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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SafeCOP (Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication)


\"SafeCOP targets safety-related Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems (CO-CPS). The cooperation relies on the wireless communication to perform a safety-relevant function, and security issues are of concern. SafeCOP targets systems that are of the following three types: (i) use...


\"SafeCOP targets safety-related Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems (CO-CPS). The cooperation relies on the wireless communication to perform a safety-relevant function, and security issues are of concern. SafeCOP targets systems that are of the following three types: (i) use inter-system communication to reach a common goal; (ii) rely on communicated information from other systems in order to ensure safe and/or efficient operation; (iii) provide services that may compromise safety if the communication fails.
Five use cases involving three domains: MedTech, Automotive and Marine.

SafeCOP brings clear benefits in terms of cross-domain certification practice and implementations of cooperating systems in all addressed areas: healthcare, maritime, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). The advantages include lower certification costs, increased trustworthiness of wireless communication, better management of increasing complexity, reduced effort for verification and validation, lower total system costs, shorter time to market and increased market share.

SafeCOP will also contribute to new standards, by providing standardization committees with the scientifically validated solutions needed to craft effective standards.

The overall objectives
When a system might harm humans or the environment, decision-makers require pre-release safety assurance evidence that it manages risk acceptably. SafeCOP will provide in an approach to the safety assurance of CO-CPS, enabling thus their certification and development. The project will define a runtime manager architecture for runtime detection of abnormal behavior, triggering if needed a safe degraded mode. SafeCOP will also develop methods and tools, which will be used to produce safety assurance evidence needed to certify cooperative functions. The safety assurance work is done in \"\"WP2. Safety assurance framework for CO-CPS\"\" and the work on the architecture and tools is done in \"\"WP4. Platform and tool support for safety assurance\"\". SafeCOP goal is to extend the current state-of-the-art wireless protocols by creating an application-level library and related API that acts as a “safety layer” on top of the existing protocols. This work is taking place in \"\"WP3. Safe and secure wireless cooperation\"\".

Work performed

\"All task in the project is running accroding to plan. Many meetings and technical collaboration, managed by the the project head or the work packages has given good progress. One partner never entered the project but the instead VODAFONE entered the project almost a perfect match. Do negative direct was visible, thanks to other partners and that the planned work task had a late start.

The WP1 has successfully performed planned progress. The requirement are based on the up front planned use cases.A refinement for coverage is started.

WP2 workshops have been crucial for agreeing on an overall safety-assurance framework in SafeCOP. Spent time on the deliverable D2.1 on the State-of-the-art in Safety Assurance, and \"\"SafeCOP Safety Assurance Concept\"\" document to coordinate the technical work. A draft version of D2.2 on the Safety Assurance Concept at M13 is planned (it\'s due in M24), to enable early use the preliminary findings.

Work in the WP3 was triggered by the elaboration and distribution of a set of questionnaires to gather the relevant input to WP3 from the several partners and use case leaders. Results were summarized in a document and a table of contents was proposed, discussed and adopted for D3.1. The proposed D3.1 contents also try to point out research directions to be explored in T3.2. In a tentative to increase the interactions within the WP and sync up on the activities. The D3.2 SOTA is delivered.

UNIVAQ has taken the lead of WP4 in Q3/M6 in the reorganised WP and this work is released in a \"\"WP4 Handbook\"\" to clarify partners roles and contributions. Motivation was to handle the partner that not entered the project. Current WP4 activities are mainly focusing on T4.1 and related deliverable (i.e. D4.1). Work is on track in the WP.

The WP5 has come along well. The WP5 leadership is more to coordinate the very independent tasks in the WP. The task are highly team work on the signle use case. The only task that depend on other tasks results is the abstracted task T5.6.

In WP6 has delivered according to plan, “Project website” and “Project flyer” are example. The work plan for “Dissemination, exploitation and certification report year 1”, is delivered . There are several conference papers regarding SAFECOP, and one of them has received the Best Paper Award, during the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). Explopitation, dissemination and standardization activities for the next years are planned.

The project progress is as planned. A minor obstacle was that one partner never but by introducing VODAFONE AUTOMOTIVE, this was not significant impact. An advisory board the project uses as a supporting guiding also provide good direction on the work. The advisory board was moderated by the project. Project members has signed PCA.\"

Final results

Beyond the state of the art;
WP2 has identified the gap between the state-of-the-art (SOTA) safety analysis and the safety analysis required for cooperative systems. Proposed an initial SafeCOP Safety Assurance framework, which advances the SOTA with respect to component-based development of high-integrity systems with safety contracts related to cooperative items, and by extending the OMG standard SACM for modelling a Safety Case. WP3 aims at providing an over-viewing and of extending current wireless technologies regarding safe and secure communications. WP3 partners have identified the most prominent and adequate wireless technologies in order to support the SafeCOP use-cases. For WP4, the architecture/platform being developed is expected to be a reference for future cooperative systems in how to support “safety-related cooperative functions”.

The expected potential impact;
For WP 2, the SafeCOP Safety Assurance approach will enable the certification of cooperative cyber-physical systems. The “Runtime Manager” solution will support the safe operation of cooperative safety functions in several application areas, covered by the SafeCOP Use Cases. The WP3 scope in the analysis that was carried out is triggering proposals for extending several technologies. This will enable safer and more secure wireless communications, by paving the way towards a protocol agnostic wireless safety and security layer. For WP4, such an architecture/platform could be a reference for future cooperative systems able to support “safety-related cooperative functions”

The expected socio-economic impact;
In the WP2, the SafeCOP Safety Assurance framework will provide input for the current certification practice, and will thus lead to the market penetration of new cooperative applications, which is currently hindered by a lack of safety assurance methods. Technology from WP3 will be embedded in future smart applications in transportation, health, factory automation and other areas, enabling a much smarter and safer world. The technical value from WP4 and its impact has its basis in a well-known reference architecture/platform that would provide more confidence about safety assurance and increase re-use (i.e. money saving) opportunities.

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