\"WHAT IS ACT?ACT aims to Accelerate and mature CCS Technologies by making available funds for research and innovation activities. A new instrument under Horizon 2020 called ERA NET Cofund is a new tool for European countries together with the European Commission (EC) to...
ACT aims to Accelerate and mature CCS Technologies by making available funds for research and innovation activities.
A new instrument under Horizon 2020 called ERA NET Cofund is a new tool for European countries together with the European Commission (EC) to establish common transnational calls.
Ten partners from nine countries established an ERA NET Cofund on CCS (named ACT) in 2015, with the objective of accelerating deployment of CCS in Europe.
The partners are:
1. The Research Council of Norway, Norway (RCN) or (Coordinator), Norway
2. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ), Germany
3. Swiss Federal Department for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), Switzerland
4. Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), Romania
5. Ministry of Economic Affairs/Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), The Netherlands
6. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), United Kingdom - since June 2016 named Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
7. Gassnova SF (Gassnova), Norway
8. Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece
9. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Turkey
10. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain
By July 2017:
ACT has developed very well and kept track on the process as specified in the Grant Agreement (GA) and the Consortium agreement (CA). ACT has become a widely known program within the CCS R&D initiatives in Europe and also abroad (US, Australia and Canada).
ACT was kicked off 23-25 February 2016 at a consortium meeting hosted by Mineco in Madrid. A site visit to the CCS-test plant at Hontomin/Cuiden and a workshop together with ECCSEL were also parts of this kickoff.
The first joint call was launched in June 2016 with a total of 41.2M€ available for funding projects of high quality. ACT received in September a total f 38 pre-proposals asking for approx 160M€! After having assessed the proposals according to eligibility and a selection of subcriteria 20 projects were invited to submit full proposals by 16 January 2017.
A total of 16 full proposals were distributed among the 11 extrenal experts and each project was assessed by 3-4 experts (3 experts for smaller projects and 4 to the larger ones). Prior to the expert panel meeting 21-22 March 2017 in London each expert had submitted the results of \"\"their projects\"\" to the electronically evaluation system at RCN. At the panel meeting the experts should agree/negosiate on the scores and finally set the raking lists. IN order to have som efelxibiity and also make sure that even \"\"smaller\"\" countries with more basic reseach could make winners, the consortium agreed to split the budget approx. 80:20 for the larger (more complec and industry oriented projects) and the smaller projects (more on the basic research side). Therefore also two ranking lists were provided by the experts - one for the larger projects and one for the smaller. An independent observer followed the whole evaluation process, received all documents of relevance for this work and took part at the panel meeting in London.
Currently (July 2017) ACT is in the contracting phase with 8 projects selected for funding and provides grants at a total of ~37.8 M€. It is only possible to fund so many projects with the highly acknowledge additional funds from The Netherlands, Norway and UK. The scheduled start for the projects is n later then 1 September 2017 and most of them will run for 3 years. All countries are involved in one or more projects.
Some challenging issues came across during the evaluation, mainly related to late response from ACT partners concerning whether or not projects could be funded and to what extent. Such issues should have ideally been clarified at the 1st stage evaluation. This put a lot of pressure on the whole consortium and the Policy Board and made the process less smooth than expected.
The whole conso\"
ACT has delivered acording to plan for Deliverables, and has also kept track with the Milestones.
By the 19 July 2017 we have decided to fund 8 high quality CCS projects and they are ready to start in August/September 2017.
More info: http://act-ccs.eu.