Objectives• To provide the public at large, regardless of age, social or scientific background, with the opportunity to interact with researchers and gain an insight into the research and innovation activities, with a view to enhance public recognition of researchers’...
• To provide the public at large, regardless of age, social or scientific background, with the opportunity to interact with researchers and gain an insight into the research and innovation activities, with a view to enhance public recognition of researchers’ work, facilitate the understanding of the crucial role of research in people’s everyday lives, and inspire young people to embark on career in science.
• To illustrate how every aspect of citizens\' life - work, travel, shop, socialize, eat and play is possible because of scientific influences and innovations;
• To dispel negative stereotypes around scientists and present them as ordinary people with an extraordinary job, having a fascinating personality and a balanced life;
• To stress the importance of increasing the number of researchers in Europe for citizens\' wellbeing and prosperity, through an array of hands-on, student-centred approach to instruction designed particularly for young people facing career choice, showing them how exciting and rewarding research work is and encouraging them to consider their future in science.
• To advocate a more favourable attitude towards public funding of research, thanks to witnesses from scientists who benefitted from Horizon 2020 and showcasing of EU projects pointing to the their crucial role for economic growth and social prosperity.
The project reached its objectives and proved to be extremely successful.
Awareness campaign
o Conception, realisation of promotional material, such as posters, roll ups, programmes invitations, leaflets, popular science folders;
o Public advertising (billboards, city lights, swing signs, posters), and display of promotional material in streets, and promotional campaign on public transport (busses and trams, including one promotional bus taps with ERN ad), dissemination of announcements on notification columns in the City centre, shopping points;
o Display of promotional material to most frequented public spots, housing areas and schools;
o Publication of articles, interviews, announcements, advertising in written press at both national and regional levels;
o Direct invitations sent to President and Marshall of the City, Chief Education Officer, educational bodies, regional administration, B+R centres, industry representatives, science & technology parks, university of third age, schools, etc.;
o Announcements during public events (such as Science Picnic in Olsztyn City Centre, Juvenalia Student Festival, Science Picnic of Copernicus Science Centre and Polish Radio, 14th Olsztyn Science and Art Days, Polish Academy of Kids, European Run, European Family Picnic at Olsztyn City Beach, institute’s Open Day;
o Organisation of pre-events:
o Institute’s Open Day;
o Science Picnic “The Art of Science†at the heart of Olsztyn Old Town;
o Series of hands-on workshops “Fusion Lab†for elementary and grammar students;
o Scientists’ information action in the city centre;
o Exhibitions: “Glass tissuesâ€, “A perfect eyeâ€, “Research that surrounds usâ€, Competitions: “Hot Bed of Young Talentsâ€, Art Contest “My passionâ€;
o Publication of numerous press releases;
o Airing of announcements, advertising, programmes and interviews on local and regional radio and TV stations, including the biggest TV one;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website www.nocnaukowcow.pan.olsztyn.pl;
o Display of video materials depicting edutaining events during the Night on the Science channel of the Copernicus Internet TV;
o 135 000 hits on project website , 43.000 unique visitors;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter …);
o 170.000 hits and likes on social networks, namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram;
o Publication of Internet advertising banners, announcements and promotion on researchers’ blogs, display of promotional videos on YouTube;
o About 600.000 estimated to have been made aware of the European Researchers\' night and its objectives.
Activities during the night
o Offer of the activities as described in the Grant Agreement Annex I part B, namely:
o 180 diversified edutaining activities, dedicated to different target groups, e.g. kids, pupils and students, adults and seniors;
o Hands-on experiments;
o Demos;
o Simulations;
o Science shows;
o Games);
o Competitions;
o Quizzes);
o Lab visits;
o Display of films;
o Sports games;
o Discussion;
o Presentations;
o Workshops;
o Stand-up comedy;
o Dating researchers;
o Guided tours ;
o Exhibitions;
o Crime investigation;
o Interactive installations;
o Science-industry innovation corner;
o European Corners;
o Concerts and theatre,
o 393 researchers actively involved in the activities, (namely 161 in 2016 and 232 in 2017), amongst whom:
o 7 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
o 19 having benefitted from support under FP 7/HORIZON 2020
o About 28.100 visitors having taken part in the activities offered, namely 15.000 in 2016 and 13.100 in 2017.
Overview of the results
o Collection, analysis and processing of feedbacks through: o 1.210 questionnaires addressing kids aged under 12 (closed and openended questions); o 1.121 questionnaires addressing pupils and students (20 closed-ended questions grouped in four main sections); o 1.012 questionnaires addressing adults, parents, seniors, teachers; o On-line questionnaires; o Internet and social networks; o 1.000 random face to face interviews; o Main conclusions: o Typology of visitors: o Kids: 69,5 % having already taken part in a previous Night, 30 % newcomers, 79 % coming from the city, the others coming mostly from Warmia and Mazury Voivodship; o Pupils and students: 81,3% aged 13-18 and 18% aged 19-26; o Adults, teachers etc.: 57, 5% women and 42,5% men), mainly living in the city (84.2%), mostly having a higher level of education (63.9%) stating that the government should provide financial support for research and innovation projects (78%); o Knowledge about the events: outdoor advertising (25%), project website (22%), social media (11%), TV, radio, newspapers (16%), pre-events in public spots (16%), and school (10%); o Overall positive feedback on the events themselves (activities, contacts with researchers, concrete organisation, scheduling, venues);
o Stimulation of young people\'s interest for research careers (55 % children willing to become researchers, 66 % increased interest in science amongst children, 75 % increased interest for pupils and students, 41,6 % willing to become scientists), o Public perception of scientists: o Kids: increased favourable perception (72,4 % considering researcher as an interesting job, 35,9 as generating fame, frequently travelling, (38,9 %) and bringing fun (54,2 %), scientists considered as young, female, cool, close and interesting; o Pupils and students: fascinating job (60,4 %), hard work implying long hours (60,6 %), having many passions and a stable lifestyle (64,3%), broad removal of the stereotype of the elderly grey-haired, bespectacled man scientists (over 70%); o Most successful activities: workshops (about 95 %), scientific demos and competitions amongst all age categories; o Less successful activities: excursions (also due to the necessary limited number of attendees able to take part); o General will expressed to take part in future similar activities (95 % kids, 95,7 % pupils and students, 85,2 % average attendees and 98 % on-line responders).
More info: http://nocnaukowcow.pan.olsztyn.pl.