The specific objective of this project is to elaborate a complete guided system and workflow for the dentists, containing easy-to-use treatment planning software, a fully digital workflow, a complete surgical solution (surgical kit, manufacturing patient specific surgical...
The specific objective of this project is to elaborate a complete guided system and workflow for the dentists, containing easy-to-use treatment planning software, a fully digital workflow, a complete surgical solution (surgical kit, manufacturing patient specific surgical guides). In Phase 1 our aim was to conduct a thorough market research, a comprehensive technology benchmarking, and to draw up a scenario to create a marketing plan and an overall business plan.
According to the key findings of the market research, the DACH region is definitely the most attractive market for Smart Guide to enter in the first wave. The implantology market is open for new innovations, patients can accept higher prices and Germany shows the largest growth potential based on CBCT sales forecasts.
There are several other attractive markets, especially the USA, the BRIC countries, and some West European countries such as the UK, Italy, and France. Due to geographical and/or cultural distance it is recommended to approach them via an enhanced on-line service offering/presence, which shall be strengthened as soon as possible.
Most of the close competitors are small sized companies with very limited service offering, while the few larger competitors have broad product offering and value added services. Smart Guide can definitely penetrate the growing market with a clear value proposition based on the USPs of its services, technological advantages, novel features and new kind of service approach.
We have devised out 5 action plans to implement. They are going to be carried out parallel to one another, focusing on different dimensions:
1. Further digitalising of technology
2. Becoming regional leader
3. Becoming dentists’ most trusted assistant
4. Filling the gap (with implant manufacturers in focus)
5. Forward integration for CBCT
The action plans are going to enable dicomLAB’s rapid growth, contribute to the management’s plan to become an unavoidable player on the navigated dental surgery market, and a strong, leading European SME.
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