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H2020 projects about "lower"

The page lists 1300 projects related to the topic "lower".

# achronym  title  year 
1 UPWARDS Understanding Planet Mars With Advanced Remote-sensing Datasets and Synergistic Studies 2015
2 F.I.T. for Future F.I.T. for Future 2014
3 ULTIMATE Ultra Low emission Technology Innovations for Mid-century Aircraft Turbine Engines 2015
4 MMTech New aerospace advanced cost effective materials and rapid manufacturing technologies 2015
5 SOUND Statistical multi-Omics UNDerstanding of Patient Samples 2015
6 PHOCNOSIS Advanced nanophotonic point-of-care analysis device for fast and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases 2015
7 MDS-RIGHT Providing the right care to the right patient with MyeloDysplastic Syndrome at the right time 2015
8 nextBioPharmDSP Next-generation biopharmaceutical downstream process 2015
9 ROBOX Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols (ROBOX) 2015
10 INSITER Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components 2014
11 DESTinationRAIL Decision Support Tool for Rail Infrastructure Managers 2015
12 SYNCHRO-NET Synchro-modal Supply Chain Eco-Net 2015
13 HOMESKIN HOMES Key INsulating material 2015
14 PRIMCHEM Primitive chemistry in planetary atmospheres: From the upper atmosphere down to the surface 2015
15 ISOBIO Development and Demonstration of Highly Insulating, Construction Materials from Bio-derived Aggregates 2015
17 PRODIAS PROcessing Diluted Aqueous Systems 2015
18 SYMBIO-TIC Symbiotic Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly: Technologies, Innovations and Competitiveness 2015
19 ECO-Binder Development of insulating concrete systems based on novel low CO2 binders for a new family of eco-innovative, durable and standardized energy efficient envelope components 2015
20 HESPERIA High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis 2015
21 RiP Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 2015
22 TUNNEL Tunneling Spectroscopy in van-der-Waals Device 2015
23 COFLeaf Fuel from sunlight: Covalent organic frameworks as integrated platforms for photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction 2015
24 PhilPharm Philosophy of Pharmacology: Safety, Statistical standards and Evidence Amalgamation 2015
25 CorticALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from a cortical perspective: towards alternative therapeutic strategies 2015
26 ButaNexT Next Generation Bio-butanol 2015
27 RED-Heat-to-Power Conversion of Low Grade Heat to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis 2015
28 STEPWISE SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry 2015
29 eDrug Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design 2015
30 INTERDOT INTERconnects enhanced by colloidal qDOT based optical amplifiers 2015
31 COREGAL Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management 2015
32 TRACKWAY Training of Innovative, Creative and Entrepreneurial Researchers in Waterborne Dispersed Polymers 2015
33 eCHO Systems Enhancing CHO by Mammalian Systems Biotechnology (eCHO systems) 2015
35 ProteinFactory Engineering of new-generation protein secretion systems 2015
36 ACT5G Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond 2015
37 N-SUPP_INNO Support for Enhancing Innovation Management in SME and Key Account Managementin Niedersachsen 2014
38 RAMCIP Robotic Assistant for MCI patients at home 2015
39 I-SUPPORT ICT-Supported Bath Robots 2015
40 SOLEDLIGHT Solution Processed OLEDs for Lighting 2015
41 DiCoMo Direct conversion hybrid-organic X-ray detectors on metal oxide backplane 2015
42 Optintegral Advertisement displays manufactured by hybrid in-mould integration 2015
44 LORIX Large Organic Robust Imager for X-ray sensing 2015
45 ENTICE dEcentralized repositories for traNsparent and efficienT vIrtual maChine opErations 2015
46 PING Printed Intelligent NFC Game cards and packaging 2015
47 TIPS Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems 2015
48 EPP - eHealth European Procurers Platform - eHealth - Transforming the market for eHealth Solutions 2015
49 SMARTER-SI Smart Access to Manufacturing for Systems Integration 2015
50 CYCLONE Complete Dynamic Multi-cloud Application Management 2015
51 RAIS Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis 2015
52 HOLA CLOUD Effective collaboration for European RD and Innovation in software, services and Cloud computing: Knowledge discovery and Roadmapping 2015
53 SocketMaster Development of a Master Socket for optimised design of prosthetic socket for lower limb amputees 2015
54 WiSHFUL Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL 2015
55 REMINE Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications 2015
56 RiCORE Risk Based Consenting of Offshore Renewable Energy Projects 2015
57 R2R Biofluidics Large scale micro-and nanofabrication technologies for bioanalytical devices based on R2R imprinting 2015
58 GrowSmarter GrowSmarter 2015
59 NETFFICIENT Energy and economic efficiency for today’s smart communities through integrated multi storage technologies 2015
60 Bioenergy4Business Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business 2015
61 SEMICOMPLEX Divide and conquer ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for spectroscopic calculations of complex systems 2015
62 POPSTAR Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering 2015
63 GAPS Spectral gaps in interacting quantum systems 2015
64 QuInnE Quality of Jobs and Innovation Generated Employment Outcomes 2015
65 ICPEU Developing Protocols to standardize the development and documentation of energy efficiency projects in the built environment and accelerate their financing. 2015
66 ELINKKER Solutions for TCO optimized electrification of city bus systems 2014
67 Ultramelt An innovative, disruptive, advanced technology for ultrasonic flow enhancement of injection moulding that significantly reduces cooling times improves productivity 2014
68 VEZ VEZ 2014
69 CAREMiBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2014
70 ThinkEHR Platform Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. 2014
71 APTOS APTOS: industrial scale–up of an Advanced tube forming -Process through Thermal Optimization, enabling energy and manufacturing costs Savings 2014
72 Stefy Sensor Technology for Food analYsis 2014
73 DeReco Feasibility Study on Decentralised Heat Recovery 2014
74 Briareo Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. 2014
75 Briareo Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. 2014
76 EeHPC Energy efficient High Performance Computing 2014
77 EU-PolarNet Connecting Science with Society 2015
78 IMPRECSIM Improving wet plastic recycling through innovative lagrangian particle-fluid simulations 2015
79 Bio-Strategies Bio-strategies of mineral nutrient extraction from silicates by selected microorganisms 2015
80 SPICY Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for high energy battery 2015
81 HDGAS Heavy Duty Gas Engines integrated into Vehicles 2015
82 XERIC Innovative Climate-Control System to Extend Range of Electric Vehicles and Improve Comfort 2015
83 RESOLVE Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles 2015
84 WEEVIL Ultralight and ultrasafe adaptable 3-wheeler 2015
85 Moments Moment inequalities in matrix algebras 2015
86 LoCO2Fe Development of a Low CO2 Iron and Steelmaking Integrated Process Route for a Sustainable European Steel Industry 2015
87 EGI-Engage Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons 2015
88 AntWatFre Hydration Dynamics of Antifreeze Proteins 2015
89 FACADE FIRE Numerical characterisation of fire growth in external facades and other vertical spaces 2016
90 AlFHoNSo Analysing Forest Hydrocarbons with Networks of Sensors 2015
91 STEELANOL Production of sustainable, advanced bio-ethANOL through an innovative gas-fermentation process using exhaust gases emitted in the STEEL industry 2015
92 Soft Gluons Soft Gluon Physics and Multi-Loop Calculations 2015
93 SiCWIRE Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Electronic and biosensing applications 2016
94 CHOCOLATE CHanges Of CO2 Levels during pAst and fuTure intErglacials 2015
95 ECONOMY Plant Ecology for Nitrous Oxide Mitigation and Sustainable Productivity 2016
96 SmartMammaCAD Intelligent Automated System for detecting Diagnostically Challenging Breast Cancers 2015
97 MINDFLY Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems 2016
98 GLOBE All Organic Redox Flow Batteries 2015
99 Safe and Sound Drive Design of a serious game for cars to help increase driver skills and lower fuel consumption 2015
100 NICOS Nonlinear optical coatings at high intensities 2015
101 WORMTUMORS Worm power: Can helminths modify the development of colorectal cancer? 2015
102 EI-USAXS Imaging ultra-small angle x-ray scattering with edge-illumination: exploiting sub-pixel information in medical diagnostics, materials science and security screening 2015
103 OPTIMAL NMR Optimal control methods for biological solid state nuclear magnetic resonance 2015
104 MAXWELL Maximising wellbeing and minimising emissions: backcasting social visions for a low-carbon Europe. 2015
106 WALKEr Robot-induced Error Augmentation for improving pre-gait and gait rehabilitation in stroke survivors 2015
107 TADFORCE Strengthening and survey beyond the knowledge of the TADF emitters as materials for superefficient OLED devices 2015
108 MolNANOtox Nanomaterial surface interactions at the molecular level and their impact on ecotoxicity 2015
109 Amicrex Development of a Microwave Assisted Cell Disruption of Biomass and Extraction of Valuable Compounds 2015
111 IDEA Investigating Dishonesty with Experimental Applications: Evidence from the Lab and the Field 2015
112 RACe The impact of climate change on the uptake of arsenic into rice 2016
113 CHP Upscaling and commercialization of a highly efficient wood pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation 2015
114 Greenrail Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow 2015
115 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2015
116 ColdPeak PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units 2015
117 Mubic Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy 2015
118 climote climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling 2015
119 ITECCO Innovative Transport Equipment for Coal, Coke and Ore 2015
120 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
121 HighPower High Efficiency Distributed Power Plant 2015
122 PROMETHEUS-5 Energy efficient and environmentally friendly multi-fuel power system with CHP capability, for stand-alone applications. 2015
123 Suninbox Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2015
125 IDEAL InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack 2015
126 CSAR Ensuring pipeline integrity using Earth Observation Data 2015
127 REFEREE pREcise Fluids mEteRing EquipmEnt 2015
128 BLUE IODINE Boost BLUE economy trough market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for IODINE fortification 2015
129 IVANCA IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation 2015
130 HELIUM High European Laboratory for Institutes, Universities and Markets 2015
131 BIOCURE Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing 2015
132 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2015
133 Space-COTS High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space 2015
134 OP3C On board Processing for Compression and Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data 2015
135 SEMICOOL-H Hybrid cooling system for semiconductor detectors of X- and Gamma- Rays 2015
136 COOL POWER Efficient microgeneration combined with food cooling systems in trade, crafts and service companies 2015
137 SoN3S Software defined Satellite Navigation Security Simulator Study 2015
138 APEX Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases 2015
139 I-DISC Development of a Novel, Intelligent Down the Hole Disconnect Tool 2015
140 SDO-MET Automatic Rail Safety Solution 2015
141 CoMPi Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean 2015
142 DEFLUG Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution 2015
143 HYscreen A fast, cost-effective breath analysis technology for Helicobacter pYlori screening at both large and small scale. 2015
144 TurboFeasibility Feasibility assessment of direct drive high speed turbo compressors for production oil free compressed air for medium size applications 2015
145 HEATSENS_S Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonicdriven thermal sensing for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in agro-food field. 2015
146 Heat2Energy Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery 2015
147 Remote Sanitation Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas 2015
148 ELECTRIC_AXLE Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles 2015
149 STERILISE Safe sustainable reliable in-office processing of medical waste 2015
150 WeSmartPark Giving Drivers Access to Conventional and Electric Car Parking Lots Through the WeSmartPark Enhanced Management System 2015
151 LeakFree Development of a reliable quality control system using advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technologies for the production environment of leak-free fuel tanks from plastics and composites 2015
152 BRAINSPECT Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease 2015
153 EeC WITUR Efficient energy cleaning robotic platform for wind turbines (EeC WITUR) 2015
154 NIRIS Non-Intrusive Resident Identification Sensor 2015
155 Aerowash II InnovAtive automatic battERy pOwered WASHing robot for the aviation industry – Aerowash II 2015
156 SmartGridEnable SmartGrid Distributed Monitoring, Synchronization and Active Management 2015
158 Cryoshelter Bringing a new LNG-tank technology to industrial readyness 2015
159 PolyHalter Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters 2015
160 CLOUDWATCH2 Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research 2015
161 NMP TeAm 3 Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 2015
162 AARC Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) 2015
163 Colibri The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis 2015
164 CLOUD-VAS Cloud based Vessel Allocation Decision Support System for Vessel Chartering 2015
165 Collect and Reflect Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by implementing Collect and Reflect(TM) blinds for solar energy collection and reflection (Collect and Reflect) 2015
166 MD-SD-OCT An innovative double technologies medical device for corneal diseases. 2015
167 ThforPV New Thermodynamic for Frequency Conversion and Photovoltaics 2015
168 LOFAR Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR 2015
169 LIFES 50plus Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m. 2015
170 Eco-UV Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection 2015
172 ZAS Zinc Air Secondary innovative nanotech based batteries for efficient energy storage 2015
173 Riblet4Wind Riblet-Surfaces for Improvement of Efficiency of Wind Turbines 2015
