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Ruggedised project deliverables

The page lists 25 deliverables related to the research project "Ruggedised".

 List of Deliverables

Ruggedised: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

First version SCC1 Database (combined calendar, dissemination material, useful links) One per task!

The project database will contain the dissemination material that is produced by the project activities. It will contain the most relevant links to websites and information sources such as related projects and it will contain the inputs to the various (e.g. European) portals and databases in the quality and form specified.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

“Lessons learned on the implementation of smart solutions in the Lighthouses”, interim report 1/3

Based on task 1.1. This report contains the overarching innovation and implementation framework including the main technical and socio-economic challenges and contextual factors that influence (hampers or enforces) local innovation and the implementation of smart solutions in each of the lighthouse.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-19

Evaluation templates

Templates to enable distributing the evaluation of the demo sites, formalizing the content of D5.2. Using those templates, responsible persons for certain topics (e.g., renewable heating and cooling) ca be assigned for each demo site to do the evaluation on a local level. This assures that the evaluation process is the same in every city.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-19

Monitoring and evaluation manual

A manual to assure that the data gathered in the lighthouse cities is comparable. Common standards for monitoring and evaluation are described. On one hand, already existing standards (e.g., Smart City Information System) are catalogued for the use of the cities. On the other hand, calculation methods for results not already covered are described. This is done for the quality of data as well, which will influence the actual monitoring implementation.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-19

Project website

A project website will designed, developed and maintained throughout the lifetime of the project to showcase the RUGGEDISED cities, the smart solutions and engagement opportunities (e.g. registration for study visits, product demos) for other cities, industry and other stakeholders.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Overarching innovation and implementation framework

Based on tasks 1.2 and 1.4. This report contains a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City describing background/context, the integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project, and status of each solution applied. The report describes the details of the implementation measures themselves, the processes/procedures followed, and interim results achieved thusfar.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-02-19


The e-updates will be disseminated electronically every four months. All issues will be accessible through an updated archive on the project website. Blog posts from the Lighthouse cities will form the key content and smart city events highlighting those that the project will be attending.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Communications & Dissemination Strategy

The strategy will outline a systematic approach to reaching out and communicating to its target audience actions it wants them to take (i.e. uptake of the smart solutions and transitioning towards smart city development) through tailored activities and appropriate communications mix.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Promotional brochure

A project brochure, giving an overview of the RUGGEDISED project, will be developed to ensure a good level of visibility of RUGGEDISED at events and communicate the key elements of the project at a glance.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

European workshop 1/5

The first in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International \'Smart city\' events.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Corporate design (logos, templates & branding guide)

An attractive, modern and authoritative visual identity reflecting the ambition of the RUGGEDISED project and the messages it wants to send will be created as part of this task and applied across all of the project’s communications platforms and products.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Local communication strategy

The local dissemination plan will define the activities to be carried out at a local level focus, the primary target group would be citizens, industry and regionally close cities. The strategy will outline the main activities which will be completed by the Lighthouse Cities in the scope of the project including: digital media, the materials to be produced and the activities foreseen.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-02-19

Article in media 1/3

RUGGEDISED will also publish articles on (intermediate and final) results in specialist city, transport, energy and building infrastructure magazines. Published articles will also be disseminated via the RUGGEDISED digital media channels and included on a regular basis in the well-established and widespread communication channels of the respective network partners involved in RUGGEDISED.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

Initial Replication Assessments

The report provides an assesment of the initial state of play in Brno, Gdansk and Parma in order to: a) confirm that the smart solutions demonstrated by the lighthouse cities are as described in the proposal or whether minor technical, organisational or temporal changes have been applied; b) assess and update the local state of play regarding replication district level energy efficiency, use of renewables, smart mobility, and quality of infrastructure; c) survey and update the urban development and renovation programmes and plans, financing opportunities, as 
well as key policy and legislation frameworks affecting smart city project developments; d) assess and update the existing stakeholder participation processes including a survey of the institutional, industrial and user/consumer groups that could be potentially involved in the governing group.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Smart Cities Technical Factsheets

