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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SEQ (Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world)


The SEQ project seeks to address opportunities in quantum technologies made possible through technologies developed at M Squared Lasers. Having played a vital role in shaping the global scientific quantum technologies landscape, MSL is well placed to lead commercial...


The SEQ project seeks to address opportunities in quantum technologies made possible through technologies developed at M Squared Lasers. Having played a vital role in shaping the global scientific quantum technologies landscape, MSL is well placed to lead commercial developments at the heart of a European QT supply chain. Building on a track record of
translating novel science into demanding markets, MSL will develop QT
components, subsystems and integrated devices that will enable a wide
range of applications. Starting with components and subsystem
development (in line with the EU Quantum Manifesto), MSL will become
increasingly vertically integrated as the QT initiative progresses. MSL
have developed a first iteration magneto-optical trap that is ready to be
developed into a stable atom interferometer and to conduct gravity
measurements. With this project MSL aimed to develop an innovation programme on the commercialisation of a quantum gravimeter.

The quantum gravimeter has a wide range of applications, with a broad societal impact. For example, it is thought that one indicative precursor to volcanic activity is the filling of underground wells and voids with magma. As these wells fill with magma, the resulting density change should be detectable by the gravimeter. This would give an early warning of volcanic activity, allowing surrounding areas and houses to be safely evacuated.

Another example of application of the quantum gravimeter is in the construction industry. During the installation of underground pipes and the construction of underground tunnels such as those used for underground trains, a commonly encountered problem is inconsistencies between the physical location of existing infrastructure such as electrical cabling, gas pipes and water mains and the documentation of their locations. This means that during construction and drilling, these infrastructures can be accidentally exposed or even damaged, adding time and expense to construction. This can be reduced by imaging the pipes using the quantum gravimeter, allowing such accidents to be avoided.

Work performed

The SEQ project has several planned results, all of which have been achieved. This includes the development of an atom interferometer to the level required for gravity measurements. Following the gravity measurements, the sensitivity of the gravimeter was benchmarked against the performance of existing quantum gravimeters. As existing commercial systems outperform the quantum gravimeter at present, upgrades to the gravimeter have been planned in order to bring the quantum gravimeter to market as quickly as possible.

Final results

The progress beyond the state-of-the-art has centred on the design and engineering development required to advance the capabilities of the gravimeter hardware. Early demonstrations of the technique’s efficacy had been delivered using laboratory based systems, but have now been made using a portable gravimeter system. Significant progress has been made in this direction and the benefits of Fellowship have been realised for the Fellow’s own personal development and also for the engineering teams involved who have been able to advance the company’s capabilities in this strategically important area. The wider impacts will be seen in the company’s quantum technology development efforts, with significant investment expected in this area to bring practical devices to wider society.

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