174 SAMOFAR A Paradigm Shift in Reactor Safety with the Molten Salt Fast Reactor 2015
175 HERACLES-CP HERACLES-CP: Towards the Conversion of High Performance Research Reactors in Europe 2015
176 OPE Open Payments Eco-system 2015
177 Dermtest An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) 2015
178 FLOATMAST An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks 2015
179 MEWi-B More Efficient Wind Blades 2015
180 RETYRE Recycling waste tyres into devulcanized rubber 2015
182 WCE Wroclaw Centre of Excellence 2015
183 TEMARA Teaming to Extend Maltese Ambitions in the Aerospace Sector 2015
184 RELAX Optimal Person-Machine Sensorimotor Coupler for Application to Micro-Manufacturing 2015
185 SynCatMatch MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity 2015
186 PICSIMA Next generation 3D print technology (PICSIMA), which for the first time enables the direct full colour printing of silicone to make soft tissue prostheses, orthoses and removable partial dentures. 2015
187 HyCloud Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. 2015
188 CardioBIVA Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home 2015
189 IDH Digital Health Hub Europe 2015
190 AIRCRANE New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. 2015
191 HybridBatteryPack Hybrid Battery Pack 2015
192 GAREP Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant 2015
193 COSYNAT Clean, Versatile and Cost-effective Waste-to-Energy Solution 2015
194 NanoFASE Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment 2015
195 Multi-JOBINSEC Micro- and Macro-Level Determinants of Job Insecurity Perceptions: Individual, Organizational and Social Consequences. Multilevel Analysis and Comparisons among Countries 2015
196 FutureTDM Reducing Barriers and Increasing Uptake of Text and Data Mining for Research Environments using a Collaborative Knowledge and Open Information Approach 2015
197 GreenLight Cost effective lignin-based carbon fibres for innovative light-weight applications 2015
198 MPCPRO Better MPC Protocols in Theory and in Practice 2015
199 DuaLL Duality in Formal Languages and Logic - a unifying approach to complexity and semantics 2015
200 VirtuWind Virtual and programmable industrial network prototype deployed in operational Wind park 2015
201 WAVE-METAL Feasibility Study of a marketable, sustainable, innovative WAter-based high Vacuum METALlization 2015
202 NICENAV NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology 2015
203 ARENA Arena-Master Mobile Solution for Complete Synthetic Turf Recycling On-site 2015
204 ReHeat Heat Recovery System for Professional Laundry Equipment 2015
205 NAVDEC Navigational Decision Support System for Improved COLREGs Safety Management 2015
206 SMITH SMart and Interoperable THermal network system development 2015
207 ANDROTEST Point of care test for non invasive differential diagnosis of obstrutive and non-obstructive azoospermia in male fertility 2015
208 helioSTEAM A novel concentrated solar steam system for industrial applications with a high degree of pre-manufacturing at extremely low prices. 2015
209 ACCORD Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains 2015
210 N-Supp_INNO-15 Innovation Enhacement and Key Account Activities iwithin EEEN Niedersachsen 2015-2016 2015
211 DSLIGHT Advanced Lighting Management System for film production, smart lighting and creative industry 2015
212 TRICHO T-18 Environmental friendly fungicide based on new endophytic Biological Control Agent Trichoderma asperellum strain T18 2015
213 Spectra Spectra- A novel diagnostic device to improve retinal imaging 2015
214 OSIRIS Optimal SIC substR ates for Integrated Microwave and Power CircuitS 2015
215 DEPURGAN Swine-farm revolution 2015
216 Predictive Vision Predictive Vision Saving lives in dangerous working environments with Predictive Risk Management software 2015
217 MetaFuel High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell 2015
218 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light sEnsing for Advanced Portable Devices 2015
219 STARS Strategies Targeting Thyroid Hormone in Athrophy Related Syndromes 2015
220 EXIST Extended Image Sensing Technologies 2015
221 DIME Disequilibirum metamorphism of stressed lithosphere 2015
222 BIONICO BIOgas membrane reformer for deceNtralIzed hydrogen produCtiOn 2015
223 H2ME Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2015
224 ESS-SUSTAIN European Social Survey Sustainability 2015
225 Macro Identification New Approaches to the Identification of Macroeconomic Models 2015
226 dynamicmodifications Complexity and dynamics of nucleic acids modifications in vivo 2015
227 NeuroN Neurophysiological Biomarkers of Cortical Plasticity Induced by Neuromodulation 2015
228 MOPHIMPOC Optical Ultrasound Imaging for Real-time Guidance of Intracardiac Procedures 2015
229 ZERO-PLUS Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology 2015
230 REMAGHIC New Recovery Processes to produce Rare Earth -Magnesium Alloys of High Performance and Low Cost 2015
231 MovAiD Movement Assisting Devices: Manufacturing of personalized Kineto-Dynamics parts and products for workers, elderly and children 2015
232 RoVi Robotic manipulator with visuo-haptic sensing 2015
233 REPHLECT Recovering Europe´s PHotovoltaics LEadership through high Concentration Technology 2015
234 piur tUS A cost effective 3D tomographic ultrasound technology for vascular diagnostics 2015
235 DataNimbus Feasibility study of a new tool for managing, processing, sharing and transferring huge amounts of scientific data (DataNimbus) 2015
236 EdGe The molecular genetic architecture of educational attainment and its significance for cognitive health 2015
237 CyberCare Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care 2016
238 FormGram Form-frequency correspondences in grammar 2015
239 ULTIMA ULTrafast Imaging sensor for Medical Applications 2015
240 AMEFOCT Add-on module for optical coherence tomography with en-face view option 2015
241 Sniff-Nose A novel double-point intravascular diagnostic probe with continuous monitoring of the biomarker panel, dual oxygen tension PcvO2 and PcsO2, for clinical assessment of heart failure 2015
242 SEMERGY Energy efficient and sustainable building planning 2015
243 Blink Software, not Hardware: Revolutionising Satellite Data Acquisition 2015
244 ACES ACES: Air Cargo Explosive Screener 2015
245 ChemSniff Chemical sniffer device for multi-mode analysis of threat compounds 2015
246 COMbAT Commercialization of a novel tool for designing personalized nOvel MelAnoma Therapies 2015
247 AM-SENSE A Rapid Point-of-Care Breath Ammonia Sensor for Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori 2015
248 HUMEXE HUman EXoskEleton for autonomous movement control 2015
249 ROBOTGRAFT An integrated high throughput robot and a new multi-rootstock grafting technology to improve plant/crop yield 2015
250 MODBRIDGE Modular 100% Carbon Fibre Footbridge 2015
251 ISPNET Intelligent System for Pressure Networks 2015
253 FishDirector Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation 2015
254 XPRESS XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research 2015
255 SMAV SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves 2015
256 SV2 Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 2015
257 SPIRYT Platform for envIRonmentallY Sustainable Textile processing, to be replicated worldwide in the fashion industry Feasibility Study 2015
258 DEXscAn Low-cost semiconducting polymers for manufacturing 2D-digital X-Ray detectors 2015
259 JPM Jensen Predictive Maintenance (JPM System) of district heating pipes 2015
260 WHEY2VALUE Whey2Value: Valorising waste whey into high-value products 2015
261 Q-Bot Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems 2015
262 WalkableFUTURE Lightweight Active Orthosis for kids who are unable to walk due to brain damage 2015
263 NCUscan Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning 2016
264 TUMAPOS Using TUnnel Magneto Resistance Technology for MAgnetic POSition MeasurementTUMAPOS 2015
265 SORBET Spin Orbitronics for Electronic Technologies 2015
266 NANOGRANITES Nanogranite Inclusions: New Window into the Partial Melting of the Deep Earth´s Crust 2016
267 PICs4All Photonic Integrated Circuits Accessible to Everyone 2016
268 L3MATRIX Large Scale Silicon Photonics Matrix for Low Power and Low Cost Data Centers 2015
269 HAMLET Heterogeneous Advancement and hybrid integration of polymer and tripLEx platform for Integrated Microwave PhoTonics 2015
270 LASIG-TWIN Laser Ignition - A Twinning Collaboration for Frontier Research in Eco-Friendly Fuel-Saving Combustion 2016
271 BioCarbon Rapid tree-planting through the use of remote sensing and unmanned vehicle planting technologies for large scale reforestation 2015
272 POLIFEMO POLIFEMO - Panoramic Multifunctional Sensor for Small/Micro Satellite 2015
273 ACMC Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection 2015
274 habITAT Internet of Things Air Tester as a new standards based wearable monitoring station for personalized indoor and outdoor air quality real-time assessment 2015
275 INSUPanel Building the green way: wide take-up of a versatile, proven, energy and cost efficient insulation technology 2015
276 SuperHD-ToolBox Next generation Image Processing Engine to support the creation, processing, deployment and transmission of super high definition images for large format ‘smart’ digital displays and signage 2015
278 Respiratory-ImmunoDx Clinical validation of host biomarker signature for distinguishing bacterial versus viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in adults at the point-of-need 2015
279 HIGHER HIGHER: “High performance Engine for Light Sport Aircraft 2015
280 ONEPLY The Greenest Tissue Paper in the World 2015
281 HYBRID_BOATS An innovative hybrid propulsion and generation system for yachts 2015
282 InDrive Automotive EGNSS Receiver for High Integrity Applications on the Drive 2016
283 VET-TWIN Strengthening of scientific excellence of the National Veterinary Research Institute in animal health and food chain safety 2016
284 INSTRUCTIVE INfrared STRUctural monitoring of Cracks using Thermoelastic analysis In production enVironmEnts 2016
285 STARS Satellite Technology for Advanced Railway Signalling 2016
286 TMC Brake Development of a titanium composite brake part for weight reduction and hence lower fuel burn and emissions on a large, long haul aircraft 2015
287 COMPA COMPA - Market Study of Composite Patch Repair for Marine Pipes A cost-efficient and durable pipe repair in urgency 2015
288 WASABI Towards the Wider uptake of Arterial Stiffness As a BIomarker for cardiovascular diseases 2015
289 iMPACT innovative Medical Protons Achromatic Calorimeter and Tracker 2016
291 HYPERQTOTAL “Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease by means of innovative and highly accurate high frequency QRS electrocardiogram analysis” 2016
292 MICCS-SQ Methodology for fast and reliable investigation and characterization of contaminated sites 2015
293 COAT Collapse Of Atmospheric Turbulence 2016
294 AURORA Advanced Ultraviolet Radiation and Ozone Retrieval for Applications 2016
295 eWINE elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation 2016
296 WIPE Wafer scale Integration of Photonics and Electronics 2016
297 AGS A resource-efficient granulation process for advanced formulation of any compound in food and pharma production 2015
298 BIORECYGAS Farming high value algae with industrial gas emissions 2015
299 SubCage Submersible Tension Leg Fish Cage for Mariculture in Unsheltered and Offshore Areas 2015
300 CARIM Commercialization of a full carbon wheel manufactured with an automated high-volume process for the automotive market 2016
301 MYOCURE Development of an innovative gene therapy platform to cure rare hereditary muscle disorders 2016
302 IDentIFY Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI 2016
303 Click-It “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics 2016
304 RMGPP Productivity and Development: The Ready-made Garment Productivity Project 2015
305 WebMAT Web-based system for multi-arrangement task for rapid acquisition of subjectivejudgements. 2016
306 EMPATIA Enabling Multichannel PArticipation Through ICT Adaptations 2016
308 DMC-MALVEC Automated diagnostic platform, data management system and innovative communication tool, for improving the impact of malaria vector control interventions 2016
309 PETMEM Piezoelectronic Transduction Memory Device 2015
310 INTMET Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates 2016
311 FloTEC Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) 2016
312 WInspector Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades 2016
313 SEAF Standardisation and Communication of Sustainable Energy Asset Evaluation Framework 2016
314 LockAndCharge Ground-breaking and convenient electronic bicycle fleet management system available for the mass adoption. 2016
315 math4AAArisk A mathematical platform for Abdominal Aortic Aneurism risk assessment and surgical planning 2015
316 XoSoft Soft modular biomimetic exoskeleton to assist people with mobility impairments 2016
317 HANK European advanced exoskeleton for rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Damage (ABD) and/or spinal cord injury's patients. 2016
318 Emergent-BH Emergent spacetime and maximally spinning black holes 2016
319 FADAMS Foundations of Factorized Data Management Systems 2016
320 BIOCURE Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing 2016
321 FUTURA FUTUre RAil freight transport: cost-effective, safe, quiet and green! 2016
322 FLAIR Flexible Hyperspectral Infrared Detectors 2016
323 GOLDCLUSTER Polynuclear Gold Catalysis 2016
324 LOGIMATIC Tight integration of EGNSS and on-board sensors for port vehicle automation 2016
325 SUPPLEPRINT Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet 2016
326 PIANOSILICA Pianosilica – new, eco-friendly and fire-resistant construction materials. 2016
327 cleanMOULD Oil, fat and contaminant free moulding through advanced low friction and fretting-resistant coating solution 2016
328 ProVegFlake High grade PROteins innovatively processed into VEGetal FLAKEs from plant sources with enhanced nutritional benefits 2016
329 sqetch Sqetch – easily connecting fashion brands with apparel manufacturers 2016
330 ARIADNE ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr 2016
331 16gAirTest-Phase2 Innovative EASA certified dynamic test method for 16g aircraft seat cushions 2016
332 SAL ETHVI Innovative, easily applicable vaccine for poultry industry against five Salmonella serovars: Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Hadar, Virchow and Infantis – SAL ETHVI 2016
334 WASTE2FUELS Sustainable production of next generation biofuels from waste streams 2016
335 CROSSCULT CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history 2016
336 CoronaTag Analysis of protein corona formation on nanoparticles by DNA barcodes 2016
337 TRUEPIVOT Advanced engineering analytics for the detection of errors in the structural design of critical urban infrastructure. 2016
