Aquaculture now provides more than 50% of the fish for human consumption, but despite importing >70% of fish consumed, aquaculture production has stagnated in the EU. Aquaculture and its sustainable development is therefore an integral part of the EU\'s Blue Growth Strategy and...
Aquaculture now provides more than 50% of the fish for human consumption, but despite importing >70% of fish consumed, aquaculture production has stagnated in the EU. Aquaculture and its sustainable development is therefore an integral part of the EU\'s Blue Growth Strategy and one of its pillars that will contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy. AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to integrate top class European aquaculture research facilities of very diverse nature, covering all relevant scientific fields, species and systems, by putting in place a one-stop/easy access to high-quality services and resources, based on the aquaculture community’s needs, to enable excellent research and sustainable innovation to both public and private sector actors.
In WP1, we have established a quarterly cycle of calls and deadlines for Transnational Access (TNA) to Aquaculture Research Infrastructures. Applications are made through an online system and then managed through an evaluation and selection process which includes input from subject experts, ethical review and final scrutiny and decision by a Selection Panel. 53 TNA applications were received over the first 4 calls with 19 approved by the end of M18.
An Industry-research Advisory Panel has been set up in WP2, with the aim to identify research topics to be promoted as Transnational Access, and to identify, evaluate and promote AQUAEXCEL2020 research outputs (both TNA and in-house research) that have the highest application potential for the industry.
In the WP2, the Industry and Research Advisory Panel (IRAP) was successfully created and populated. The first set of projects’ outputs were evaluated and the three first projects with high potential for the industry were selected to be presented at the first AQUAEXCEL2020 brokerage event planned in Dubrovnik on the 19th October 2017.
In WP3, a workshop between AQUAEXCEL2020 and ELIXIR, the EU infrastructure for life sciences information, defined a set of activities (case studies) which will be applied for data standardization and exploitation. A repository for TNA data and metadata was developed. The records to be included in the Digital Fish database (a catalogue of phenotypic and genotypic information on fish lines) have been defined and started to be populated.
WP4 has supported the integration and harmonization of access to European aquaculture Research Infrastructure (RIs) resources by developing an integrated One-Stop-Access Online Portal and general website which communicates the project and its results and provides a comprehensive inventory of aquaculture RIs in Europe. WP4 also trained a new generation of aquaculture researchers and industry stakeholders by organizing two training courses on timely aquaculture topics. The project ‘Dissemination and Exploitation Plan’ was implemented to ensure effective dissemination of results, including raising awareness of European aquaculture RIs, their facilities, services and knowledge, for all stakeholders. Various dissemination resources and tools were developed such as the project factsheet, promotional leaflets, newsletters, press releases, promotional articles and social media. The project was presented at various events.
WP5 is developing the virtual laboratories tool, aimed at simulating aquaculture experiments in silico, based on integrating sub-models from various disciplines (fish energy budget, water quality and hydrodynamics). The sub-model development is ongoing, and input/output parameters and interfaces between models are based on a use-case description for a rainbow trout experiment. The model integration will be based on the framework/model development guidelines which were agreed upon in the first year of the project.
Since the first milestone in WP6 is in M20 the WP is in an early stage. The experiments/activities regarding experimental fish management are either completed, in progress or not initiated. For the completed experiments, the results remain to be analysed and concluded. Regular WP meetings update the partners on the progress and potential problems are discussed and striven to be solved.
WP7 builds on FP7-AQUAEXCEL results to establish, characterize and preserve homozygous isogenic lines in important European aquaculture fish species (carp, salmon, seabass and trout). Ongoing work includes the propagation of DH progenitors, the genome-wide genetic control with optimized NGS methods, and the phenotypic characterization of the progeny for relevant traits. Besides, experiments with trout and carp produce very promising results on the interest and feasibility of the germ cell line transplantation technique to preserve genetic resources or even facilitate the production of isogenic lines.
In WP8, a miniat
Through the Transnational access (19 projects approved so far), the project has started to contribute to aquaculture research for he widest European aquaculture community. The website provides unique information about project activities, outputs and about most EU aquaculture research infrastructures through the searchable RI map. Most research activities in the project are at an early stage, but the development of the implanted biosensor, which is well on the way, offers the possibility to revolutionize aquaculture research experiments and welfare management in fish farming through individual monitoring of fish performance and welfare over time.
AQUAEXCEL2020 will provide key RIs and resources for acquiring essential knowledge for the aquaculture industry to meet urgent challenges and reduce Europe’s dependence on imports of fish. This will be possible through integration, specialization, technology development, harmonization, training and dissemination of information on the resources available at the facilities, optimizing resources and minimizing costs, at European scale. A strong involvement of industry in AQUAEXCEL2020 will ensure efficient transfer of knowledge and development of innovation potential.
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