The research in In2Track is concentrated in three technical areas:- The thirst area has a focus on switches and crossings. Switches and crossings are one of the components in track that’s cause a lot of disturbances. The component is not only expensive in investments terms...
The research in In2Track is concentrated in three technical areas:
- The thirst area has a focus on switches and crossings. Switches and crossings are one of the components in track that’s cause a lot of disturbances. The component is not only expensive in investments terms it is also expensive in terms of maintenance during its life time. The work is focusing on improve the operational performance for the switches and crossings. The project will deliver new subsystems with enhanced reliability and better availability. The subsystems will also have a better maintainability and include sensor systems for monitoring. Some components will have a self-adjusting capability and have better noise and vibration performance. The whole switches and crossings system and its component will present a better life-cycle cost.
- The second area will focus on the track construction. The track design will be deeply monitored and examined in the project. Innovative solutions will be explored in the form of better products. To come to higher levels of reliability and to have a consider savings of life-cycle cost will the project not only come out with better product but also better processes and procedures. The solutions will be well harmonised with current solutions and regulations. The aim is to deliver medium-term solutions.
- The third area is focusing on bridges and tunnels. New and improved inspection methods will be one out come from this part of the project. New and refined technics for maintain the structures will be a focusing area of the project outcome. To reduce noise and vibrations are also one prioritised part of the project. The project is focusing of reducing the life-time cost for bridges and tunnels one way to do that are to extend the life for the bridges and tunnels.
The project will have a holistic and whole system approach. Which is defined as the system boundaries extending from dynamic wheel-rail interaction through to degradation of the switches and crossings, subsystems, individual components and underlying track foundation.
In2Track addresses each of the areas identified in the H2020-S2RJU-2016-01 call and is fully aligned with Shift2Rail IP3 in its objectives, approach and ambitions addressing early enhancements and innovative opportunities.
D 2.1 Identifying and understanding core switches and crossings issues
D 2.2 Enhanced switches and crossing whole system analysis, design and virtual validation
D 2.3 Enhanced monitoring, operation, control and maintenance of switches and crossings
D 3.1 Enhanced track structure – Status, key influencing parameters and prioritised areas of improvement
D 3.2 Enhanced track design solutions through predictive analyses
D 3.3 Enhanced inspection, maintenance and operation of track
D 4.1 Monitoring of tunnels and bridges
D 4.2 Improvement of tunnels and bridges
D 4.3 Demonstrators for tunnel and bridges
The reports can be found and be downloaded at Shift2Rails home page at:
\"1. Relation between crossing geometry and settlement rates
This relation was established through numerical simulations supported by field measurements. To establish this relationship is crucial, since it is the basis for predictive maintenance of crossings – maintenance related to settlements are resource intensive and should not be carried out more than required. The savings due to the increased maintenance precision will depend on the operational condition. Under given operational conditions it can be quantified using local rates for traffic disruptions, personnel, material etc.
2. Whole system modelling framework for switches & crossings with focus on crossing deterioration
Steps toward a whole system model framework for switches & crossings have been taken. As an example of implemented results is the prediction of crossing geometry evolution under operational loading. This modelling allows a crossing design that \"\"wears in\"\" to the optimal geometry. Charting of possibilities for self-adjustment of switches
A cost-benefit analysis of self-adjusting S&C infrastructure with built-in monitoring, considered over the life-cycle of the asset.
3. Pre-deformation technique to test rail steels
Current specifications for rail steels are based on mechanical testing of the virgin material. The characteristics of the virgin rail steel is far from the heavily deformed conditions in the railhead that relates to the majority of the cost inducing phenomena. However, this surface layer is only about some few millimetres thick. To extract material from this zone for testing is not feasible. Instead, a pre-deformation method that creates such a heavily deformed microstructure has been developed.
4. Fibre-reinforced slab track designed for maintainability
Slabs with a twofold objective for the fibres has been developed. The first objective is as a traditional reinforcement. The second objective is to deteriorate the interface when replacement is necessary.
5. Discrete defect weld repair
Building on work in In2Rail, a method for repair of discrete rail defects using line welding has been further investigated. In particular, the propensity for subsurface initiated rolling contact fatigue at the weld has been investigated in depth using numerical simulations.
6. Bituminous sub-ballast layer
As shown in In2Track, bituminous sub-ballast layers can be used to improve load distribution over the track substructure and thereby reduce settlements. The ability of reducing settlements using the relatively simple measure of inserting a bituminous layer would lead to significant savings especially in areas with difficult geotechnical conditions.
7. Autonomous image-based tunnel lining inspection system
In2Track has investigated inspections using high definition images of tunnel lining paired with precise positioning, lidar scanning and an autonomous digital image correlation software capable of automatically detecting significant changes in the external aspect of the tunnel lining. Several test runs have been made in the project. The technology brings economic and capacity related benefits and also improvements in worker safety.
8. Optical measurement systems for bridge inspections
Optical measurement methods – ground based and un-manned aerial vehicle (UAV) mounted – have been used to test the applicability of several image-based technologies in the creation of digital twins, detection of damage and identification and tracking of changes in geometry and structural behaviour of bridges.
9. Novel techniques to reinforce or replace of bridge elements
In2Track has analysed and tested enhancement of old masonry arch bridges by using concrete liners, cross ties and fibre reinforced polymer pattress plates. Old steel bridges have had single structural elements or whole deck sections replaced by statically equivalent fibre reinforced polymer elements. In addition, using carbon fibre reinforced polymer plates to reinforce stringer to floor beam connec\"
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