PremumlightPro was designed to support the implementation of high quality energy efficient LED lighting in the service sector. LED lighting provides new opportunities to improve both the quality and the energy efficiency of lighting systems and therefore is the lighting...
PremumlightPro was designed to support the implementation of high quality energy efficient LED lighting in the service sector. LED lighting provides new opportunities to improve both the quality and the energy efficiency of lighting systems and therefore is the lighting technology of the future. To date options and requirements for optimised LED lighting systems are only partly considered and a supportive policy framework is still to be further developed. Thus the project closes some gaps by supporting various policies and capacity building.
The project covers both indoor lighting in service sector buildings as well as outdoor lighting, in particular street lighting. The tools and services developed and disseminated in the project shall support supply and demand side stakeholders like procurers, planners or consultants in the implementation of efficient high quality LED lighting systems.
The main objectives of the PremiumLightPro project can be summarised as follows:
• Development and implementation of procurement criteria and design guidelines for the planning and installation of efficient LED lighting systems in the private and public service sector, both for outdoor and indoor lighting.
• Education and capacity building for essential stakeholders and key actors involved in the procurement and planning of LED lighting systems (planners, architects, installers and consultants).
• Implementation of web-based information services for energy efficient LED-lighting among others providing information on best practice cases and a database for energy efficient high quality lighting products.
• Support of additional policies for optimised LED lighting including incentive schemes, the national implementation of the EPBD, white certificates or performance contracting
• Collection/dissemination of best practice cases
• Support of the further development of EU legislation on efficient high quality lighting
Procurement Criteria and Design Guidelines:
Comprehensive green procurement criteria and guidelines for indoor lighting and outdoor lighting in the service sector were developed, containing quality and energy criteria for LED lighting systems. These sets of criteria and guidelines shall support public entities and private organisations in the implementation of high quality energy saving lighting solutions.
Best practice:
Criteria and guidelines were complemented by a collection of best practice cases, showcasing successful implementation of more than 20 cases for outdoor and indoor lighting.
Education and capacity building:
Education concepts and comprehensive education materials were developed. The education material covers the central topics concerning quality and energy efficiency of LED-lighting systems and is designed for half day to two days education programs. A modular approach allows flexible combination of education topics for tailored education services in cooperation with local education partners in the countries in the second project period. Complementary to this standard education, concepts for e-learning and for webinars were developed. They will focus on selected topics and target groups. These two web-based education services will allow broader dissemination of some education content.
Information services for energy efficient lighting technology including a product database:
A web-based information service was developed including local websites in all countries covered by the project providing the following main features:
o Download options for all tools developed by the project
o A database providing information on tested indoor lighting products
o Access to the e-learning service
o Information on education services and relevant events
o Articles and press materials
The intention concerning the product database was to implement a service which provides information on tested products which have been assessed by independent laboratories. For that purpose cooperation with a Swiss initiative was established which currently is one of the very few in Europe providing data from independent product testing.
Support of the implementation or improvement of additional supporting policies including incentive schemes, the EPBD, white certificates and contracting:
For all countries involved in the project the current situation concerning these supporting policies for high quality efficient lighting were analysed and existing gaps and improvement potentials were identified. Currently a different mix of measures is implemented in the different regions suggesting partly different potentials for implementation or improvement of policies. Many countries for example already support incentive schemes but with improvement potentials concerning LED technology. Approaches to exploit existing potentials were developed and will be implemented during the second project period.
Support of the further development of EU legislation on lighting:
Currently two policy developments supporting energy efficient lighting in the service sector are ongoing at EU-level, focussing on eco-design and labelling for lighting products and procurement criteria for street lighting. In both areas new developments for regulations and schemes are currently ongoing which were supported from the project by reviewing and commenting of working documents and by participation in conference calls or meetings.
During the first project period a number of policy supporting tools and services was developed addressing capacity building, procurement and legislation.
Procurement of high quality efficient lighting systems:
The implementation of the new procurement criteria in the private and public service will involve a large number of private and public entities. Overall implementation of criteria and guidelines is intended to be achieved for 160 public entities across the 9 EU countries involved in the project. The entities shall be supported in the improvement of their procurement processes for LED lighting.
Education and capacity building for relevant stakeholders and actors:
During the full implementation of education measures in the second half of the project via seminars, e-learning and webinars 1200 procurers, planners and other relevant experts shall be trained in the specific field in total in the 9 countries involved. Thereby the capacity for the implementation of efficient high quality LED lighting in the service sector will be improved.
Web-based information services and broad dissemination via media cooperation, multipliers and specific events:
The web-services developed for the project will be strongly promoted and disseminated among key target groups. Promotion and dissemination for the project among others will involve broad cooperation with multipliers, participation in specific events and dissemination via media.
Support of additional policies including incentive schemes, white certificates or contracting:
Based on the analysis and developments of the first project period partners will support the implementation or improvement of concepts for incentive schemes, contracting or white certificates. Furthermore energy efficient lighting shall be supported in the implementation of EPBD at national level.
Support of development of EU legislation and policies:
The development processes concerning GPP for street-lighting and eco-design and labelling regulations for lighting will be further supported with information and inputs from PremiumLightPro.
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