338 ICARO Colloidal Inorganic Nanostructures for Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy 2016
339 PRISTINE Improved production of low cost silver nanowires 2016
340 METALCLEAN New Innnovative and cost effective metal cleaning machine 2016
341 TOTAL Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms 2016
342 MultiMT Multi-modal Context Modelling for Machine Translation 2016
343 PLASMIC Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications 2016
344 CONTREX Controlling Triplet Excitons in Organic Semiconductors 2016
345 FAMSIZEMATTERS Family size matters: How low fertility affects the (re)production of social inequalities 2016
346 SpeedInfTradeoff Speed-Information Tradeoffs: Beyond Quasi-Entropy Analysis 2016
347 SINTBAT Silicon based materials and new processing technologies for improved lithium-ion batteries 2016
348 MIDES Microbial Desalination for Low Energy Drinking Water 2016
349 NOVAMAG NOVel, critical materials free, high Anisotropy phases for permanent MAGnets, by design. 2016
351 BIG IoT BIG IoT - Bridging the Interoperability Gap of the Internet of Things 2016
352 SPRAYNERGY Translational synergistic growth factor microenvironments for bone regeneration 2016
353 DNSVCFA Development of a novel servovalve concept for aircraft 2017
354 Hi-Life Damage mechanism of High Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) Treated Welded Structures under Service Loading to Increase the Fatigue Life for Lightweight Design 2017
355 NeuralCon Connectivity in the neural control of muscles in stroke patients. 2016
356 ETC-VSL Efficient Traffic Control with Variable Speed Limits: Bridging the gap between Theory and Practical Implementation 2017
357 PEACH Parental Employment and Child Investments 2017
358 ANCIENT_TEETH An integrative analysis of shifting trends in dental traits in human populations from Neolithic to Iron Age 2016
359 FPGA Accelerators Energy Efficient FPGA Accelerators for Graph Analytics Applications 2016
360 PEARLE Peers in ECEC centres: who are they and do they matter? An empirical analysis on ECEC group composition, its drivers and its effects 2016
361 MolecularEVOLUTION Molecular Evolution of the Primary Structure of Single Chain Polymer Nanoparticles via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry 2016
362 AAT-NAA Advancing Apatite Thermochronology: Novel analytical approaches for high eU apatites. 2016
363 ULKCOND Zero damage Ultra-Low-K etch using the precursor CONDensation technique 2016
364 DCNextEve LV DC microgrids for evolved energy communities 2016
365 GallBiome Characterization of the Human Gallbladder Microbiome 2016
367 SmartCOMBI Energy savings in residential buildings using a modular platform to control an all-in-one unit for water heating, climate control, and ventilation 2016
368 FLOW New Floating Platform for offshore wind in deep waters. 2016
369 TMS Cloud ePos Revolutionary secure payment management system to integrate the different elements of the payment industry with the use of SEPA 2016
370 DAA Development of mesosphere in-situ measurement tools: Atmosphere Analyser 2016
371 EMS UHPE Engine Mount System for Ultra High Pass Engine 2016
372 AMASS Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems 2016
373 IcoCell Cell line development platform for SMEs to reduce the length and cost of biologic drug development 2016
374 ifoodbag gen2 Unique, low-cost, low-footprint, reusable hybrid carrier bag system that enables food to be kept cold/frozen for up to 24 hours 2016
375 TransGen RNA Transgenerational regulation of glucose metabolism by noncoding RNAs 2016
376 WADI WADI 2016
377 TRACER Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. 2016
378 Quartzene Quartzene - Market uptake of the world's first low cost aerogel-type nano-material 2016
379 STEFY Sensor Technology for Food analYsis 2016
380 ATUNE Attenuation Tomography Using Novel observations of Earth's free oscillations 2016
381 first.stage Fast and easy previsualisation for creative industries 2016
382 SafeCOP Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication 2016
383 A-LITHIA Plastic nanoscale electronics via novel fabrication paradigms 2016
384 AG-GF Behavior-dependent interactions between frontal and somatosensory cortices 2016
385 SPICE Spintronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit platform for novel Electronics 2016
386 Bionic Aircraft Increasing resource efficiency of aviation through implementation of ALM technology and bionic design in all stages of an aircraft life cycle 2016
387 STRESS Human Performance neurometricS Toolbox foR highly automatEd Systems deSign 2016
388 SAMSON SAMSON: Integrating computational nanoscience 2016
389 TactoTek New lightweighting smart surface manufacturing technology for automotive industry 2016
390 ULISENS Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing 2016
391 TechTanks Revolutionary rib-welding system for the worldwide first fully automated production of large, high quality, on-site welded tanks, bringing considerable cost savings to drinking water applications 2016
392 CALIPRI Smart CALIPRI Smart - the easy to use and failsafe handheld optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2016
393 S.D.S. an innovative system for building hulls for recreational and work boats 2016
394 SCALABLA SCALABLA: a platform for elastic multimedia communications enabling natural social interaction and personalization 2016
395 GroutTube DMC grouting tube system 2016
396 AVELEDA Fruit Wine AVELEDA Fruit Wine 2016
397 Drygair20 Energy efficient greenhouse dehumidifier for warm climate operating at wide temperature ranges (4-40° C) and free of fluorinated gases 2016
398 EVOTRANS Advanced Transmission System for Bicycles 2016
399 FricWeld Friction Welded Valve for Enhanced Hygiene in Food and Beverage Industry 2016
400 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
401 ASURI Advanced Surgical Implants (ASURI) 2016
402 OC-Tech OC-Tech: Innovative vessel for cleaning-up activities in marine and fluvial environments. 2016
403 MP-ORIF Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma 2016
405 ECo Efficient Co-Electrolyser for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage - ECo 2016
406 BioSeedMat A labour-efficient, organic herbicide-free and micronutrient infused seed tape and delivery mechanism aiding the growth and harvest of agri-products 2016
407 BIOSKOH BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation BioEconomy 2016
408 PRODRIVE Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive 2016
409 FITA2.0 A highly innovative size recommendation engine, disrupting the existing online apparel market by using big data and machine-learning algorithms. 2016
410 RapeedTest IntegRAted control technology for unparalleled high sPEED data acquisition, storage and analysis for TEST rigs 2016
411 SAP-Nano A disruptive technology for vaccines manufacturing based on Self-Assembled Polymeric Nanoparticulate systems 2016
412 PlastDeink Topic identifier: SMEInst-11-2016-2017 2016
413 DTD SYSTEM A disruptive innovation for the minimisation of railway maintenance costs 2016
414 ZeoBio-NG Innovative biogas upgrading system based on novel Zeolite adsorbent technology for producing Bio-based Natural Gas 2016
415 EddyEyes Novel System for surface inspection and quality control for steel industries. 2016
416 Nyxoah Ultra-small implanted neurostimulation device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2016
417 CreativeNet Enhancement of an advanced media sharing and networking platform to ensure connectivity among world’s creatives 2016
419 TRILO-BWTS Disruptive and patented microfluidic technology purification for ship ballast water, being maintenance free, eliminating clogging of filters and providing significant life-cycle cost savings 2016
420 Arctus Turn-key modular aluminium smelter for a Zero Emission Production Process 2016
421 PhotoCloth PhotoCloth: A framework to synthesize real-time photorealistic cloth animation from video input. 2016
422 CONMIC Concrete micromolds for microinjection molding 2016
423 INITIATOR sImultaNeous oxIdaTIon of Ammonium and meThane at lOw tempeRatures (INITIATOR) 2016
424 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2016
425 LIBI Lightning Interception Blade Implant 2016
426 IMPAX Inline/Instant Measurement for PhArma eXtrusion 2016
427 CoolFarm CoolFarm – The intelligent and flexible system that provides to plants what they need, when they need it! 2016
428 MARCAN Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater – An important geomorphic agent 2017
429 BUNGEE-TOOLS Building Next-Generation Computational Tools for High Resolution Neuroimaging Studies 2016
430 DrugSynergy DrugSynergy: A data-driven systems biology approach to optimize drug combination strategies 2016
431 GEPPS Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure 2016
432 RicciBounds Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature — analytic, geometric, and probabilistic challenges 2016
433 COSMOS Semiparametric Inference for Complex and Structural Models in Survival Analysis 2016
434 GUPPYSEX Evolutionary genetics of guppy sex chromosomes 2016
435 ExtendGlass Extending the range of the glassy state: Exploring structure and property limits in metallic glasses 2016
436 PicoCB Exploring the Chemical Biology of Sequence Space via Picoliter Droplets 2016
437 RES INV Accommodate Renewable Energy in Interconnected Electricity System: an Economic Perspective 2016
438 Detect and React Distracted drivers in autonomous cars: Do drivers safely detect and react to unexpected warning signals? 2016
439 CAREMIBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2016
441 PROCEEDS Probing Complex Dynamical Structures in Three Dimensions 2016
442 EVERLASTING Electric Vehicle Enhanced Range, Lifetime And Safety Through INGenious battery management 2016
443 PROMETHEUS-5 Energy efficient and environmentally friendly multi-fuel power system with CHP capability, for stand-alone applications. 2016
444 MERCURY Meeting 100Gbps Ethernet Requirements with CMOS Integrated Circuit Chipset to Dramatically Cut Energy Use in Data Centres 2016
445 ABLE Air Blade Life Extension 2016
446 ECOMARK An ecological road striping system 2016
447 GreenDrive A molecular fuel modifier for ships able to reduce the costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators. 2016
448 BioPellets Integrating food waste into wood pellets to convert waste grease to a useful biofuel. 2016
449 DEBS Dall Energy Biomass System 2016
450 BlockPLA Innovative Biodegradable PLA Plastic for an Increased Range of Packaging Applications 2016
451 In-K Strain System In-K Strain System: Carbon Nanotube ink based realization of ultraflexible composite strain sensors 2016
452 SAKLAS Feasibility of Salmon and Kingfish Land-Based Aquaculture Systems, Phase 1 2016
453 BioMicroGels Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills 2016
454 ReVibe Vibration energy harvesters to power the IoT revolution 2016
455 NANOMAN Nanosensors manufacturing 2016
456 MOON-MEMS speaker Development of the most advanced audio systems enabling the production of a revolutionary generation of MEMS micro speakers that will be deployed in the world's top mobile applications 2016
457 TriboGlide Development of an innovative and cost-efficient friction and wear reduction solution (TriboGlide) 2016
458 EBFZ Float zone silicon from electron beam grown rods 2016
459 SMARTCARS Low cots Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2016
460 SFOOT SFOOT - Development of single fibre data transport system 2016
461 ONOFF Perception of voices that do not exist: Tracking the temporal signatures of auditory hallucinations 2016
462 SatStart Small satellites’ strategic analysis of realization potential and commercialization techniques 2016
463 ThermoHeart A revolutionary Stirling engine to use low and medium temperature waste heat to generate electricity and to reduce CO2 emissions 2016
464 PIPS Passive Ice Protection System 2016
465 PROSIT Integration of a property simulation tool for virtual design and manufacturing of forged disks for aero engine applications 2016
466 NMP TeAm 4 Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 4 2017
467 ICONIC Improving the crashworthiness of composite transportation structures 2016
468 SOLAR-TRAIN Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation 2016
469 EAGLE Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine 2016
470 KRAKEN Hybrid automated machine integrating concurrent manufacturing processes, increasing the production volume of functional on-demand using high multi-material deposition rates 2016
471 Z-Fact0r Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories 2016
473 LIPES Life Integrated Process for the Enzymatic Splitting of triglycerides 2016
474 DREAM Driving up Reliability and Efficiency of Additive Manufacturing 2016
475 MANTEL Management of Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes Reservoirs for the Protection of Ecosystem Services 2017
476 NeoCel NeoCel – Novel processes for sustainable cellulose-based materials 2016
477 FAR-EDGE Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation 2016
478 AgriMax Agri and food waste valorisation co-ops based on flexible multi-feedstocks biorefinery processing technologies for new high added value applications 2016
479 INNOVIP Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector 2016
480 ITEMB ITEMB: Integrated Full Composite Main Landing Gear Bay Concept 2016
481 DREAM Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns 2016
482 DryFiciency Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes 2016
483 FINE 1 Future Improvement for Energy and Noise 2016
484 PHA-ST-TRAIN-VAC Leveraging Pharmaceutical Sciences and Structural Biology Training to develop 21st Century Vaccines 2016
485 Eclipse Ecological Low Impact Production Sport Elastomer 2016
486 SunAqua18 Sustainable Desalination System 2016
487 CATAPULT Coupling ATomistics and mesoscAle Plasticity for toUghness of noveL hybrid maTerial 2017
488 MOSAIC MOdular high concentration SolAr Configuration 2016
489 RVCR KGYAT have developed the RVCR, the world’s first commercially viable Rotary Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. 2016
490 FLEDGED FLExible Dimethyl ether production from biomass Gasification with sorption-enhancED processes 2016
491 LUVMI Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrument 2016
492 Blue-Action Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate 2016
493 EOMORES Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status 2016
494 SELMUS The Formex® raft: Towards the revolution of the European mussel farming 2016
495 INFARM The vertical farming revolution, urban Farming as a Service. 2016
496 Trillium II Trillium Bridge II - Reinforcing the Bridges and Scaling up EU/US Cooperation on Patient Summary 2017
497 PolyTest Ultrasonic Phased Array Non-Destructive Testing and In-Service Inspection System for high integrity Polyethylene Pipe Welds with automated analysis software. 2016
