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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SMASH (Smart Sharing)


We see a proliferation of vehicle sharing schemes in our smartcities, worldwide.But most of these vehicle sharing deployments are suffering several limitations:• They are often limited to the city Centres, and cannot be extended in the surrounding areas, where the density...


We see a proliferation of vehicle sharing schemes in our smartcities, worldwide.
But most of these vehicle sharing deployments are suffering several limitations:
• They are often limited to the city Centres, and cannot be extended in the surrounding areas, where the density of population is lower, because it would not be convenient for the fleet owners.
• They are not expandable with different kind of vehicles, and in most cases they are not inter-operable.
• They Free floating model suffer the damages, and thefts.

For the society it is important to deploy innovative and more efficient mobility models, involving the final user to contribute to the efficiency and profitability.
In this scenario, Greenspider was born with an international mindset and a big challenge; contributing to a more efficient and enjoyable mobility in our smart cities, at global level.

The overall objective of SMASH, Smart Sharing, is to enable new models of vehicle sharing, more open and expandable.
In particular, thanks to SMASH, any private, individual, small organisation can provide vehicle-sharing services with a secure and reliable system.
Since its foundation, Greenspider is focused on the new trend of the Sharing Economy and Internet of Things technologies, for enabling new sustainable mobility services for the citizens.
The name Greenspider recalls the green-economy, the respect for the environment, the best efficiency in the use of resources, the reduction of traffic and emissions. It also recalls the capability to create connections, networks and aggregate communities of ecological vehicle users, light electric vehicles, ecotourism enthusiasts. Anyone willing to share their own vehicles, objects and resources for earning a profit. Anyone willing to use shared resources, getting a convenience.

This is how the mission Connecting people and things was born.
Today the company has a development office in Rome, while the Headquarter and the sales office are in Munich. Greenspider is a beneficiary of the SME Instrument Horizon2020 OPEN DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION Phase 1 and Phase 2, for the SMASH project, Smart Sharing.
The company also develops end-to-end solutions for various customers in the fields of mobility, logistics and transport, and aims to the internationalization of its business scope at global level.

Work performed

In the next future more and more vehicle will be used in sharing.
SMASH puts in contact the community of people willing to share their own resources, vehicles, and objects, for obtaining a profit, and people willing to use them.

The solution is easy to expand, easy to integrate with existing solutions for vehicle sharing, permitting to extend the service, and aggregate new vehicles.
SMASH is a a unique, secure solution composed by a small device that can be installed everywhere (vehicles, cars, scooter, eBikes, bikes, drones, charging stations, parking slots, ..), a user app and secure cloud features. SMASH makes vehicles and objects intelligent, connected and responsive.
The user can see on a map the position of the sharable resources and can also contribute to the population of the map, realizing an open source vehicle sharing, with viral expandability.
The system provides user authentication and reliable pay-per-use, with a big convenience for everyone.
SMASH enables Open Source Sharing.

SMASH exchanges authenticated commands a with the user’s smartphone, which becomes the access key for distributed resources, vehicles, charging stations, thus allowing reliable pay-per-use. With a deployment potential of millions of units, SMASH represents a potential revolution in our cities’ mobility.

Final results

SMASH, Smart Sharing by Greenspider® aims to radically change the mobility at global level, facilitating the secure, reliable and open use of shared resources.
The Unique solution developed by Greenspider is protected by international patent applications (PCT/EP2015/078664): the IPR process protects the innovative characteristics related to resiliency and security of the solution, and it permits to establish convenient licensing contracts for partners interested to adopt the Smart Sharing solution.
SMASH consists of three parts:
• A small device that can be installed in a large variety of vehicles, like scooters, eBikes, cars and microcars and identifier, status and position.
• A user App, that allows you to access a huge expandable set of sharable resource. With the same App the user can register new objects, vehicles and resources, and make them available for shared use.
• The Cloud features needed to handle the vehicle and user data, with the highest requisite of Digital Security and Data Protection.

SMASH provides benefits for a large community of users and operators:
• The fleet and mobility operators can expand their fleet of vehicles and increase the efficiency of their business.
• The new-coming operators can aggregate their services to existing mobility schemes, improving the service for the users.

Above all, SMASH provides a big convenience for the big global community of users.
SMASH evidences a big market potential, reaching a revenue of 100 Million euro in the next few years. European Commission awarded SMASH project with a GRANT of € 1,114,750 in the SME instrument horizon2020, Open disruptive Innovation. The large-scale deployment of the system is scheduled in the timeframe 2018-2019.
Greenspider’s customers are:
Vehicle sharing operators, willing to monitor their fleets, the location of the vehicles, the access and the use by the users.
Companies managing fleets of freight and shipments, willing to monitor events and situations that a parcel or a shipment can meet on its trip.
Innovative vehicle manufacturers, willing to integrate our smart technology directly into the production process.
Now, thanks to SMASH, the vehicle sharing becomes open to everyone.
SMASH provides secure and authentication, reliable monitoring of the position of the shared resources, anti-tampering and anti-theft features, in a way to enable secure Peer-to-peer models. Any individual person can enter the sharable universe and contribute to it.
..People willing to share they own objects or vehicles and gain a profit.
..People willing to use sharable object, achieving a convenience.
Thanks to SMASH everyone can contribute to the sharable universe!

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