Factsheets provide a concise, yet informative tool to share information. For those wishing to find out more technical and detailed information about the smart solutions a series of factsheets will be produced by site managers in WP2-4 together with industry partners. These are designed to share in detail the benefits of the 12 solutions in an easily accessible way. In terms of developing and disseminating them, the following steps are involved for ICLEI:
• A design template for the factsheets will be produced as part of Task 9.3 to ensure that these are presented in a clear and consistent way.
• The content guide is to ensure that communications texts, material, and publications meet high standards while also being accessible to non-native English speakers.
• A reduced template and content guide will be delivered by ICLEI to the site leaders, who are responsible for collating and returning the completed versions.
• The text will be edited and proofread by ICLEI’s professional editorial staff.
• The text will be embedded by ICLEI into the templates and then uploaded onto the project website for dissemination.
• Factsheets will then be promoted through website cross-linking and will be included in the e-update as well as through other project communication channels.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

“Rich narratives” –Scenario analyses for the Lighthouse cities and recommendations

The deliverable encompasses (2-4) plausible alternative futures for the contextual systems common to the lighthouse cities, in a 15-year perspective. These narratives will identify key determinants (drivers, barriers, framework conditions) in the socio-political landscape, and the interaction of these with the urban innovation system with the intention to inform strategic analysis and system modelling. The \'narrative\' format will combine detailed storytelling with illustrative/visual elements (graphics, presentations, etc. to be defined) to support communication of findings within the consortium.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Data privacy report of the 3-D model

Based on Task 2.4. A report on the results of the implementation of LoRa in the context of the project. The report will contain a description of the effect of the LoRa-network on the introduction of new low-cost sensors in the practice area.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Sensors to measure filling of waste containers implemented (Smart waste management)

Based on Task 2.5. Waste containers are fitted out with sensors that are connected to LoRa-network.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

European workshop 2/5

The second in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International \'Smart city\' events.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

Study visit in Lighthouse City, including one national/regional showcase event per Lighthouse City 2/3

Study visits in the Lighthouse cities will be prganised in the scope of the RUGGEDISED project. These would be open principally to the City Interest Group, but other cities may also register their interest via an online form on the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

“Lessons learned on the implementation of smart solutions in the Lighthouses”, interim report 2/3

Based on tasks 1.2 and 1.4. This report contains a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City describing background/context, the integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project, and status of each solution applied. The report describes the details of the implementation measures themselves, the processes/procedures followed, and interim results achieved thusfar.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Initial findings from the establishment of Innovation Platforms

An interim summary and conclusions on the establishment of the Platforms. The report serves as a comparative guide between the LHC\'s with the aim of enabling a discussion between the LHC\'s and other relevant consortium partners on the benefits and consequences of organisational and strategical decisions. Linked to T6.1 and approximately 30 pages.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Guide for setting up and sustaining Local Innovation Platforms

Based on task 1.2, 1.3 and 6.5. Report containing a guide on how to set-up and sustain local innovation platforms based on the lessons learned from Task 1.2 and experiences of Task 6.5. The Guide describes the concept of Innovation Plattforms, the experiences in the Lighthouse cities, experiences in establishing similar structures in other cities and suggestions for important aspects to think about and things to avoid.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14

Study visit in Lighthouse City, including one national/regional showcase event per Lighthouse City 1/3

Study visits in the Lighthouse cities will be prganised in the scope of the RUGGEDISED project. These would be open principally to the City Interest Group, but other cities may also register their interest via an online form on the project website.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Other 2020-01-14

Report on the Context and Critical Conditions (CCC) process and result for each light house city

The report will comprise of a summary and comparison of analyses done for each LHC and will identify the main critical conditions for each city. The main outcome is an increased understanding of the socio-economic barriers to upscaling and will provide input to further elaboration of the innovation platforms in each lighthouse city. Despite having a local focus on the LHC\'s, general conclusions are likely also beneficial to the follower cities, either as direct input or as inspiration. The report is the result of T6.5 and will be of approximately 60 pages.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.3.1. - Topic(s): SCC-1-2016-2017

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Documents, reports 2020-01-14