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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ETIP Bioenergy-SABS (European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2016 - 17)


The overarching aim of the Energy Union by 2030 and 2050 is a secure, affordable, competitive, efficient and decarbonised European energy system. Bioenergy is flexible and storable has a key role in providing all forms of energy in such a system.This project aims to support...


The overarching aim of the Energy Union by 2030 and 2050 is a secure, affordable, competitive, efficient and decarbonised European energy system. Bioenergy is flexible and storable has a key role in providing all forms of energy in such a system.
This project aims to support the contributions of biofuel and bioenergy stakeholders to the Energy Union and, more specifically, the Strategic Energy Technology (SET)-Plan. The project will assist the European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy (ETIP Bioenergy) in providing these contributions. Key elements are to facilitate
• Contributions to the SET-Plan activities and strategy, e.g. on renewable energy integration, technology cost reduction and upscaling
• Defining priorities, strategies, R&I investment decisions and programmes;
• Collaboration between stakeholders in addressing energy system integration challenges;
• Identification of technical and non-technical barriers to the delivery of innovation to the energy market;
• Assistance to the European Commission and Member States in defining the research programmes, financial instruments, and addressing the mentioned barriers for the areas of advanced biofuels and bioenergy.
Building on a 10 year track of support to the predecessor, the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP), the ETIP Bioenergy-SABS project will aim at an increased cohesion of bioenergy stakeholders by motivating discussion and interaction on hot topics related to advanced and innovative bioenergy.
Key instruments to achieve this aim will be the ETIP Bioenergy website, factsheets, reports, newsletters and networking events at different scales. The project will compile scientifically sound, fact based information on technical and non-technical bioenergy issues.

Work performed

A key task in the first reporting period was the implementation of the new structure and scope of ETIP Bioenergy. ETIP Bioenergy membership had to reflect the broader scope (in relation to EBTP) and the gaining importance of new end use sectors such as marine and aviation. ETIP Bioenergy now fully integrates the European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP), active since 2006, and the European Industrial Initiative Bioenergy (EIBI), which commenced in 2010. The Terms of Reference as well as all information and promotion material have been adapted accordingly. The Member State technical experts in the EIBI form now the Advisory Board of ETIP Bioenergy with 11 countries represented so far. New members have joined the Steering Committee (SC), with heavy duty road transport, aviation and maritime represented now. The bioenergy sectors of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and the ETIP Renewable Heating and Cooling (ETIP RHC) are now represented in the SC. Networking with other organisation was started or intensified, such as the other energy ETIPs and the Alternative Fuels Forum.

The Strategic Energy Technology Plan of the EU (SET-Plan) contains Renewable Fuels and Bioenergy as one of 10 Key Actions. ETIP Bioenergy provided an Input Paper in November 2016 which fed into a Joint \"Declaration of Intent\" of Stakeholders and Members States the same month. The next step is the development of an Implementation Plan, which started in October 2017.

The EBTP Website was relaunched with a completely new design and many new features building on the extensive existing contents. New factsheets on different aspects of biofuels and bioenergy have been prepared, and the database on pilot and demo projects has been updated and redesigned.

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) from June 2016 has been promoted on several occasions.

ETIP Bioenergy and the project have been present at a number of events, with a Workshop jointly organised by Biomass Sustaining the Future (BESTF), ERA-Net Bioenergy and ETIP Bioenergy workshop and entitled “Bioenergy – from research to market deployment in a European context” as key Event, which took place during the European Biomass Conference (EUBCE) in Stockholm in June 2017.

Final results

Two elements will set the scene for advance biofuels and bioenergy until the end of the project. The Renewable Energy Directive II is expected to be agreed on by the European Parliament and the Council during 2018. REDII will provide the market, policy and sustainability framework for advanced biofuels and bioenergy for the period until 2030. The SET-Plan Key Action 8 Implementation Plan on Renewable Fuels expected in spring 2018 will be important for key research and innvovation actions, together with the upcoming 9th Research Framework Programme of the EU. ETIP Bioenergy will mirror these priorities, with the adaptation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, to reflect the new framework, as a key activity.

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