Overall objectives are to increase productivity in Drug Discovery for cancer therapies.There is an increasing societal need across the EU and the world to find more effective anticancer drugs, with fewer toxic effects for providing patient care.INOVOTION provides a...
Overall objectives are to increase productivity in Drug Discovery for cancer therapies.
There is an increasing societal need across the EU and the world to find more effective anticancer drugs, with fewer toxic effects for providing patient care.
INOVOTION provides a ground-breaking solution to academics, biotechs and big pharma companies developing new anticancer drugs, using chick eggs instead of lab mice as an in vivo model.
Chick eggs have much faster biological processes and require much fewer lab resources (essentially just a stable temperature and humidity) than mice.
No other research group has been able to achieve reproducible results using chick eggs
Our preclinical testing allows our clients to identify which potential drugs will have the best chance of succeeding pre-clinical (mouse) testing.
This leads to greatly increased efficiency in identifying new anticancer treatments.
This study examined:
- the technical and commercial feasibility for automating this testing process.
- International development on the US East Coast
The study examined :
- Technical feasibility for automating the lab processes :
. Detailed Technical Specifications and Design for the automated process
. Expected performance
. Robot replication cost
. International IP recommendations
- Economic Feasibility
. Identification fo the markets targeted
. Identify the potential competition
. Market positioning and Key Differentiators
- Service Offering for the USA
. Summary description of the service offering
. Key selling points for each market segment
- Analysis of the US East Coast market potential
. Biotech market size comparison : US vs Europe
. Biotech activity in various East Coast regions
- Choice of region for our US Offices
. Analysis of the Market Size for each region
. Road Trip to Boston and Philadelphia
The final project will deliver an automated process that is commercialised in Europe and the USA.
It will allow a much greater capacity for testing potential new anticancer treatments, allowing our company to address worldwide Drug Discovery markets.
Furthermore, this will be the first time that pre-clinical in vivo testing is automated.
No other preclinical drug discovery models (lab mice, zebrafish, etc) have ever been automated.
More info: http://www.inovotion.com.