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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RADOME (SPHERICAL MULTILAYER “RADAR DOME”)


Government agencies around the world are pressuring the industry to produce radar systems that can monitor broader areas of the sky and offer images with higher resolution and precision; therefore radar manufacturers plan to market antennas for civil air traffic control that...


Government agencies around the world are pressuring the industry to produce radar systems that can monitor broader areas of the sky and offer images with higher resolution and precision; therefore radar manufacturers plan to market antennas for civil air traffic control that operate at much higher frequencies (26 GHz) than those currently used (4 GHz), since the former provide the higher resolution required.

Additionally a number of satellite missions have been designed to operate at frequencies above the traditional S and X band, with ground station terminals preferably installed at Arctic (or Antarctic) regions in order to maximize the number of visible satellite passes.

Therefore there is a need of radomes capable to protect these kind of antennas and to resist harsh environments, most notably strong winds, low temperatures, and snow.

The goal of the project is to develop a new type of protective structure (radome) not interfering with high-frequency radar equipment, and capable to resist harsh weather conditions. Thanks to a multidisciplinary approach employing new materials, nanotechnology and advanced simulation technologies, it will be launched an innovative, spherical, self- supporting radome that will be capable to host radar equipment operating at 26 GHz.

Work performed

The Pilot Trials gave us a confirmation that in the frequency range of interest (25.5 GHz-27 GHz), radomes based on our technology are superior than those based on metal infrastructure in terms of hydrophobicity (higher), transmission loss (lower), power reflected and dissipated (lower), while providing at the same time a high resistance to severe weather conditions.

The freedom to operate analysis has confirmed that there is not any existing patent that could interfere with the implementation of our invention.

All potential risks which can harm the project have been identified, with the probability they could happen. Risk-mitigations have also been clearly identified.

The business plan has shown positive outcomes and allowed us to define with precision the required investment and the financial need.

Final results

The possibility to use our new radome will enhance the diffusion of new high-frequency radars, with positive impact on air traffic control, management of increasingly heavy volumes of traffic, air navigation system and satellites missions management.