498 ELECTRIC_AXLE Electric axle for commercial vehicles 2016
499 CLOUDSTORM Transforming the enterprise software industry: CloudStorm open source enterprise application development and integration framework 2016
500 DYNAFREIGHT Innovative technical solutions for improved train DYNAmics and operation of longer FREIGHt Trains 2016
501 PJ06 ToBeFREE Trajectory based Free Routing 2016
502 HPSuper High-Pressure High-Temperature Superconductivity 2017
503 SCALE Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by- products 2016
504 SHEPHERD Energy-Efficient Activated Sludge Monitoring for Wastewater Treatment Plants 2016
505 SmartLife Smart Clothing Gamification to promote Energy-related Behaviours among Adolescents 2017
506 KASKO KASKO – delivering insurance as a service at the point of demand 2016
507 COMWORK Improving access to digital cultural heritage for multiple users and uses via a disruptive cloud based software as a service 2016
508 PJ10 PROSA Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management 2016
509 QCDforfuture QCD for the Future of Particle Physics 2017
510 GAPARS Gamification of participatory science for training and education purposes 2017
511 SD4Food The Spot Demetallizing Film - a unique, environment and health-friendly technology for effective food packaging. 2016
512 SYNERGY Plugplay gasification plant for onsite conversion of otherwise unusable waste into renewable energy 2016
513 ThermaSiC New generation wear and corrosion coating enabling European industry growth 2016
514 i2S-IC Innovative Software Configurator for the Insurance sector 2016
516 IE2advisor Intelligent Energy Efficiency Advisor 2016
517 MarketStudy-OV Market Research for Oceanvolt zero-carbon emission marine electric propulsion system 2016
518 VISIRday VISible to far-IR optical tuning: passive DAYtime cooling by hierarchical structures and hybrid materials 2017
519 Tesseract Best Curved Adapted Meshes for Space-Time Flow Simulations 2017
520 DisDyn Distributed and Dynamic Graph Algorithms and Complexity 2017
521 OPTRASTOCH Optimal Transport and Stochastic Dynamics 2017
522 NanoMed Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications 2017
523 LungCARD Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients 2017
524 PVCLOUD Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries 2017
525 GRETA Green REcyclable Tanks made of innovative resin rilene 2016
526 XTPL XTPL - A new generation of TCF layers for use in displays and thin film photovoltaic cells 2017
527 MODCAM Modcam – vision sensors with onboard analytics for retail customer analysis 2017
528 Accordion Bioreactor An innovative high capacity Accordion bioreactor technology for high performance and low cost microalgae production 2017
529 ExtremoChem Chemically synthesised novel compounds for the stabilisation of biologics 2016
530 FlexBuild Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2016
531 KAROS KAROS – Integration of a dynamic and predictive short distance carpooling offer into route planner services 2017
532 POWERICE Organic Rankine Cycle Cogeneration Plant of one-farm size using rice straw as single fuel 2017
533 theEoE A novel drug candidate for the treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis - an innovative solution for a significant unmet medical need 2016
534 IMPACT TB IMPACT TB: Implementing proven community-based active case finding interventions in Vietnam and Nepal 2017
535 ACHIEVE Advanced mechatronics devices for a novel turboprop Electric starter-generator and health monitoring system 2017
536 ART Development of an Anger Regulation Tool for Hand-Held Devices 2017
537 NICEDROPS Precise and smart nanoengineered surfaces: Impact resistance, icephobicity and dropwise condensation 2017
538 CITIZINGLOBAL Citizens, Institutions and Globalization 2017
539 CC-MEM Coordination and Composability: The Keys to Efficient Memory System Design 2017
540 SmartCore Smart Core/shell nanorod arrays for artificial skin 2016
541 STONE WOOD Silicon Treatment ON Exterior Wood 2016
542 RadioNet Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe 2017
543 HyLIPS Hyperspectral Lightweight Imagers for micro-PlatformS 2016
544 CLONETS CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks 2017
545 PAPA-ARTIS Paraplegia Prevention in Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Thoracoabdominal Staging with ‘Minimally-Invasive Segmental Artery Coil-Embolization’: A Randomized Controlled Multicentre Trial 2017
546 ORTHOUNION ORTHOpedic randomized clinical trial with expanded bone marrow MSC and bioceramics versus autograft in long bone nonUNIONs 2017
547 CO2Catalyst Pilot scale demonstration of novel CO2 co-polymerisation catalysts in the PU polyol market 2016
548 D2T2 Direct Drive Tidal Turbine (D2T2) Accelerator project 2016
549 DISCOVERER DISCOVERER – DISruptive teChnOlogies for VERy low Earth oRbit platforms 2017
550 AutoLiqHand A Compact and Automated Liquid Handling Platform for Biomedical Assays 2017
551 BioDie2020 Demonstration of new, challenging and high FFA waste oil and fat feedstock in biodiesel process with improved costs, conversion and high fuel quality 2016
552 MPM Modern Pattern Matching 2017
553 STILORMADE Highly efficient non-standard solar modules manufactured through an automated, reconfigurable mass production processes delivering 30% reduction in costs 2017
554 CH2P Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas 2017
555 FLORADAPT Plant resilience and floral adaptation to pollinator change during a range expansion 2016
556 FOUR ACES Future of upper atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets with spectroscopy 2017
557 FAST TestOM FAST and accurate Testing of Organic Materials 2017
558 INNOMAQ21 High quality and cost-effective metal powder for manufacturing lower weight components with improved properties for transport vehicles 2017
559 RocketChip High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE 2016
560 TERAWI-LESS TERAWI-LESS : A New Ultra High Speed Network 2017
561 Enerstor Introduction of an electric energy power storage levelling module in the machine tools industry to unleash the enormous energy savings potential and significantly relieve the European power grid 2017
562 SmartSense New Method of Magnetic Field Integration and its Smart Grid and Industrial Applications 2017
563 Rhizomia A novel cost-efficient bioreactor to accelerate growth of valuable plant roots for nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals cosmetics 2017
564 Carr-e CARR·e: Lightweight and versatile electric vehicle applied to urban logistics 2017
565 Oblow Oblow, an effective solution in the reduction of stress 2017
566 KUDURA Upscaling of a portable hybrid solution for power supply, smart waste-to-energy 2017
567 DePharm A cost-effective and energy-efficient water treatment technology to remove pharmaceutical pollutants from urban wastewater 2016
568 ECOLED Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution 2017
569 ACOC Integrated Air Cooling Oil Cooled System 2017
570 TAMI Tests for leakage identification on Aircraft fluid Mechanical Installations 2017
571 SATH New twin floating platform for offshore wind turbines 2017
572 PREGNABIT PREGNABIT – the world’s first complex telemedical mobile CTG system for pregnancy examination 2017
573 UPALET Strong, sustainable and waterproof cardboard pallet that equals load carrying capacity of wooden pallets 2017
574 ASAP-MALDI-MS Advanced Sample Preparation by Electrowetting Technology for MALDI Mass Spectrometry 2017
575 MEAQUAS Automated and objective characterization of comminuted meat properties for valorization of high quality processed meat 2017
576 HarvPell Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine 2017
577 Steora Steora - next step to a smart city 2017
578 SUNINBOX Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2017
579 HTEPV Novel hybrid thermoelectric photovoltaic devices: modeling, development, and characterization 2017
580 SHARKS-XT Shark extinctions: past and present 2018
581 MODIO Numerical modelling of the structural controls on Irish Zn-Pb ore deposits 2017
582 DENTADFE Dendron and Dendrimer Derived Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters for Solution-Processed Non-Doped Device 2017
583 FOODSELFI FOOD Safety monitoring by Electrochemical Lateral Flow Immunoassay 2017
584 TEA Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry 2017
585 NET Nanoreactivity at drastically Extended Timescales 2017
586 Magyc Integrated rational design of cell factories for high value compounds 2017
587 IA-M-SHOP Intelligent Algorithm for M-Shop 2017
588 THEcore Thermally efficient, cost-reduced nanostructured foams for vacuum insulation panels 2017
589 Clumped Isotopes Reconstructing atmospheric oxidation processes in the past with clumped isotope measurements in O2 trapped in polar firn and ice air 2017
590 FusionPAMPs New generation of chimeric TLR2-NOD agonist compounds for vaccine adjuvants 2017
591 MATESI Multi-modal Approaches for Treatment and Evaluation of Swallowing Insufficiencies 2018
592 EXCITING-CT Excellent lung cancer imaging and tumour identification using next generation computed tomography 2017
593 OptoFeedback Causal study of the role of feedback in the perceptual inference of figure location in the primate visual cortex using targeted optogenetics 2017
594 PaCDoC Electric field driven propulsion and collective dynamics of homogeneous and patchy colloidal capsules. 2017
595 PRIMASKOTI PReparing Introduction to MArket of SKOTI (PRIMASKOTI) - a breakthrough solution for real-time studies of cytoskeletal motors at single-molecule resolution 2017
596 FGFSTAB Industrial Production of Stable Fibroblast Growth Factors for Regenerative Medicine and Related Research Areas 2017
597 LocationWise LocationWise Payment Card Validation: A cloud based location verification system that willsignificantly lower cost of payment card cyber security 2017
599 XtremelY Numerical modelling of reinforced slender wooden window elements 2017
600 MAP Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) 2017
602 AgedLGBT Ageing Diversity: LGBT* – Housing and Long-term Care 2017
603 TPANN Tensor Processing on FPGAs for Artificial Neural Networks 2017
604 ExItALS RNA-mediated intercellular miscommunication: role of extracellular vesicle cargos in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 2017
605 SensAgain Restoring of SENSAtions from Lost LeGs for health And qualIty of life augmeNtation in amputees 2017
606 ODORPREP Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 2017
607 LockChip A custom lock chip for compact NMR 2017
608 BATCA Batteries based on Calcium: from electrolyte development to full cell proof-of-concept 2017
609 PHOTOPEROVSKITES Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells 2017
610 MUTAnTS A microfluidic high throughput approach to helicase biophysics 2018
611 GAMODRONE Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks 2017
612 AIR Aeroponic Inulin and Rubber 2018
613 PRISM Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers - Sofia ref.: 115916 2016
614 PV-TE-MCHP A Novel Hybrid Photovoltaic–Thermoelectric Power Generation System Employing the Flat-plate Micro-channel Heat Pipe 2017
615 ExtSpGraphLim Extremal Sparse Graphs and Graph Limits 2017
616 HGRF-IFIC Commissioning, first tests and upgrade of a high-power S-Band Radio Frequency (RF) system for R+D of high-gradient normal-conducting accelerating cavities in breakdown science and RF conditioning 2017
617 SCHiMAT Silicon Cluster based Hierarchical photocatalysts produced by MATrix assembly cluster source 2017
618 FLUID Functional Low-Intensity Light Upconverting Inks for Everyday Applications 2018
619 CYCLOMB Disruptive Cyclone-based technology for effective and affordable particulate matter emission reduction in biomass combustion systems 2017
620 NHYTE New Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Aerostructures manufactured by Out of Autoclave Continuous Automated Technologies 2017
621 No-LIMIT Boosting Photovoltaic Performance by the Synergistic Interaction of Halide Perovskites and Semiconductor Quantum Dots 2017
622 ACOUSEQ Acoustics for Next Generation Sequencing 2017
623 e-walk Biomechanical engineer for robotic healthcare solutions 2017
624 MultiCAMS Multi-level Model Calibration for the Assessment of Historical Masonry Structures 2017
625 VALUEMAG Valuable Products from Algae Using New Magnetic Cultivation and Extraction Techniques 2017
626 GlucoTear Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone 2018
627 NEUROINTELLIGENCE The Brain Dynamics of Human Fluid Intelligence 2018
628 CoupledDB High-Performance Indexing for Emerging GPU-Coupled Databases 2017
630 PICOGC Market introduction of a revolutionary lab-on-a-chip Micro-Gas-Chromatograph for a cost-effective management of natural gas 2017
631 4REFINERY Scenarios for integration of bio-liquids in existing REFINERY processes 2017
632 Torero TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output: large-scale demonstration 2017
633 PHOTON-NeuroCom Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system 2017
634 EpiAGPs Breaking frontiers in plant reproduction: understanding the roles of AGPs and epigenetics regulating male-female crosstalk towards fertilization 2017
636 smartMELAMINE A fire-resistant, thermal and acoustic insulating lightweight fabric 2017
637 SENSEE Replicating the SUN through affordable, efficient and accurate LEDs 2017
638 X-MINE Real-Time Mineral X-Ray Analysis for Efficient and Sustainable Mining 2017
639 N-Supp_INNO-17 Innovation Enhacement Management service and Key Account Management within EEN Niedersachsen 2017-2018 2017
641 CORFEDITING Gene Editing as Therapeutic Strategy for C9ORF72 Linked ALS/FTD 2017
642 WEYCAP Low Energy WEt and DrY CAPsule Filling Machine 2017
643 ePT ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew 2017
644 WATEC Development of a novel wave tidal energy converter (WATEC) to lower renewable electricity generation costs. 2017
645 SEAMLESS Surface Catalysed Adhesive for Low Temperature Joining of Lightweight Materials and Components 2017
646 Auxilia Hybrid Drive for Commercial Ships and Yachts 2017
647 BIOMOTIVE Advanced BIObased polyurethanes and fibres for the autoMOTIVE industry with increased environmental sustainability 2017
648 EDEC Enhanced Diesel Engine Control 2017
649 NAFTI Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface 2017
651 INNOFIXX Development of a high quality stainless steel dowel for easy renovation and construction in façades, thermal insulation and solar panels sub-sectors 2017
652 ZIRONITRO Constructed wetland to produce high-quality drinking water free from nitrates 2017
654 SpeakUp-LearnUp Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! 2017
655 LeydenJar Boosting Battery Energy Density in Electric Vehicles 2017
657 Domo4mAI Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings 2017
658 OHT A hydraulic collection tower, with a novel energy storage device for wave energy arrays 2017
