLAN | A Planetary Inventory of Life – a New Synthesis Built on Big Data Combined with Novel Statistical Methods | 2020 |
2777 | EDUC8 | Early Stage Researchers EDUCational Program on Factor VIII Immunogenicity | 2020 |
2778 | LocalGlobal | Local vs Global Properties of Large Discrete Structures | 2021 |
2779 | TORI | In-situ Topological Reduction of Scientific 3D Data | 2020 |
2780 | PARTIFACE | Green Route to Wood-Derived Janus Particles for Stabilized Interfaces | 2020 |
2781 | SECANS | Solar-to-Chemical Energy Conversion with Advanced Nitride Semiconductors | 2020 |
2782 | PROMISE | PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics | 2020 |
2783 | NEO-MAPP | Near Earth Object Modelling and Payloads for Protection | 2020 |
2784 | IPERION HS | Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science | 2020 |
2785 | LASERLAB-EUROPE | The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures | 2019 |
2786 | PREP-IBISBA | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Preparatory Phase | 2020 |
2787 | RESILIENCE | REligious Studies Infrastructure: tooLs, Experts, conNections and CEnters | 2019 |
2788 | ForM-SMArt | Formal Methods for Stochastic Models: Algorithms and Applications | 2020 |
2789 | TANDEng | Engineering catalyst interoperability in next-generation tandem reactions for intensified chemical processes | 2020 |
2790 | AQ-WATCH | Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health | 2020 |
2791 | ESS-SUSTAIN-2 | Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) | 2020 |
2792 | EERAdata | Towards a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the low carbon energy research community | 2020 |
2793 | LOCAL KNOWLEDGE | Local Ecologies of Knowledge: Towards a Philosophy of Ethnobiology | 2020 |
2794 | DisMaLS | Distributional Macroeconomics in the Long and Short Run | 2020 |
2795 | PROBIM | PRO Business Innovation Moldova | 2020 |
2796 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
2797 | Droplet Microarray | Miniaturized System for Screening of Primary Cells based on Droplet Microarray | 2020 |
2798 | LuSH Art | Luminescent Solar Heterostructures for Artificial photosynthesis | 2020 |
2799 | LIGHTCAP | LIGHTCAP: Light, Cognition, Attention, Perception | 2020 |
2800 | CHAMELEON | Virtual Laboratories for Exoplanets and Planet Forming Disks | 2020 |
2801 | NeuroTrans | NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies | 2020 |
2802 | Train2Wind | Training school on entrainment in offshore wind power | 2020 |
2803 | OPTIMAL | Coming-of-age of Process Research: Connecting Theory with Measurement and Modelling | 2020 |
2804 | NeXource | Next-generation Plasma-based Electron Beam Sources for High-brightness Photon Science | 2020 |
2805 | DiSSCo Prepare | Distributed System of Scientific Collections - Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
2806 | INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | 2020 |
2807 | ELIXIR-CONVERGE | Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services | 2020 |
2808 | JERICO-S3 | Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 | 2020 |
2809 | PrimeWater | Delivering Advanced Predictive Tools form Medium to Seasonal Range for Water Dependent Industries Exploiting the Cross-Cutting Potential of EO and Hydro-Ecological Modeling | 2019 |
2810 | EnerMaps | Open Source Tools to Share, Compare, and Reuse Low-Carbon Energy Data | 2020 |
2811 | MSCA2020.HR | MSCA Presidency Conference 2020 | 2019 |
2812 | BiFlowFilter | Bidirectional flow filter: microfluidic device for separation of biomolecules | 2020 |
2813 | LOSS | Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas | 2020 |
2814 | EXTREMA | Engineering Extremely Rare Events in Astrodynamics for Deep-Space Missions in Autonomy | 2020 |
2815 | SleepEpisMemory | Sleep and episodic memory consolidation: ‘No-report’ paradigms, brain mechanisms, and dementia | 2020 |
2816 | ThermoRise | Rise of the 3rd dimension in nanotemperature mapping | 2020 |
2817 | SmartForests | Smart Forests: Transforming Environments into Social-Political Technologies | 2020 |
2818 | EQUIPRICE | Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing | 2020 |
2819 | EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | 2020 |
2820 | ABIONYS | Artificial Enzyme Modules as Tools in a Tailor-made Biosynthesis | 2020 |
2821 | SILENT | Seismic Isolation of Einstein Telescope | 2020 |
2822 | MCT | Metacomputational Complexity Theory | 2020 |
