Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP) areas are a key factor in strengthening Europe\'s productivity and innovation capacity and ensuring Europe has an advanced, sustainable and competitive economy, global...
Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMBP) areas are a key factor in strengthening Europe\'s productivity and innovation capacity and ensuring Europe has an advanced, sustainable and competitive economy, global leadership in high-tech application sectors and the ability to develop effective and sustainable solutions for societal challenges. Clusters as phenomena in the economic landscape of regions are clearly highly relevant to RIS3. Clusters and RIS3 are both concerned with fostering regions’ competitiveness. RIS3 will have to integrate cluster policies into a broader transformation agenda for the entire regional economy. The main objectives of the ClusterNanoRoad project were to:
1. Produce an interactive roadmap with relevant case studies on key NMBP themes for use by regions and clusters in RIS3 policy development and decision making. This objective was achieved within the work carried out under WP2.
2. Promote the implementation of three Pilot actions on trans-cluster cooperation in the NMBP area within WP4. During this 2nd half/ period of the ClusterNanoRoad project, efforts continued to be made in promoting the three pilot actions:
- Pilot 1: Focus on the relationship cluster organisation – cluster stakeholder in the process of delivering innovative solutions. Mix model: A multidisciplinary approach to grab the opportunities offered by MNBP technology and transform them into concrete and sustainable solutions answering a real societal or business.
- Pilot 2: Cluster & Regional policy maker working groups: improving knowledge sharing and collaboration between policy makers aiming at developing policy measures and instrument supporting innovation process.
- Pilot 3: Cluster to cluster collaboration: Joint technical, market and regulatory horizon scanning which will support the innovation process.
3. Deliver eight validation workshops that were to feed into the recommendations developed within WP2 and WP4.
4. Launch a websurvey as part of the validation activities of the deliverables produced within the ClusterNanoRoad activities.
5. Make policy recommendations for how regions can benefit from clusters/RIS3 interactions and investments in NMBP and relevant KETs.
The WP1 work has been entirely completed within the first year of the project as planned. It included an extensive mapping exercise, gathering information on cluster-RIS3-KETs interaction (D1.1), a Benchmarking Guide (D1.2) that provided an overview of good practices examples that are transferable from one region and sector to another, and the D1.3 Analysis that provided an overview of commonalities observed in the mapping and benchmarks, setting up indicators on trends and providing a number of policy recommendations.This was the basis for the main subsequent project activities: the roadmap elaborated in Work Package 2 and validation of WP1 analysis findings through interaction with relevant stakeholders such as policy makers and clusters in validation workshops and through three pilot actions (Work Packages 3 and 4). Despite not being planned, small activity has taken place in WP1 in this second reporting period. Indeed, the D1.2 Benchmarking Guide had been entirely prepared and finalised with 10 benchmarking cases within the first reporting period, but an interesting suggestion came up during one of the WP3 validation workshops in RP2: the stakeholders gathered in the validation workshop organised in Prague, Czech Republic, in October 2018, suggested to add an additional benchmarking case of a relevant cluster-driven and KETs-related initiative in Czech Republic. On the basis of the very good exchanges during the workshop (and a visit to the infrastructure built up within the given initiative, organised back-to-back to the workshop), an additional benchmarking case was drafted and added to the D1.2 Benchmarking Guide. The updated document was re-submitted beginning of February 2019 by email and can be found on the ClusterNanoRoad website document repository.
The work developed within WP2 was related with the development of the contents of the Roadmap :
•Chapter 1 - Introduction to NMBP and KETs; this chapter is not intended as an extensive review – regions and clusters will already be aware of NMBP and KETs.
•Chapter 2 - Good practice in KETs uptake support; This chapter will start to focus on KETs more specifically, with the aim to help regions and clusters to create a map of internal and external assets that can support their own long term KETs delivery.
•Chapter 3 – Assessing your cluster capabilities for policy design. The aim of this chapter will be to enable regions and clusters to analyse their own ability and set targets that fit with resources available.
•Chapter 4 – Planning your innovation: Policy recommendations for cluster actions (further details on the roadmap contents available on the power point presentation). This chapter contains a series of policy recommendations to regions, clusters and those seeking to establish clusters.
The roadmap was developed and is now online tool on the project website, as interactive map where it can be grown, tested and refined.
Within WP3, eight validation workshops were delivered to present the findings of the ClusterNanoRoad project . The conclusions and recommendations developed within the ClusterNanoRoad project were validated through consultation with a representative sample of the project stakeholders (e.g. cluster Managers, SME representatives and regional authorities).
Within WP4 the ClusterNanoRoad project, implemented three pilot actions:
- Pilot 1: Focus on the relationship cluster organisation – cluster stakeholder in the process of delivering innovative solutions. Mix model: A multidisciplinary approach to grab the opportunities offered by MNBP technology and transform them into concrete and sustainable solutions answering a real societal or business (lead: DSP Valley).
- Pilot 2: Cluster & Regional policy maker working groups: improving knowledge sharing and collaboration between policy makers aiming at developing policy measures and instrument supporting innovation process (Lead INL).
- Pilot 3: Cluster to cluster co
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