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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Connected Car (Impacting on the Emerging Connected Car VaLuE Chains)


Connected Car (ICCAR), aims to build a ‘Connected Car Open Space’ where Innovation Actors validate and accelerate cross-sectoral and cross-border business solutions. which will result in the foundation of new value Link-chains for the Connected Car emerging industry...


Connected Car (ICCAR), aims to build a ‘Connected Car Open Space’ where Innovation Actors validate and accelerate cross-sectoral and cross-border business solutions. which will result in the foundation of new value Link-chains for the Connected Car emerging industry. ICCAR is structured in five main phases:
Phase 1. Creation of a Connected Car Open Space: a virtual C-Car Platform and a physical network of Connected Car Hubs (C- Car Hubs).
Phase 2. Disruptors Discovery, with the creation of a portfolio of 68 disruptors of the CCI (4 use Cases already disrupting the automotive industry, and 64 Disruptive SMEs selected through 2 OC). ‘2 Super Stars, will be selected among them through 2 “ICCAR Award editions”, becoming also pioneers of this emerging industry.
Phase 3. Smartization Programme, providing services to the selected SMEs to foster the cross-sectoral fertilisation and the value chain innovation, such as: Business, Technical, Corporate and Funding Coaching, Technical support & lab hours. Training Boot Camps and networking events complete the programme, along with access to direct financial support of up to € 60,000 per SMEs, plus up to € 200,000 per SMEs for the best-in-class performers, through Crowd-funding Services.
Phase 4. Value Chain Links Generation, impacting at least, 6 value chains: Car manufacturing; Car use; Infrastructure construction; Infrastructure management & use; Electronics; and Connected Car Applications.
Phase 5. Sustainability. All activities have a Go-to-Market approach based on considering ICCAR as a G2B2B (Government to Business to Business) product itself.

Work performed

The work performed in the project was done around the 8 WP (excluding Management):
WP2: ICCAR Open Space setting up & awareness: ICCAR Platform was set up, and 1 Community and 6 Spaces created within it, reaching over 750 members. The virtual community was enriched with a C-Car Hubs Network, where 30 countries are present. Evangelization and liaison actions to attract members to the community:
-9 road shows about the 4 pioneers success cases
-33 info days / info sessions organised
-Synergies with other European initiatives such as SAE, I4MS, FIWARE ecosystem, IoT Big Data or DIHs, through common contacts as well as participation in world class events
-Thematic initiatives listed in order to proceed to contact
-Mailing a to attract members to the community after each event organised or attended
-Institutional level initiatives: first stepstaken to get involvement of S3 Platform, as well as listing European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) cluster members around the connected car industry.
-Linkages with other 7 INNOSUP projects andinitiatives such as EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK
-Contacts with 5 EEN Sector Groups chairs were reached
-Over 200 contacts reached across the network of NCP on SMEs,ICT & Transport areas
WP3: Use Cases: The 4 Use Cases (HEVO, ARGUS, LITTLE and SIOTF) elaborated a dedicated roadmap for the execution of the use case related with the challenges established in the project. They were involved in the first edition of the smartization, taking advantage from coaching and participating in dissemination to attract SMEs to the project.
WP4: Disruptors’ discovery process [Open Calls]: A Dissemination Strategy was prepared at the beginning of the project, and an update made after the first Open Call. Achievements: 37,586 website sessions during 1st OC; 9,910 social media followers; 4 monthly newsletters, 8 emails about info sessions and 4 emails specifics sent to a 4,072 database
The ‘C-Car Pioneer Awards’ have been delayed (timeline is the subject of the 6th Amendment)
2 Open Calls succesfully launched and managed: Launched in 09/10/2017 and 11/06/2018 respectively. 1st Open Call closed in 10/01/2018, receiving 516 applications from 41 countries. 25 participants selected for Smartization Programme, payments of the 1st and 2nd instalment of 3.000k and 7000k done, granting of 3rd instalment, pending on results of Final Review in 12/2018.
WP5: Smartization programme.1st & 2nd Stage: In Stage 1, a Disruptive Boot Camp organized in Vigo 23-25/04/2018. It was a 3-day workshop.The third day was devoted to Jury Day. The Beneficiaries SMEs who participated received 3,00. One of the 25 invited SMEs did not attend the Bootcamp and was eliminated from ICCAR programme, having finally involved 24 beneficiaries, instead of 25. The 15 SMEs passing to Stage 2 of Round 1 were announced after the evaluation on Jury Day. A Digital Bootcamp was held at the beginning of Stage 2 of the Smartization Programme, 21-25/05/2018 in Madrid. Business and Technical Coaching services were deployed to 14 beneficiaries finally participating in Stage 2.
In order to evaluate the SMEs advance to the Stage 3 (round 1), an Interim Review was performed. Attendance was mandatory for receiving the 2nd payment, one participant didn\'t and was terminated on 26/6/2018. Despite receiving services in Stage 2, one participant didn’t pass the theshold and thus, didn\'t receive the 2nd payment. The 13 best SMEs ranked after this Interim Review passed to the 3rd stage.
WP6: Smartization programme. 3rd Stage: results still not fully available. It included mandatory participation in the Technical Boot Camp (4-6/9/2018 in Paris). There will be one Funding Boot Camp per batch (1st in 11/2018) with a final Jury Day & Final Review.
WP7: Value Links-Chains generation: currently being started, with preparatory actions such as Linkage between Disruptive SMEs and rooted Industries (started during Smartization phases 2 and 3).
WP8: Sustainability:A plan was ela

Final results

Main goals achieved:
1.9.999 active members in C-Car hubs network and over 700 members in the ICCAR Community.
2.4 pioneer use-cases are under development and report will be delivered until the end of 2018 (HEVO, ARGUS, LITTLE, SIOTF).
3.2 Open Calls launched : 1st open call has awarded 24 beneficiaries and 2nd open call has been launched with a deadline until 18th October 2018 and expecting to grant 40 beneficiaries, reaching the 64 total SMEs expected.
4.43,056 SMEs directly reached in databases.
5.SMEs signing ‘partnership agreements’ with rooted companies (e.g. 6 per open call batch): to be reported. at the end of the project.
6. Connected Car ‘Disruptors Label’ given to get link with ESIF mobilisation at Regional level: to be reported at the end of the project.
On top of that, the project ICCAR has set up a series expected KPIs of impact achievement whose majority will be reached at the end of the project, except the following, already bachieved.
KPI 6.1.Nº of innovator actors attracted to the collaboration open space: 4000 [REACHED: 9.999].
KPI 6.2.Nº of innovator actors active in the collaboration open space: 400 [REACHED: over 750].

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