The objective of the phase 1 feasibility study has been to develop a strategic business plan for the commercialization of Scandecon´s innovative freeze dredging technology, including a refined methodology and offer that covers the entire value chain. In order to make our...
The objective of the phase 1 feasibility study has been to develop a strategic business plan for the commercialization of Scandecon´s innovative freeze dredging technology, including a refined methodology and offer that covers the entire value chain. In order to make our technology easily deployable and replicable throughout Europe, we have investigated the economical, technological, regulatory and environmental needs and expectations of the targeted user groups.
Our feasibility study has had a strong focus on mapping out our business model and the economic preconditions for environmental dredging in Europe. The feasibility study has had a key role in helping us understand how to position ourselves in the hitherto unpenetrated market for dredging with environmental purposes and how we can develop new business opportunities based on our innovative freeze dredging technology.
The feasibility study has been implemented using Strategic Business Planning Methodology. The work was divided in three tasks that incorporated the core market investigation areas required to develop an ideal business model for taking the innovation to Europe. The feasibility study was performed by Scandecon´s business development team. The key tasks performed included:
The feasibility study has confirmed our hypothesis of the utility of the solution for both contractors and purchasers of clean-up dredging solutions. Based on our market assessment and benchmarking in relation to existing services, we are confident that there will be a willingness to pay and that our innovation provides better value added than other available solutions. This is also in part confirmed by the interest we have attracted among maritime engineering companies and in particular that we are in a late state of partnership negotiation with one of the leading Swedish construction companies concerning a multi-country technology demonstration project.
In addition, the feasibility study has allowed us to gain useful insight in the extent of clean-up dredging needed in the EU during the next decade, what national and supranational authorities are responsible for coordinating the works and how we best can approach them in order to secure our services. The study has thus increased the market potential and business value of the innovation.
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