659 COLLABORATRICITY Utility-in-a- box software platform connecting local electricity producers and consumers to foster Collaborative Energy Ecosystems 2017
660 MILDTECH MILDTECH- Low cost, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods 2017
661 NOVIMAR NOVel Iwt and MARitime transport concepts 2017
662 NanoScreen Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water 2017
664 MASS Micro AIS Shore Station - MASS 2017
665 FastMat Fast determination of fatigue properties of materials beyond one billion cycles 2017
666 IMPROVE Innovative Methods for Psychology: Reproducible, Open, Valid, and Efficient 2017
667 Super-Vaccine Exploring the potential applications of live viral vaccine encoded small-hairpin-RNAs in improving both vaccine safety and efficacy through RNA-interference and stimulation of the innate immune system 2018
668 INTACt ImmuNogenomics TArgeting Cancer 2017
669 NEUROON-MED NEUROON-MED – the future of at-home diagnosis of sleep disorders 2017
670 SMARTCARS Low Cost Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2017
671 INOVER21 Mass-customisation of custom-made medical implants 2017
672 EEN Normandie h2020 Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network Normandie 2017
673 PropSafe Disruptive design innovation for safe and lower cost implementation of the alternative to the ozone-depleting gases in the heat pump heating and cooling systems 2017
674 Hubble Hubble – smart workplace allocation platform 2017
675 ComFyt The revolution of the Compression Therapy Market: an easy-to-wear and comfortable compression stocking based on Electro-Active Polymers technology. 2017
676 INDTECH2018 INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - innovative industries for smart growth 2017
677 MetLeach Feasibility study on nature based more efficient 2-step bioleaching technology producing methane gas and metal compounds from “low grade” multimetallic European ores/wastes containing organometallics. 2017
678 NOVUM Pilot line based on novel manufacturing technologies for cellulose-based electrical insulation components 2017
679 OCEAN Oxalic acid from CO2 using Eletrochemistry At demonstratioN scale 2017
680 Prisma Innovative and highly-efficient solar thermal collector for Building façades 2017
681 Quipu Cloud A suite of software applications hosted in the cloud for medical ultrasound diagnostics 2017
682 RA-RAKE A Novel Double Wheel Rake Machine to provide high quality fodder and high operational speed 2017
683 REZBUILD REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation 2017
684 SENSE Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry 2017
685 SENSY Restoring complete motor and sensory ability for natural walking of amputees 2017
686 E-marketplace for HORECA industry buyers, sellers and transporters 2017
687 tCat Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% 2017
688 TEM TEKLAB Evaporator Management system for energy efficient refrigeration 2017
689 TubeICE Passive Thermal Energy Storage based on PCMs for energy saving in air conditioning 2017
690 VNL Virtual NanoLab (VNL), a Cross-disciplinary Open Nanotechnology Simulation Platform 2017
691 CAPaCITy Designing Conjugated Polymers for Photocatalysis and Ion Transport 2017
692 CETOCOEN Excellence CETOCOEN Excellence 2017
693 BIOO Panel Green Electricity from plants’ photosynthesis 2017
694 Carbon4PUR Turning industrial waste gases (mixed CO/CO2 streams) into intermediates for polyurethane plastics for rigid foams/building insulation and coatings 2017
695 HPCForEVs High Power Charger For Electric Vehicles 2017
696 Eco-sleeve Eco-sleeve is a propellant-free technology for Aerosols, generating high pressure to provide the familiar consumer experience of continuous dispensing. 2017
697 Auto-Anode Automated Anode Fork Repair System for the Aluminium Rodding Plant 2017
698 evapEOs2 New cold and low-energy concentration technology (evapEOs2) for liquid food products 2017
699 H2S ANALYZER Introduction of an online hydrogen sulphide analytic device for the creation of an efficient andeconomical and ecological sustainable waste water infrastructure in Europe 2017
700 3DTRAY Innovative lightweight sustainable solutions for additively manufactured aircraft interior parts 2017
701 AIRE Artificial Intelligence for Recruitment Europe 2017
702 VisIoN European Training Network on Visible light based Interoperability and Networking 2017
703 Wind-Drone A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines 2017
704 3D-Roving Deposition Directed and three-dimensional placement of continuous fibres with the direction of forces enabling asignificant reduction of costs and weight in carbon fibre components 2017
705 EMERGE Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials 2017
706 ERICA Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications 2017
707 ETAP Tracing Evolution of Auxin Transport and Polarity in Plants 2018
708 FLASH Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures 2017
709 FlowCamp European Training Network to improve materials for high-performance, low-cost next- generation redox-flow batteries 2017
710 FuSuMaTech Future Superconducting Magnet Technology 2017
711 GridEye For a rapid transition to Smart Grids 2017
712 IBEX QDR IBEX QDR: A Ground-breaking Technological Upgrade based on Quantitative Digital Radiography to Exploit the Full Diagnostic Potential of Standard Digital X-Ray 2017
713 KTX-20 Mass production platform for L-EVs 2017
714 L4MS Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017
715 MP-ORIF Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma 2017
716 ONFIRE Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation 2017
717 POWERSTORE MikroMasch Powerstore for renewables microgeneration: scaling up the next generation battery technology for residential and commercial energy storage systems 2017
718 ReFreeDrive Rare Earth Free e-Drives featuring low cost manufacturing 2017
719 SOcool SunOyster cooling (SOcool) 2017
720 CSG C° symplectic geometry 2017
721 HiCoS Higher Co-dimension Singularities: Minimal Surfaces and the Thin Obstacle Problem 2018
722 SUBLINEAR Sublinear Algorithms for Modern Data Analysis 2018
723 ELECTRIC Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs 2018
724 ALGOCom Novel Algorithmic Techniques through the Lens of Combinatorics 2018
725 InDEStruct Integrated Design of Engineering Structures 2018
726 DRIVE Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid 2017
727 Torqway Hybrid Safe personal transportation that makes you healthier. 2017
728 TWIST TOF PET With Strip SiPMs 2018
729 MIRASPEC Miniature on-chip Raman spectrometer for personal volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring 2018
730 AptaCheck Bioelectronic lab-on-a-chip for point-of-care detection of infectious agents 2017
731 CHEERS Chinese-European Emission-Reducing Solutions 2017
732 CGinsideNP Complexity Inside NP - A Computational Geometry Perspective 2018
733 SBS3-5 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering based RF to Optical Signal Transduction and Amplification 2018
734 QGP-MYSTERY Demystifying the Quark-Gluon Plasma 2018
735 BodenTypeDC Prototyping the most energy and cost efficient data center in the world: The Boden Type Data Center 2017
736 soundproof4win Soundproof window with ventilation function 2017
737 HUMEXE HUman EXoskEleton 2017
738 BOND Bringing Organisations and Network Development to higher levels in the farming sector in Europe 2017
739 ecoSave Market maturation of a packaging concept for sustainable and resource efficient food packaging 2017
740 AMBROSIA Aquaporin-Inside™ Membranes for Brackish water Reverse Osmosis Application 2017
741 FloatMastBlue Offshore Wind Energy Cost Reduction by an Innovative Floating Met Mast Platform 2017
742 BONDS Bilayered ON-Demand Scaffolds: On-Demand Delivery from induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Scaffolds for Diabetic Foot Ulcers 2017
743 sCENT Cryptophane-Enhanced Trace Gas Spectroscopy for On-Chip Methane Detection 2018
744 SVIS Supervised Verification of Infinite-State Systems 2018
745 SUN-PILOT Subwavelength Nanostructure Pilot (Sun-Pilot) 2018
746 SUPPLEPRINT Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet 2018
747 BIOSIM Accelerating the commercialisation of a disruptive analytical technology which enables the biopharmaceutical industry to manufacture drugs faster, cheaper and with greater regulatory confidence 2017
748 Trans C4 Deciphering Regulatory DNA and Transcription Factor Binding Sites in C3 and C4 Species with Varying Water Use Efficiencies 2018
749 EREMOZ Effect of rare-earth doping elements on the mechanical and oxidation resistance performance of silicon carbide coated carbon fibre / zirconium carbide composites for high temperature applications 2018
750 UPRIGHT Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers 2018
751 BANDWIDTH The cost of limited communication bandwidth in distributed computing 2018
752 COGNAP To nap or not to nap? Why napping habits interfere with cognitive fitness in ageing 2018
753 ELEVATE Eco-physiological tradeoffs with crop domestication: have farming ants cracked the code? 2018
754 CoQuake Controlling earthQuakes 2018
755 MarketPlace Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Innovation 2018
756 HYPERNETS A new hyperspectral radiometer integrated in automated networks of water and land bidirectional reflectance measurements for satellite validation 2018
757 MySustainableForest Operational sustainable forestry with satellite-based remote sensing 2017
758 InSilc InSilc: In-silico trials for drug-eluting BVS design, development and evaluation 2017
759 STANDUP Smartphone Thermal ANalysis for Diabetic foot Ulcer Prevention and treatment 2018
760 RECOVER-E LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE 2018
761 3D-MUSE 3D Multi-Process Sequential Integration for Smart Sensor Interfaces 2018
762 ReTV Enhancing and Re-Purposing TV Content for Trans-Vector Engagement 2018
763 MyLeg Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prostheses embodying advanced dynamic behaviors 2018
764 PICTURE High Performance and High Yield Heterogeneous III-V/Si Photonic Integrated Circuits using a Thin and Uniform Bonding Layer 2018
765 AAL2 Augmented Approaches to Land 2 2018
766 EMPHASIS EMPowering Heterogeneous Aviation through cellular SIgnalS 2018
767 OmnImmune Manufacturing and testing of an allogeneic gamma delta T cell therapy for the treatment of cancer 2017
768 PREDESA Non-invasive technology for remote screening and personalised therapy of sleeping disorders: EU piloting and commercialisation project 2017
769 HomeEnergyStorage Cost-effective battery for storage of locally produced Photovoltaic energy at residential buildings 2017
770 AITEP Accurate Intravenous Therapy for Every Patient 2017
771 AirEx AirEx - Smart Ventilation Control 2017
772 YellowHarbour Creating Partnerships between NGOs and Businesses 2017
773 CoMoCo Development of an Intelligent Controller for Electro-motors 2017
774 FuRIC Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues 2017
775 EXACT-dna EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies 2017
776 SNM4P2PE Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing 2017
777 PICOMETRICS Picometer metrology for light-element nanostructures: making every electron count 2018
778 SMAC-MC Small Molecule Activation by Main-Group Compounds 2018
779 Nanodevice Nanostructure-based label-free biomolecular binding kinetics assay 2018
780 CBCLASER Revolutionizing Industrial Materials Processing with Optical Phased Array Coherent BeamCombined High Power, Digitally controlled Lasers. 2018
781 geoBone geoBone: A Unique Mineral Supplement for Bone Health and Prevention of Osteoporosis SustainablyProduced from Geothermal Resources through a Ground-breaking Process. 2018
782 AuriMod From pills to bio-electronics: a wearable anti-inflammatory treatment for prevention of Peripheral Arterial Disease. 2018
783 NCN Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste 2018
784 oWBI Osmotic Wearable Bolus Injector (oWBI) for viscous drug delivery 2018
785 Reficient Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” 2018
786 Next-EMS Next-Generation Energy-ManagementUpgrading Energy Management Systems with a Next-generation, smarter, resource-saving softwarewith unique automatic pattern recognition of energy consumption data 2018
787 DAPHNE Innovative system for Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Generation without Input Energy 2018
788 SREM Smart Renewable Energy Manager for the Industrial Prosumer Market 2018
789 SolidCool Cost-efficient, solid-state refrigeration technology for cold storage 2018
790 LEDHEAD Low-cost LED headlamp system for increased safety, efficiency and sustainability in automotive lighting 2018
791 XLS CompactLight 2018
792 MARSI Disruptive technologies for effectively rehabilitating chronic ambulatory disability 2018
793 SENSORIANCE SEnsorial awareNess System fOR obstacle detectIon And collisioN avoidanCE 2018
794 IDA Intermediate Compressor Case Duct Aerodynamics 2018
795 ENIGMA Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement 2018
796 WAI Wiraya Activation Intelligence 2018
797 EDROMA Novel nanomedicine for the treatment of glioma 2018
798 Pewas AQS New seed treating method - hydrostimulation - for higher crop yields in water deprived regions 2018
799 ThromboSLE Accurate assessment of thrombosis risk in systemic lupus erythematosus 2018
800 Perfect Fresh Intelligent storage and transport solutions with integrated monitoring to optimize the international fresh produce supply chain, significantly increasing shelf life and preventing food waste 2018
801 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2018
802 SmartCharge SmartCharge: Smart integrated circuits for advanced battery management 2018
803 OptiWind Optimized cockpit windshield for large diameter business aircraft 2018
804 HIPERFAN HIgh PERformance Journal Bearing Technology for new geared TurboFAN generations 2018
805 InSPIRe Innovative Systems to Prevent Ice on Regional Aircraft 2018
806 WAVREP WAVe Resource for Electrical Production 2018
807 RENShip Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment 2018
808 GR-GATE Scalable graphene-gated transistors 2018
809 SPLINTER Signaling of plant intracellular immune receptors 2018
810 RESTREIG Development of A Method for Analysis of Creep Behaviour of Welded Rotating Components of High Temperature Applications Based on Eigenstrain Theory 2018
811 FINDER FINDER: FIghtiNg DEngue viRus, a novel strategy for the development of fully protective antiviralsthat act by disrupting the DENV NS3/NS5 interaction 2018
812 INTEREP Do cortical feedback connections store statistical knowledge of the environment? 2018
813 ChromaFish Chromatographic micro-column development for pharmaceutical applications in zebraFish 2018
814 STAR Safe, Transparent, Active and Reliable mineral sunscreen technology 2018
815 AutoDropProd Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well defined single and double microdroplets 2018
