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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - trans-making (Art / culture / economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narratives)


\"Many contemporary European political issues have a cultural nature, more specifically a transcultural one.By relying on the economy, the literature, the philosophy, the psychoanalysis and the history, but also the arts and the cultural practices, trans-making helps in...


Many contemporary European political issues have a cultural nature, more specifically a transcultural one.
By relying on the economy, the literature, the philosophy, the psychoanalysis and the history, but also the arts and the cultural practices, trans-making helps in rethinking the very current issues of national identity and belonging; in overcoming, thanks to the very fertile concept of cultural hybridity, the vision of a world dominated by the binary opposition between oneself and the other. It is therefore a key issue to examine the production of cultural narratives in the definition of \"\"public space\"\" and to deepen the consideration of the processes at work in \"\"cultural areas\"\", physical and collective, like “third spaces”, the intersection spaces, or the immaterial spaces as the new symbolic forms - digital or not.
The trans-making project is aiming to establish a multilateral network of research and innovation staff active in the fields of placemaking / place-based art activities as a space to create alternative narratives for societal and economic renewal. It is investigating and experimenting with placemaking to contribute actively to the democratization/well-being of society, educating and empowering individuals and disadvantaged minorities through research and production in the connection between art and new technologies.
The objective is to strengthen research capacities, through exchange of knowledge and expertise between academic and non-academic partners from Europe and Third Countries in a shared research programme focused on: Collecting, Documenting / Exploring, Experimenting / Performing / Designing.

Work performed

\"The first secondments permit us to begin a compilation of concepts and practices, which indicate first stages of conversion of the discursiveness of the subject and European and contemporary society.
It is commonplace to say that globalization is producing this simultaneous double effect, on the one hand \"\"identity traps\"\" that are closing in on societies, and on the other hand, cultural, artistic and scientific hybridisations that must be observed with this broadest possible disciplinary base that trans-making is proposing.
The new hybridisations are proposing new knots, with the new territorialities (places/locations) that they have instituted in the social fields of the European and worldwide thought. This is at this focus on these new hybrid narratives that we have been dedicating this first year of work.
The first secondments are inducing a first mapping of the themes of renewal of the public debate, such as it could arise in a multicultural and multilingual space like Europe. This mapping is also proposing ways to renew the necessary intercultural practices (what dialogue and what exchanges) as well as the transcultural ones (what common and hybrid invention of forms and concepts).
Mapping the debate - 3 areas / clusters of reflection are emerging interdependently.
A central cluster is articulating political value (the democratic issues) with, on the one hand, the stakes of evolution of the national and community public policies like the cultural policies, and on the other hand, the necessary renewal of the cultural theories that the apprehension of a multicultural space like Europe is demanding.
Around the central group, there are two areas / clusters of reflection:
- The social justice cluster, which proposes to articulate these issues with the upheavals of belongings (identities) in relation to migrations. The field of observation that emerges from these questions is clearly the one of the evolution of the urban territories and of their accompaniment by new public policies (urban planning)
- Secondly, the economics cluster which examines particularly the articulations at work in the symbolic productions whether in the artistic practices, the more largely cultural practices, as in the evolution of the anthropologies or technological and post-digital practices.
This mapping proposes a common matrix to all researchers/staff members that we will continue examining for, on one hand, to follow the main purpose of trans-making around a new understanding of the role of culture in the redefinition of \"\"public space\"\" and, on the other hand, obviously, to foster the interrelation of all research objects.
Three networking events have been taking place so far:
1) A Summer Academy has enabled the exploration of the cluster “Social justice” in its links with the Urban Planning. This Summer Academy has been organized by UCL (Institute of Global Prosperity, UK). Titled “Reclaim Creativity! Arts in the Public Realm”, it has taken place in London from 21-27 June 2017.
2) A Spring Academy has been organized by Econcult (University of Valencia, Spain). It has taken place from 5th to 8th of March 2018. This event has been titled: “Enacting cultural democracy: the location of narratives”.
3) A conference-gathering named \"\"Pubic in the Making\"\" has been organized by the three Turkish partners of the project: BIS, Istanbul Technical University and Izmir University of Economics on 18-20 October 2018.


Final results

Through this research programme, the consortium is aiming to encourage links between art and culture, economy, democracy and innovation at EU level and beyond. To improve entrepreneurial skills, risk taking adaptability, innovation capacity.
The project will foster a better understanding and knowledge sharing between scientific community, stakeholders and policy-makers. Which will be achieved with the respective networks of the involved partners. The final aim of trans-making will be to establish a long term collaboration among the partners in order to have a scientific and innovative worldwide community.

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