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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MirrorPV (MirrorPV - Balanced growth photovoltaic generation with Roof PV mirrors)


MirrorPV is an innovative patented technology that increases the productivity of the photovoltaic solar systems when the sun is low above the horizon by increasing their illumination. The main problem and importance for society:- One of the main barriers for achieving...


MirrorPV is an innovative patented technology that increases the productivity of the photovoltaic solar systems when the sun is low above the horizon by increasing their illumination.
The main problem and importance for society:
- One of the main barriers for achieving sustainable energy system is the electricity to be consumed at the time and on the place of its generation, avoiding significant losses in electricity transmission grid, and turning off production facilities at peak production time. There is a large time deviation between the peak of household energy consumption and the peak of solar energy output, i.e. the peak of energy consumption is before 08:00 and after 17:00, while the production peak of PV installations is at noon from 11:00 till 15:00;
Overall objectives:
- To develop the MirrorPV innovation to a series of prefabricated modules with a different shape, width, height and inclination towards PV panels;
- To achieve commercialization of the MirrorPV in UK by 2019.

Work performed

So far we have implemented the following key activities:
1. Research – primary and secondary.
2. Analysis.
3. Reporting – preparation of different reports in 8 areas.
4. Evaluation – evaluation of the reports during the coaching
5. Design of detailed business plan.

The tangible results we have produced during the feasibility study are:
1. Separate reports in 8 key areas that include.
2. A final FS report including summaries of the extensive reports on IPR, Market Study, Technical Feasibility, Human resources, Financial feasibility, Risk Analysis, etc.
3. Detailed Business Plan.

Final results

Progress beyond the state of the art due to technical research and analysis:
- The MirrorPV© can be installed on existing and new rooftop PV installations - it is designed for that;
- MirrorPV© does not need additional roof space and allows maximized utilization of the roof area;
- MirrorPV© increases the PV electricity production with 40% when the sun is at altitude between 10° and 30°;
- Environmentally friendly – eliminates 1,022 tons CO2 emissions per year per 5 kW installation;

Expected growth:
A. Impact for our company - the profit margin under which we make our preliminary calculations is in the area of 8-10% and having in mind the average salary in UK, for the first 2 years we can estimate a job creation of roughly 15 people.
B. Socio-economic impact - Indirectly, entering the European market of MirrorPV will lead to increase in turnover, profit and employment in the companies of our distributors.

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