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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TETRAMAX (TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments)


The major objective of TETRAMAX is to provide an implementation of the European “Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)” initiative in the domain of customized low-energy computing (CLEC) for CPS and the IoT. The project builds on learnings from the TETRACOM Coordination Action...


The major objective of TETRAMAX is to provide an implementation of the European “Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)” initiative in the domain of customized low-energy computing (CLEC) for CPS and the IoT. The project builds on learnings from the TETRACOM Coordination Action in FP7 (duration: Sep 2013-Aug 2016, grant agreement no. 609491, Furthermore, TETRAMAX is tightly linked to the two leading European networks in computing systems, i.e. HiPEAC ( and Eurolab-4-HPC (, providing direct access to EU-wide network resources and competences far beyond the TETRAMAX consortium.

TETRAMAX pursues the following objectives to further support the SAE initiative and to achieve its goals in the domain of CLEC:

1. Stimulating, organizing and evaluating different Technology Transfer Experiment (TTX) types: TETRAMAX enables and co-funds three types of TTX, each with a different focus and timeline.
2. Building and leveraging a European CLEC competence center network: SMEs and mid-caps usually do not have dedicated resources to deeply engage in cross-border technology transfer, which in practice is often initiated via personal attendance of major international conferences, trade fairs, or similar technology marketplaces. Therefore, in order to enable TTX in the most efficient way, TETRAMAX establishes an EU wide network of competence centers, providing easy access to novel CLEC technologies via local (i.e. national or regional) contact points as first-hand “shopping places”.
3. Paving the way towards self-sustainability: TETRAMAX is supposed to provide sufficient “seed funding” in order to enable a long-term and self-sustainable EU network of CLEC competence centers.

Throughout its duration, numerous TTX and network activities will be organized and performed to establish the necessary infrastructures, connections, and mechanisms. Beyond TETRAMAX, based on the results achieved by then, the majority of its competence centers will be well prepared for a profitable and self-sustainable operation.

Work performed

TETRAMAX maintains an industry-oriented Technology Brokerage Network (TBN) in the domain of Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. Each competence center (CC) in the network is represented by one of the TETRAMAX project partners and acts as a major TBN hub. The TBN has been ramped up during the first project year, with currently over 300 Local Ecosystem Partners (LEP) and associated Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH). The CCs jointly provide interdisciplinary expertise, and on the other hand operate as local “help desks”, who have performed in total nearly 500 consultations during the reporting period. There is a working technology brokerage portal, with active technology offers and requests.

During the first project year, TETRAMAX launched and closed the 1st “Bilateral TTX” call and the 1st “Value Chain” TTX call. Outcomes include:

1. TTX proposals submitted and eligible for external evaluation:
52 TTX proposals were submitted for both calls (36 Bilateral TTX and 16 Value Chain TTX; and 86,5% of the submitted TTX proposals passed the eligibility check for external evaluation (31 Bilateral TTX and 14 Value Chain TTX).

2. TTX proposals selected for financial support
9 TTX were selected for financial support (6 Bilateral TTX and 3 Value Chain TTX).

3. TTX proposals involving SMEs, start-ups or mid-caps:
In total, 16 SMEs are involved in the selected TTX proposals, and 1 or even more SMEs are part of every TTX consortium, depending on the TTX type. As per EC’s SME definition, 10 micro SMEs and 6 small SMEs are recipients of the TTX financial support granted. 3 TTX are SME-driven and will be implemented by SMEs only.

Final results

TETRAMAX aims at generating the following major results:

• Perform 60+ innovative cross-border Application Experiments, allowing SMEs, mid-caps and other companies to benefit from EU-wide CLEC competence and to integrate new technologies into their products at low risk. This leads to better (faster, cheaper, and lower energy) products and processes, new business opportunities, and (last but not least) new jobs.
• Establish a growing network of CLEC competence centers, all tightly connected within TETRAMAX, covering all EU countries, and each center having a large “smartly specialized” network of local ecosystem partners and digital innovation hubs. This network catalyses CLEC technology transfer at European scale.
• Evolving the TETRAMAX project structures into a self-sustainable CLEC-centric network/ecosystem of competence centers and new digital innovation hubs, based on customized local and global business plans, leveraging existing and new digital platforms proven before via Application Experiments, and joining forces with regional funds like ESIF through the a “TETRAMAX label” as a quality mark.

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