816 BRIDGE Labour Market Integration: Consequences of Cross-Border Commuting 2019
817 CAPPERAM Contrast Agents for Protontherapy PET Range Monitoring 2018
818 CAYMAN Illuminating Ultra-Slow Spreading Centres: a seismic approach to the Cayman Trough 2019
819 CHAMPAGNE CoHerent AMplification and PArametric GeNeration of Euv radiation 2018
820 COMPRESS NETS Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018
821 JUSTEMOTIONS The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making 2018
822 PLATFORM Competition and Regulation of Platform Markets 2018
823 ResolveStroke Stroke diagnostic imaging performed with ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy (uULM) 2018
824 OPTIMA Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables 2018
825 DELTA Future tamper-proof Demand rEsponse framework through seLf-configured, self-opTimized and collAborative virtual distributed energy nodes 2018
826 Work-STeP Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform 2018
827 MEET Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials 2018
828 GEO4CIVHIC Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings 2018
829 TWINGOLD Dinuclear Gold Catalysis: A New Platform for Cross-Coupling Reactions 2019
830 NaKStruc Structural studies of Na,K-ATPase isoforms and mutants 2018
831 TLIINCSEFFR Towards Low Impact and Innovative New Concrete Structures: Exploitation of FRP Fabric Reinforcement 2018
832 INTOM Infant Theory of Mind 2019
833 ErMIR Mid-infrared erbium cascade lasers for the remote detection of carbon dioxide 2018
834 ReCurse Beyond Resource Curse: examining the socio-environmental impact of the mining boom in Colombia in a context of EU energy import dependency 2018
835 LowD-CT Low-dose Computed Tomography for pediatric applications 2019
836 PAMpeR Patroller monocytes as modulators of diabetic retinopathy 2018
837 NORMAL-LOAD NORmalize MusculoskeletAL LOadings to Avoid bony Deformities in children with cerebral palsy 2018
838 MIGREMOV Movements, Migration and Emotion: East/West Mobility, Transnational Bonding, and Political Identities in Polish Activists' Biographies 2018
839 REGinTRAN Advanced manufacturing and the transition of regional economies: institutions, social regulation and development in Apulia and Lower Silesia 2018
840 NanoPyroMat ZnS Wurtzite Nanotextured Ceramic Materials for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting 2018
841 HSS-Wind Application of high-strength steel in offshore wind energy tubular structures 2019
842 Entrans Energy Efficient Transprecision Techniques for Linear Solver 2018
843 VulneraBAP1 Mechanism and vulnerability of BAP1 loss in tumor metastasis 2018
844 PROMPT New generation of porphyrinoids for mitochondria-targeted photodynamic therapy 2019
845 Smart BioSense Smart engineered Bioreceptors for developing BioSensors 2018
846 QuESt Quantum Enhanced Organic Photovoltaics by Strong Coupling of IR Vibrations to an Optical Cavity 2018
847 EMO - FIT Emotional Fit in Intercultural Interactions: Studying mimicry and emotional grounding as micro-processes of (intercultural) belonging. 2018
848 SQoL School for Quality of Life. Policy, practice and theory for a quality of life approach in Europeanschool systems. 2018
849 MONMETAL Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties 2018
850 KEMISTATIC New ElectroSTATIC Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins 2018
851 AIRCRANE New Concrete-Towers Assembly system for taller Wind Turbines. 2018
852 HelpingHAND A 3D printed, affordable myoelectrical prosthetic hand of personalizeable size for optimal comfort and functionality 2018
853 MPDCA innovative hot chamber Medium Pressure Die Casting process for Aluminium 2018
854 SOFTCAR The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! 2018
855 MEISTER Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models 2018
856 STRATOFLY Stratospheric Flying Opportunities for High-Speed Propulsion Concepts 2018
858 OCEAN12 Opportunity to Carry European Autonomous driviNg further with FDSOI technology up to 12nm node 2018
859 POSITION-II A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants 2018
860 5G_GaN2 Advanced RF Transceivers for 5G base stations based on GaN Technology. 2018
861 EXERTER Security of Explosives pan-European Specialists Network 2018
862 UltraLVP Chemistry and transport properties of bridgmanite controlling lower-mantle dynamics 2018
863 ESCADA Energy-optimized Symmetric Cryptography by Algebraic Duality Analysis 2018
864 HEALIGRAFT Synergistic growth factor microenvironments for veterinary bone regeneration. 2018
865 LiguSTAR Ligustinus Project: New Survey Techniques for an Ancient Riparian Landscape. 2019
866 SPRINT Ultra-versatile Structural PRINTing of amorphous and tuned crystalline matter on multiple substrates 2018
867 ONE-MIX Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser 2019
868 MONOCLE Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries 2018
869 Have a BLaST Disruptive Bike Logistic Smart Trailer for efficient, painless and zero nuisance last mile delivery in cities 2018
870 IVS Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market 2018
871 Aladin Aladin: A Smart Home-Care Solution for the Elderly. 2018
872 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
873 HIPER-YARN High performance yarn for public transport, home textiles and protective wear 2018
874 PreciSen PreciSen, the next generation of position sensing technology 2018
875 Clean City Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint 2018
876 DEBS Significantly cheaper and cleaner energy from biomass combustion 2018
877 CABLESMART Innovative cable car for urban transport 2018
878 POWDER POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material. 2018
879 Microbot Medical SCS – a self-cleaning shunt for the continuous prevention of shunt blockage in hydrocephalus and NPH patients 2018
880 NPS Demonstration of a novel and scalable, compact air purification module for HVAC systems and ducts – the Nano Purifying System 2018
881 Cupris The first smartphone-connected medical device for a secure remote diagnosis of ears, nose, eyes and skin conditions 2018
882 EpiGlioT Epigenetic Glioblastoma Therapeutics 2018
883 Sensa Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform 2018
884 SMARTRIOX Disruptive targeted drug delivery system via synergistic combination of intelligent DNA molecular machines and gated mesoporous nanoparticles 2018
885 BlockPLA Innovative nanostructured PLA polymer to expand suitable uses of biodegradable packaging 2018
886 ALTOM Ground-breaking two-phase cooling solution for Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles 2018
887 PAH-HOPE New hope for the PAH patient: A Novel Therapeutic for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) 2018
888 e4SME Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences 2018
889 MASTERCOW MASTERCOW, an antibiotic-free bioinorganic therapy for bovine mastitis 2018
890 MotionTech Tomorrow’s mobility solutions, today 2018
892 DG Island Mode Deep Green Island Mode 2018
893 Prodsmart Real time process tracking for production lines and job shops – across the supply chain 2018
895 Pangea Aerospace Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market 2018
896 GlasSkin 2018
897 Voico Development of a telephone headset with voice diminishing technology 2018
898 CLEAN CABINET A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems 2018
899 HiVOLT HIGH-VOLTAGE LITHIUM STORAGE - secure + efficient battery storage solution of the next generation 2018
900 TAPP X The world's first Sensor-Based Water Filter to Purify and Analyse Tap Water 2018
901 CreamOlive Industrial scale-up of the first all-natural solid fat based on olive oil to produce healthier bakery foods 2018
902 CapCO2 Intensified Process for CAPturing CO2 2018
903 C-TCS A Disruptive Treatment Control Software for Particle Therapy Centers 2018
904 OxygeAte First long-lasting super-oxygenated water to promote post-exercise recovery and plant health, boosting crop yields sustainably 2018
905 REHO Robotic REHabilitation Orthosis 2018
906 WORKERO WORKERO – Connecting Space & Knowledge 2018
908 SOLIMER Low cost, water Soluble, Injection Moulded polyvinyl alcohol polymer for laundry detergent capsules 2018
909 MOMENTS Multi-sensory experiences for in-home therapy and entertainment 2018
910 PULVERCOAT Low Curing Temperature and Energy Efficient Powder Coatings 2018
911 EGgPLANT Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT 2018
912 LTT Long-term testing of airtightness to increase energy efficiency in buildings. 2018
913 K-Smart Environment Kunak Sensing Anywhere, an ultra-energy-efficient wireless critical system for smart environmental monitoring 2018
914 PAMPAS Productionisation of Advanced Modular Passenger Autonomous Seating 2018
915 Rosalind Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis 2018
916 AMPS Aircraft Modular Power Converter Solutions 2018
917 SEABOAT Sustainable Environmentally-friendly Advanced-Composite Zero-Emission Boats 2018
918 THERMONANO Nanoassemblies for the subcutaneous self-administration of anticancer drugs 2018
919 MEMS0P “Microelectromechanical System wake-up receiver for Zero-Power sensor nodes” 2019
920 PairElOx Paired Electrochemical Oxidation process for feasible industrial production of the crucial FDCA building block for the bioplastic industry 2018
921 PLEVOCON Pleiotropy and Evolutionary Constraint 2018
922 CARBIDE2500 The first 2500°C industrial furnace, for higher efficiency and up to 5 times higher strength materials 2018
923 IoT4ALL Ultimate connectivity platform for global IoT devices: boosting the competitiveness of IoT device makers 2018
924 OneSkyConnect Providing air traffic data for the drone revolution 2018
926 Oncarin A scientifically proven Microbiome immunotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer 2018
927 SmartDtd Smart Household Waste Management 2018
928 MOVARC Modified Vacuum Rankine Cycle 2018
929 TERES Production back to Europe – through a novel/green manufacturing process of TERbinafine API synthESis 2018
930 LYSADERM Platelet LYSAte based DERMal formulation for the treatment of skin ulcers 2018
931 INNOPRICK Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis 2018
932 Separative Disruptive purification consumables for the pharmaceutical industry 2018
933 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
934 BestinclassSOFCs Enabling mass market adoption of SOFC fuel cell systems 2018
935 Motorlisten AI-based acoustic condition monitoring of industrial machinery 2018
936 ETIP-B-SABS 2 European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy - Support of Renewable Fuels and Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2 2018
937 vAMRes Vaccines as a remedy for antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections 2018
938 HECTOR Τhe New Generation of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Critical Infrastructures 2018
939 HyGate Hydrophobic Gating in nanochannels: understanding single channel mechanisms for designing better nanoscale sensors 2019
940 LiDeNiAc Ligand Design for Nitrogen Activation 2018
941 SPECs Sustainable plasmon-enhanced catalysis 2019
942 IIAMS Innovative Infusion Airframe Manufacturing System 2018
943 SRM SRM: Synchronous Reluctance Motor. Introducing a new lifting technology in the elevator market 2018
944 SURFWIRE Innovative machine for surface finishing of wire-drawn products 2018
945 PulseTester Next-Generation Thyristor pulse technology for testing of high power magnetic components in DC Smart Grids 2018
946 PREFE This proposal is about PREFEapp, an innovative mobile app that aims at cutting food waste at its roots thanks to the cooperation of final consumers, municipal undertakings and LSRT players. 2018
947 ComAir Investigation of cabin ventilation strategies impact on aircraft cabin air quality and passengers’ comfort and wellbeing through subject study in realistic aircraft environment 2018
948 BIOFIT Bioenergy retrofits for Europe’s industry 2018
949 SuWaNu Europe Network for effective knowledge transfer on safe and economic wastewater reuse in agriculture in Europe 2019
950 FASTFACEREC FAST track 2 FACE REcognition Camera dominance 2018
951 CURVATURE Optimal transport techniques in the geometric analysis of spaces with curvature bounds 2019
952 SKOPA Skin friction and fiber-optics-based surface pressure measurements for aircraft applications 2018
953 UltimateRB Direct numerical simulations towards ultimate turbulence 2019
954 Morocco International Energy Agency Joint Work Programme with the Kingdom of Morocco to support the transition away from to a decarbonized energy system. 2018
955 MEGA Heavy metal free emitters for new-generation light sources 2019
956 SPEC Secure, Private, Efficient Multiparty Computation 2019
957 RESOLUTION Radiocarbon, tree rings, and solar variability provide the accurate time scale for human evolution and geoscience 2019
958 BonePainII A European Training Network to Combat Bone Pain 2019
959 iCAREPLAST Integrated Catalytic Recycling of Plastic Residues Into Added-Value Chemicals 2018
960 COMBUSS Composite tooling for business jet lower wing stiffened panel manufacturing 2018
961 DuRSAAM PhD Training Network on Durable, Reliable and Sustainable Structures with Alkali-Activated Materials 2018
962 Brevel A solar based, internally-illuminated bioreactor for microalgae cultivation 2018
963 ERARD Emotion regulation in adolescents at risk for depression 2019
964 Secreters A new generation of microbial expression hosts and tools for the production of biotherapeutics and high-value enzymes 2019
965 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
966 Matrix Charging Matrix Charging: Novel, automated charging infrastructure for electric vehicles 2018
967 HERMES-SP High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder 2018
968 GLOBALINTO Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU's growth and competitiveness 2019
969 PVadapt Prefabrication, Recyclability and Modularity for cost reductions in Smart BIPV systems 2018
970 SunHorizon Sun coupled innovative Heat pumps 2018
971 SALUTE Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Technologies Engines 2018
972 FLEXGAN Ka-band GaN-based SSPA for flexible payloads and multicarrier operation for 5G satellite concept 2018
973 ERICE Super hydrophobic and erosion resistant coating for turbine scroll and downstream pipe 2018
974 IoTMemory Next generation of memory for the age of IoT 2018
975 iProg Tailored cell-based therapies for frontotemporal dementia and related genetically defined CNS orphan indications 2018
976 Ceres Proactive system to forecast and reduce environmental footprint while maximising agriculture performance 2018
977 Dide The pioneering platform for detection and management of learning and development difficulties and preventionof school failure 2018
978 gSKIN BodyTemp Integration of Heat flux sensor in (wrist) wearable devices for accurately and non-invasively continuous monitoring of core body temperature (CBT) for the early detection of health-related disorders 2018
