According to the World Health Organization, approximately 22 million women and 5.5 million men aged between 50-84 years are estimated to suffer from osteoporosis in Europe. These threating prevalence figures have a huge economic toll for the European healthcare systems, being...
According to the World Health Organization, approximately 22 million women and 5.5 million men aged between 50-84 years are estimated to suffer from osteoporosis in Europe. These threating prevalence figures have a huge economic toll for the European healthcare systems, being the costs associated with osteoporosis estimated over €37 billion/year.
Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is now possible thanks to analogue DEXA scans of hip, femur and spine. Nevertheless, the technology is not massively used in the healthcare systems because specialized radiologists need to be physically present for the results’ interpretation. This is usually only available at large hospitals.
The use of nanoparticle-filled polymers and organic semiconductors for X-ray imaging enable our diagnostic systems to provide higher detection sensitivities at lower prices. In addition, digitalization of DEXA bone densitometers will allow bringing the advantages of the digital radiology to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. This “second generation DEXA scans†can be performed by non-specialized staff, decentralized from big hospitals (smaller hospitals, clinics and ambulatories). This will be possible through teleradiology and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD).
The benefits from digital radiology are countless: film-less (space-less and less labour intensive), fast results in just a few minutes, easy-to-share with other physicians by teleradiology, and even diagnosis by non-specialized staff through CAD. Furthermore, we have estimated that after 5 years from launch, we will build 190 devices (sales €15.6M), hire 31 technical employees, manage 2.77% of the market. We will earn almost €4.9M profit and generate a R.O.I of 2 by commercializing this technology.
\"COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY To carry out a complete market research study of the Global Medical Imaging devices market. Key findings: Market is cyclical and saturated in EU for analogue devices. However prone digitalization.
To carry out a \"\"freedom to operate\"\"/patentability study for semiconducting polymeric materials. Key findings: There are no patents protecting an organic and/or polymeric transistors with nanoparticles for 2D panel detectors. Therefore we are free to operate.
To search component suppliers with capability for production of polymeric semiconductors as large are arrays. Key findings: No industrial product available (2015). Possible partners may be research institutes.
To carry out a complete costs/benefit analysis, also considering regulatory issues. Key findings: Costs/benefit analysis is favourable. After 5 years we will earn almost €4.9M profit and generate a R.O.I of 2.09, hire 31 technical employees, and manage 2.77% of the market.
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY To select among the polymers selected trough the\"\" freedom to operate\"\" analysis, those which production costs are lower and can provide the better detector performance. Key findings: Although there is a working package designed to further select the nanocomposite from the candidate list (WP2), the most promising one in this study is the PTAA- Bi2O3 nanocomposite.
To carry out a techno-economic study on the most cost efficient method for industrial manufacturing of the detector (target detector price<25.000€). Key findings: A list of potential manufacturing methods has been generated. Price of the detector is <25.423€
To define the full prototype DEXA machine specifications and estimate the production costs target machine price<85.000€; target machine production costs<51.000€ (margin 40%). Key findings: Prototype defined (page 1). Target machine price is 82.115€; target machine production costs is 47.000€ (margin 75%).
To accomplish a technical risk assessment and define a mitigation plan. Risks assessment and mitigation plan in the report.
ELABORATION OF A BUSINESS PLAN To evaluate the total investment requirements: should be lower than €2.5M. Key findings: Total investment is €1.6M.
To determine the cash flow for a 5 years period and the profitability. Key findings: Cash flow projections and profitability are positive and detailed in the report.\"
The major novelty of DEXscAn will be the implementation of digital imaging to DEXA bone densitometry, enabling all the advantages of digital imaging in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. In DEXscAn project we seek to be pioneers in bringing to the market the next generation DEXA bone densitometer, the digital DEXA technology. We aim to construct a machine that is: Robust, easy to transport, of reduced size and weight and to be used by non-qualified staff. In addition to a method that allows to take 2D digital image in 1-2 seconds, that eliminates the need to repeat the scan, allows image sending over distance and backup possibility, in addition to bring comfort for the patient. EU prevalence and incidence of osteoporosis is expected to increase by 23% as the aging population grows (from 27.5 million in 2010 to 33.9 million in 2025), pushing the governments to implement measures for reducing the economic burden of this disease, such as prescription of periodically preventive diagnosis for high-risk individuals.
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