The page lists 23 deliverables related to the research project "FOWARIM".
title and desprition | type | last update |
Submission of 4 reports presenting the results of research undertaken as part of the Advanced Specialization CoursesThe 4 reports will highlight the results that were undertaken as part of the Advanced Specialization Courses and will indicate the ties with overall project objectives and the need for research in water in agriculture in Malta. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
E-learning course contents uploaded on MOODLEThe course contents of the e-course will be uploaded. Technical presentations, reference literature and assignments will be made available. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Other | 2020-01-29 |
Final project reportAt the end of the project a report will be published with various accounts of the progress, outcomes and results of the project. This will summarize the major efforts together with a thorough evaluation of results. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Series of publications for industry press to promote the research collaboration and networking and draft think piece/reviews for the scientific pressA number of publications will be published which will target the more technical stakeholders in that such literature will be scientific in nature that will explain the science behind the research being undertaken by the project team. These publications will also promote the research collaboration of the team. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
5 5-day coursesA document will be prepared after each of the five courses envisaged. The document will contain pedagogical details, outcomes and future plans arising out of the courses. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Summer School Y1 ReportA document will be prepared in which the outcomes of the summer school will be elucidated together with the major topics covered and the manner in which they tie in to the major objectives of the project. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Quality Assurance ReportDeliverables will be assessed to the following criteria: quality of the content, length, language, consistency, major strengths and weaknesses. When the project ends, the results will be published in a final Quality Assurance report that will be part of the final narrative and financial report Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Series of brief reports with commentaries on stakeholder meetingsThe following will be produced: Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Six-month publication reportEvery six months a report will be produced to inform about the activities and events implemented and to publish the event’s forecast. These short reports will be uploaded on the project\'s website and social media. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Roadmap and strategy technical report for achieving agricultural and water resources sustainability in MaltaA document will be produced outlining the roadmap and strategy that should be followed to achieve agriculture and water resources sustainability in Malta. This will be done at the last few months of the project after all information, research results, discussions and evaluations have been undertaken. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Summer School Y2 ReportA document will be prepared in which the outcomes of the summer school will be elucidated together with the major topics covered and the manner in which they tie in to the major objectives of the project. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
E-learning course – Report on Modules and list of registered participantsA report on the process of module preparation and registered participants will be prepared. This report will also indicate the rationale behind the information made available and the background of the different participants. The ties between the modules prepared, the project objectives and the potential for future research will be highlighted. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Other | 2020-01-29 |
Final meeting reportA meeting at the end of the project will be organized after which a report with the major outcomes of the meeting will be prepared and published. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Roadmap for Malta decision-makers for developing research strategy in agricultural waterThe roadmap will provide a realistic and feasible policy roadmap for decision-makers leading to the development of the research in agricultural water. The roadmap will take into consideration the objectives and strategies of Malta National Research and Innovation Strategy, which, in turn, encompasses the priorities of the smart specialisation strategy of the applicant country. The roadmap will be used to support decision makers in policy design aimed at creating enabling environments for agricultural water research capitalising on the results of the twinning exercise. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Promotional materialProduction of promotional material will be implemented either through traditional or digital supports. Posters, banners and short videos will be produced. The digital support will be preferred, whenever possible, to cut the costs and to increase the visibility of the project. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Other | 2020-01-29 |
Kick-off meetingDuring the kick-off meeting, the overall trajectory of the project will be decided upon, work packages discussed. Various other issues will be discussed including quality assurance plan, future coordination meeting, project structure etc. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Demonstration site in Malta to promote best management practices for traditional agricultureA series of field experiments and demonstration sites will be established by the project partners, working with key stakeholders and research community on the island. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2020-01-29 |
Summary report on researcher and stakeholder workshop to assess agriculture, water resources, and environment challenges and produceA brief report will be produced on the outcomes and discussions coming out of the workshop during which the agriculture, water resources, and environment challenges of Malta will be assessed and analyzed. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
E-learning course programme and calendarA schedule with the learning outcomes, overview of unit description and assessment criteria of the e-learning course will be produced together with a schedule of when these e-learning programs will be launched and concluded. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Other | 2020-01-29 |
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages for the projectProfiles for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will be created by the fourth month and maintained throughout the whole project with latest news and updates. This will facilitate exchange between the team and interested parties and a better dissemination of results and information. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes | 2020-01-29 |
Quality Assurance PlanQuality Assurance plan will be developed at the kick-off meeting and in accordance with the methodology for controlling the quality of the outputs. This plan will be published. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Report on stocktaking and preliminary analysisA report will be compiled to stock-take and analyze the present policies, strategies, governance and trends related to research in agricultural water. Evaluating the state-of-the-art, vision, rationale and strengths and the current gaps and challenges will provide a comprehensive assessment. Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |
Mid-term reportA meeting half-way through the project will be organized to discuss the progress of the project and way forward. A document with major outcomes of the meeting will be prepared and that will be used to compile the mid-term report that will be completed in M15 and that reflects the 1st meeting report (M1 to M15). Programme: H2020-EU.4.b. - Topic(s): H2020-TWINN-2015 |
Documents, reports | 2020-01-29 |