980 Plan2fix Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system 2018
981 Tiimood Tiimo mood: integrating end-user’s self-assessment module in ADHD assistive technologies for the continuous enhancement of non-medical therapies 2018
982 LIPOBITS Liposome-based Biomimetic Treatment for auto-immune diabetes (T1D) 2018
983 SAMBAfun System for AcceleroMeter-Based Assessment of cardiac FUNction 2018
984 DIH² A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production 2019
985 ENDOSCAPE ENDOSCAPE, a clinically applicable non-viral gene delivery technology 2019
986 TELL Towards a fast-uptake of mEdium/Low-voltage eLectric power trains 2018
987 MIGOSA MIGOSA - Image Sensor for low light Camera Applications 2018
988 CoSP Combinatorial Structures and Processes 2019
989 ASIMIA Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Applications 2019
990 BRuSH Oral bacteria as determinants for respiratory health 2019
991 i-Contour An innovative 3D Free-form manufacturing technology for the construction industry 2018
992 SYNCANO 2.0 Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation 2018
993 FUCOPRO Fucoxanthin production from microalgae Isochrysis galbana - a solution to solve the global obesity 2018
994 SPW Soundproof Walls 2018
995 ERGO Breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters: EndocRine Guideline Optimisation 2019
997 SLM-Tools EPP manufacturing evolution: Using SLM techniques, advance EPP manufacturing shape complexity possibilities and create efficiencies that reduce industry production costs by 16% 2019
998 ALL Animated Language Learning Ltd 2018
999 PeV-Radio Digital Radio Detectors for Galactic PeV Particles 2019
1000 NU-CLEUS Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters 2019
1001 MASSTART MASS manufacturing of TrAnsceiveRs for Terabit/s era 2019
1002 SocketSense Advanced sensor-based design and development of wearable prosthetic socket for amputees 2019
1003 DURAFRESH Advanced multi effect device to prevent fruit and vegetables ripening 2019
1004 StratifiedGRANULAR Modelling of rheologically stratified granular flows by a multi-layer depth-averaged approach 2019
1005 LINCE Light INduced Cell control by Exogenous organic semiconductors 2019
1006 SPIDER Safe and Prelithiated hIgh energy DEnsity batteries based on sulphur Rocksalt and silicon chemistries 2019
1007 LISA Lithium sulphur for SAfe road electrification 2019
1008 Echophone Launching the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Technology of the Future 2019
1009 LOPRE Lossy Preprocessing 2019
1010 ENGAGES Next generation algorithms for grabbing and exploiting symmetry 2019
1011 PODIUM PODIUM™ - A home device and cloud-based software and algorithm for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring 2019
1012 MAMSCAN New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection 2019
1013 Repair3D Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications 2019
1014 BABE Why is the world green: testing top-down control of plant-herbivore food webs by experiments with birds, bats and ants 2018
1015 MaMiLabor Macro- and Microeconomic Analyses of Heterogeneous Labor Market Outcomes 2019
1016 LION-HEARTED Light and Organic Nanotechnology for Cardiovascular Disease 2019
1017 PCHP Complete and optimize the PeachPie compiler technology to be fully compatible with the PHP language in order to increase the performance of up to 80% of the internet. 2019
1018 Lazaero One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases 2019
1019 ReSpire Respirable Advanced Therapeutics for Cystic Fibrosis & other Lung Diseases 2019
1021 TriQ New technology for improved food security and food safety to meet the increasing demand from consumers 2019
1022 EEN InnoS Journey The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN InnoS Journey 2019
1023 GeoTherm SWS The First Truly Mobile Geothermal Drilling Rig 2019
1024 T2DCP Development of Thiophene Based Conjugated Polymers in Two Dimensions 2019
1025 AI4EU A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem 2019
1026 DIAdIC Evaluation of Dyadic Psychoeducational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An international randomized controlled trial 2019
1027 ARREST-TB Accurate, Rapid, Robust and Economical diagnostic technoliogieS for Tuberculosis 2019
1028 AUTOMOLD Automatized Design of Injection Molds 2019
1029 MicroMotors The most advanced micromotors in the world 2019
1030 BTPin Market Disruptive Pin Technology for Improving Heavy Machinery Operations and Safety 2019
1031 QSEIF QSEIF: The new pathogen, DNA and immunological testing platform 2019
1032 Lakhesys Lakhesys: building the machine to make the medicines of tomorrow 2019
1033 ARCHITECHTURES Empowering building design professionals through Artificial Intelligence on the cloud 2019
1034 BioLyco Biologic Lycopene from Tomatoes 2019
1035 SIGNALL The only technology to successfully translate between signed and spoken languages 2019
1036 ABLE Home use, affordable and lightweight exoskeleton for people with lower-limb paralysis 2019
1037 PassiveShowerEcoTray The First Energy Saving Shower Tray with Graphene 2019
1038 MLU250 The Game Changer Two Stage Micro Liquefaction Unit for (Bio) LNG 2019
1039 e-SPECS Market maturation of the first electric superbike with digital technology for tuning control and improved safety 2019
1040 KUBBI Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 2019
1041 NCP Academy Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues 2018
1042 SCOPE Surface-COnfined fast-modulated Plasma for process and Energy intensification in small molecules conversion 2019
1043 ScarLessWorld A WORLD WITHOUT SCARS: Regenerating wounded skin rather than patching with scars 2019
1045 Cr Free REAL Development and testing of innovative Cr Free solution for REmoval of Anodic Layers 2019
1046 COMBO3D Composite mould tool based on 3D printing 2019
1047 TRIcEPS Tilt Rotor Integrated Air Intake and Engine Protection Systems 2019
1048 SealedwithoUTaKiss Non-destructive testing (NDT) of bonded assemblies 2019
1049 VibSEA SEA Applied to the Prediction of High Frequency Vibrations in Aircraft Engines 2019
1051 VOILA Validation of Innovative Lipopeptide Antibiotics 2019
1052 Lipofabrik A ground-breaking biomolecular production platform for safer, more efficient and sustainable pest control and crop health management 2019
1053 eOutboard High Performance Electric Outboard Motor System and Supply Chain Innovation 2018
1054 GRACE GaN mm-wave Radar Components Embedded 2018
1055 SUST-BLACK Sustainable development at the Black Sea 2018
1056 20SInhibitor Selective 20S proteasome inhibition for multiple myeloma therapy 2019
1057 Facer The First Cell Culture Platform that Enables Affordable Cell Therapies at a Large Scale 2019
1058 RATIOS Regional Aircraft breakThrough InteriOr Solution 2019
1059 VILB Very high temperature HVDC busbar (180 - 240°) with reliable and cost effective technology 2018
1060 HOCOM A Transparent Hole Conductor by Combinatorial Techniques for Next-Generation Energy Conversion Devices 2019
1061 LOWCOST-IC Low Cost Interconnects with highly improved Contact Strength for SOC Applications 2019
1062 REDEBA Revamping the Desalination Battery 2020
1063 LEAFINNOX Development of the Lean Azimuthal Flame as an Innovative aviation gas turbine low-NOX combustion concept 2019
1064 WiPASS Wireless Power for Autonomous Sensor Systems 2019
1065 SCARABEUS Supercritical CARbon dioxide/Alternative fluids Blends for Efficiency Upgrade of Solar power plants 2019
1066 BIOIMPROVE Improvement of food safety applied biosensors by protein engineering 2019
1067 SMART THEME Surface-supported Molecular ARchiTectures: THEory Meets Experiment 2019
1068 uCARe You can also reduce emissions 2019
1069 AUTOSHIP Autonomous Shipping Initiative for European Waters 2019
1070 NEMMO Next Evolution in Materials and Models for Ocean energy 2019
1071 Need2immune Personalized liposomal cancer vaccines within days by rapid formulation screening 2019
1072 EngPTC2 Exploring new technologies for the next generation pulse tube cryocooler below 2K 2019
1073 INSPIRE In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices 2019
1074 SpeSex Does natural selection align with sexual selection to promote reproductive isolation in different environments? An experimental approach 2020
1075 JG-GH-UCLouvain A materials informatics approach to the Pauling’s rules and structure-property relationships in low thermal conductivity materials 2019
1076 LieLowerBounds Lower bounds for partial differential operators on compact Lie groups 2019
1077 SNDTD Resolving the origins of supernovae: constraining progenitors with integral field spectroscopy 2019
1078 FracTAlS High Cycle Fatigue Cracking of Meso- and Micromechanical Testpieces of Aluminide Intermetallics, with in situ Nanoscale Strain Mapping 2020
1079 Widow Spider Mating Immature mating as a novel tactic of an invasive widow spider 2020
1080 WONDER Low-Bandgap Fused Ring Electron Acceptors towards High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells 2019
1081 TxnEvoClim Climate adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana through evolution of transcription regulation 2019
1082 ClassRockED Rocking in the Midwest: Transmitting and Performing Social Class in Rock Music Education 2019
1083 HSQG Higher Spin Quantum Gravity: Lagrangian Formulations for Higher Spin Gravity and Their Applications 2020
1084 BELENUS Lowering Costs by Improving Efficiencies in Biomass Fueled Boilers: New Materials and Coatings to Reduce Corrosion 2019
1085 MODFaBe Modelling individual farmer behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under changing climate and society 2020
1086 MAPPOLA Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations 2019
1087 MINERVA Mid-Pleistocene environments of the lower Vaal River 2019
1088 STARCloud Bringing Quality of Service to Blockchain-Based Clouds 2019
1089 ARCVIS Arctic Visible: Picturing Indigenous Communities in the Nineteenth-Century Western Arctic 2019
1090 STUDYES Structure and Ultrafast Dynamics in Deep Eutectic Solvents 2019
1091 NUTRIENT Identification of physiological and molecular mechanisms mediating the response of Nitrogen nutrition to eCO2 2020
1092 HACKS Heating And Cooling Know-how and Solutions 2019
1093 Blue-PeLEDs Efficient and Stable Blue Quasi-2D Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 2020
1094 GeneLifeCard Genetic and lifestyle regulators of cardiometabolic risk in individuals gaining weight 2020
1095 PEDPOC Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care 2019
1096 Ren-on-Bill Residential Building Energy Renovations with On-Bill Financing 2019
1097 FLEXBUILD Market maturation of innovative Flexible modules for temporary sealing of construction Buildings 2019
1099 SRSensor A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control and energy optimization 2019
1100 NeoCellBank A revolutionary regenerative therapy for management of chronic inflammatory diseases based on neonatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells 2019
1101 NANOGO Innovative, automatic, fast and cost-effective nanovesicles manufacturing equipment 2019
1102 RIVELIN-CLO The Ultimate Therapy for the Oral Lichen Planus 2019
1103 MICROPIX MicroLED Pixel Display for Augmented Reality Smart glasses 2019
1104 SMARTER SMARTER Finance for Families–Improving Citizens’ Health, Comfort and Financial Well-Being by Supporting Banks, Residential Investors and Solution Providers with Green Homes and Green Mortgage programs 2019
1105 InScope Integrated analysis of regulatory networks modulating seed coat permeability in natural accessions 2019
1107 CHICKENSTRESS Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments 2019
1108 GLASST Global and Local Health Impact Assessment of Transport: methods for prioritising model development 2019
1109 NAVIGATE Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making 2019
1110 UltimateGaN Research for GaN technologies, devices, packages and applications to address the challenges of the future GaN roadmap 2019
1111 ULTRA-LUX Ultra-Bright Thin-Film Light Emitting Devices and Lasers 2019
1112 HARP Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning 2019
1113 PadovaFIT Expanded Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions 2019
1114 SMarble Smart motes for industrial and utility inspections 2019
1115 Aseptic Smart World’s first unmanned, fully aseptic multi-functional commercial filling line for the bio-/pharmaceutical industry 2019
1116 WHISSPER WHISSPER - fighting traffic noise exposure by diffraction 2019
1117 ONCOTECT Early detection of tumor DNA in liquid biopsies as a biomarker of cancer recurrence 2019
1120 Human Jigsaw The Human Jigsaw: Matching articulating skeletal elements from mass burials 2019
1121 HEMOSNOW HEMOSNOW: A revolution in haemostatic technology to stop bleeding in delicate surgery and enhance patient recovery 2019
1122 BRC Brextor - The horizontal forces concrete pile removal head for high-precision piles preparation 2019
1123 MyoSuit The MyoSuit – mobility assistance for everyday life 2019
1124 Dignum Innovative toilet assistive device enabling people with reduced mobility to become independent 2019
1125 HERC HERC Chip for More Efficient Natural Gas Based Industrial Heating Systems 2019
1126 INTELEG S HF Feasibility Study for INTELEG® S HF – a Wide Pressure Range Process Gas Analysis System 2019
1127 iNano Inverted core/shell Nanocrystals: the future Nanomaterial for the Visualization of Neuron activity 2019
1128 InsoFeet Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications 2019
1129 Perovskite-QDD Innovative Quantum Dot material technology for stunning colours and energy efficiency in QLED televisions 2019
1130 TaxiDriver The EU platform to reinforce traditional taxi drivers and face the challenging competition of digital era 2019
1131 TANDEM Tuneable Acoustic Noise DampEning Material 2019
1132 MIRAGE Independence and quality of mass Media in the InteRnet AGE 2018
1133 CHINAWHITE The Reconfiguration of Whiteness in China: Privileges, Precariousness, and Racialized Performances 2019
1134 TRIC-TB Boosting Ethionamide efficacy and lowering the dose with a small molecule transcriptional modulators, to overcoming MDR-TB infections and define a new place for Ethionamide in 1st-line TB treatments. 2019
1135 M-CTS The disruptive Multifunctional Container Transfer System, a seamless & horizontal transfer of containers - low cost, more efficient utilisation in cargo freight and with care for the environment 2019
1136 PAV-DT A disruptive technology that enables low cost real-time monitoring of road pavement condition by any ordinary vehicle circulating on the road, and automatically designs plans for predictive maintenance. 2019
1137 CreditStretcher The fastest, easiest and cheapest way to achieve 90 days of credit based on your invoice 2019
1138 COREWIND COst REduction and increase performance of floating WIND technology 2019
1139 GeoSmart Technologies for geothermal to enhance competitiveness in smart and flexible operation 2019
