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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TUTORIAL (Twinning to Strengthen Tallinn University of Technology’s Research and Innovation Capacity in Nanoelectronics Based Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems)


The overall aim of the TUTORIAL project is to boost the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the trans-disciplinary field of nanoelectronics based dependable cyber-physical systems (NBDCPS) of Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) and its high-quality Twinning...


The overall aim of the TUTORIAL project is to boost the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the trans-disciplinary field of nanoelectronics based dependable cyber-physical systems (NBDCPS) of Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) and its high-quality Twinning partners: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). To achieve this aim, the 3 year project will build upon the existing strong research and innovation base of TUT and its Twinning partners.

To boost their scientific excellence and innovation capacity in the trans-disciplinary area of NBDCPS, the partners will implement a research and innovation strategy focused on three complementary sub-topics:

1. Reliable nanoelectronics technologies,
2. In-field test for safety-critical systems, and
3. Dependable cyber-physical systems for space applications

The combination of these three sub-topics will contribute to a synergy and a cross-layer approach to the trans-disciplinary research area of dependable cyber-physical system development. TUTORIAL will address topics starting from the underlying nanoelectronics technology, reasoning methods, algorithms and architectures, up to the level of application tasks with use-cases in automotive, avionics and space domains.

The research and innovation strategy has the following objectives:

• Objective 1: Strengthen TUT’s research excellence in nanoelectronics based dependable cyber-physical systems
• Objective 2: Enhance the research and innovation capacity of TUT and the Twinning partners
• Objective 3: Raise the research profile of TUT and the Twinning Partners
• Objective 4: Contribute to the SMART Specialisation Strategy of Estonia
• Objective 5: Support research and innovation on a European level

In order to achieve these objectives, the consortium partners will implement a comprehensive set of measures via the project’s work packages:

• Short term staff exchanges;
• Training workshops, conferences and summer schools;
• Dissemination and outreach.

Work performed

During the first reporting period of the project (Jan 2016 - March 2017), the following main results have been achieved:

1) Short-term staff exchanges between TUT and the 3 Twinning partners TU Delft, POLITO and DLR has resulted in 30 researcher visits that total to 10 months.

2) 24th edition of the IEEE/IFIP VLSI-SoC conference was organised in Tallinn during Sept 26-29, 2016. VLSI-SoC is a major international conference on integrated circuit design that is rotating to a different continent each year. For the first time in its 35-years of history, an Eastern European country is visited. At the conference, future trends of IT devices in terms of emerging chip technologies is discussed. 100 IT researchers from 26 countries exchange ideas about the future of computing systems including next generation internet-of-things.

3) Collocated with the VLSI-SoC, on September 28-29, 2016 TUTORIAL also organised RENS\'16 - 1st International Workshop on Resilience in Nanoelectronic Systems in Tallinn, Estonia.This tutorial-style workshop delivered a broad overview of the cutting-edge topics in the area of nanoelectronic systems\' resilience. These included aging modeling, life-time prediction, error-checking, embedded instruments for system health monitoring, fault management, resilient many-core architectures, design validation/verification and automated debug. The event provided a unique chance to join experts from three on-going European projects as well as researchers working in the area of reliable electronic system design. The workshop was jointly organised with two EU research projects FP7 STREP BASTION and Horizon 2020 RIA IMMORTAL.

4) The first TUTORIAL summer school (Biannual European - Latin American Summer School on Design, Test and Reliability - BELAS) organised by POLITO with the support of TUTORIAL partners took place in May 30 - June 1, 2016 in Turin, Italy. The school was attended by 28 students (2 from TU Delft, 6 from TUT, 2 from DLR and 18 from POLITO). The summer school included 7 talks (1 talk from the industry), and a PhD forum, where students could present their research work in the form of poster presentations. The social programme of the workshop included a visit to Magneti Marelli plants.

5) The second TUTORIAL Summer School, TU Delft has organised a 3 days summer school on Design, Test and Reliability for M.Sc., Ph.D., and post-doc students in May 3-10, 2017, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Experts from academia (Politecnico di Torino, Italy; PUCRS, Brazil, etc.) and industry (e.g., NXP. RiSCUE) gave lectures on test, reliability and security of IC and electronic systems and their applications such as automotive and aerospace. Attendees also contributed to the school by presenting their research at the PhD forum and prepared posters. The school received 30 attendees, both from partners institutions as well as non-partner institutions.

6) Last but not least, several outreach activities took place. These include presentations, keynotes and panels at scientific conferences, press releases, TV and radio appearances as well as school visits and open days at the universities.

Final results

The overall impacts of the TUTORIAL are:

• Improvement in the scientific and innovation capacity of TUT in the field of nanoelectronics based dependable cyber-physical systems (NBDCPS);
• Increase in international collaboration on a European level of TUT in NBDCPS;
• Increase in the research profile of TUT in NBDCPS;
• Contribution to the SMART Specialisation Strategy of Estonia via NBDCPS.

The immediate impacts for TUT\'s research group from the first period are as follows:
• The project has been very beneficial in helping the young students and researchers of the consortium partners to gain experience and to expand their personal networks.
• Closer interaction with Twinning partners have enabled TUT find new industry contacts, which has in turn resulted in higher relevance of TUT’s scientific work.

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