2823 | Phonon-ART | Uncovering Phonon Dynamics by Advanced Raman Techniques | 2020 |
2824 | BGV1 | New vaccine for a paradigm shift in Brucellosis, one of the world’s most widespread zoonotic diseases affecting humans | 2020 |
2825 | SIND | The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? | 2021 |
2826 | IMACTIS | Fostering Critical Identities Through Social Media Archival Images | 2020 |
2827 | EIM | Towards Elemental Identification in Single Molecules using Atomic Force Microscopy | 2021 |
2828 | GROUT | Governing ResOurce UrbanisaTion (GROUT): Multi-stakeholder governance of extractive industries in the era of planetary urbanisation | 2020 |
2829 | TESTIMONY | Tumor Endothelial Cells: Gatekeepers Of Anti-Tumor Immunity | 2020 |
2830 | HESSP | Hippocampus Extracellular Space Simulator Project (HESSP) | 2020 |
2831 | AMI | Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe | 2020 |
2832 | PARTYOPINION | The Informational Role of Political Parties in Citizens’ Opinion Formation | 2020 |
2833 | SNeX | The origins of thermonuclear supernova explosions | 2020 |
2834 | DIVISION BELL | The role of TETRASPANINS in plant cell division orientation | 2021 |
2835 | PeSD-NeSL | Photo-excited State Dynamics and Non-equilibrium States under Laser in Van der Waals Stacked Two-dimensional Materials | 2020 |
2836 | Goods of the Earth | All the Goods of the Earth: Making and Marketing in the Pre-Mongol Islamic World | 2021 |
2837 | DeepNOE | DeepNOE: Leveraging deep learning for protein structure solving at ultra-high resolution on the basis of NMR measurements with exact nuclear Overhauser enhancement | 2020 |
2838 | SuprAtom | Boosting Cation Exchange in Self-Assembled Supraparticles through Advanced Electron Tomography Techniques | 2020 |
2839 | WaspCLIM | A continental-scale test of the climate hypothesis for the evolution of altruism in insects | 2021 |
2840 | NMRCement | Zero-CO2 cement concept evaluated with novel Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) | 2021 |
2841 | SRCV | Molecular Device for Optical Monitoring of Self-Replication in Compartments | 2020 |
2842 | RE-GENESis | GENome Editing and delivery Strategies for REcoding the mammalian genome | 2020 |
2843 | GLADIUS | Gravitational Lensing Analysis for Data Intensive Upcoming Surveys | 2020 |
2844 | MaCDAC | Machining and Commercialising Diamond Anvil Cells | 2020 |
2845 | AQUACOSM-plus | Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond | 2020 |
2846 | AQUAEXCEL3.0 | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0 | 2020 |
2847 | ECCSELERATE | ECCSEL ERIC – accelerating user access, growing the membership and positioning internationally to ensure long-term sustainability | 2020 |
2848 | SoBigData-PlusPlus | SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics | 2020 |
2849 | READESCARTES | Reading Descartes: A Reassessment of the Shaping and Transmission of Knowledge in the Seventeenth Century | 2021 |
2850 | CHICC | Culture, Heritage and Identities: Impacts of Climate Change in North West Europe | 2020 |
2851 | NanoscAM | Nanoscale active matter to power microstructures | 2020 |
2852 | POLAR-4DSpace | 4DSpace: integrated study for space weather at high latitudes | 2020 |
2853 | dcPolyWheat | Dominant cis-regulatory variation to improve quantitative traits in polyploid wheat | 2020 |
2854 | FINSEIS | Quantitative analysis of the structural controls of faults on induced seismicity magnitude | 2021 |
2855 | GelPrint | Printable polypeptide hydrogels with antimicrobial properties | 2020 |
2856 | Absent Presences | Absent Presences: an ethnographic study of the uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Latin America | 2020 |
2857 | Net2Gel | Double network hydrogels for topical drug delivery applications | 2020 |
2858 | MIGKNOW | Migrating Knowledge: The Global Knowledge Networks of German Medic, Botanist and Migration Commissioner Wilhelm Hillebrand in Hawai‘i (1821-1886) | 2020 |
2859 | SOJUFOW | Social Justice and the Future of Work | 2020 |
2860 | VegSciLif | The Emergence of a Science of Vegetation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy and the Sciences of Life: From Cesalpino to Malpighi | 2021 |
2861 | ReKnow | Research Knowledge Documentation, Analysis and Exploration in Empirical and Descriptive Sciences | 2020 |
2862 | GEOLAKE | Exploring the onset of Anthropocene in the Upper Jordan valley (Hula lake) | 2020 |