1140 BreakingBarriers Targeting endothelial barriers to combat disease 2019
1141 ZARAH Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century 2020
1142 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2019
1143 OXIFLOW Next Generation Flow Diverter for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms Delivering Improved Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Cost Savings 2019
1144 NewLiEP Injecting New Life into Cellulosic Ethanol Production 2019
1145 SMARTEC Pilot line production of transceiver modules for the next generation of smart RF power applications 2019
1146 NEXTER Next generation eco-friendly, microbiome preserving and reduced resistance therapeutics 2019
1147 MABIOS The first microalgae platform for the production of anticancer biopharmaceuticals 2019
1148 Cool Wool Box Lowering the environmental impact of fresh fish logistics 2019
1149 THE GREEN FACTORY Avant-garde R&D platform and demonstration plant towards efficient industrial biotechnologies 2019
1150 DGIM2 Deep Green Island Mode 2 2019
1151 Vertical Sky Vertical Sky, the next generation wind turbine for sustainable, silent and decentralized energy production. 2019
1152 XPRESS Support for Public Procurements to facilitate the collaboration between SMEs and public sector for the development and adoption in renewables in regions 2019
1153 INSPIRATION Investigation of the SNP-induced RNA structure variations between subgenomes in polyploid wheat 2019
1154 VW Glare control with media functionality - VideowindoW 2019
1155 UNIFY UNconventional Integrated quantum nanophotonic sources From spontaneous sYmmetry breaking 2019
1156 SPARC First chemical free, sustainable & scalable disinfection system for intense agriculture in greenhouse facilities 2019
1157 Turbulent A revolutionary HYDRO POWER technology to sustainably exploit super-low-head water steps 2019
1158 P200 Developing an Improved High Level 2nd Stage Regulator for Scuba Divers 2019
1159 TagAndGo First low-cost semi-passive RFID tags for cold-chain logistics digitalisation and optimisation 2019
1160 ALGABOOSTER Marine microalgae immunostimulant complex to boost the competitiveness of the EU aquaculture sector 2019
1161 CERES Cognitive Empowerment Resulting in Environmental Sustainability Improvement (CERES+). Human-Machine interaction in Industrial Vehicles through an innovative Augmented Reality System. 2019
1162 VOTIS Vascular Optical Tomographic Imaging System” We help diabetics keep their feet 2019
1163 WineALaCarte Commercial appliance for an on-demand & custom reduction of alcohol in wine 2019
1164 APS On-site and On-demand Flexible Packaging System 2019
1165 AlgaHealth AlgaHealth: novel cultivation technologies of unique microalgae strains for high quality of fucoxanthin-based products. 2019
1166 HYGGii The therapist in your pocket - AI assisted ecosystem for enabling a patient-centric approach to mental health 2019
1167 VISCOPIC Pins An accessible and versatile Augmented Reality content creation tool for SMEs and large companies 2019
1168 KITOGREEN The World's first vegetal chitosan biostimulant from non-GMO and renewable source on an industrial scale 2019
1169 CLEAN-Photo-TEX Advanced photocatalytic textiles to remediate urban air pollution 2019
1170 HIFLEX HIgh storage density solar power plant for FLEXible energy systems 2019
1171 WEDISTRICT Smart and local reneWable Energy DISTRICT heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living 2019
1172 BIKEINSIDE Automated modular vertical parking for bicycles: guard your bike inside! 2019
1173 INLET INdustrial LEvitation Technology 2019
1174 DANUBIAGRAPH The graphene-based resistance temperature sensors application 2019
1175 Plan2fix Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system 2019
1176 TEEMothyTS Simulator Commercialization of simulator for interventional echocardiography, specializing in the field of minimally invasive medical therapies. 2019
1177 BioSolar Leaf A sustainable highly efficient cultivation system that produces plant-based, organic, and healthy food ingredients 2019
1178 SimBionics Neuromechanical Simulation and Sensory Feedback for the Control of Bionic Legs 2019
1179 WiPTherm Innovative Wireless Power Devices Using micro-Thermoelectric Generators arrays 2019
1181 GoSafe Restoring complete sensory ability for natural walking of amputees 2019
1182 SUBFISH The high-tech offshore and seabed fish farming system the next marine aquaculture generation 2019
1183 AutoCapSyn Capsule based machines for the automated synthesis of organic molecules for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry 2019
1184 PHOTOPARS Development of a prototype clinical photoacoustic scanner for use in plastic and reconstructive surgery 2020
1185 FieldTwin First centralized data platform for efficient and collaborative development of offshore energy projects 2019
1186 POCSEL Portable infrared biochemical sensor enabled by pixelated dielectric metasurfaces 2020
1187 CQWLED Overcoming the efficiency limitation of semiconductor quantum dot-based light-emitting diodes 2020
1188 OptEIon Defect Engineering, Advanced Modelling and Characterization for Next Generation Opto-Electronic-Ionic Devices 2020
1189 SGHES Second-Generation Hybrid Electrolyte Supercapacitor 2019
1190 UNLOCK-EDD UNLOCKing next generation computer-guided Enzyme Discovery and Design. 2019
1191 AT2 Asynchronous Trustworthy Transactions 2019
1192 MASCOT Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage 2019
1193 HITCOMP High Temperature Characterization and Modelling of Thermoplastic Composites 2019
1194 SysAgria SysAgria – integrated solution for smart agriculture 2019
1195 G125 A minimally invasive, outpatient treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), resulting in permanent relief from both GERD symptoms and life-long drug dependency 2019
1197 GeoHex Advanced material for cost-efficient and enhanced heat exchange performance for geothermal application 2019
1198 SDG Space Data Gateway 2019
1199 AUTO-RST Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry 2019
1200 HYCAP New electrical energy storage device towards sustainable mobility 2019
1201 EmbryoMethFunc Cell-Type Specific DNA Methylation Changes During Mammalian Development: Beyond Mapping 2019
1202 ARCTRACK Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems 2019
1203 NEMESIS Novel Electride Material for Enhanced electrical propulSIon Solutions 2019
1204 DistMaP Distributed and Massively Parallel Graph Algorithms 2019
1205 HYDROGEN HighlY performing proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with reinforceD membRanes fOr efficient hydrogen GENeration 2019
1206 Woodywood pickering Bio-based (fully renewable) cost effective Polymer for new generation of ecological Coatings leveraging a disruptive innovation in the use of Pickering emulsion. 2019
1207 CoFBAT Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications 2019
1208 Cenya Ex vivo cell labelling for in vivo imaging applied to cell therapeutics 2019
1209 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
1210 Neuron-AFib Commercialising cardiac autonomic modulation to treat Atrial Fibrillation 2019
1211 LifeChamps A Collective Intelligence Platform to Support Cancer Champions 2019
1212 CoachingRituals Coaching as a social ritual: acting on people in a liberal-individualistic society (parenting, education, mental health care) 2020
1213 BREAK Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels 2019
1214 SPACEBEAM SPACE SAR system with integrated photonic BEAMforming 2020
1215 HominAb Discovering novel antibodies derived from the human body itself to treat neurodegenerative diseases 2019
1216 MiChomAbs Synthetic Mini-Chromosomes for Antibody Production 2019
1217 RoboSynFarm Robotic Synthesis Farm 2019
1218 SPANAR Safe Perception And Navigation for Autonomous Robots 2019
1219 MODALIS2 MODelling of Advanced LI Storage Systems 2020
1220 SeNSE Lithium-ion battery with silicon anode, nickel-rich cathode and in-cell sensor for electric vehicles 2020
1221 LT LaserTrain 2019
1222 ELDICO ED ELDICO ED, Shaping the Future of Crystallography - The First Pure Electron Diffraction Equipment for Nano-Crystallography 2019
1223 PEPPER Industrial-scale plant-based protein production in a cell-free platform 2019
1224 Evolift Evolift - Getting people out of harms way 2019
1226 FIRESENSE Flame Detector Based on Epitaxial Metal Oxides (EMO) Technology 2019
1227 PALAEOFARM Linking livestock genetic diversity with three thousand years of agricultural crises and resilience 2020
1228 stalkIT NB-IoT Robust Tracking and Monitoring Solution 2019
1229 SCR4.0 Automating what is not automatable Automated defect diagnosis and Machining system for manufactured parts. 2019
1230 RheoCare Rheological Monitoring of Chronic Respiratory Diseases 2019
1231 BioMainca Innovative and cost-effective 100% natural sausage/burger/processed meat producing machine 2019
1232 ELVER Energy from Limited Velocity Estuaries and Rivers 2019
1233 SmartShower Cost-effective and resource-saving smart shower 2019
1234 PRO-S PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings 2019
1235 HELMET High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation 2020
1236 TWIST Twisted Perovskites - Control of Spin and Chirality in Highly-luminescent Metal-halide Perovskites 2020
1237 MILDTECH Affordable, low temperature, rapid and energy efficient dual frequency microwave assisted vacuum system for drying and cooking foods 2019
1238 SMART2 Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport 2019
1239 AI-Inspect AI-Inspect - an artificial intelligence tool for instant inspection of commercial properties 2020
1240 SensorM3D Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Enabled Multi-Sensor Smart Cameras for 3D Analytics 2019
1241 FFEs Frozen Fried Eggs: Industrial process for the manufacture of frozen fried eggs 2019
1242 Hastlayer Hastlayer - turning software into hardware for faster computing 2020
1244 Lottare GBM LOcalized Targeted Therapy to Avoid REcurrent GlioBlastoma Multiforme 2019
1245 DiFacturo The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network 2019
1246 NEoteRIC NEuromorphic Reconfigurable Integrated photonic Circuits as artificial image processor 2020
1247 RoBUTCHER A Robust, Flexible and Scalable Cognitive Robotics Platform 2020
1248 POETICS CoPackaging of Terabit direct-detection and coherent Optical Engines and switching circuits in mulTI-Chip moduleS for Datacenter networks and the 5G optical fronthaul 2020
1250 LONGRUN Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches 2020
1252 FUTPRINT50 Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft 2020
1253 WindSider Commercialization of a breakthrough wind resource assessment technology for automated planning of bankable wind farms 2020
1254 PatientDataChain PatientDataChain - Blockchain approach to disrupt patient-provider medical records data exchange 2020
1255 NextGen Industrial breakthrough of plasma deposited functional Nanocoatings for Filtration Applications 2020
1256 DFD Deep Forestry Drones - revolutionising forestry mapping and analysis with artificial intelligence 2020
1257 EFESOS Evaluation of 22 nm Fully-depleted Silicon-on-insulator technology for Space 2019
1258 INDIGO Effective and Affordable Flu Vaccines for the World 2020
1259 NEWELY Next Generation Alkaline Membrane Water Electrolysers with Improved Components and Materials 2020
1260 NEXTGEAR NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR 2019
1261 NextMGT Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility 2020
1262 FEATHERS FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 2020
1263 NMR4CO2 Unveiling CO2 chemisorption mechanisms in solid adsorbents via surface-enhanced ex(in)-situ NMR 2020
1264 MNEMOSYNE Magnetic non-volatile Random Access Memory for SPACE with Serial interface 2020
1265 SecureTracker New-generation bifacial solar tracker with integrated wind protection system for large scale photovoltaic arrays 2019
1266 Navigato CaaS – Car Charging as a Service for Smart Mobility 2019
1267 e-port Drive your Electric Vehicle with the Power of the sun 2020
1268 HyCat In-situ fabricated hydrogen evolution catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis 2020
1269 METAFOAM Towards acoustic metafoams for broad-range sound insulation 2020
1270 PureIgY Towards the use of IgY antibodies as alternative therapeutics 2020
1271 ForM-SMArt Formal Methods for Stochastic Models: Algorithms and Applications 2020
1272 PIVOT2 Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 2019
1273 Train2Wind Training school on entrainment in offshore wind power 2020
1275 DEEP-MAPS Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments 2020
1276 EHSTACK Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell 2020
1277 SEED Solvated Ions in Solid Electrodes: Alternative routes toward rechargeable batteries based on abundant elements 2020
1278 MCT Metacomputational Complexity Theory 2020
1279 BGV1 New vaccine for a paradigm shift in Brucellosis, one of the world’s most widespread zoonotic diseases affecting humans 2020
1280 CLEAN Clean evidence on dirty deeds 2020
1281 ParkIFNAR Soluble IFNAR2 in Parkinson's disease and its role in the regulation of IFNβ in a neuroinflammatory context. 2020
1282 ESMORGA Exploiting Superconvergence in Meshes for Optimal Representations of the Geometry with high Accuracy 2020
1283 FuturePowerFlow Exploiting the full integration potential of fluctuating renewable energies in power grid operation by new predictive technologies 2020
1284 OXYGEN The redox evolution of arc magmas: from the oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere to the genesis of giant hydrothermal ore deposits 2020
1285 AQUAEXCEL3.0 AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0 2020
1286 MALDIP Machine Learning in Disordered Photonics 2020
1287 INTEGRATE Personalised Medicine for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration- Integrating Profiling, Predictive Modelling and Gene Activated Biomaterials 2020
1288 DENOPHECK Purposing de novo protein scaffolds for the Heck reaction 2020
1290 EPmIC Controlling the susceptibility of biological cells to pulsed electric field treatment by using ion channel modulators 2021
1292 PERCOSDECAM PERiscopic COnsumer Stereo DEpth CAMera (PERCOSDECAM) 2020
1293 OMR X-Ray Fluorescence, Shape recognition & Machine Learning for Efficient and Economic Recycling of Mixed Metals from Co-mingled Waste. 2020
1294 i-CARE Disruptive high-performance polymers 2020
1295 INVENTOR INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction 2020
1296 SUBLIME Solid state sUlfide Based LI-MEtal batteries for EV applications 2020
1297 EASIER Electric Aircraft System Integration Enabler 2020
1298 BIO-CC Bio-based carbon fiber - commercialization 2020
1299 BioPrint4All A 3D-bioprinting platform with exchangeable tailor-made print heads to engineer tissue surrogates 2020
1300 FLAMINCO FLAmeless, affordable & high efficiency MIcro turbine system for sustainable residential COgeneration 2020