Many European city centres have been transformed into attractive and liveable urban espaces, but some challenges remain, such as meeting the accessibility requirements for freight deliveries and commercial traffic while preserving the attractiveness of public space. Or design...
Many European city centres have been transformed into attractive and liveable urban espaces, but some challenges remain, such as meeting the accessibility requirements for freight deliveries and commercial traffic while preserving the attractiveness of public space. Or design and test mobility solutions adapted to the distinct challenges in high-density peripheral districts. To tackle these challenges, the cities of Madrid, Stockholm, Munich, Turku and Ruse have joined forces in the CIVITAS ECCENTRIC consortium.
This consortium is led by city administrations with a common interest to increasing the impact of their local policies on sustainable urban mobility and it includes a variety of public and private partners from the five cities, with the City of Madrid acting as coordinator. Furthermore, the project has a huge uptake and replication potential to other cities all across the world. The local consortia will demonstrate the impact of a package of innovative integrated sustainable urban mobility measures on key indicators, reducing emissions, air pollution and congestion and improving accessibility, liveability, social inclusion and efficiency.
The overall objective and impacts of ECCENTRIC will be reached by working on the following specific objectives:
- To demonstrate and test integrated packages of innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in peri-central living laboratory areas, combining new policies, technologies and soft measures.
- To demonstrate and test innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban freight in urban centres, based on a close cooperation with the research and private sectors.
- To contribute to the knowledge base and capacity building on effectiveness of mobility solutions and how to overcome the barriers for their implementation, with the goal to replicate the solutions in other cities.
- To increase the impact of ECCENTRIC on local, national, European level and beyond through communication and networking.
Each CIVITAS ECCENTRIC city is following an integrated multimodal approach aiming at demonstrating a set of complementary and reinforcing mobility solutions in well-defined living laboratory areas. Experienced city partners with a proven track record in the respective field are leading the project’s six thematic demonstration work packages and are responsible for the animation of the structured exchange and cross fertilisation mechanisms.
The general organization of ECCENTRIC Project was designed along 2015 and 2016 by the first partners led by the City of Madrid.
An effective project work team was organised very soon by all the ECCENTRIC cities with their in-house professionals as measure leaders with the complementary expertise of more specialised independent partners. A team of 30 managers, the Project Management Group PMG is now leading the project. The common work is organised through six Demonstration WPs focused on work themes and five Horizontal WPs dealing with transversal management activities (Ethics, Evaluation, Dissemination, Replication and Project Management). The 50 concrete measures are led by measure leaders (ML). The total management team includes 86 experts in sustainable mobility, plus around 20 other staff members representing the rest of partners.
This big team has been working jointly from the very beginning of the project with a good climate, strong interchange links and cross fertilization culture and deep commitment with the common project. CIVITAS ECCENTRIC cities are greatly committed with the project, and their political representatives have positively reacted establishing a Political Advisory Group (PAG) to support the political strategy and the debate around the results.
Along the reported period, from Month 1 to Month 36, the project has implemented most of the work plan according the initial objectives, within the time schedule with minor deviations. All the work packages are working on track and most of the measures are in the monitoring and evaluation phase, figuring exploitation, upscaling and replication plans.
The collaboration between ECCENTRIC cities has been continuous and fruitful, as the elected representatives stated in the PAG meetings in Munich 2018 and Stockholm 2019. They have addressed jointly the new situations brought out, e.g. by the irruption of shared electromobility and micromobility, the challenge of new MaaS approach, the electrification of PT and freight vehicles; the reorganisation of the urban logistics and specially the last mile shift; or the priority to active modes in public space and modal share. The common events have been attended by the majority of partners and measure teams, and the collaboration and knowledge interchange in the common documents and sessions has been very positive.
Besides, the five cities have continued simultaneously working in big projects in the centre of their cities: i.e. The vision for the citycentre of Turku; the central station new pedestrian area and the Walking and Cycling Plan gradual implementation in diverse neighbourhoods as well as the ambitious and persistent electromobility plan of Stockholm or the new regional transport plan for the Public ransport in the same city: the new Danube area in Ruse and the ultralow EZ Madrid Central with the re-design of many central streets have been the actual context for the interventions in the peripheral city and in new logistic of ECCENTRIC along this period.
Along these 36 months of collaborative work, the ECCENTRIC cities have developed several strategies and integrated plans of urban planning, energy and climate, health and air quality really ahead in the innovation and the search for effective mobility solutions in many challenging issues for sustainable mobility as: multimodality, safety, health and quality of public spaces, electromobility, MaaS, active modes priority and mobility management for vulnerable groups. Even, new emerging contexts have been discussed in the collabotarive work as the micromobility or the new freight context.
Some innovative approach has been directly replicated or analysed for replication in other cities, i.e. the E-mobility nodes (from Stockholm to Turku and Madrid), the maintenance of cycling and walking itineraries in cold weather (from Munich and Stockholm to Turku), the dialogue marketing for MM from Munich to Turku; the parking management from Stockholm to Amsterdam, the pop up or tactic strategy for testing a change from Stockholm and Madrid to Turku. The replication has been object of detailed study through an academic research linked to ECCENTRIC, e.g. 6 master thesis focused on these innovative ideas to be replicated and adapted
At the end of the implementation phase, the cross-fertilization activities are being demanded by the ECCENTRIC teams and OCG cities. The group of Observer cities is growing and increasing the interest in the information provided by the project.
The project is studying to set up a thorough Plan for Exploitation and Disemination of Results (PEDR), including new activities related to communication, dissemination, replication and exploitation of the ECCENTRIC measures as a strategic tol to add value to the work achieved in the project and organise a strong legacy.
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