2863 | DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA | A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data | 2020 |
2864 | LEAF-2-TBM | From LEAF to Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Integrating multi-scale observations of highly diverse tropical ecosystems for global scale simulations | 2020 |
2865 | THEOCORPES | Theoretical Methods for Better Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy | 2021 |
2866 | BlochTG | Bloch Oscillations, Wannier-Stark Localisation and Coherent Terahertz Emission in Twisted Graphene Superlattices | 2020 |
2867 | PolyTEM | Understanding Crystal Polymorph Control in Confinement using In-situ TEM | 2020 |
2868 | CitIndus | The ‘Citizenship Industry’: Commodified citizenship, the corporate sector and global inequality | 2020 |
2869 | ERoDES | Examination of the recent past and future Response of coastal Dunes to Extreme storms and Sea level rise | 2021 |
2870 | BatSECoV | Canonical and non-canonical secretory mechanisms of cytokines in bat and human cell cultures in response to coronavirus infection: a comparative study | 2021 |
2871 | LiVE | Living with Vultures in the Sixth Extinction: An Ethnographic Study of Avian Conservation in Changing European Landscapes | 2020 |
2872 | DECOMPOSE | Degradable commodity plastics from metallosupramolecular polymers | 2020 |
2873 | NEMESIS | NEgotiation and MEdiation Sensible Issues' Solutions | 2020 |
2874 | ArCAN | An Archaeology of Exchange Networks in Central Africa. The Cases of the Copperbelt and Niari Basin Copper Deposits | 2020 |
2875 | EUDIC | EU Foreign Policy Differentiation and Integration: Informal Groups in EU Approach to Conflicts and Crises | 2021 |
2877 | ECURES | Encouraging CUlture of REsponsible RoboticS | 2021 |
2878 | vPERFORM | Developing advanced vibration performance assessment for new generation of lightweight pedestrian structures using motion platform and virtual reality environments | 2020 |
2879 | CHALLENGES | Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS | 2020 |
2880 | PHASE | How is Populism and Health Associated in Europe (PHASE)? A multilevel analysis of the bi-directional interrelationship between populism and ill health | 2020 |
2881 | NuMagLongRx | Nuclear magnetic long-lived state relaxation | 2020 |
2882 | WHITEMAG | Engineering magnetic properties of hexagonal boron nitride - based hybrid nanoarchitectures | 2020 |
2883 | CANALS | Changing Water Cultures | 2021 |
2884 | FAIR | Forest transitions in the Anthropocene and their Implications for Restoration values – a global assessment based on remote sensing | 2020 |
2885 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |
2886 | BIOIMD | Bioresorbable Self-powered Implantable Device | 2020 |
2887 | WIRED | Women In Research and higher EDucation | 2020 |
2888 | H-MIP | Human-Mosquito Interaction Project: Host-vector networks, mobility, and the socio-ecological context of mosquito-borne disease | 2020 |
2889 | 3D MAGiC | Three-dimensional magnetization textures: Discovery and control on the nanoscale | 2020 |
2890 | Financing_Entrep | Financing Frictions in High-Potential Entrepreneurship | 2020 |
2891 | Genesis | Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids | 2020 |
2892 | GEHEMS | GridEye agent-based distributed control for Home Energy Management System | 2021 |
2893 | OssCaNa | On-Surface Synthesis, Transfer and Device Fabrication of Novel Carbon-based Nanomaterials | 2021 |
2894 | SmartSAST | Non-covalent photoresponsive tags for photoacoustic imaging: Giving voice to living matter | 2020 |
2895 | BioMaGic | Design of biomaterials with enzymatic logic gates | 2021 |
2896 | Xerobranching | Xero-Branching: discovering how plant roots adapt to reduced water availability | 2021 |
2897 | HABISS | Eco-hydrodynamics of cold water coral habitats across integrated spatial scales | 2020 |
2898 | SHINE | Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime | 2020 |
2899 | FIOLENCE | FIOLENCE: A New Research Space at the Food/Violence Nexus | 2020 |
2900 | SiC_Scope | Automated inspection tool to unveil defects in raw Silicon Carbide crystals. | 2020 |
2901 | SECULAR | The Secularization Theorem in the Long Nineteenth Century | 2020 |
2902 | SEAFLOWER | Strategies for the Exploitation of Anchors for FLoating Offshore Wind Energy Reaping | 2020 |
2903 | COUPE | COUPE - COUPling Excitations | 2020 |
2904 | NormNets | Normalization of Multimodal Brain Networks for Integral and Predictive Mapping of Neurological Disorders | 2020 |