Opendata, web and dolomites


A novel drug candidate for the treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis - an innovative solution for a significant unmet medical need

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 theEoE project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the theEoE project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "theEoE" about.

generating    environmental    causing    eosinophils    theeoe    tissue    technologies    cell    cellular    revolutionary    healthier    injury    toxicology    persists    eosinophilic    modulating    disease    platform    drug    local    possibly    modulation    inflammatory    perfectly    efficacy    first    discovery    uncontrolled    regurgitation    revenue    ip    reduces    line    cells    series    risk    wellbeing    epithelial    benefit    physicians    fewer    symptoms    compounds    barriers    promotion    smarter    clinical    foods    necessarily    swallowing    bioavailability    indications    innovation    accumulate    prioritized    investing    elicited    spending    health    europe2020    occurs    company    applies    patented    payers    vomiting    embryo    modifies    pain    points    thelial    difficulty    eoe    esophagus    complications    treatment    lower    inflammation    polarity    allergens    patients    manufacturing    persistent    topical    fly    nausea    people    approved    time    pathologies    28    esophagitis    sustainable    offers    thanks    therapy    cure    fits    candidate    thelitetm    blood    diseases    progression    proprietary    decision    remodeling    white    integrity   

Project "theEoE" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
postcode: 3060197
website: n.a.

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Portugal [PT]
 Project website
 Total cost 71˙429 €
 EC max contribution 50˙000 € (70%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.3.1.3. (Treating and managing disease)
 Code Call H2020-SMEINST-1-2016-2017
 Funding Scheme SME-1
 Starting year 2016
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2016-12-01   to  2017-04-30


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    THELIAL TECHNOLOGIES SA PT (CANTANHEDE) coordinator 50˙000.00


 Project objective

Thelial Technologies, S.A. is a revenue generating drug discovery company that applies its unique, proprietary fly embryo-based technology to find new candidate compounds for the treatment of diseases that can be addressed by cell polarity modulation. By modulating cell polarity it is possible to specifically target a series of indications, where reduced integrity of epithelial cellular barriers is a key to pathologies. Using Thelial’s patented discovery platform theLiTETM the company has identified 28 candidate compounds, of which one – theEoE has been prioritized for further development based on toxicology, efficacy, bioavailability, IP and manufacturing decision points. theEoE will be the first approved product for treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). EoE is an inflammatory disease of the esophagus elicited by foods and possibly environmental allergens. It occurs when a type of white blood cells, eosinophils, accumulate in the esophagus and persists, causing local injury and inflammation. Currently, there are no specific cure for the EoE, causing patients’ reduced wellbeing due to uncontrolled and persistent symptoms (e.g. high difficulty in swallowing, pain, nausea, regurgitation, and vomiting). Thelial offers a targeted topical treatment that reduces the clinical symptoms, modifies disease progression through tissue remodeling, and increases the duration of treatment response. These features will allow physicians, patients and payers to benefit from a revolutionary new treatment with fewer side-effects, and lower risk of health complications thanks to a better management of the disease over time. By promoting a first in line targeted therapy for EoE, Thelial’s innovation project perfectly fits the “Europe2020 challenges – for a healthier EU” 1) spending smarter but not necessarily more in sustainable health systems and 2) investing in people’s health, particularly through health-promotion programmes.

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The information about "THEEOE" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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